StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 199 Evacuation from Marsala

Chapter 199 Evacuating Ma Sara

February 25, 2490, Mar Sara, Hero Region, Echo Town.

The weather is still hot, and the rust-colored desert and the border town where immigrants live on the desert are all twisted in the rolling heat wave. The greenery formed by several farmlands and small patches of transplanted Joshua trees surrounding the town is an indispensable part of this desolate world. A few more bright colors, the scorching sun, the orange-gray sky and the circling Koprulu Gliding Eagle constitute the dark colors and desert style of Ma Sara that have remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.

Looking down from the sky, a road built by the Revolutionary Army's First Engineering Group through the desert and plains connects Echo Town with the backwater base dozens of miles away, like a black straight line. The road is paved with asphalt and is wide enough to accommodate tanks and large trucks.

On this day, many transport ships and shuttles with reddish-brown camouflage paint were parked on the road at the entrance to Echo Town. About one battalion of Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing dark red power armor and a C-14 Gauss rifle hung on their chests lined up in front of the vehicle, ready to go. Not far from the queue of soldiers, several privates were taking off the red flag on the roadside flagpole under the command of an officer.

In a few months, this gold and red flag and the many freedom-related meanings it represents have become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Those who were watching this scene were not only the standing revolutionary soldiers, but also many local residents. In the past, in marginal settlements like Mar Sara, the locals had little contact with the federal garrison. Only during recruitment would they think of the Marines who spent a lot of time gambling and having fun.

In contrast, the relationship between the Revolutionary Army and the local residents is closer. Under the leadership of Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the great leader of the Revolutionary Army, whose image has gradually become similar to that of the freedom fighters, this highly disciplined army The military is often associated with images of fighting crime and caring for the elderly, weak, women and children.

Since the revolutionary army came to Mar Sara, the government that the Terran Federation used to strengthen its control over the marginal settlements and promote tyranny was immediately overthrown. People here no longer need to pay expensive taxes to support the federal army and prosper. In the world of Tarsonis Prime, the bottleneck of Mar Sara's stagnant development has begun to loosen.

According to Augustus's vision, he planned to build Mar Sara into a heavy industrial planet with a developed industrial system and a core world that mainly produced war equipment. It also had fortresses and space capable of stationing legions and fleets. Starport.

In the future, Mar Sara will be the front line of the Tyranids' defense against the swarm invasion.

Marshal Augustus and his generals stood among the crowd. The tall Renault and Tychus stood on either side of him, while General Warfield issued a warning to the revolutionary soldiers who were waiting in line. Ship's instructions. People shouted the names of Augustus and his family, and many people even rushed to join the revolutionary army.

Most of the people in Ma Sara do not want the revolutionary army to leave. Only after they have lost it and regained it do they know how precious their hard-won freedom is. They carried wooden signs with the image of Augustus and motivational slogans, and waved the flags of the Revolutionary Army and the Pan-Taylon Revolutionary Party, their faces covered with sweat.

Facing these local residents who were approaching in droves, Augustus always smiled. On the road that was burned by the sun, he repeatedly emphasized: "This is just a strategic shift. The revolutionary army will return to Mars soon." ·Sarah.”

"Put away your flags and signs, and be careful of federal police agents who may break into your homes at any time. Justice and freedom are never late."

Augustus wasn't wearing power armor or his shiny mar-sala denim suit. For the first time, he appeared in public in Ma Sara, wearing a dark gray military uniform and a military coat - it must be said that this outfit was quite hot.

This image is already familiar to Terran Federation citizens in many worlds other than Mar Sara. The only difference is that the Terran news media headed by UNN will add an interstellar pirate-style hat on Augustus' head. A large-brimmed military cap, then adding many folds and shadow effects to his coat and cloak, and finally adding wailing children and several corpses at Augustus' feet.

"I assure you that the revolutionary army will definitely return to Mar Sara." Augustus said to the local residents surrounding him before leaving.

"When we come back, no matter what enemies we face, the Revolutionary Army will save you."

As he spoke, Augustus shook hands with the resident representatives. He always smiled and hugged people. Compared with his father, who was involved in politics, Augustus emphasized that he came from his people and was a member of them as close as a brother.

Augustus dared to wave back his guards and stand among the people. When he picked up the daughter of a local, the way they laughed together was forever fixed on Corporal Faraday's optical camera.

After saying this, Augustus boarded his exclusive transport ship, leaving a broad back view to the Mar Sara people who were bidding him farewell.

"This is an impressive farewell." Renault whispered to Augustus as he stooped into the cabin of the transport ship.

Renault's pregnant girlfriend Elizabeth and her family had arrived at the Hyperion two days ago on a transport ship prepared for the families of Revolutionary Army soldiers. Now he has nothing to worry about.

"Perhaps in an unknown number of years, the people here will still proudly tell the outsiders who come here about the story of them standing side by side with the great revolutionary army leader Augustus Mengsk."

"And the story of me, you, and all the Revolutionary Army soldiers."

"I can't believe I served as a police chief here for a while - Mengsk, you never said I couldn't use that badge to show off." Tychus followed Augustus and Raynor and waited. After getting off the ship, his burly body blocked most of the exit door.

"Where are we going next?"

"Moria. The home planet of the Camorian Federation." Augustus replied: "We have a business to discuss with the Camorian people."

"They have always been dissatisfied with the unequal agreement signed after the Guild War, and want to take back the rich mineral planet that originally belonged to them."

"I never thought that we would have the day to negotiate business with the Camorians." Renault shook his head and said, "We have a lot of each other's blood on our hands."

When the transport ship Augustus was on took off, hundreds of transport ships were taking off from various places and flying to the battlecruisers parked in low-Earth orbit.

All the mines established by Augustus in Mar Sara were filled up again after being marked. The criminals who had worked there for nearly half a year were finally released after receiving a long period of ideological education and reform, and those who had committed crimes did not deserve to die. They were all shot.

The revolutionary army must retreat now. The four federal naval fleets headed by Omega Squadron are about to arrive. It is wise to leave Mar Sara at this moment and let the federal fleet escape.

But this does not mean that Augustus has completely given up on Mar Sara. The revolutionary army still retains eight military bases hidden in the mountains, Gobi and even the polar regions on this planet, with a total number of more than 10,000 people. Thousands of people.

Thousands of Pan-Terran revolutionaries went underground, lurking in various cities and towns of Mar Sara, continuing their propaganda work.

After laying a solid foundation, Mar Sara's revolution will move into guerrilla warfare with multiple small forces.

Late but arrived.

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