StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 180 The Returned Demon from Heaven

The command post of the Revolutionary Army is located in the state government building of Hilo State. This is an overall axially symmetrical classical building with regular geometric lines and a spherical superstructure, which is consistent with many of the residential settlements in the area. The dilapidated immigrant buildings provide a stark contrast.

Augustus and his staff and military advisers were holding a meeting in the conference hall of the State Government Building, which had a single floor and could accommodate five hundred people. The conference hall was lavishly decorated with golden chandeliers, rose-colored marble wall tiles and expensive wool carpets.

The building's owner had clearly added many extra touches to his own taste when renovating the building, with thin square load-bearing columns running between the wooden ceiling and floor of the conference hall. Opposite of this retro-style furnishings are sophisticated electronic instruments hidden in the floors and smooth stone walls. The astonishingly expensive temperature stabilization equipment can keep the temperature in this building in the desert within a stable range. .

In just three days, Tychus Finley, Augustus's capable general, defeated the Civil Defense Force and Planetary Defense Force of the Hilo Autonomous Prefecture, which had less than 2,000 people and backward equipment, through several tough and powerful night raids. The revolutionary army then took over the Hilo State Government and its complex subordinate institutional buildings, and planted a red whip ring flag on the top of the tallest building.

As for the governor of the Hiero Autonomous Prefecture and Augustus's judicial friends, they had already flown to the capital area on a special plane, but the luxurious winged aircraft that looked like a private yacht was quickly shot down by the Revolutionary Army Air Force, which had air supremacy.

"General Reno's army has taken full control of the state of Lorenzana. In his latest report, he asked the operator to say hello to you on his behalf." In the conference hall of the state government building, Augustus's military adviser was greeting Augustus. All make routine reports.

"Judging from some intercepted and deciphered intelligence, the governor of Mar Sara has been continuously sending encrypted communications to the Tarsonis government and the nearest Federation fleet to request support. The channel can be detected on all bands. To—" said a chief of staff.

"As you might expect, he eagerly sought outside support but refused to admit defeat to the revolutionary forces."

He was anxious.

"Governor Mar Sala is a useless person who is greedy for enjoyment and indulgence. Most of his staff are incompetent people who only get a job and a half-dozen positions because of their own preferences. No matter what ridiculous things he does, I will not feel guilty. There is no surprise." When facing his subordinates, Augustus always had a gloomy face. Unless Raynor or Tychus was present, he never smiled when listening to reports or issuing orders.

"Currently we have controlled eight major immigration states. Only Santa Joanna state and the Capital District are still under the control of the enemy. But if we want to win those areas, it will only take some time." He With blazing eyes, everyone present couldn't help but listen carefully to every word Augustus said.

In mid-February, the sudden change in the situation in Mar Sara finally attracted the attention of the Tarsonis Federation Council. The people of many colonial worlds in the Tyranid Federation put aside the fear brought to them by the destruction of Korhal IV and resumed the discussion of revolution. and freedom.

Even the Kaimorian Federation and the United States of Umojan have focused their attention on a backward, ugly and desolate world on the edge of the Tyranid Federation.

Even though the governor of Mar Sara's settlement is unwilling to admit that the communication between the governor's office and the governments of many states such as Shiloh has been completely interrupted, more than eight settlement states and more than two million people in them have fallen into the control of the rebels. It is an indisputable fact.

Many military bases fell, supplies in supply depots were plundered, and maglev train transportation hubs on the ground were used to transport troops and supplies to the rebels. The government forces were unable to regain lost ground and could only retreat to the capital area where the Governor's Palace is located. Concentrate your efforts on organizing defense.

"The reason why we did not pursue the victory and bring liberation to the people in these areas is because Governor Mar Sara constantly asks for help from the core world." Then, Augustus continued: "As long as we defeat the first arriving army, The federal fleet and the rest of the fleet will take action."

