StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 185 Hermaphrodite sucks butt

"Your family is a disgrace to you, Governor Richard. Look what stupid things you have done. Your people are wearing the latest power armor, using Confederate Marine vehicles, but in the end they are being held The rebels armed with fire sticks and motorcycles were defeated steadily, and in less than a week, most of Ma Sara was lost.

"There is no cure, it is a complete failure."

Edmund Duke and Governor Mar Sara had obviously known each other for a long time, and their friendship could be traced back to the youth of these two nobles. Of course, this does not affect their dislike of each other in any way.

"The territory of the Federation covers the entire Koprulu Sector, but in the end the Council sent pigs, donkeys and scale insects to manage a colony just because they are nobles."

Duke held his head high, arrogantly, and looked down at the tearful face of Governor Mar Sara. Because he knew that Richard could no longer keep his position, and the Lyon family behind him wanted to thank Duke for keeping their property in Mar Sara.

When nobles hear about the suffering of the people at the bottom, they will squeeze out a few tears because of their praised compassion, but when it comes to their own life and death, the tears will probably not stop.

When selecting successors, the founding families of Tarsonis require them to have outstanding abilities that can inherit their family's power, but they cannot always require every family member to be outstanding enough.

"Colonel." Behind Governor Mar Sara is a nickel-plated alloy wall, and on the right side is a heavy lead door with rivets. Standing next to him are fully armed soldiers instead of his suit and leather aides and drunken men. Military advisor.

This shows that the Governor is hiding in the underground sheltered secret room of the Governor's Palace at this moment. At this moment, artillery fire is raging all over Ma Sala, but the secret room is covered with expensive silk carpets, decorated with gold and silver utensils, and jewels.

"We will be unable to withstand it. The rebel fighter planes are bombing our positions indiscriminately. Once Augustus Mengsk's people launch a general attack, we will be finished." The governor stopped crying as fast as He burst into tears as fast as he burst into tears.

"How many are there?" Duke looked like a dangerous and venomous snake when he narrowed his triangular eyes.

"At least two hundred thousand people." The governor's sausage-like thick lips trembled.

"Unmanned reconnaissance drones photographed the insignias of at least ten divisions of the rebels. They also have a large number of armored units and mobile units. They are not a group of armed Kehal IV farmers at all, but a real army."

"Nonsense." Even though Duke didn't believe what Governor Mar Sala said, he still used it as a reference. Duke estimated that there should be about five to one hundred thousand rebels on the surface of the planet Mar Sara.

"There's no way the rebels have that many people," Duke said.

Considering that the rebels have a certain amount of CMC power armor, they cannot be treated as ordinary rebels. Usually, only about two hundred federal marines can easily quell a rebellion in a city, and a battalion of marines is enough to guard a marginal colony.

Ever since Angus Mengsk and his ambitious sons started the rebellion, rebellions in a region are no longer easily suppressed by the region's Marines.

"Colonel Duke, land your Alpha Squadron in Mar Sara as soon as possible." Governor Mar Sara gradually lost his patience. He was worried that Duke would stand by and watch the capital area fall.

"Otherwise you are at least half responsible for the fall of Mar Sara, and I will truthfully report your indifferent behavior of standing by and watching."

"Richard, I always say you are an imbecile, and that's right." Duke's arrogance reached its peak: "The fox fell into the hunter's trap, and now he threatens those who are ready to help him. .”

"You poisonous snake, Ma Sara is about to fall, and you are still yelling here!" Governor Mar Sara became angry.

"Then I want to see who is responsible for this." Duke said and ordered the adjutant to close the communication connection.

Amid the governor's hysterical roar, Duke began to think calmly, and a new battle plan was being conceived in his sharp-edged head. Alpha Squadron carries many small tactical nuclear bombs with a yield of 20 million, which are enough to level a medium-sized city and turn an area of ​​about thirty square miles into scorched earth.

