StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 194 Sacrifice

At this time, the desolate canyon was still in darkness, but a hint of white had appeared in the east, and dawn was about to come.

Duke was quite trustworthy in surrendering, and the remaining more than a hundred Alpha Elite Guard soldiers threw all their weapons to the ground and raised their hands.

Most of these are resocialized soldiers who do the bidding of their most senior commanders. At this time, the drawbacks of large-scale resocialization became apparent. When a senior commander defected, he could immediately order his subordinates to lay down their weapons or issue a ceasefire order.

And even if someone is holding a gun to a resocialized soldier's head, as long as his superiors tell him to put down his weapon and stop resisting, he will do so without hesitation.

Instructions for absolute loyalty to the Federation were written into the minds of the resocialized soldiers, but they did not actually understand what loyalty was - after all, bombarding the Hall of Reason, where the Federation Council of Tarsonis was located, could also be said to be a type of loyalty. .

"Don't play any tricks on me. I know you still have two ghost agents." Augustus led his soldiers and strode towards the soldiers of Alpha Squadron who had put down their weapons. He said as he walked.

A few seconds later, two ghost agents armed with heavy sniper rifles appeared. After some hesitation, they also lowered their weapons.

Edmund Duke, wearing white commander armor, walked out from the dejected Alpha Squadron soldiers. He was tall and had a golden eagle emblem on his armor.

"I hope your commitment is worth the price." Duke did not take off his helmet, but just walked up to Augustus and threw his gun and holster at the other's feet.

"I have issued surrender orders to all military channels, but the Marines may not necessarily obey my orders. If the Marines are unwilling to surrender, then I have no problem with just killing them."

"My promise counts at all times." Augustus looked at the soldiers, Corporal Faraday, who immediately ordered the Revolutionary Army soldiers to collect the weapons of Alpha Squadron and ordered them to take off their power armor.

"Today, I made a big mistake." Duke said angrily, "I fell into your trap."

"And this trap is actually not difficult to see." Augustus looked at Duke and said. He didn't want to make a long victory speech: "In the final analysis, you have always regarded the revolutionary army as a peasant rebel army with low combat effectiveness."

After speaking, Augustus ordered the Revolutionary Army soldiers to reboard the transport ship, and Duke was escorted by Corporal Faraday to board the ship together.

The transport ship took off on the flat sand, and the propeller stirred up wind and sand. As it continued to rise, the horizon, shrouded in a layer of white light at the edge, gradually turned into a curve. It was less than two miles away from the Bottleneck Fortress, and it didn't take long for Augustus to see the main battlefield that was still shining.

Duke didn't lie. Except for the exchange of fire in some areas, the main battlefield in the Desolate Canyon has become quiet again.

Judging from the information sent back by Reno, Lundstein and other troops, the federal army either put down its weapons dully or surrendered under the leadership of officers. There are still several brigade-level remnants of the Federal Marine Corps still hanging around. Resistance. Currently, Reno and others' troops are concentrating their superior forces to deal with the remnants of the federal army that are still unwilling to surrender.

The Revolutionary Army defenders at the bottleneck recognized the identity of the transport ship and did not open fire. Even so, the transport ship Augustus was on couldn't find even a place to land, and could only temporarily land near a command center that had been bombarded with only a steel frame structure left.

Wherever the light of the transport ship can shine, bombed-out bunkers and simple modular buildings can be seen everywhere. Each destroyed bunker is like half a burnt egg shell, and the alloy steel plates that were considered indestructible have long been shattered.

Dropped weapons, copper-plated bullet casings, railgun shell fragments sunk deep in the rust-colored sandy soil, and body parts that Augustus couldn't bear to see were everywhere, still covered in hot metal. The power armor plates include both the white of Alpha Squadron and the red of the Revolutionary Army. The blood blended into the red soil of Ma Sara, as if it had returned to its original body.

