StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 181 Kerrigan: I am not a mistress

Sarah Kerrigan has always been a good judge of people. She can easily hear the thoughts of others, and neither the feisty women nor the timid ones can escape her eyes.

So Kerrigan classified Heaven's Demon medic Lisa Cassidy as undesirable. In addition, there were only a few instructors from the Ghost Academy and Tychus Finley in this category.

"The time has come, Marshal Augustus." After watching Lisa and Augustus hugging each other for more than two seconds, Kerrigan impatiently shook her fiery red hair tied into a ponytail. Long hair. She raised one hand and looked down at the non-existent electronic watch on her wrist.

"You have an ongoing meeting. The galaxy hopper bound for the fleet will depart at 21:00." Kerrigan said, "Before the galaxy hopper arrives at the transport ship on the back of Mar Sara, I think you should close Rest your eyes for two hours.”

"Your personal assistant?" Lisa pushed Augustus away and said in a familiar tone that definitely sounded more than just a subordinate relationship.

"Yes." Before Augustus answered, Kerrigan blurted out: "Actually, I also shoulder more responsibilities besides taking care of food, clothing, housing and transportation, such as protecting the safety of Marshal Augustus Mengsk, and taking care of Augustus. It is within the powers of the members of the National Security Council of Sturt to arrest those who approach the Marshal for malicious and unpredictable purposes.”

"But I heard she was only sixteen years old?" The smart thing about Lisa was that she did not talk to Kerrigan directly, but looked at Augustus with her hands on her waist and her charming light blue eyes. Looking at Augustus. While speaking, Lisa also straightened Augustus's somewhat wrinkled collar, her eyes reproachful, as if she was seeing her husband again after being away from him for many years due to his military service.

"She has suffered a lot in the past, and now she has taken on too many responsibilities. You should send this child to school to study well in college, right?"

Lisa is indeed qualified to criticize Kerrigan's age. After all, she is already twenty-seven years old. At this age, she has experienced ups and downs that Kerrigan has never experienced, and she understands the ways of the world to a certain extent.

"I'm curious, who did you hear that the talk about me has reached Korhal and Umoyan?" Although Kerrigan was far more mature and calm than girls of her age, she still behaved as she should The sharp edge and queen-like temperament.

"Captain Lisa Keshidry, I gladly take on this responsibility and swear to do it with all my heart, for the rest of my life."

"This life is so long, you can't follow him forever." Only then did Lisa turn her head to look at Kerrigan. Even if the situation changes, there will be time, but the gloom on Lisa's face came instantly. Lisa's face turned dark in an instant. This medic who once used a laser gun to cut off the enemy's hands and feet in battle was not a gentle woman.

"You don't have to worry about it." Kerrigan's red lips pursed into a slit, and it was as if cold wind could blow out of her mouth.

"I advise you to put away those dirty words and stop those malicious speculations."

"I didn't say anything." Lisa walked towards Kerrigan. She opened the white coat covering her military uniform to reveal the dark gray uniform of the Revolutionary Army underneath, revealing the ID hanging around her neck and the electromagnetic pistol at her waist.

Although Kerrigan is still young, she is already taller than Lisa, and her breasts are a bit firmer than the ordinary Lisa's. With their chests raised and their heads raised, the former is undoubtedly more imposing. .

"But that's what you're thinking." Kerrigan faced off with Lisa.

"I'm not a mistress."

"Want to fight?" Lisa gritted her teeth: "I forgot you're a damn psyker, and you'd better stop your mind-reading tricks and get out of my head."

"I can make you cry in your arms right now." Kerrigan said without giving in, "Want to try?"

"I'll prove that redheads are better than blondes."

At this moment, Augustus's capable men, Warfield, Harnack, and Rundstein, had gathered together at some point and were whispering, occasionally glancing at Augustus and the two women beside him. , pointing.

"It's the boss after all." Harnack showed a proud expression, but Warfield and Rundstein beside him couldn't figure out the reason for his pride.

