StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 196 The Federal Army is not invincible

"Now, I often wonder if it is worth paying so many sacrifices." Raynor opened his power armor mask, revealing a face full of pain.

"Although I don't like the people of Alpha Squadron, I have to admit that they are much more difficult to deal with than the Haigo Dragon Legion of Kaimorian."

"My soldiers rushed forward. When one person fell, more people came up. Officers, political commissars and party members took the lead in the charge. We and the men of Alpha Squadron fought for each other in the mass grave for several acres. Fighting for it all depends on passion."

“At the end of the day, we watered this land with blood, and it still doesn’t grow rye or oats.”

"We have the advantage, but winning is not easy." Mira Han said immediately.

"Except for the Gauss rifle, all their weapons are better than ours, and their power armor is faster and stronger than ours, and many of us are still wearing exoskeleton armor with little protection." Mira looked serious. Only then did she truly look like a leader, majestic and oppressive.

"Only now do I know that the regular army is not comparable to the militia. If the Alpha Squadron had been met by other rebels, they would have been defeated long ago. Without us, those who wanted to launch an uprising with pistols and Molotov cocktails... The Sala people will definitely be swept away by Alpha Squadron like autumn leaves."

"If you want to succeed, you must pay the price of blood and sweat." Augustus looked at Renault and Mira, at their riddled power armor, and understood what kind of tragic battle they had experienced.

"This revolution is no small matter."

"Even if the Tyranid Federation's government is still corrupt, his army still maintains the hegemony of the Tarsonis Creation Family in the Koprulu sector and oppresses the people of the edge world." He said.

"All we can do is give our blood, tears and all the suffering we endure, and these sufferings will one day bind our warriors together and make them indestructible."

"The battle of Mar Sara proved that the Terran Federation's army is not invincible. Even Alpha Squadron was defeated by us. The giant Federation is just a clay statue that breaks at the touch of a touch."

"It won't be long before Alpha Squadron's failure at Mar Sara is known."

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple." Renault shook his head: "Alfa Squadron's failure in Mar Sara will definitely be blocked by the Federation, and they will even claim that they have wiped out all the rebels."

"This has to go to our old friend Mike Liberty. With the help of the Terra family and the Holt family, he has controlled a lot of resources at the UNN headquarters." Augustus said: "We have our own Newspapers and TV stations, but this is prohibited on the planet of the Terran Federation."

"To be honest, I'm really worried that Mike will be visited by a federal ghost agent one day. His situation is very dangerous." Renault calmed down. No matter what, they won after all. Regardless of the cost, they had eaten at least 20,000 members of the Alpha Squadron, and the equipment captured on the battlefield could arm at least two full divisions.

"I don't think a UNN news column host who reports negative news about the Federation every day can thrive in Tarsonis. Not only does he say good things for us, but he also frequently exposes some black materials about the Tarsonis government."

"Michael dances on the sword." Augustus shrugged.

"But fortunately, his dancing skills are outstanding."

"Well, may God bless him." Renault forced an ugly smile: "If there is really a God."

Then, Augustus and Renault stopped talking. They quietly stared at the distant motorcade and the marching army for a while, and suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I can't believe we won," Leno said.

"Yes." Augustus said: "We have been preparing for this day for more than a month, surveying the terrain, holding combat meetings, and working hard. So many people died, but fortunately we did not suffer defeat."

"Where is that guy Duke?" Renault suddenly remembered something: "I remember you said that he took the lead in surrendering."

"Honestly, I'm not surprised at all. Edmund Duke doesn't seem like the unyielding type."

"Where is he now?" Mira Han supported her waist and looked at Augustus. This power armor was still too big for the petite Mira. She had to put more than ten inches of soft padding under her butt, otherwise once the power armor was opened, she would only be able to expose her eyes and nose.

"I have to give my men an explanation."

"He is right next to him." Augustus led Reno and Mira to the command center next to him: "Tychus and Hank are staring at him."

"I hope the two of them won't mess with Duke." Mira said in shock.

The command center that Augustus was heading towards took off from the Martin Fortress and landed at the bottleneck position. According to Augustus's request, the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps headed by Rory Swann installed a stronger steel frame structure and battlecruiser-level titanium in this command center in addition to the superstructure and main building. Alloy steel plates, and multiple 250mm rail cannons were also installed.

The armor and heavy artillery installed on the command center were so heavy that the huge building lost the ability to fly.

The current command center has been almost completely destroyed. The burn marks of the energy weapons are clearly visible. Most of the armor plates have been penetrated, as if they were burnt fish scales.

Through a door guarded by two Revolutionary sergeants, Augustus and Renaud entered the makeshift cell where Edmund Duke was imprisoned.

When he walked into the temporary cell, Augustus saw Duke sitting on an iron chair, with his hands and feet locked by electromagnetic shackles. Duke's sharp-edged head was covered in bruises and bruises, and he didn't dare to move. Obviously, he was often punched and kicked by Tychus and Harnak next to him. These two villains never cared about whether the prisoners should be given preferential treatment.

"Damn Mengsk, this is not what you promised! I should be a general, not a prisoner!" Duke stood up as soon as he saw Augustus.

"The two are not in conflict." Renault saw Duke clenching his iron fist. As early as Turasis II, the people under Augustus wanted to beat Duke. After this battle, even more people hated him.

"I heard that you abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side?" he said sarcastically.

"Sit down," Augustus said softly to Duke.

"Your mission is not completed yet. I still need you to do two things."

"Then you will kill me?" Duke stared at Augustus, sweating profusely. He believed that Augustus was by no means a kind person. Augustus is the wolf of Mengsk. A wolf should be ruthless and eat people without spitting out their bones.

"I still have value. I am a member of the Duke family. I know the defense map of Tarsonis and the weaknesses of the remaining naval squadrons. Killing me will not get more than letting me be loyal to you." He was excited. say.

"I've long had enough of those idiots in the Parliament and Navy Headquarters. They were jealous of my talents and made me a lieutenant colonel for more than ten years!"

"I don't doubt anyone, but I don't doubt anyone I employ." Augustus said calmly: "If you can lead your Alpha Squadron to eliminate Governor Mar Sara's troops and kill him with your own hands, then I will temporarily believe you. Your loyalty.”

"There is still an Alpha Squadron of about 10,000 Marines on the Ridge Plains. I need you to persuade this unit to surrender."

Duke's troops were divided into three groups and landed at Mar Sara. Augustus destroyed only two groups of landing troops commanded by Duke, and the other group was commanded by a federal marine colonel. The colonel also heard Duke's order to surrender to the Revolutionary Army, but no matter what he thought, this army did not surrender. Instead, it continued to wander around the landing point, deliberately attacking towns controlled by the Revolutionary Army.

For Augustus, it was the best choice to minimize losses or even capture these Alpha squadrons without any blood. Augustus also wanted Alpha Squadron to be used for his own use if possible.

"How can you believe such a poisonous snake?" Renault's eyes widened.

"Don't worry, Jimmy, he's our viper now," Augustus replied.

"I will do what you say, you can trust me." Duke swore, "I swear allegiance to you, to my family and my honor."

"Okay, no matter what, before that, let me beat him up first." Renault waved his fist.

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