StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 186 Lure the enemy deeper

Mar Sara Capital District, former Terran Federation military fortress Martin Fortress restricted area, command center command island command office.

The history of Fort Martin is as old as the settlement of Mar Sara. It was built in the 70th year after the Terran Federation regained control of the warp drive. It is a stone building made of marble and concrete.

Today, the ancient stone city walls have been replaced by fortification walls sandwiched between two layers of Presteel steel plates filled with powerful coagulants and high-strength synthetic resin fillers. The fortification walls were originally designed to deal with Mar Sara's rogue bandits and large beasts. Now they are taller and wider, equipped with Mark electromagnetic guns and automatic cannons, which are enough to destroy any Tyran army that approaches rashly. .

The center of the fortification wall is located in the huge command center, surrounded by flashing lights of multiple barracks, heavy factories, supply centers and operating mechanical loading and unloading workshops. The revolutionary army fighter transport ship painted in black and red is moving on the only The rise and fall of a military airport.

Augustus still retained the same sitting posture as when he was on the phone with Edmund Duke. He sat upright and kept his gaze through the light-transmitting tempered glass of the headquarters. Only the flashing gray eyes proved that Augustus was real and not a synthetic or pre-recorded three-dimensional holographic projection.

Although Augustus had many ways to deceive Duke, such as clones, virtual images that could be faked, and nano masks, Augustus really stayed in this command center and not in the fleet or in the fleet. It's somewhere else.

Duke thought that the person who just spoke to him was a holographic projection that had been recorded in advance, but in fact it was the real Augustus. Duke thought that Augustus would not be foolish enough to reveal his position through a communication, but the fact was that Augustus was waiting for him there, ready to completely defeat his troops.

At this time, there was no sound in the headquarters except for the footsteps of the Revolutionary Army staff officers and soldiers. Neither Corporal Faraday nor Kerrigan beside Augusti made a sound to interrupt his contemplation.

After a few minutes, Augustus stood up and adjusted his uniform and hat.

"Calling my staff officers and military advisors, order the fleet in orbit to continue to monitor the movements of Alpha Squadron and report to the command center." He said: "Connect the combat demonstration map to the holographic projection screen in the command center."

"Sarah, prepare me a cup of strong coffee. Corporal Faraday, report the latest frontline operations briefing."

"The two brigades of Tychus Finley and Mira Han have broken through the outer walls of the capital area and are launching an attack on the federal defenders outside the Governor's Palace." Kerrigan, who was wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform, said As he swung his red single ponytail and twisted his waist to make coffee, Corporal Faraday reported to Augustus.

"The Ranger Brigade and the 2nd and 3rd Divisions commanded by Major General Jim Reno have already moved from the states of Shiloh and Florence, and Colonel Gustav Rundstein's 4th Division is moving west of Major General Reno's headquarters. After a rapid march of two hundred miles through the southern desert, we are expected to arrive at the Psalm Station in four hours."

"Very well, they carried out my orders excellently." Augustus was not shy about any words of praise for his generals.

At this time, a holographic projection screen was suddenly projected in front of Augustus. On it was the topographic map of the southern hemisphere of Mar Sara that he had seen countless times. The lines and data that constituted the highlands, plains, deserts, and valleys Augustus They are all already familiar to me.

This land of more than 10 million square miles is home to approximately 4.6 million Ma Sara people, scattered in various small and medium-sized towns and border cities located in mining areas and industrial areas. Between cities and towns are barren farmland and small oases scattered at intervals. Each farmer must cultivate dozens of acres of land to make ends meet, and now the war has burned away acres and acres of crops.

Regarding the losses caused by the war, no matter whether it was unable to protect itself or not, the federal government headed by Governor Mar Sala was of course indifferent. Augustus's revolutionary army gave local farmers compensation equivalent to the value of their crops, so even those who had doubts about the revolution began to shout that the revolutionary army was the army of justice.

Of course, these supplements came from the large amounts of federal army supplies captured by the Revolutionary Army and local government reserves. It is worth mentioning that even when 70% of the population is starving, a large amount of food is still exported to Tarsonis and other core worlds through the Mar Sara airport.

