StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 203 Board of Directors of Kemerian Consortium

When Augustus stepped towards the high-end suspended car prepared for him by the Camorians, he could more clearly feel that Moria's gravity was much stronger than that of other planets, and there was a sense of blockage in his steps and arm swings. This is also the reason why people of Moria are generally shorter than Tyranid and Umoyan. The latter two's home planet has only 0.96 times standard gravity.

Augustus stepped into the back seat of the limo, with Kerrigan and Corporal Faraday sitting on either side of him. Renault, Warfield and others and Augustus's guards boarded other cars. When the convoy started and walked down a downward circular road, the rows of bronze spiers and countless high and low circular roads were immediately introduced. eye.

"The Camorion imitates the style of the Federation Terra suspension car. The engine and intelligent navigation system are imported from Umoyan. The driver once drove for the chairman of the Kelanis Transportation Guild. Everyone here, including the guards, have received professional training Agent training." After sitting down, Kerrigan leaned closer to Augustus and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"The board of directors of the Federation attaches great importance to you this time. They are willing to provide some help to you, the biggest enemy of the Tyranid Federation, but at the same time they are also wary of the rise of the Mengsk family."

"Let us listen carefully to the directors' requests." After sitting down, Augustus arranged the hem of his military coat in an orderly manner.

During this trip, Augustus did not have any more contact with the actual independent government of the Kemerian Commonwealth. In fact, everyone knew very well who was the real person in power in the Commonwealth.

The unified government and the unions that fight for workers' rights are nothing more than puppets supported by the capital holders who control the actual governance of the union and a trick to confuse the people. Capital holders control wealth, technology, and knowledge. Looking back at the history of their ancestors struggling on the human home planet of Earth, they knew that the form of a union would appear sooner or later, so they created the only union in Moria with their own hands.

The Federation Board of Directors is the actual power holder of the entire Kemerian Federation, which is equivalent to the Federal Parliament and the Umoyan Democratic Assembly in the Tyranid Federation. The board is made up of CEOs from dozens of the largest family-run guild businesses and the United Guilds. Among these board members are the Moria Mining Federation and Kelanis Representatives of the Transport Association have absolute say.

The Kemorian Federation is not a republican political body with workers as the leadership core as they advertise. In essence, it is a super enterprise group composed of many guild companies. The Kemorian Consortium is a political and economic entity dominated by the Moria nation that uses unions and independent governments as a front.

The suspended car that Augustus was riding in passed through an undulating ring road and slowly opened the wings that were closed on the roof. When the roar of the engine ignited, the car took off in the spreading shock wave. , blending into the torrent of flying cars and spaceships in the sky.

The ring road that was getting farther and farther away from them was located thousands of feet high in the air, between tall buildings. There was a lack of green plants here, and there were not even a few green spots. Even the wedge-shaped windows on the bronze buildings were empty. Brown.

In Moria, people's tastes, philosophies and aesthetics are stuck two centuries ago. Their simple buildings have simple appearances and almost no unnecessary ornate decorations.

For a long time, the buildings in Moria have been striving to break away from the constraints of gravity and develop upwards. The vaulted and geometric early colonial architectural styles have gradually been abandoned. The city of Jacob has four arcs. The architectural height of the spiers is getting higher and higher, and it continues to develop higher and more majestic.

In the eyes of outsiders such as Augustus, the spiers of these Moria skyscrapers looked like swords or overlapping arched sails. The exhaust gas and dust produced by giant industries have shrouded the entire city in a white smog, and residents in high-rise buildings are generally required to wear assisted respirators to prevent the dust from being inhaled into the lungs.

"Welcome to Moria, Marshal Mengsk, I believe you will like it here soon." The Kemorian diplomat sitting in the front passenger seat of the car said: "Jacob City cannot compare with the bustling Tasan Nice has something worthy of praise.”

"This is the very center of industry in the entire complex. The blood of metal and refined gas flows underground. Those high-rise buildings and factories are the heart and blood vessels."

Finally, the car with an engine as soft as a buzzer hovered over the top of a black main tower that was even grander than the Tagore Sky Tower in the main city of Tarsonis, and drove into the parking platform through the energy shield like an open light curtain. .

As soon as the car stopped, beret-wearing guards and directors' guild managers rushed to greet Augustus. Hundreds of people surrounded Augustus, but there were no news media among them. reporter.

