StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 198 Renault becomes a father

Two days later, Joey Ray's Bar.

"This is Mar Sara CCTV. Revolutionary Army spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Boris has confirmed the news of the execution of Governor General Richard Lyon. The luxury goods and other illegal gains accumulated in the home of this criminal federal lackey are quite large. Three years of taxes on the entire Malaysian immigration area. Now, these illegal gains will be returned to his original owners."

"Mar Sara is close to de facto independence, another milestone in the revolutionary struggle against Federation tyranny. The Battle of Mar Sara is a new turning point, with the legendary Alpha Squadron becoming the hand of the Revolutionary Army. Defeated general."

"Colonel Edmund Duke of Alpha Squadron, a scion of the Duke family of Tarsonis, announced that he would join the Revolutionary Army. The following is his speech swearing in the Revolutionary Army -"

"I am Edmund Duke. Joining the glorious Korhar Revolutionary Army was the wisest decision of my life. I will never regret today's decision for decades to come. Alpha Squadron will accept the Revolutionary Army." The leadership of the Marshal Command. We will fight to the end the lackeys and minions of the federal government."

Listening to the report, there was a burst of cheers inside the bar. The people of Mar Sara have been oppressed by the federal government for too long, and they are increasingly dissatisfied with the exploitation of the corrupt governor-general government.

In addition to emphasizing revolution and freedom, Augustus's revolutionary army has always flaunted itself as an army that guards the people. They have firm beliefs and highly strict discipline and do not allow any means to seize any property from the people.

The Revolutionary Army assumes the responsibility of maintaining local security and temporary police, expelling and arresting bandits and gangsters, and allowing them to create value for the people through labor reform, which further enhances the prestige of the Revolutionary Army in many areas of Ma Sara. In comparison, what the federal government and the federal army have done is completely negative.

"Duke, if you surrender quickly—"

Revolutionary Army General Jim Raynor, who had just received a half-day vacation, was sitting alone on a round table in the bar, drinking himself a glass of his favorite No. 8 whiskey.

"I should have given you a few more tricks while you were still a prisoner," Reno said as he looked at Duke on the TV station, who was bruised and swollen and could hardly see his original appearance.

There is now no turning back for Duke, and the Terran Federation will soon regard him as the greatest traitor and a disgrace to the Navy.

Even if Duke returns to Tarsonis and lives out his life under the protection of his family, a commander who once surrendered to the rebels and begged for mercy will not have any chance of promotion in the army.

It is now morning, and there are not many people in the bar. Most of them are mining workers on vacation. As the Revolutionary Army took control of the town where Joey Ray's Bar was located, the crime rate dropped to an all-time low, losing its largest source of customers, and bars, casinos, and custom industries like strip clubs suffered a heavy blow.

While drinking the bitter No. 8 whiskey, Renault listened to the reports on the bar TV. The local TV station in Mar Sara and the news newspaper officially funded by the federal government have long been controlled by the revolutionary army. In recent days, residents from all over the southern hemisphere have All can listen to the latest reports on the battle between the revolutionary army and the government army through TV.

Of course, local residents can still listen to official federal channels such as UNN TV, but now the people of Ma Sala regard UNN News Network’s reports as a joke. To this day, UNN Universe News Network is still broadcasting documentaries about the revolutionary army massacring local residents.

While he was drinking, Renault saw Augustus in a dark gray military coat walking in. Kerrigan followed him closely, while Corporal Faraday was guarding the door of the bar with his soldiers.

"I thought you would use your rare free time to stay with your girlfriend Elizabeth." Augustus finished his words and sat across from Renault, while Kerrigan sat down next to him.

"If you are really idle, then go back to work at your Ranger Division headquarters. Alpha Squadron is only the first naval squadron to arrive at Mar Sara, and there are countless fleets behind that are still on their way to the warp. .”

"Want a drink?" Renault looked up at Augustus.

"What happened? Are you still mourning the death of those soldiers?" Augustus took the bottle that Reno had drank from, and without disdain him, he opened his mouth and poured it into his mouth.

"No, I feel much better now... Let me tell you something." Renault muttered: "You must first promise not to tell those bastards in Hanak."

"I will keep it a secret." Augustus looked at Kerrigan. When he saw Kerrigan just shrugged, he thought it wouldn't be a big deal.

"I've always been tight-lipped."

"Okay." Renault thought for a moment.

"Elizabeth is pregnant, already two months old."

"." Augustus looked at Kerrigan again, with no surprised expression on his face.

"I remember I reminded you to take birth control measures. Elizabeth should not be ready to have children yet - of course, I'm not blaming you. It is very common for girls like Elizabeth to get pregnant at this age in marginal immigration areas. thing," he said.

"As expected of you, Jimmy." Augustus said with a smile.

"You really don't want to scold me?" Renault felt uncomfortable all over.

"To be honest, I was shocked when Liddy told me this just now. I made a mistake. I should have listened to you."

"If I really need to, I will not only scold you, but also beat you up." Augustus shrugged: "But I don't think I have a reason to do so."

"Jimmy, if you are ready to become a responsible man, then you should shoulder your responsibilities as a father." At this point, Augustus put away his smile, he said seriously, Said to his friend and good brother Renault with a serious expression.

"You are already nineteen years old and will soon be twenty. If you are not ready yet, then I still suggest that you seek Elizabeth's opinion before considering whether you should have this child."

"Of course, Liddy and I have decided to have this child." Renault said after a moment of silence.

"No matter what, this child should have the right to open his eyes and see the world."

"Okay!" Augustus's thinking speed greatly exceeded Renault's imagination.

"How about calling me John?"

"John? That's a good name." Renault didn't react, but simply followed Augustus' words: "It sounds like a boy's name. How do you know it must be a boy?"

"John Reynolds," Augustus said thoughtfully.

"If it's a boy." Renault nodded.

"We have discussed that after the child is born, we hope that you can be his (her) godfather. In Shiloh, people have a set of established habits. They all believe that a child should have two fathers."

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