The twelve connected states and free cities on the map, except for the capital area, have all been controlled by the revolutionary army. The government forces only control less than one-third of the capital area. If Augustus hadn't deliberately not launched a general offensive and left the government troops hanging on to their last breath, the capital area would have fallen three days ago.

Currently, after delivering five more Port of the Dead divisions to Mar Sara, the Revolutionary Army has more than 70,000 troops on the surface, of which about 10,000 soldiers possess CMC-200s and a small number of CMC-300s. Powered armor, more than thirty arc-light tanks and four companies of Goliath armed robots provide fire support.

The remaining Revolutionary Army soldiers who undertake combat missions wear older exoskeleton armor that lacks armor and can only provide some protection for the wearer. The exoskeleton armor comes from the T-230 port unloading used in various factories to strengthen workers. Use exoskeleton armor, which has an alloy mechanical skeleton that can enhance the wearer's strength and a simple servo system, which is powered by batteries.

Compared with the Kaimorian Labor Auxiliary Army who only wear combat uniforms sewn with kinetic energy plates, these exoskeleton armors can provide considerable mobility to help Revolutionary Army soldiers keep up with elite troops wearing power armor, but the protection Relying only on a full-metal helmet, armor plates on the chest, and body armor, these protections do not have much practical significance when facing bullets that are electromagnetically accelerated to several times the speed of sound.

The Federation Marine Corps carried by Alpha Squadron is not only equipped with CMC-300 powered armor, but even based on the ratio during the Battle of Kailian, the proportion of resocialized soldiers has already exceeded 70%, and it is not. There is no shortage of armored personnel carriers and other vehicles that can quickly deliver troops to the front line.

Just like other high-ranking officers of noble origin in the Terran Federation army, Edmund Duke not only does not object to commanding immoral resocialized soldiers, but is also very happy to replace the soldiers in Alpha Squadron with these dull but tough soldiers. A reformed soldier who is not afraid of death.

In a head-to-head, single-threaded battle, these well-equipped resocialized soldiers can undoubtedly defeat any human army of equal numbers. The entire defeat of the Camorians on the main battlefield was precisely due to the combination of resocialized soldiers and power armor. Caught off guard.

It is almost impossible for the Revolutionary Army to defeat Alpha Squadron on the frontal battlefield. The combat effectiveness of Blood Eagle Alpha is by no means inferior to that of any well-known federal army, not to mention that among them, apart from being resocialized soldiers, they have experienced previous wars. of veterans.

What Augustus had to do was to avoid his sharp edge and lure the enemy deeper. From what Augustus knew about Duke, underestimating the enemy and being reckless would kill him sooner or later. As long as he hears the name of Augustus, Duke will rush forward as if he has been injected with chicken blood.

After staring at the map for five minutes, Sarah Kerrigan returned to Augustus' side holding a cup of thick instant coffee.

"You rely too much on coffee." Kerrigan said: "The Mengsk family's personal doctor told you that you should pay attention to rest. You always sleep too little and work too long."

Now Kerrigan has become almost an inseparable part of Augustus' life. This powerful ghost agent is not only responsible for Augustus's own defense, but also uses his powerful telepathy to test whether the generals around him are still loyal. .

Whenever new recruits join the army and new members of the Pan-Terran Revolutionary Party join the party, Kerrigan and other psykers under Augustus will conduct the final assessment through mind reading.

At the same time, Kerrigan also became Augustus' personal fighting instructor, teaching him the fighting skills from the Ghost Agent. Although Kerrigan believed that Augustus would never be used under his protection, Augustus himself hoped that he could be remembered by others as a brave revolutionary fighter.

"For today, four hours is enough." Augustus waved his hand. Since the revolutionary army could fight the government army, he always stayed at the headquarters. When battles broke out, Augustus would sometimes stay up all night. He would stay up for forty hours until his army was victorious or safely removed.

"I can still hold on." Augustus drank coffee while waiting for the latest news from the frontline troops. The only thing he could do now was to wait: "I sleep when I think that my soldiers are going through life and death on the frontline. It’s gone.”

"I'm really worried that you will suddenly collapse one day." Kerrigan said: "Isn't that Lisa Cassidy writing to you every day asking about your health? She is simply doubting that I can't take good care of you. .”

"Of course I can take care of myself." When Augustus was still trying to explain something, the dark face of Lieutenant General Horace Warfield suddenly appeared on the holographic projection in front of him.

