StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 184 Blood Eagle Alpha (Additional update 110)

Alpha Squadron, known as the Blood Eagles, has become a symbol of the Terran Federation's military excellence with their lightning-like tactical maneuverability.

Alpha Squadron earned themselves a "good name" as the Blood Eagles for their wild and ferocious carnage, and their commander, Edmund Duke, was the leader of the Blood Eagles. Many people think of Duke as a cantankerous and willful fool, and while that's not necessarily the truth, it's almost certainly true.

Alpha Squadron's flagship, the Norad III, has been sailing through the hyperspace jump channel at a speed far exceeding the speed of light for more than seventy-two hours. During this period, the crew and soldiers have tied themselves to acceleration seats. In a state of hyperspace navigation, all humans who have grown up in planetary gravity fields and atmospheric environments will feel somewhat uncomfortable.

However, Edmund Duke, who was pacing impatiently on the bridge of Norad III, was obviously not among them. Although he looked like a gorilla in heat to the Alpha Squadron navigators and operators he stood at the bridge console, to himself he was undoubtedly a raging lion.

Since being defeated several times by Augustus's rebel fleet, and even losing his flagship Norad II, Duke has become the laughing stock of many people in the federal navy.

Even so, Duke will not be furious because of such a failure. The reason why Duke would be in a state of extreme anger from time to time during this period was mainly because last year when the rebel fleet led by Augustus besieged Tarsonis, his Alpha Squadron was fooled around by Jackson's Revenge.

This means that Alpha Squadron has become a complete joke. They chased a pirate ship carrying the original Norad II signal tracker in the Koprulu sector for nearly a month, and finally lost it.

It was nearly two weeks after Augustus' fleet evacuated the Tarsonis system that Alpha Squadron arrived belatedly.

There was no way Duke could not figure out that Augustus had hired someone to trick him. Duke's hatred of Augustus was now growing.

When Colonel Duke was pacing and clanking on the alloy steel deck of the bridge, the crew members on the bridge did not dare to turn their heads to look at him. Although Duke would not physically punish his soldiers, being scolded by him was not something to be happy about.

Finally, after a slight tremor from Norad III, the brand new flagship of Alpha Squadron jumped out of the hyperspace channel.

The Norad III is a Behemoth-class battlecruiser forged at the end of the Battle of Kailian. It is stronger than the Norad II and has more laser and cannon batteries. It is the main firepower of the Tyranid Federation Navy. A model work of superiority science and the artistic aesthetics of strong ships and powerful guns.

When the Alpha Squadron battleship jumped out of the hyperspace channel, its surroundings absorbed light due to the distortion of space, forming vortices with blurred halos. Between the hammer-headed behemoth battlecruisers were rectangular destroyers. , supply ship, APOD transport ship and Wraith fighter plane.

There are also two science ships between the Alpha Squadron fleet. These research ships with gyroscopic hulls can be up to 1,000 feet (about 300 meters) in diameter. They have radar antennas and cutting-edge sensor arrays on the top. One of them has The name Amerigo is also written in white English letters on the ship's boat.

The Tyranid Federation usually uses the highly sensitive sensor arrays of scientific ships for border surveillance and security scanning missions. Currently, such ships are mainly used to perform scientific research tasks. Federation researchers are still working on adding weapons and equipment to these scientific ships. Shield system.

"Damn Augustus Mengsk, I've seen his ambitions long ago!" After the Norad III jumped out of the hyperspace channel, the main screen of the bridge in front of Duke suddenly showed up with Mar Sara Synchronization Pictures taken from orbiting space stations and aliens show that many places on the planet are in flames of war.

The rebel troops and tanks are advancing on the orange-grey desert, and many federal military bases and fortresses are devastated.

Duke soon realized that if his troops could still connect to the satellites and space stations in Mar Sara's geosynchronous orbit, it meant that these facilities had not fallen into the hands of the rebels.

No matter how weak the rebel fleet is, they will not be unable to do this. The rebels' intentions were obvious. They wanted the federal fleet to take over these facilities to see if Ma Sara was in dire straits.

At the same time, the radar display of Norad III detected the signals of six battlecruisers, two of which were obsolete Leviathan-class battlecruisers. The sensor array of the scientific ship in Alpha Squadron Then more small spacecraft hidden on the back of the planet were detected.

"The Amerigo called the flagship bridge. We detected fluctuations in the hyperspace channel two standard hours ago at 7,114." At this time, the captain of the science ship Amerigo replied to Duke.

"The rebels are about to escape!" Duke realized the problem in an instant: "Stop them!"

The wise and powerful Colonel Duke immediately made his judgment. He was eager to compete with the revolutionary fleet and avenge his previous shame.

Alpha Squadron has eleven Behemoth-class battlecruisers in service. These unparalleled steel giants immediately sailed towards the six Revolutionary Army battlecruisers under Duke's order. Hundreds of various The battleships followed closely, and the bright orange flames spewed out by the numerous battleship thrusters were like a moving, bright brush against the black background of deep space.

"Sir, this is probably a trap." Duke's adjutant obviously saw more from this: "We must be careful."

"Our opponent is Augustus Mengsk." The adjutant was a young man with brown-black curly hair: "Not those simple-minded Kemorians."

"Stop the fleet." Hearing Augustus' name, Duke was not so angry. His cold anger quickly calmed him down.

The name Augustus Mengsk has gradually become a nightmare in the hearts of many senior Terran Federation officials and even Federation naval admirals. He first destroyed the Delarian Shipyard and captured a large number of battlecruisers, and then Then he pointed his sword at the main star of Tarsonis with astonishing decisiveness.

Those in high positions in the Terran Federation were afraid that Augustus would subvert their rule, while the generals of the Terran Federation feared and hated people like Augustus. But in the end, it was thanks to the rebels that the federal navy's military expenditures increased over time. The officers' power continued to grow, and the benefits they received also increased.

"Get the stealth reconnaissance plane out of the harbor." Duke

"Colonel, Governor Mar Sala requested to establish a communication connection with Norad III." At this time, Duke's navigator suddenly said to him.

"This Mar Sara pig!" Duke was furious.

Although he said this, Duke finally connected to Governor Mar Sara's communication connection.

"Colonel Duke, Augustus Mengsk, that damn rebel party has arrived at the city. They surrounded the Red Stone Fortress and Essin Yanglond." A bloated, oily, fat face appeared in Norad III The main screen on the bridge of the USS made Duke feel sick in his heart.

"Who is commanding this group of rebels?" The names of the revolutionary generals emerged in Duke's mind.

"Jim Raynor of Shiloh or Tychus Finley the Dog?"

"I can confirm that it is Augustus Mengsk himself. Our unmanned reconnaissance drone photographed the golden wolf flag flying on the rebel command center." Governor Mar Sara cried bitterly.

"Colonel Duke, you must come to save me!"

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