"If the Federal Navy Marshal had assembled several naval squadrons to support Mar Sara, then we would probably be at a disadvantage in the fleet battle." At this time, Augustus' chief of staff raised objections: "We It is very likely that Ma Sara will have to be given up.”

"Sooner or later we have to leave Ma Sara. We can't hold this place." Someone said immediately.

"Then we will force them to carry out landing operations." In Augustus' mind, this is a game at the grand strategic level: "If a revolutionary army appears in every area and they adopt the strategy of using nuclear bombs to level everything, then we will Had to change our plans.”

As he was speaking, Augustus was suddenly poked in the waist. When he turned around, he saw a red-haired Sarah Kerrigan.

"Don't stop, you continue. I need the staff to come up with a new battle plan tonight about seizing a large gas refinery in the northern hemisphere." Augustus left the conference hall with these words.

"What's going on?" Augustus asked Kerrigan after following Kerrigan out of the conference room into the corridor and closing the conference room door.

"Vice Admiral Warfield's fleet has arrived in the Sarah galaxy and is currently parked at the edge of the galaxy." Kerrigan said to Augustus.

"This is really good news." Augustus' eyes lit up.

In August last year, Warfield and six other battlecruisers were severely damaged and could no longer participate in the battle, so they went to the large shipyard in the United States of Umoyan for repairs. More than half of February has passed now. After half a year of maintenance by Umoyan engineers, these warships were saved from being scrapped or retired early.

As early as the beginning of last month, Augustus ordered the Warfield fleet to arrive at Mar Sara, but the Warfield fleet took a long detour before arriving in order to avoid the two federal fleets gathering at the border of the United States of Umojan.

"Where is my general?" Augustus first asked Kerrigan, and then he saw Horace Warfield walking from the end of the corridor out of the corner of his eye. At this time, Warfield was wearing a dark gray Revolutionary Army fleet uniform without any medals or ribbons. His dark face had a steel-like expression.

Augustus laughed happily as soon as he saw Warfield, and the revolutionary marshal's hearty laughter continued through the entire corridor. Just like that, even the stern Warfield smiled.

The two hugged each other first, and then shook hands twice.

"It makes me so happy to see you again." Augustus said to Warfield: "I stayed in Turasis for more than a year, traveled to various places, and spent more than half a year in Mar Sara. It's a long way from my old comrades and family."

"Haha. I heard that you were very successful in Mar Sara and dug up a lot of rare crystals." Warfield first exchanged greetings with Augustus and then talked about his work in Umoyan. Some insights.

"I met your family and they're doing fine."

"Are Mom and Dorothy still getting used to living in Umoyan?" Augustus' smile stopped.

"Mrs. Catherine misses her hometown, but she still lives at ease." Warfield said: "Angus and Arcturus dare not send your sister to the university in Umoyan, so they can only hire a tutor - she It doesn’t seem very satisfying.”

"Dorothy can do well in everything." Augustus nodded and said, "We arrange classes according to Dorothy's preferences. She is very good at finance and has far greater political attainments. Extraordinary people.”

"By declaring the destroyed Korhal to join the United Umoyan United States, Angus got a seat on the Umoyan Council." Warfield said: "Although he can no longer go further, at least he has a firm foothold there. .”

"Declaring Korhal to be part of the United States of Umojan is not a wise choice in the long run." Augustus said that this would give Umoyan the opportunity to claim it in the future.

"Yes, but this is the most beneficial approach to the Korhal people living in Umoyan." Warfield said, with a sad expression on his face: "I have bad news to tell you, Angus His mental condition became a little worse.”

"Angus began to suffer from insomnia and had to take sedatives to sleep. He had to muster up the courage to face his people, even though his people still loved him." He said: "No one has ever blamed Angus. But he must have blamed himself for Korhal's destruction, and he must have been devastated by his excessive self-blame."

"The destruction of Korhal is indeed a blow to Angus, but I don't believe he will be completely defeated by such a setback." Augustus said after a moment of silence: "Who is responsible for the safety of my family now? Work."