"Augustus, Alpha Squadron has begun to deliver landing troops to the ground." He said: "In less than ten minutes, two hundred APOD transport ships and shuttles have left the fleet. By counting these ships At the same rotation speed as the latitude of landfall, we expect them to landfall on the eastern continent of the Southern Hemisphere."

"The enemy fleet is approaching our fleet at full speed." As Warfield was speaking, Augustus could see that the bridge of the Iron Justice was shaking violently.

"They have eleven Behemoth-class battlecruisers and twenty-six Kraken destroyers. Our fleet does not have the advantage."

"Convey my order to the entire fleet. Everything will be carried out according to the predetermined plan without any changes."

"Full authority is given to the command of Lieutenant General Warfield to implement the predetermined battle plan." Augustus said: "The Second Fleet with the Iron Justice as the flagship should not be reluctant to fight, and send S-315, S-314 and S-708 respectively. A short jump across the star system to induce the enemy fleet to split up its forces and pursue it.”

"After the First Fleet completed the jump, the Second Fleet jumped from S-489 to the Sara system and surrounded the Alpha Squadron fleet staying in the system."

"Divide and annihilate them, defeat them one by one."

"Sir, the Marines of Alpha Squadron have begun to land." Another portrait of a revolutionary lieutenant appeared on the main screen. He was the officer responsible for managing the control center in the command center.

"Our radar has detected landing forces of Alpha Squadron over the Plains of Bones and over the Red Mesa. Our fighters are taking off."

At this time, Augustus's staff officers and military advisors hurried over.

"The Plains of Bones and the Red Mesa are to our north and east, less than a hundred miles away from the Capital District. If they land at this location, it means that the troops attacking the Capital District are being attacked by defensive forces and reinforcements. Alpha Squadron is caught in the middle.”

"Whose brigade is closest to the enemy?" Augustus asked loudly.

"It's Mira Han's and Tychus Finley's two brigades." A staff officer replied: "With other support troops, the total is eleven thousand soldiers."

"Order Tychus Finley's motorized infantry brigade to snipe the reinforcements of Alpha Squadron, and retreat at the fifth minute after the exchange of fire - order Mira Han and the remaining troops to withdraw from the capital area, south - to retreat towards the headquarters. " said Augustus.

Judging from the map in front of Augustus, his Fort Martin was directly below the capital area. In between was a deserted area composed of highlands, hills and canyons full of rugged rocks. The terrain there was complex and particularly suitable for Mountain troops fighting.

This place is called the Desolate Canyon, which is about six hundred miles deep. The first two hundred miles is an open valley, and the deeper it goes, the narrower it becomes. From the air, it looks like a cross-section of a thin-necked bottle.

"Have the other troops arrived at the scheduled location?" Augustus asked.

"Reno and Gustav's armies have arrived in the Desolate Valley, and Colonel Hank's Firebats have entered the bottleneck area of ​​the Desolate Valley. The 1st Division of Rundstein in the west of the capital area has begun to launch a general attack on the Governor's Mansion. It is expected that in After half an hour, the defenses on its front were breached and the governor's army was driven north."

Immediately afterwards, photos taken by reconnaissance drones and reports dictated by frontline generals were transmitted back to the command center within two hours.

February 18, 2490, 23:00 local time. Alpha Squadron's two divisions of Marines, two armored brigades, a combat support Draken railgun artillery brigade and a service support brigade totaling 36,000 federal soldiers were divided into three groups by transport ships and APOD-33 The first transport plane arrived in the southern hemisphere of Mar Sara.

It took the federal army less than two hours to land on the red Gobi and desert at the low latitudes of Ma Sara. About 300 Wraith fighter jets from four air wings were responsible for providing fire support to the landing force. The scientific ship Yamei The Riko descends below the planet's thin atmosphere.

If the intelligence is correct, then Colonel Edmund Duke, the commander of Alpha Squadron, will serve as the overall commander of this battle. With admirable courage, he went to the front line in person and led the federal army to destroy the rebels.

The federal army divided into three groups and advanced toward the capital area from the Plains of Bones, the Red Mesa, and the Ridge Plains. Among them, the mobile force commanded by Tychus Finley will face the two federal armies of about 20,000 Alpha Squadron soldiers head-on.

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