StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 190 Fierce Battle in the Canyon

At 17:00, the vanguard of the Alpha Squadron's pursuit mission exchanged fire with the Revolutionary Army's Harnak Division and Tykes Division at the bottleneck of the desolate canyon. Compared with the wide terrain in the previous section of the canyon, the mouth of the bottleneck is like the narrow neck of a bottle. The distance between the rock walls on both sides shrinks rapidly, and the narrowest point is only a hundred feet.

It was like a suddenly tightening pocket, and Harnak Hunk and Tychus Finlay's troops were like the rope that tightened the pocket.

The Revolutionary Army's position is located in the rear two-thirds of the bottleneck section of the canyon, less than twenty miles from the exit of the canyon, and beyond that is the command center of Fort Martin where Augustus is located. In other words, if the troops of Harnak and Tychus cannot hold here, then Augustus will face the front of Alpha Squadron.

The position was constructed by excavators and construction vehicles using steel fenders, concrete and battlecruiser armor plates, separated by bunkers and two command centers that served as fortresses.

"Mengsk really knows how to summon people to do hard work for him. We are suffering here, but he is sitting in the command center at the rear, having fun with the female agent and female nurse." In a bunker surrounded by protective steel plates, Tai Case was sitting on a stool, lighting a cigar, next to a Whisperer heavy machine gun.

"One redhead, one blonde."

This bunker is so small that it can only accommodate the burly Tychus and Harnak in Firebat armor. And after wearing power armor, even standing was not very tiring. Tychus moved a stool and sat down with his legs crossed, which made the already small space even more difficult to accommodate a few people.

Although the two of them are the highest-ranking commanders here, their officers would never have imagined that Tychus and Harnak had just fought over this stool, and it was already obvious who was the winner. .

These two villains always see eye to eye when they are doing bad things, but they will immediately turn against each other when distributing benefits.

"Do you think the boss knows about women's butts and thighs just like you?" Hanak was still angry about what happened just now: "Sooner or later you will pay the price for this kind of thing. Then don't expect the boss to be like before. Then bring someone to rescue you!"

"He just wants me to owe him a favor, do you understand?" Tychus pointed to his head: "Nobles like them only think about exchange of interests, everything is a transaction, there is no friendship. "

"You don't think there are real brothers in this world who share life and death, do you? When I'm caught by the Federation or something else, will he really fish me out at all costs?" In any case, Tychus never Believe no one, don't believe love is stronger than gold.

"Huh? Little brat."

"If it's the leader, if that person is named Augustus Mengsk, then he will definitely do this." Harnak said: "You piece of shit, if you dare to betray us, I will burn you." Turned into ashes.”

"Haha——" Tychus stood up grumblingly: "I only work hard for money——"

"Shut up, I've heard this at least seven or eight times." Hanak cursed a few times and then pointed to the observation port in front of the bunker and said, "They are coming."

"Pyromaniacs, start the barbecue." He said on his unit's command channel.

"Light your matches."

In the dark night, flash bombs lit up the night sky. Heavily armed soldiers of Alpha Squadron in white power armor rushed toward the revolutionary army's position on the sandy red soil.

The Alpha Squadron in white powered armor and the Revolutionary Army soldiers in crimson powered armor shot at each other. Nail bullets with several times the speed of sound, copper-plated steel blunt-tipped bullets, and sharp-tipped depleted uranium bullets formed a barrage as dense as a rain curtain.

There were more than 20,000 soldiers in this narrow area, with several thousand firing simultaneously on the spread out line. About two battalions of the Revolutionary Army were Hanak's fire bat troops, and a wall of plasma flames illuminated half of the rock wall.

These Firebat power armors were designed jointly by chief engineer Rory Swann and the Heavenly Demon armor technician. After all, the latter participated in the design and development of the Firebat power armor by Hiram Fike.

The Firebat powered armor of the Revolutionary Army is different from that of the Federation. They use the improved CMC-300 instead of CMC-250. The visor and breastplate of the powered armor are thickened and coated with heat-resistant plating. For the wearer's comfort, the plasma fuel tank on the back of the power armor also adds a thermal barrier.

It is reported that this armor technician is also participating in the "Reaper" power armor and twin-turbo jump backpack scientific research projects planned by Augustus himself. It is envisaged that soldiers wearing this kind of power armor will be able to climb hundreds of feet high cliffs and fly in the air like Superman.

Based on his own experience in using Firebat armor, Colonel Harnak Hank suggested adding dual fuel tanks to these to enhance endurance and avoid the embarrassing situation of being half burned and unable to get out of the fire.

In addition, Swann also installed granular scorching agent filaments in the plasma fuel tanks of the Revolutionary Firebat and other flamethrowers, allowing the flamethrower to emit more powerful blue plasma flames.

In Swann's words: "It's blue and sparkling."

This caused the flames ejected by the Revolutionary Army's Pyrotroopers to turn into a shining blue. Their commander Harnak was obsessed with creating an epic combustion and devoted himself to making his Pyrotroopers Become the most notorious pyromaniac.

In several of Harnack's battalions, the only requirement for recruiting soldiers was whether they would indicate on a questionnaire that they had gone too far as children.

Therefore, when several skirmisher lines of Alpha Squadron rushed to the Revolutionary Army's position under the cover of arc light tanks and Goliath armed robots, they were immediately covered in blue hot plasma by the Revolutionary Army's Spitfire Troops.

When the self-propelled artillery and electromagnetic guns of the Alpha Squadron opened fire, the rumble of artillery resounded throughout the canyon, like the roar of a thunder god. The electromagnetic-accelerated kinetic energy artillery shells fell on the revolutionary army's position, setting off a stream of sand and soil hundreds of feet high. The spring pillars formed.

The first round of shelling caused heavy casualties to the revolutionary troops on the position, and accidentally injured a considerable number of resocialized soldiers who had rushed to the position.

Of course, the artillery commander of Alpha Squadron just pretended that nothing happened.

At the same time, hundreds of Wraith fighters and heavy bombers modified from APOD-33 transport aircraft immediately took off from a military airport built by Augustus in advance near the desolate canyon.

In the eyes of soldiers on both sides, these fighter planes were like firebirds riding orange-red flames. They carried the anti-aircraft missiles of Alpha Squadron's Goliath armed robots and bombarded the federal army's artillery positions indiscriminately. The rumbling sound of artillery immediately It just misfired.

It was 2 hours before Alpha Squadron's attacking troops began to retreat, leaving behind hundreds of bodies in power armor. The Revolutionary Army was no better off than them. Due to the lack of enough power armor and heavy weapons, even the most elite Revolutionary Army needed to pay heavier casualties to repel Alpha Squadron's resocialized attack.

After the first round of attack, Alpha Squadron only rested for ten minutes before launching another fierce attack.

This time, Colonel Edmund Duke, who arrived later, personally led the assault team. He was completely unaware that a large rebel army had blocked the entrance to the canyon and was advancing at full speed towards his back. .

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