"I have told you before that when we went to Tarsonis, the noble ladies and ladies there were eager to throw themselves into their arms, and even the men wanted to say a few words to the boss."

"I think what you said is correct." Lundstein nodded. Although he didn't say which point he thought was correct, he seemed to be able to understand what Harnack said.

"When did this happen?" Warfield showed a rare interest in Augustus's private life. To be honest, Warfield has always regarded himself as Augustus' elder. He is an old subordinate of Augustus' brother Arcturus. When Augustus was in the military camp, Warfield also helped and took care of him.

"Which of you knows more?"

"When she was in the Federal Marine Corps, Lisa and the boss had flirted with each other. No one knows whether they had sex, but I'm sure it wasn't much different." Hanak analyzed it carefully and learned the conclusion: "The boss and the boss had sex. Lisa lived here for a while, and you all know this.”

"What's going on with that red-haired woman?" Rondstein usually doesn't care much about Augustus's private life. Although he is one of the most trusted people under Augustus, he knows Not any more than others.

"Is she a relative of yours? I've only seen red-haired boys like you."

"Maybe, after all, my family immigrated to Shiloh two generations ago. It is said that she is a former federal ghost agent. She originally assassinated Angus. After being captured by the leader, she turned to work for the Revolutionary Army," Hanak said.

"We all think that the leader is very bold. He actually immediately activated a ghost agent who once wanted to assassinate his father. Forget it, he actually let her serve as a personal bodyguard. This is not in line with the leader's character. He just Trust the devil in heaven and a few people."

"Of course, this is not a rare thing. You know that the leader is still young, handsome and rich, and he is an intellectual giant. If he is a crude, fat and ugly man with lots of body hair, then there won't be so many things. "

"You have learned a lot of new words, Harnak." Warfield said: "It seems that after staying with Umoyan for a long time, you have learned Umoyan's gorgeous speaking style. It is said that Umoyan people are addicted to art. Growing up in the ocean, the Umoyan you studied in is located in New Austria, the capital of music."

"I think so too. That's great if you think so, General." After all, Harnak has never known that humility is a rare quality.

"Listen to me, I have seen too many scenes like this, boss. Believe me, he will definitely not end well. These two women are more ruthless than the other." Hanak then sighed to himself.

"Only when the boss is heartbroken by these women one day will he realize that we are the best for him."

"You're right." Lundstein nodded.

"As you all know, psykers have some superpowers, and they can even control objects through the air." Hanak was frightened by the future he expressed: "If the two of them really fight, the scene will definitely not be a fight. It’s as easy as tearing your clothes off with your hair.”

Just as he was talking, Harnak heard Augustus cough lightly. Augustus walked between Kerrigan and Lisa and said to them: "Girls, we will talk about these small things later. Let us all take a step back. I think your conflicts are smaller than you think. many."

"Calm down, put aside your prejudices, and get to know each other better about who the other person is. You may fall in love with each other."

Augustus behaved like a leader who abandoned selfish desires. He carried the great mission of subverting the federation. Of course, he could not be entangled in such an affair between his children. Everyone knows that Augustus, as a leader, will not get married. If he gets married, he will definitely choose a lifelong partner who can assist his career.

Many nobles of Korhal believe that if Augustus really overthrows the rule of the Terran Confederacy in the future, in order to consolidate his rule in Tarsonis, he must suppress those nobles who survived the massacre. Exile them or kill them all. At the same time, win over the remaining founding families and establish a new ruling class. This is what a true ruler or monarch should do.

Then, marrying a female heir of a certain founding family is the best choice for political marriage.

"I don't have to argue with a little girl." Lisa immediately showed her generosity as a mature woman.

"I don't understand why you are so hostile to me." Kerrigan asked knowingly.

"You..." Lisa tried not to curse, "Obviously."

"Hank, what are you muttering about?" At this time, Augustus looked at Hanak and others who were standing nearby and whispered, and realized that they were watching his own joke.

Hearing Augustus speak, Hanak and others immediately distanced themselves from each other and walked towards Augustus.

