StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 191 Support the front line

At four o'clock in the morning on the 20th, several gorgeous meteors flashed outside the window of the command island of the Martin Fortress Command Center. They were the broken keel of an Alpha Squadron Behemoth-class battlecruiser.

Although the sky had been filled with dark clouds just a few hours ago, it wasn't raining here. The rain clouds that piled up in the sky were just bursts of thunder, which were quickly blown farther away. For native amphibians and thorn plants, this is a happy ending.

Augustus couldn't remember how long it had been since he had closed his eyes for a long time. No one advised him to take a good rest or sleep for a few hours. There was a lot of artillery fire outside, and even the Revolutionary Army soldiers who were not on defense missions would probably not be able to sleep in their military camp dormitories.

The deserted canyon battlefield less than twenty miles away from Martin's Fortress has turned into a real meat grinder during more than ten hours of fierce fighting, with rivers of blood flowing and corpses strewn everywhere.

From 18:00 on the 19th, the leading troops of the Alpha Squadron on the pursuit mission exchanged fire with the troops of Harnak and Tychus. At around 22:00, eight main divisions of the revolutionary army, led by Renault and Lundstein, stormed the rear of the Alpha Squadron Army. Several Marine divisions completed the encirclement. The number of casualties on both sides soared from the initial few hundred to thousands. This number increased exponentially, far exceeding the number of casualties suffered by the revolutionary army since its first official establishment.

The federal army and the revolutionary army invested a total of about 150,000 people on a land area of ​​less than a few dozen square miles, including about 20,000 people in the Alpha Squadron, and the revolutionary army invested about 15,000 veterans of the 1st Division of the Korhal Revolutionary Army. , three Port of the Dead recruit divisions totaling more than 78,000 people, two Mar Sara local brigades of 10,000 people, and three main forces of the revolutionary army brought back by Warfield from Umoyan who had participated in the defense of Korhal. The division has about 40,000 people.

During the alternation of offense and defense, the offensive and defensive fronts of some units of the two armies overlapped. After all the ammunition was used up and the supply troops were disconnected, hand-to-hand combat even broke out in some areas. Behind its own lines, the artillery unit of Alpha Squadron, which lacked cover, suffered heavy losses due to the inability to install bayonets on their railguns.

The Revolutionary Army has more than 40,000 sets of CMC-200 and a small amount of Type 300 powered armor. Most of them come from the United States of Umoyan and several joined colonial worlds with a high degree of autonomy. The rest come from captured proceeds. , the remaining soldiers can only wear exoskeleton armor with weak protective capabilities.

Putting aside the existing arc light tanks, Goliath armed robots, and several Sidewinder prototype tanks, the number of heavy firepower weapons held by the Revolutionary Army is negligible, except for a small number of electromagnetic guns and unmanned bombers supported by Umoyan. .

"Edmund Duke gave up the idea of ​​breaking out from the front of Generals Reynold and Lundstein in the north an hour ago." A different voice finally came from the typing on the keyboard and the clicking of the radio in the headquarters. , like ice edges colliding with each other in a river in early spring.

"Now, Duke has given up on the Federal Marines that were held back by Major General Reno, and instead led the elite guards of Alpha Squadron and fleet soldiers to the south to re-attack the canyon bottleneck position where Harnak and Tychus are located. Prepare to break out from there." After Augustus' former lieutenant was killed while leading his reserves to support the bottleneck position, his Ghost agent escort Sarah Kerrigan temporarily served as his lieutenant.

"Duke wants to fight me to the death." Augustus would still think of the young lieutenant's face now.

That was a cadet who graduated from the Keha Military Academy, and was the first and last batch of revolutionary army officers in the academy. He was killed by a delayed-fuse aerial bomb at the age of twenty-five. He was the eldest son and had a pregnant fiancée.

He was one of the thousands of Revolutionary soldiers who died today, and was nothing special. The only difference was that Augustus remembered his name.

Without that battle, no one would die. After all, the highly resocialized federal army is not the local planetary defense force and civil defense force of Mar Sara. The equipment is backward and the training is lax, and the will to fight is weak. It is not even as good as a group of pigeons. . After all, Alpha Squadron is an army composed of professional soldiers, and resocialized soldiers are not comparable to militiamen.

"The remaining battleships of Alpha Squadron are regrouping on an icy frozen planet at the outermost edge of the Sala system, but our fleet still has the advantage, which means Duke can no longer return to his fleet." Augustus His voice was hoarse, and his vision became a little blurry because he always stared at the same holographic projection map.

In the past, Augustus may have been in the mood to enjoy wine, black tea and expensive fine chocolates like a nobleman, but now he just kept pouring military coffee into his mouth to improve concentration and concentration.

"As long as Duke can drive away Harnak and Tychus, we will have no danger except a few minefields in front of Martin's Fortress." Augustus continued: "Duke will then be able to destroy the rebels in one fell swoop. The army's command center caused chaos. At the same time, Duke was able to take some Alpha Squadron soldiers back to high-altitude orbit through the aerodrome of the Martin Fortress command center."

"The bottleneck position that Harnak and his team are holding is crucial. It is the choke point." He said: "In the coming time, the bottleneck position will inevitably become the center of the entire battle."

"The attrition situation on the bottleneck position is so serious that some companies and even battalion-level troops have only a dozen people left, and the last reinforcement of the reserve force set off three hours ago." Kerrigan, as a powerful spirit A capable person can perfectly fulfill the role of adjutant, and her thinking is smart and flexible enough. More importantly, Kerrigan knew what Augustus was thinking, what he needed and what he wanted to do.

No one is more empathetic than a mind-reading psychic.

At this time, an information soldier rushed over: "Colonel Harnak requested additional troops. Alpha Squadron launched a new round of offensive and has captured almost two-thirds of our positions."

"Duke's Alpha Squadron has been besieged for nearly eleven hours, and they are ready to fight." Augustus held his breath and took a few steps before stopping.

"I remember we have no reserve troops available." As he said this, Augustus turned to look at Kerrigan beside him. In a large-scale battle at the legion level, which side's reserves are exhausted first shows that they are struggling in the battle and are at a disadvantage.

"All the reserve forces in Fort Martin have already set off. Now there are only Corporal Faraday's guard battalion, information company and logistics company in the marshal's headquarters." Kerrigan said to Augustus: "Other than that, we There’s also an engineering corps.”

"And the staff," Augustus said.

"The headquarters must not retreat. As long as we can hold out until Renault's troops can separate, surround and annihilate the rest of Alpha Squadron, we will win the battlefield battle."

Immediately afterwards, Augustus issued an order on the channel of the All-Martin Fortress Command Center: "The chief of general staff and people from the information operations and support departments will stay, and all other departments, including the engineering corps, will go to the barracks and armory. Come here to collect your power armor and gauss rifles, regardless of your rank as private or staff lieutenant colonel."

"Submit a suicide note and salary to your commander when receiving your weapons. If you do not want to go to the battlefield, please submit a description of the relevant circumstances."

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