"It's Colonel Field." Warfield said: "Umoyan Shadow Academy sent commissioners to provide protection for Senator Angus and his family. At the same time, your brother also personally arranged many loyal subordinates to protect them."

"Are you from the Sons of Korhal?" Augustus's brother Arcturus did not hide from him the news that he had formed the Sons of Korhal.

The current Sons of Korhal are made up of those who are most hostile to the Terran Confederacy among Korhal. Arcturus consciously brought these people together and turned them into a group of people with his inflammatory speeches. Extremists who seek revenge at all costs.

"I have met the people of the Sons of Korhal. They are also ordinary people, not the human demons the UNN calls them."

"I never doubted their loyalty," Augustus said. "I even sent a few ghost agents to join the Sons of Korhal."

"Arctorus doesn't like ghost agents." Warfield was Arcturus's old subordinate when he was the colonel commander of the 33rd Ground Assault Division: "But he likes the man named 24718 you sent very much. Ghost agents and newly trained agents and assassins of the August National Security Council.”

"I hope 24718 will satisfy Arcturus," Augustus said.

"Where is he now?"

"The last time I heard news from Arcturus, it was said that his mining fleet had arrived at the Pegasus constellation outside the Koprulu sector. This time they found nothing, but they dug up a well-preserved alien ruins, especially Moyan scientists were interested in those, and the sponsors behind their research projects were willing to pay real money for them," Warfield said.

"Unlike those explorers who always find nothing, Arcturus always finds something when he goes out. Many people attribute this to his superhuman intuition and good luck in searching for crystal mines and alien ruins, but that's They didn't see how much time Arcturus spent studying geology and operating resonators."

"The funds that Arcturus gave me have been of great help to me. I don't have to worry about military expenses, and there is still money left to buy new weapons." Augustus nodded.

"You are not fighting alone, little Mengsk, there are many people standing behind you. Some people are willing to die for you, just because they really love you." Warfield patted Augustus on the shoulder: "We There will be victory.”

"Because we and morality are standing by your side."

"There is also good news to tell you. The cargo bays of those battlecruisers are full of weapons, ammunition and nearly 10,000 sets of CMC-200 power armor copied by Umoyan Military Factory." He continued.

"Your brother spent a lot of money on this. You know, it's impossible for Umoyang to give you these equipment for nothing."

Augustus nodded and noticed the sound of footsteps coming from the end of the corridor where Warfield came, and he could also hear the sound of high heels in it.

A red-haired man with a Mohawk-style cockscomb appeared at the corner of the corridor. It was Hanak Hank, a member of the Demons of Heaven who had been away for many days. His walking posture was not as crooked as before, as if he was walking. Drifted. After not seeing each other for a long time, Augustus discovered that Harnack had become a bit more imposing as a general of the revolutionary army.

The Demons of Heaven who stayed in the Korhal system during the Battle of Korhal all went to Umoyan, and now they have returned to Mar Sara with Warfield's fleet.

"Boss, I have brought a fire-breathing army." Harnak shouted loudly as soon as he saw Augustus, still looking like a country boy.

When he was in Umoyan, Hanak and other major generals had entered Umoyan's military academy for further training, but it seems that he has not changed much at present.

Then there was Lundstein, this young general who was entrusted with important tasks by Augustus for his calm and reliable character. He lost two of his brothers and three uncles in the defense of Korhal. His brother died in Tarsonis, the famous Stirling noble, is in decline. Lundstein became more and more silent. He wrapped himself in a military coat and only nodded when he saw Augustus.

The last person to come was Lisa Cassidy, who was wearing a Marine Corps medic uniform. She wore radiation-proof black square eyes and her ginger hair was braided into a long ponytail.

Lisa smiled when she saw Augustus and gritted her teeth when she saw Kerrigan behind him. She walked very quickly, running up to Augustus on high heels, and then stretched out her arms to hug him.

Thank you, Master, I just miss you! Thanks for voting and rewarding!

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