Harnak adjusted his revolutionary army uniform and straight cockscomb hairstyle, and shouted loudly: "We are here to attend the meeting-Boss, he said that you are still in a hurry and will leave for the fleet soon. .”

Kerrigan and Lisa each took a step back, but still didn't give the other a good look.

"What's going on? I thought you were playing tricks on women." Harnak whispered in a small voice as he approached Augustus.

"This is really difficult, but I will take care of it." Augustus said in a quieter voice.

"I think this matter is no less difficult than completing the terraforming on a neutron star." Harnak laughed out loud: "You are nice to everyone, but this is not good."

"Even if you are scum like Tychus and I, you are willing to talk to us openly."

"Don't belittle yourself." Augustus patted Harnack and said, "You are more lovable than you think."

Everyone can see that the flamboyant and unruly Harnak will not be timid even when facing the admiral of the Umoyan Protectorate Army. In front of Augustus, he is like a docile red neck. Rooster.

"I came to you to discuss something." Augustus looked at Warfield who was walking towards him, waved his hand, and asked Kerrigan to stand on his right side, keeping a distance between her and Lisa. .

"After you arrive at Mar Sara, we will have fourteen battlecruisers, which is equivalent to a full Tyranid Federation naval squadron. Although we are waiting for work, we will not face any Tyranid Federation force. No fleet will have an absolute advantage unless the opponent's establishment is not full."

"We need to develop another complete battle plan."

"Let's go into the conference room." Then Augustus looked at the unhappy Lisa: "Lisa, you also come in and listen."

"I'm happy to." Lisa took the lead in pushing open the door to the conference room and walked in.

The tense atmosphere at the scene eased instantly.

"When Lisa was in Umoyan, you never mentioned her every time you wrote to inquire about your family and Korhal's immigration situation." Harnak said to Augustus in a timely manner: "You occasionally asked me if I had any No trouble was caused, but not even a letter of Kesidi's name was mentioned."

"I did forget." Augustus spread his hands.

"It's my fault."

"It's not your fault." Kerrigan corrected Augustus: "After all, you have so many things to deal with. You are the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and you will eventually hold the world."

"This girl is also a fan of yours." Hanak laughed: "She admires you."

"You also admire Marshal Augustus. In fact, you are the one who admires him the most among all the demons in heaven." Kerrigan was not ashamed of Harnak's words.

"You are talking nonsense." Hanak blushed: "How could I possibly shut up, you annoying psyker?"

"After all, I'm actually no longer worried about Lisa taking drugs again." Augustus smiled and said to Hanak.

On the contrary, I am worried that you will cause trouble in the military academy of Umoyan. You know, Hanak, you will not only lose your own face when you do stupid things. "

"Except for a few insignificant 'minor accidents,' my time at Umoyan's military academy was quite satisfactory. I also learned to play the cello (Umoyan did not like synthetic music, and this ancient earth instrument was regarded as As a symbol of elegance), I will show you my hands later." Hanak did not feel embarrassed at all.

"Small accident?" Warfield said: "You are talking about mistakenly sending a hydrogen-helium rocket into the sky because of a misrecognition of words. If it had not been intercepted by the atmospheric defense platform, the principal of Umoyan Military Academy would have I have to die to apologize."

"I've been thinking about it for a long time and still can't figure it out. Are you illiterate?"

"Oh my god, this is so scary." Lundstein couldn't help but feel frightened by another thing: "When you play, even God will jump down from the sky and grab you by the neck and kneel down. Please stop."

"Okay, okay." Hanak couldn't listen anymore: "Let's have a meeting."

Augustus then pushed open the door and saw the staff officers and military advisors in the conference hall looking at him.

"What happened?" Augustus looked at them.

"The department monitoring the communication channel of the Governor's Palace of Mar Sara has just confirmed an intelligence. Colonel Edmund Duke's Alpha Squadron responded to the Governor's request for help." Augustus' chief of staff said.

"They are the fleet closest to Ma Sara, and other fleets are cruising in other corners of the Koprulu sector."

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