StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 182 Mirahan’s Army

Chapter 182 Mira Han’s Army

"Alpha Squadron" Augustus suddenly appeared in front of Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Duke's sharp-edged head with a protruding forehead and triangular eyes like a poisonous snake. His shoulder bones were high and his arms were long and thick, as if he was always in a violent state. State silverback gorilla.

"How many ships did Edmund Duke bring?" He looked at his chief of staff.

"Normally, a naval squadron has ten to fifteen battlecruisers, but Alpha Squadron has lost its flagship and several battleships in previous fleet battles. Have they added new ones in the past few months? The battleships are still unknown." The chief of staff put down a stack of information documents in his hand and looked at Augustus: "The communication between Alpha Squadron and the Governor's Palace of Mar Sara Immigration was very brief."

"Unlike the overwhelming bombardment of signals for help from the Governor's Palace, the flagship of Alpha Squadron only made a brief reply and sent the estimated time of arrival to the Governor's Palace - about forty standard hours later, and our old friend Edmund The colonel didn't seem to bother to say a few more words to Governor Mar Sara."

"Oh? What did he say?" Warfield and Duke rushed over. No one in Arcturus' 33rd Ground Assault Division likes Alpha Squadron very much, especially Edmund Duke, the proud and defiant leader of the Blood Eagles.

The Dukes were a star-studded family, and this illustrious family had been the leaders of the settlers long before the colonial fleet's lead carrier, the Najirfar, landed on the surface of Tarsonis. They hold the say in the military, and their rule in the Tyranid Federation has long been entrenched and unshakable.

However, Edmund is still an oddball among his eccentric family members. With his experience in the navy for most of his life and having fought through the entire Kailian War, he should logically deserve one. He has become a general, but he is still a colonel now.

Logically speaking, Duke is not without ability, and he has family background to support him, so he will not be able to become a general until now. And people like Warfield and Augustus knew this very well, that is, Duke's victories were not as many as he boasted, and the defeats or catastrophes that were covered up by various military files were directly related to seriously affected his promotion.

"Edmund just said that the governor of Mar Sara was a complete fool. The reason why he was not shot by the rebels was just bad luck." Augustus' chief of staff said.

"It can be said that the Federal Council has lost face. Not only the Kemorian Federation and the United States of Umoyan, but also some private media organizations and private radio stations have received Governor Mar Sara's distress signal." This The chief of staff, who was nearly fifty years old and had a background as a military academy principal, made no secret of his disdain for Governor Mar Sala and his bureaucrats.

"Now the federal government in Tarsonis has no way to cover up the fact that the Mar Sara Federation army was completely defeated. Soon, the entire Koprulu sector will know that the Federation suffered another defeat at the hands of the revolutionary army."

"This is the best publicity offensive." Augustus showed an inspiring smile on his face, and waved to others in the conference hall and said, "This is also a good start."

"This undoubtedly reveals to the world the incompetence of government officials in the immigration areas and the unstoppable power of the revolutionary fighters. Justice and fairness are always on our side. The people's eyes have always been blinded by all kinds of whitewashed news, and Today is the day they are closest to the truth."

Before they knew it, everyone began to applaud, and a military advisor recorded what Augustus said in shorthand on his personal terminal in shorthand notation written by himself. In the future, if this military advisor who did not impress Augustus decided to write an autobiography of Augustus Mengsk, he would undoubtedly quote these words today.

When the applause died down, Augustus asked Warfield and others behind him to sit down at the conference table. Warfield sat with Harnack and Rundstein, while Kerrigan stood beside Augustus, refusing to sit down.

When Augustus was speaking, Lisa and Kerrigan's eyes met no less than a hundred times. Their eyes were sharp, and there seemed to be swords hidden in their eyes, as if they were mongooses on the grassland.

"Next, I want to announce my new decision." Now, Augustus was the only one standing in the entire conference hall, and everyone had to look up to see his eyes.

"Abandon the plan to attack and seize the high-energy gas refinery in the northern hemisphere and cancel all orders related to it."

Augustus said: "Recall the two brigades of Sinar Xinge and a company of Goliath armed robots, and order them to advance towards the capital area to seize and at least hold on to the Gasuo 4 Highlands of the Mar Sara Planet Defense Force. Forty-eight standard hours.”

"The Reno Ranger Brigade of Lorenzana continues eastward, and Tychus's Wolf Hunters will set out today to join Mira Han's Port of the Dead Brigade, and then move south to encircle the Capital District, but they will not attack."

When Augustus said this, a three-dimensional holographic projection map was projected above the conference table in time. Artificial intelligence identified and marked every location Augustus mentioned on the map, marking Arrow after arrow marking the direction of march.

"Marshal, I'm worried that the troops in Port of the Dead may not be able to fulfill the duties you assigned them." Warfield and others did not speak. The one who expressed his opinion was a second-level political commissar from the First Division of the Revolutionary Army. He mainly Responsible for conveying the highest instructions from Augustus and the latest revolutionary ideas to the Pan-Terran Revolutionary Party Committee organizations and party members in the army.

"Although these recruits from the Port of the Dead have already completed the four-month training in the boot camp and served for more than five months, they have not participated in a large-scale battle. Not to mention that the person commanding them is still a little girl. " said the political commissar.

Due to the lack of senior officers under Augustus, it was often the case that a non-commissioned officer or even a first-class private became a lieutenant or a colonel at the speed of a rocket.

For example, Major General Jim Reno of the Revolutionary Army was only a corporal squad leader in the Terran Federation Marines. Even during the war, it would take him at least five years to become a general. Reno's actual promotion journey was as fast as a rocket. rising.

Mira Han, who is now seventeen years old, learned how to operate CMC power armor in less than three weeks after joining the Revolutionary Army, completed all courses and got full marks in subjects including shooting. After graduating early, she was assigned to Corporal Faraday's Guards Company by Augustus.

After the more than 70,000 recruits recruited in the Port of the Dead completed recruit training, Mira was transferred by Augustus to a battalion formed by these recruits as captain and deputy battalion commander. Immediately afterwards, Mira Han's military rank and position completed several enviable jumps in less than four months, becoming the lieutenant colonel of the first brigade of the first division of the Korhal Revolutionary Army's Port of the Dead Legion. long.

Thanks to the leader of I Just Miss You for the reward.

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