However, according to the image of the southern hemisphere capital area taken by the Mar Sara orbiting satellite on the main screen of the Norad III bridge, it can be seen that the rebel positions have overlapped with the governor's planetary defense force and organized militia forces. , as if entangled with tree roots.

Orbital bombing will inevitably cause friendly fire, and precise targeted strikes cannot destroy the constantly moving rebels. To regain Mar Sara, Duke must send his Alpha Squadron down to low-Earth orbit in a landing craft to defeat Augustus' rebels.

The complete destruction of the entire Capital District meant that Duke had to bear moral condemnation. He must be responsible for the deaths of nearly half a million Masala civilians and tens of thousands of federal soldiers in the Capital District - although Duke didn't care at all.

After all, Duke could find 10,000 reasons to excuse himself without being sent to a military court. For example, ruthless rebels have released a terrible virus in the Capital District. Everyone has been infected, and Alpha Squadron has to cleanse the infected land.

But at least for now, Duke does not have the authority to activate nuclear weapons at will. Duke is actually not very willing to earn a reputation as a butcher for himself. Killing civilians will bring more troubles to his already bumpy road to promotion. In many cases, he prefers to charge into battle himself to prove his courage.

"Adjutant, besides those battlecruisers, are there other rebel fleets in the Sara system?" At this time, Duke looked at the orange-brown Mar Sara star outside the bridge window. During the Battle of Tarsonis six months ago, there were twenty-six rebel warships recorded, and fourteen more were able to successfully jump away.

This is extremely inconsistent with the number of rebel warships in the Sara system, unless the rebel fleet has been dispersed into several relatively small fleets.

"Sir, our reconnaissance forces and radar still have not detected any more rebel fleets in the Sara system." the adjutant replied.

"Judging from the sharply increasing energy index, they are preparing to leap away."

"We can't let them leave." Duke said after a few seconds of silence: "The fleet moves forward and stops the rebel fleet."

At this time, the main screen of the bridge lit up again.

"A communication request from the Mar Sara Marine Division Command Center. The division is commanded by" Duke interrupted the adjutant before he finished speaking.

"Connect." Duke stood up straight, having already envisioned a certain possibility in his mind.

"Duke. The last time we met was in the Soyan Galaxy, and even longer ago in Turasis." The long line on the main screen of the Norad III bridge is Augustus.

Due to various electromagnetic interference bands during the war, the picture was not very stable, and snowflake-like garbled characters occasionally appeared on the holographic projection screen. Even so, Augustus's iconic Mengsk family gray hair and gray eyes and his statue-like three-dimensional face are still deeply engraved in the eyes of every Alpha Squadron soldier present.

On the screen, Augustus was wearing a dark gray military coat and a wide-brimmed military hat with the logo of the Revolutionary Army, sitting on a single sofa. The brim of the military cap blocked the light coming from the window, leaving half of Augustus's eyes covered in shadow.

Behind him stood Corporal Faraday and Sarah Kerrigan. Revolutionary Army soldiers in dark gray uniforms were running back and forth on the wide command island.

Rebel leader Augustus Mengsk, after the Battle of Kailian, he has become synonymous with rebellion. He creates riots, provokes wars, and brings black fear to planets.

Augustus was obviously in the circular command island at the top of the command center at this time. The walls of the command island were replaced by light-transmitting tempered glass. The federal commander could sit on the command island and overlook the entire federal military camp. The command center of the Tyranid Federation is a giant, almost square building made of steel and refined crystal ore. The outer wall is equipped with sloping Presteel steel plates, which is enough to withstand artillery fire and even small nuclear bombs.

For a long time, the commanders of the Tyranid Federation have remotely monitored barracks, military bases and operations departments at all levels through consoles in the command island command center raised on the top of the command center. The fact that Augustus was sitting among them proved one thing, that is, Mar Sara's Marine Division had already been defeated by the rebels.