In bunkers and craters plowed out by cannons, corpses could be seen stacked up everywhere. Powered armor was riddled with holes. Even with armor protection, there were still people who were hit by heavy machine guns and large-caliber magnetic rails. The gun was beaten into a sieve. The soldiers of Alpha Squadron and the Revolutionary Army died in a twisted and bizarre way, almost embracing but actually clashing muzzles and bayonets. The dead were countless.

Augustus knew that a soldier who had been baptized by the flames of war might have already become numb to such a scene. Augustus had seen a lot of death. Death had taken away his former comrades and thousands of warriors from his hands, and all he could do was bury them.

It was Augustus who took these young people away from their families. They thought that pursuing the marshal would lead to light and hope, but in the end they were buried in a marginalized world that they had never even heard of before. There is almost no resemblance to their warm and beautiful hometown of Korhal IV.

When Augustus walked towards the transport ship, Duke had already had his power armor removed and his hands were tied tightly with ropes. He was only wearing a thin navy combat uniform made of plastic fabric, and a dark gray military coat from the Revolutionary Army, shivering in the cold wind.

The revolutionary troops in the spacecraft immediately rushed to the almost ruined position, searching for possible survivors in the ruins of collapsed bunkers and fortification walls.

Augustus couldn't hear even a single cry or wailing. Where the light of the transport ship could shine, there was only death.

"There are still people alive down there!" At this time, Kerrigan emerged from the invisible state and guided the Revolutionary Army soldiers to dig out a collapsed ruin. Kerrigan's telepathic abilities help her discover survivors buried in the rubble, and she can detect even unconscious brain activity.

The SCVs of the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps who came to join the battle immediately started rescue work in their areas of expertise. They used the melting guns of the space engineering vehicles to cut through the metal on the bunker, and then used power clamps to pull out the survivors buried in the ground. . The SCVs in the engineering group are all skilled workers. They are all between thirty and forty years old, and there are few young people.

Whether in the Federal Marines or the Revolutionary Army, the SCVs, the engineering groups who can build modular buildings on various battlefields and weld tanks in the workshops, are known as "the fathers who carry diapers for the Marines."

"It took me a lot of time to break through this damn fortress. The rebels here are much tougher than I thought." Duke, standing behind Augustus, said at this time: "Before this, I It is impossible to imagine an army that could match the morale of resocialized soldiers, allowing them to maintain their tenacity after being nearly destroyed."

"Unheard of."

"My soldiers have firm faith." When Augustus saw the legs of the rescued revolutionary soldier whose legs were blown off, he felt sadness in his heart. Even though the soldier survived the pain, blood loss and infection, he had to rely on modified prosthetics for the rest of his life.

What Augustus could do was send more warriors disabled by the war back to Umoyan. These warriors will train new recruits and future officers at the barracks and military academy in New Stillling.

"And every Korhal who loses his home is a ghost hungry for revenge," Augustus said, "and you won't understand that."

"Even if you were asked to destroy Tarsonis, who gave birth to you, you wouldn't hesitate at all."

The confused Duke was about to retort when Tychus and Harnak, dressed in red armor, came to Augustus with several Revolutionary Army soldiers whose armors were covered with scars and burn marks.

"We have defeated all fourteen battalions." Harnak is a person who is adventurous by nature, but he still can't hide his sadness at this moment. His tone was fierce, roaring like a lion.

"But I daresay that the bastards of Alpha Squadron have killed far more people than we have."

"We've won, Hank," Augustus told him.

"Hey, Colonel Duke." Even though he had just walked away from the hell gate, Tychus still looked quite happy. When he saw Duke, he smiled brightly and spoke kindly to him.

"Seeing you again, you viper. What an honor."

At this moment, the sun in Ma Sara rose slowly, and the morning glow dyed the sky red.

A broken red flag, blackened by smoke and fire, fluttered in the morning breeze from the canyon, with a strong arm wrapped around a whip.

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