StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 197 The End of the Battle of Marsala

Chapter 197 The End of the Battle of Mar Sara

At 17:00 on February 20, Fort Martin.

The armory of Fort Martin is filled with power armor and weapons captured from Alpha Squadron, and federal standard railguns, howitzers and self-propelled artillery are set up in squares and open spaces.

The troops that had been withdrawn from the front line were being repaired in the temporary military camp set up outside Fort Martin. Compared with when they set off, there were many fewer people in these troops. All members of the squad, platoon and even the company were killed. Survivors All the soldiers could do was mourn the dead.

There were less than 15,000 Korhal soldiers left who initially went out with the Augustus fleet. They were reorganized into a veteran division under the direct jurisdiction of the command, called the Augustus. The Imperial Guards Division.

Various departments in the command center are still carrying out various post-war inventory and aftermath work, such as counting casualties, registering and searching for missing persons, and classifying captured trophies.

A Behemoth-class battlecruiser of the Revolutionary Fleet is parked above the command center eight thousand feet above the sky. A large number of transport aircraft and fighter planes use this huge, steel city-like battleship as their home port to travel between the sky and the ground. between.

Augustus, who was on the command island in the command center, grabbed his hair while processing various reports reported by various departments after the war. He kept walking around, looking at maps, looking at the list of casualties, and giving reports to people far away. Angus Mengsk of Moyan wrote a letter asking him to use the victory of this battle to obtain more military aid for the Revolutionary Army in the democratically elected parliament of the United Umojan Republic.

In addition, Augustus was still waiting for the final finishing touches of the battle to be completed.

As early as the morning, Edmund Duke, who had sworn allegiance to Augustus, led his own guard troops and set off together with the two brigades of Jim Raynor and Tychus Finley. Sarah's Warfield force converged on the Gray Ridge Plains to pursue and intercept the last Alpha Squadron landing force still roaming the area.

Judging from the information currently fed back to Augustus, Duke's work of persuading surrender was considered successful. When he ordered the soldiers in that army to lay down their weapons as the most senior commander, even if the Marines in Alpha Squadron To no avail, some of the officers who remained loyal to the Union declared Duke a traitor.

These resocialized soldiers, who had undergone nerve center modification and lobotomy surgery, really couldn't understand the inevitable connection between Duke's treason and his refusal to carry out his orders. After several hours of confusion, the officers found themselves unable to induce the soldiers who had laid down their weapons to continue fighting.

Soon, the officers of this Alpha Squadron lost the belief to continue fighting, and each department surrendered to the revolutionary army one after another. Those who still persisted in resisting were defeated due to the indifference of the resocialized soldiers.

By 19:00, Augustus received a report from Renault: the last federal army had surrendered, and the revolutionary army had completely gained control of all cities, industrial areas and mining areas in the southern hemisphere of Mar Sara.

Only then did Augustus breathe a sigh of relief.

At nearly 20 o'clock, two of Duke's ghost agents used the communication channel of the Alpha Squadron headquarters to contact the fleeing Governor Mar Sara, and then learned of his location in the name of protection, arrested him and handed him over to Austria. Gustus.

This announced the complete end of the Terran Federation's rule on the planet, and the Revolutionary Army took over control of all state governments and most township governments.

After learning the news, Augustus took out a bottle of red wine brought from Korhar IV from the wine cabinet. When he wanted to celebrate, he thought of the wounded revolutionary soldiers who were still suffering in the hospital, and silently Put the red wine back.

Immediately afterwards, Augustus ordered Kerrigan to prepare a command vehicle to depart for the field hospital.

The large-scale field hospital built using modular new steel materials and simple prefabricated panels was built by the Revolutionary Army's First Engineering Group. It is located in a basin created by geological movements in a deserted plain. The building is covered with an environmental simulation curtain, which can effectively Avoid detection by enemy reconnaissance aircraft.

Once the revolutionary army must move field hospitals, the SCVs of the engineering group will drive space engineering vehicles to recover these prefabricated houses and their attached reactor facilities, cooling towers, water towers and sewage facilities that were built within a few days.

Augustus and several staff officers from the headquarters walked in the corridor of the prefabricated building of the field hospital, passing by wards separated by color-changing glass doors. He heard intermittent groans of pain, and felt it again The cruelty of war.

The walls on both sides of the corridor were painted white, with green arrows and words marking the floor and room numbers. Revolutionary army doctors and nurses in white coats walked hurriedly past Augustus and his entourage. Just a slight nod.

The field hospital was filled with the smell of disinfectant and medicine. Revolutionary Army soldiers in military uniforms pulled trailers of medicines such as coagulants, analgesics, and antibiotics through one room after another.

The total number of beds in this field hospital is more than 15,000, but it is just barely enough. For this reason, the engineering group of the Revolutionary Army is building a second field hospital.

When Augustus turned a corner, he saw Lisa Kesidi walking towards him - the former medic of the Demon Squad in Heaven and one of the main persons in charge of this field hospital.

"There are still more than 500 people who are still being rescued. Our doctors are working hard to rescue them on the operating table. So far, the doctors have removed countless shrapnel from the wounded." Lisa cut her ginger hair short Long hair, with a stylish shoulder-length haircut, he turned a blind eye to Kerrigan behind Augustus.

"Many people died on the operating table, and even more people failed to survive the time from the battlefield to the field hospital. Most of the people sent here were young men between sixteen and twenty years old. Those in Tarsonis People are still treated like children.”

"The 0.50-caliber bullets of the Gauss rifle and the machine gun bullets of the Goliath robot took away the lives of many people, and all we can do is to save their hands and feet as much as possible." Lisa said calmly but desperately.

“Our doctors have been working day and night since the first casualty was sent to the field hospital in the early hours of the morning. They watched one young life after another pass away in their hands but could do nothing - like sand passing through their fingers. Passing through the gaps.”

"Our doctors are as brave and strong as the soldiers, and their achievements should be remembered by everyone." Augustus paused for a few seconds: "Let me go and see those soldiers."

"I have made arrangements for you." Lisa said to Augustus: "Emotionally stable, there is no post-war psychological trauma."

"What can I do for them?" Augustus rarely hesitated before walking in.

"You just have to say they are brave." Lisa nodded slightly.

"Tell those crippled by their injuries that they don't have to fight anymore."

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