StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 195 Victory

By 7 a.m. on the 20th, the sky cleared, and the steep, nearly vertical rock wall on one side of the desolate canyon was bathed in cool sunlight, while the other side was still dim.

Augustus, wearing the commander's power armor, stood next to a command center at the forefront of the bottleneck position, looking towards the main battlefield a few miles away. Standing beside him were ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan and his guard commander. Corporal Faraday.

This has almost become the standard image when a revolutionary marshal appears. Whether he is wearing a dark gray thick woolen military coat like a cape or wearing power armor, there must be a popular-looking corporal and a red-haired agent beside him.

Sometimes Renault, Tychus or other revolutionary generals would follow Augustus to survey the terrain in various parts of Mar Sara and formulate battle plans. But wherever there is Augustus, Corporal Faraday and Kerrigan will definitely appear, and vice versa.

Thousands of transport planes and small and medium-sized spacecraft were flying at a low altitude of 2,000 feet, traveling between the battlefield and the field hospital near the Martin Fortress command center, carrying seriously injured and medical soldiers in urgent need of rescue.

In addition to the federal army-standard APOD series military transport ships, nearly two-thirds of them are civilian spacecraft rented by the revolutionary army. Most civilian spaceships are painted in dark yellow and black, and come in a variety of styles, from elegant butterflies to disc-shaped beetles.

Some spacecraft thrusters are still emitting black smoke. This is because the local people of Ma Sara are still using gas fuel that is illegally mined and extracted privately. From the Battle of Kailian to this day, this planet still implements an almost strict fuel supply policy of limited time and quantity, so smuggled gas that is cheap but not pure enough has become the first choice for many residents of edge worlds.

The residents near the desolate canyon have a far better impression of the revolutionary army than Governor Mar Sara and the government troops of the Alpha Squadron who arrived. They are willing to lend their illegally modified small spaceships to the revolutionary army, as long as the revolutionary army can pay. Afford the negligible gas bill.

Below the bottleneck position is a ramp with a gap of several hundred feet. From Augustus's position, one can see convoys carrying lightly wounded people and captured supplies rumbling up the ramp.

Armored personnel carriers, starport buses, factory trucks, heavy-duty trucks used to transport crystal mines, and many trucks carrying grains from local farmers in Marsala drove past Augustus one after another, and the road was leveled with a road roller. Pass the canyon and head south out of the canyon.

Most of these trucks coming from Augustus were full of wounded. Soldiers who had taken off their armor lay scattered in the truck bed. Almost everyone was wrapped in blood-stained bandages and hugged their rifles. The seriously injured revolutionary soldiers were drowsy, while the soldiers who were still awake were silent.

Behind the convoy full of wounded were heavy trucks pulling heavy artillery, ranging from rail cannons with a caliber of more than 150mm, howitzers to rocket launchers. Augustus alone could count five hundred of them, which was enough for Augustus. They are all armed with a reorganized artillery brigade under the marshal's command.

Then there were trucks loaded with CMC-powered armor, ammunition supply boxes and heavy machine guns. Both sides of the convoy were filled with Revolutionary Army soldiers advancing on foot. Each Revolutionary Army soldier was separated by twenty or thirty yards, and in the middle was the disarmed Alpha Squadron soldier, wearing only a black and white combat uniform.

In the pre-dawn battle, Augustus's revolutionary army finally defeated the Alpha Squadron's landing force, and at the same time captured nearly 10,000 well-preserved sets of CMC-300 power armor and more Federal Marine Corps standard ammunition. The remaining The thousands of sets of power armor left behind can be repaired and reused by Rory Swann and Hiram Fick.

At the same time, more than 200 Arc Light tanks and more than 160 Goliath armed robots of Alpha Squadron, which inflicted heavy losses on the Revolutionary Army during the battle, were also captured. The remaining armored vehicles, infantry combat vehicles, and infantry combat vehicles used as carriers by Alpha Squadron were also captured. The total number of reconnaissance vehicles and Vulture motorcycles reached two thousand, and the harvest was amazing.

By this time, with the surrender of Alpha Squadron's active flagship Norad III, the battle in Mar Sara's synchronous orbit also came to an end. The Revolutionary Army's fleet defeated Alpha Squadron's fleet while only seriously damaging two Leviathan-class battlecruisers.

Four Behemoth-class battlecruisers of the Alpha fleet were destroyed, two battlecruisers, including the Norad III and the Napoleon, surrendered, and the remaining five jumped away from the Sara system.

"How many people were killed in the battle?" Augustus waved to a truck going away, maintaining his steely and determined expression, and asked Kerrigan beside him.

"Less than 8,000 people, and more than 30,000 wounded." Kerrigan said carefully choosing her words: "Alfa Squadron's casualties were about one to two compared to ours, but there were more battle dead than us. Their equipment Better than us, with more firepower.”

Compared with the number of soldiers put into the battlefield by the Revolutionary Army and Alpha Squadron, the casualty ratio of the Revolutionary Army was not as high as that of Alpha Squadron. In fact, the death toll of Alpha Squadron was close to half of those who participated in the battle. Those who survived were only because they accepted Du Order to surrender.

"Resocialized soldiers are a group of lunatics. They would rather shed their blood to continue fighting and ignore the cries of their wounded comrades. They are just cheap consumables. In comparison, the equipment on these people is more valuable."

"Take them all back," Augustus said. "I can't bury them here. I want to take them home."

Kerrigan just blinked and listened carefully. In contrast, Corporal Faraday kept a straight face from beginning to end. This corporal, known as the captain of the marshal's guards, was actually the highest officer of the headquarters' security forces. He was always unsmiling no matter what.

"Notify the newly formed body disposal office that I need them to transport the ashes of the warriors back to Umoyan." At this point, Augustus was silent for a few seconds.

"Soldiers from the Port of the Dead - follow the advice of their families. If no one takes them, then bury the soldiers from the Port of the Dead who died in the war in the Cemetery of Heroes in New Stirling, Umoyan. Wait until we rebuild Korhal , and then bury them in Stillling——"

"I forgot, Stirling no longer exists." Augustus said, "Then he will be buried in the cemetery of the new capital."

After saying this, Augustus stopped talking, because he was seeing a green vulture chariot in the distance, riding past the convoy and heading straight for Augustus.

When the Vulture stopped in front of Augustus with a beautiful turn, Jim Raynor jumped out with Mira Han in his back seat.

"This is the most tragic battle I have ever fought." Renault was very sad.

"Many of my good brothers are dead."

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