Two weeks later, Revolutionary Army battleship Hyperion, exit of cabin A, standard gravity. Ship time 7:04.

This passage connecting the main dining room and the bridge is the passage Augustus, Renault, Tychus and Harnak walk through every day these days, and the ghost agent Sarah Kay, who is more than a head shorter than them, Regan always followed silently. All her life was centered on Augustus, and she seemed to have no other interests or hobbies.

Snake-like black pipes can be seen everywhere in this narrow passage that can only accommodate two marines. There is always a light flickering on the lighting facilities at the top of every section of the road, but for Augustus It has long been a common thing.

Once he left Mar Sara and arrived on the battlecruiser, Augustus had much less to worry about. When the fleet is in a state of hyperspace navigation, the crew members in the fleet have nothing to do. The daily training tasks of the fleet soldiers are to wash the deck and run around the lower deck for more than ten miles.

The chief petty officer was responsible for the daily affairs and attendance on the battlecruiser. As soon as Augustus' generals, headed by Tychus and Harnak, relaxed, they started playing cards all day long, and the rest of the time was spent bragging and spanking. No different from the life lived by an ordinary soldier in the crew quarters.

Augustus didn't say anything to them. After the Battle of Mar Sara, both officers and soldiers needed some time to relax.

"Mengsk, why don't we bring Joey Ray's Bar on board? I like the cocktails there." Tychus was still complaining when Augustus led Renault and others into the corridor of the ship. What.

"Then should I open a custom shop on the Hyperion?" Augustus asked Tychus.

"I said it doesn't count." It's not that Tychus can't do this kind of thing. The job he's most suitable for is probably a gangster.

"Jimmy, you think so too, right?" Tychus looked at Renault and winked.

"What should I say?" Renault also thought this was a good thing: "Joy, has he agreed? The Hyperion needs a bartender."

"No, no, no, I mean bring the whole bar, do you know what I mean? The whole bar." Tychus waved his hand: "Of course he has to agree - does he have any other choice? ?”

"Don't be too whimsical, Tychus." Augustus shut up Tychus with just one word.

The exit of cabin A leads directly to the connecting cabin at the entrance of the bridge. Two Renault Rangers wearing blue power armor are standing at the entrance of the bridge gate.

After seeing Augustus, who was wearing a dark gray military coat, and a group of senior officers who started as colonels behind him, the two rangers on duty immediately saluted.

"Good morning, soldiers," Augustus returned.

"Good morning, sir!" the two soldiers replied immediately.

"Yes." Augustus nodded: "Very energetic."

"You are just a new private first class now, but one day you will become the best sailors."

"These are the recruits I recruited from Mar Sara. They are Heroes. They are all top-notch strong boys." Renault introduced to Augustus.

"You like the Mar'Sala, Jimmy." Tychus joked. "In your army, there are even more Mar'Sala than Korhal. I think this is because you are actually a A bohemian cowboy can always get acquainted with the people of Mar Sara."

"I have seen from the beginning that you are a person who does great things." Hanak said: "I have seen her, that Mar Sara woman is very beautiful——"

"Are you getting married?"

"I think so," Reno replied, "In Shiloh, it's really time for a farm boy of my age to find a girl from a neighboring town and fall in love with him."

"It's hard to find churches and priests, and I'm worried about it - but I think it's okay even if you're not a Christian."

"I thought I couldn't wait until the day you get married." Hanak was really happy for Renault: "It's only been a while now, and you're going to be a father. If you have a boss as your godfather, he will be sure to do it in the future. It’s also material for revolution.”

Just as he was talking, the Hyperion's bridge returned to a smooth sailing state after experiencing a period of tremors, and countless starlights immediately poured out of the originally dark portholes of the bridge.

"It's quite punctual. It's going to be here at this time." Tychus clicked his tongue in surprise.

"New equipment?" Hanak suddenly jumped out from behind Renault, as nimble as a red-crowned rooster taking off.

Harnak was pointing to the holographic projection of the mechanical adjutant on the bridge of the Hyperion. Augustus had only recently reactivated this intelligent machine.

The main body of the mechanical adjutant is located in the main control room of the Hyperion. This is a semi-humanoid machine with the upper body of a human female. It is connected to the database in the main control room by numerous cables and can give the commander many suggestions based on the computing power of its built-in supercomputer.

What appears in the bridge is the holographic projection of this intelligent adjutant. Its prototype may be a beauty, at least the face made of alloy is not annoying.

"The Dorian system, within the Kemerian Commonwealth, was one of the main battlefields during the Guild War."

"An unmarked communication was received——" The adjutant's voice was not a mechanical synthesized voice, but a clear and pleasant female voice, but even so, one could not expect it to have any emotion.

"Play." Augustus walked across the bridge and came to the main holographic projection screen.

"This is the Camerian Federation cruise fleet, an unregistered battlecruiser. Make your identity clear, otherwise we will." The person speaking on the main screen was a naval commander of the Camerrian Federation. Common among Caimorians are brown hair and dark pupils.

The Kaimorian commander was still asking questions at first, but after the remaining seventeen battlecruisers of the Revolutionary Fleet jumped out of the hyperspace channel one after another, he was speechless for a moment. .

The Kaimorian fleet only has two Hercules-class battlecruisers and dozens of ancillary ships, making it weak when facing the Revolutionary Army fleet.

Augustus's revolutionary fleet is almost equivalent to two under-strength Terran Federation naval squadrons. With the drastically reduced fleet size of the Kemerian Federation, such a large fleet will naturally be regarded as a threat by the other party.

"I am Augustus Mengsk, and I request to meet with the chairman of the board of directors of the coalition." Augustus said to him: "Your naval headquarters should have informed you that you will have a fleet in the near future-"

"Marshal Augustus, please forgive my rudeness." The attitude of the Camorian naval commander actually recognized Augustus, but he did not put away his words until all the revolutionary fleets arrived. impatient.

"Following the orders from the headquarters, you will have the right to stay in Moria for a short time, but we will not allow such a huge fleet to enter the Moria system."

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