"Mengsk, if you are here to catch up with me, then we have nothing to talk about." Duke did not intend to hide his dislike of Augustus.

"For a traitor like you, I will only give you one bullet."

"Haha." A smile appeared on Augustus's handsome face, and he pointed at the screen: "I thought you should be at least a lieutenant general now. Why are you still wearing the rank of colonel?"

"Are you reluctant to part with your old clothes?"

Veins suddenly appeared on Duke's forehead. He wanted to refute but was speechless for a moment, because this was indeed the truth. After a moment of silence, Duke's anger suddenly grew stronger.

"Arctorus was already a colonel before he retired, and you served almost three times as long as he did. Of course, we all know that such promotions in the Marine Corps are still too slow."

"You don't need to worry about it." Duke wanted to close the communication, but this undoubtedly showed that he was guilty, which made him even more unable to swallow this breath.

In the past, Duke had always ridiculed others and bossed around, but it was Augustus's turn to ridicule others.

"What do you think you are now? A lost dog! Korhal has been destroyed. Do you still want to cause the people of Mar Sara to suffer the same fate?"

"Edmund Duke." Augustus did not answer Duke's words directly. He was obviously deliberately steering the conversation in a direction that was beneficial to himself.

"Look at you, your talent is not appreciated and you are suppressed." He sighed and said: "It is obvious that your talents cannot be limited to a small colonel."

"In the federal navy, even if you are promoted to captain, that may be it. But here, I will not only make you a general, but you will also have a place in the new cabinet in the future."

"At that time, you will be the elder of the New Tyran Federation and the official of the Federation."

"I wonder if lunatics like you like to daydream." Duke squeezed out a wisp of cold wind from his cracked teeth: "The Federation Navy has a thousand battlecruisers and more planets, but you are just They are poor bastards running around. The Mengsk family, which uses the wolf as their totem, is now nothing more than a pack of water dogs."

"I am a member of the founding family of Tarsonis, and the Mengsk family are just the owners of a small planet."

"Take your Alpha Squadron and be loyal to me." Augustus didn't seem to hear what Duke was saying, he just talked to himself.

"And I will give you everything you want but can't get. Or are you willing to be a colonel for the rest of your life and be laughed at by the rest of the Duke family?"

"Humph" Duke laughed angrily. In a sense, Augustus' words really hurt him. Not being able to become a general and take a step further is an eternal pain in Duke's heart.

But Duke calmed down quickly. He stared at the screen and said, "Why are you deliberately irritating me? To delay time so that your army and fleet can evacuate in time-"

"This is just a holographic image that you deliberately recorded, and the real you must be somewhere in Mar Sara - no, for a cunning person like you, you may be on a fleet in synchronous orbit, at any time leave."

"No, this is not a pre-recorded hologram." Augustus replied.

"I just think what you said is stupid and unnecessary to talk about." He said: "The promise I gave you will always count."

"When you join us, you're no longer just Edmund Duke of the Duke family. People don't think of the Duke family until they talk about you first."

"You think I would believe it?" Before Duke could finish his words, Augustus' face disappeared from the screen.

"Locate the coordinates of that command center!" Duke trembled with anger.

"We are not sure whether this is a pre-recorded image, and we are not sure whether even this position is fake." The adjutant said: "It is not a secret that you were not promoted to general, because you were newly promoted after the Battle of Kailian. All generals are awarded their honors publicly."

"Shut up." Duke spat out two cold words.

"Look, we don't know if Augustus Mengsk is in that command center or in the fleet in geosynchronous orbit, but it doesn't matter."

"I will crush all of Augustus Mengsk's armies until I find him!"

"But it's probably a trap," the adjutant said.

"Fuck the traps." Duke roared in anger: "There are traps everywhere, should I be afraid of them because of this?"

"Send my order and prepare the landing module. I will personally defeat Augustus Mengsk's rebels in Mar Sara!"

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——I collapsed after the third watch. Wait for me to take it easy.

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