StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 189 It’s all a good thing

Ma Sara, Desolate Canyon, 16:23 pm local time.

The federal army is passing through the open entrance of the desolate canyon. Alpha Squadron soldiers wearing bright white CMC-300 power armor are advancing in the red desert, like a silvery white torrent.

Due to the lack of large-scale refineries in the area, all military oil storage facilities and supply centers have been looted by the revolutionary army. The compressed fuel produced by refining and distilling high-energy gas can only rely on air drops, so not many people can get on armored vehicles. But fortunately, power armor can greatly save the wearer's physical strength, allowing them to march all day long.

When the Alpha Squadron fleet in orbit was in a bitter battle, the compressed fuel supply became a big problem. The Alpha Squadron landing force could only obtain compressed fuel from the locals of Mar Sara - of course they would not pay, they all relied on Steal, cheat or even rob.

The public dissatisfaction boiled wherever the Terran Federation Army represented by Alpha Squadron passed by. The army arbitrarily commandeered all vehicles and roads, shot any local residents of Mar Sara who dared to resist and classified them as rebels.

As a result, in less than a day, Alpha Squadron had killed many enemies.

Most of the soldiers are advancing on foot, while officers are sitting in command vehicles and armored vehicles. All fuel must be given priority to the heavy trucks, tanks and Goliath armed robots that carry heavy artillery.

Even so, those Alpha Squadron officers who came from the warmth and comfort of Tarsonis Prime still complained about the terrible desert of Mar Sara and the equally terrible food, clothing, housing and transportation. The whining wind always stirs up rust-colored sand, rendering everything in the world the same color.

The complaints were only among the senior officers. The resocialized soldiers under their command not only worked hard like mules and donkeys, but also firmly believed that this was just a test for soldiers.

As the number of socialized soldiers gradually increased, these soldiers who had undergone brain surgery gradually began to take on more responsibilities. In the combat unit of Alpha Squadron, the highest military rank of resocialized soldiers has been promoted to lieutenant, which means that an entire platoon of soldiers, including the commander, are robots who can only execute orders dullly.

Thanks to the socialization project, military discipline is no longer an issue. All thorns and unstable factors have been permanently and thoroughly removed, and combat effectiveness is far greater than before.

Colonel Duke's command vehicle drove at the front of the marching column, with only one vanguard battalion in front of the command vehicle. This vanguard battalion had been following the two Marine brigades of Tychus Finley's men, and found nothing except a few straggler Revolutionary soldiers and a few reconnaissance vehicles.

Not only that, Tychus also ordered the troops to lay mines while retreating, which forced the pursuing Alpha Squadron to spend more time dealing with the spider mines and other various automatic induction mines buried deep in the rust-colored sand. , there are casualties from time to time.

The colonel's command vehicle is an armored command vehicle Jaguar 57. The spacious compartment is enough to accommodate ten staff officers. There are several radio stations and intelligent computers in the carriage that can communicate with troops at all levels. The officers' guns and coats are hung on the walls.

At this time, the command vehicle was following the marching column. Colonel Duke and several headquarters staff members were sitting in the command vehicle, casually stuffing sandwiches made of luncheon meat and lettuce into their mouths while studying combat maps and communicating with troops at all levels. connection.

At this time of year, it always gets dark very quickly. The sun fell into the earth at an unusually fast speed. When the incandescent sun burning the land of Ma Sara sank, the clouds in the sky were suddenly burned into the color of flames, and then disappeared like a flash in the pan.

After the sky darkened completely, dark clouds began to press in from the horizon, and the originally hot air became cold.

As the darkness suddenly fell, there were some uneasy sounds in the command vehicle. Some people thought that they should stop immediately and set up a military camp, send scouts or call for air support. Others thought that even if there were infrared rays and heat sources Sensing equipment into an unfamiliar barren land in the dark is tantamount to suicide.

During this period, Duke had a quarrel with the command chain and officers in the General Staff. The staff officers believed that the army should set up camp outside the deserted canyon and wait until the next day to take a detour through the complex terrain of the canyon. In addition, some people believe that it is a very feasible plan to deliver an elite force directly to Augustus Mengsk through a transport ship to the location of the Revolutionary Army command center.

After all, Augustus's original Heavenly Demon Force became famous for its airborne operations.

Colonel Duke, who was sitting in the command vehicle, was extremely annoyed by this.

Even though it had entered the cold night and was extremely unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, Colonel Duke still persisted in ordering Alpha Squadron to march at night. Because for him, since the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was already in front of him, he should attack quickly, otherwise Augustus would definitely escape again.

In Duke's eyes, the shabby fleet of the Revolutionary Army can only be said to have a little combat effectiveness, and their army is nothing more than a group of rotten fish and shrimps. Alpha Squadron's solution to a group of hastily armed farmers would be no easier than squeezing a chick to death. As long as the revolutionary army's position enters the range of the railgun Alpha Squadron, everything should come to an end.

The officers believed that Edmund Duke lacked basic military and tactical acumen. He was good at assault and his combat style was unchanged. Among the many tactics, Duke always chooses the most destructive and most effective one, without considering his own losses.

The argument went nowhere, as Duke refused to listen to any suggestions that would not allow him to launch an offensive plan.

"Colonel, our fighters can no longer provide us with any form of reconnaissance or fire support. They must return to the nearest airport to replenish compressed fuel and ammunition, and the nearest airport is tens of thousands of miles away." The staff officers are saying When Colonel Duke's voice buzzed in his ears, a radio station from the rear brought him bad news.

Duke could only accept this fact. He had already learned that the fleet in Mar Sara's synchronous orbit was at a disadvantage when fighting the revolutionary fleet and was unable to provide any support to the landing force.

At the same time, the defeat in the fleet battle was also an important factor urging Duke to prepare for a quick victory. Duke became impatient and eager to return to the fleet before it was completely defeated by the Revolutionary forces.

"If there's any other bad news, tell me." Duke never regrets any decision he makes.

"Our leading force, the 7th Marine Brigade, which was chasing the forces of Tychus, the Demon of Heaven, discovered a new rebel army one hundred and sixty miles away from us. Their firepower was strong, and the 7th Brigade's attack was blocked."

"These cowards finally dare to stop fighting? This is a good thing." Duke smiled after hearing this. What he was most afraid of now was that the revolutionary army was playing a hide-and-seek game with him.

"Alpha Squadron will crush them!"

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