As Augustus had predicted, although he did not mind making a public appearance in Morea and turning the meeting into a formal diplomatic event and a meeting between the leaders of the two regimes, it was clear that the ruler of the Commonwealth He did not intend to recklessly offend the Terran Federation, which was suffering from the successive rebellions, in the year just after the Battle of Kailian.

Although rational political analysts all believe that the Terran Federation will not launch a second Kailian War, no one dares to guarantee that the Federation Council, which dares to directly destroy Korhal IV regardless of the pressure of public opinion, will tolerate Kaimorian. The Union and the Revolutionary Army were mixed together. Even the United States of Umoyan, which has been strongly supporting the Korhal rebel forces, dare not do this.

What is quite funny is that the petite Sarah Kerrigan stood in front of Augustus with her chest raised, while Corporal Faraday wearing a large-brimmed military hat was busy standing beside the revolutionary marshal. , one hand pressed on the pistol holster at his waist.

When being ushered into the top-floor conference room by managers in suits and armed guards, Augustus's subordinates were asked to hand over their weapons for safekeeping, but the generals were allowed to carry sidearms.

Augustus and many guides entered the interior of this giant spire called the Top of the Union through the lifting platform on the parking platform. When they walked into the hall with the relief dome, they were immediately impressed by the magnificent decoration and gorgeous carvings inside. And look sideways - gold and silver utensils and luxury goods from Umoyan decorate this extremely luxurious hall.

The entire hall is majestic and magnificent. The polished marble walls and square stone pillars hundreds of feet high are inlaid with rose-colored and azure blue gems mined from the ground of Moria. Twelve huge statues of the ancestors of the Camorian people The statue stood motionless. These huge statues stand tall on the ground, wearing armor and tasseled helmets, standing with giant cross swords in their hands, with pure white wings behind their backs.

On the dome of the hall is a huge scroll depicting mythological scenes from the Bible, including white angels and black demons. These are supposed to be the works of a certain artistic master, but his name is unknown.

The sight was so majestic that Augustus almost thought he was in a church, but he had never heard of the Kemorians having a strong Christian faith.

"It is said that after the four-year war, the economic collapse of the Kaimorian Commonwealth is imminent. The people at the bottom are hungry. Moria's food supply has long relied on imports from several nearby colonial worlds. Workers even starved to death. In the sand and gravel of Jacob's Canyon." As she walked through the hall, Kerrigan whispered, "But here."

"Moria does not produce bread. There is only endless sand and inexhaustible ore. The reason for the food shortage is entirely that the Tyrannic Federation has occupied the few agricultural worlds we have." Has been following Augustus "We will drain Moria's mineral deposits within a few centuries," said the Kymerian diplomat in the capital, "but these cannot be exchanged for food."

"Those who starve to death because of this will be blamed on the Tyranid Federation. It was the Tyranids who stole the food." He explained.

"Then why don't you use your food reserves to help those who are about to starve to death?" Since joining the Revolutionary Army, Kerrigan, influenced by revolutionary ideas, has begun to look at Kemorian's system from an almost great standpoint.

"After the war, the government was unable to repay the national debt issued to start the war, and the wanton printing of money led to horrific inflation and soaring prices. While people lined up to buy the limited supply of bread, food factories were concentrated on a large scale. Destroy meat and milk.”

"Those are all rumors." The diplomat reminded him, pushing up the glasses on his nose.

"No one in the guild wants you to discuss these non-existent things in Moria. There is no way the economy of the federation will collapse, even if the Tyranid Federation is destroyed."

As the diplomat said, Augustus led the people surrounding him through the hall and into the long corridor connected to the conference hall. It turned out that many people surrounded Augustus and led the way in front of him. They were so numerous that they seemed to sweep away the dust on the road ahead for Augustus.

But gradually, Augustus was walking in front of everyone, and the others followed him unconsciously.

The door of the conference room is tall and heavy, and more than a dozen different identity verification and warning facilities show how tightly guarded it is. Before entering, the entourage repeatedly confirmed Augustus through fingerprints and genetic testing. Whether it is me.

When the heavy door opened, the luxurious layout inside did not surprise Augustus. Sitting around the long oval conference table were more than a dozen people from various guilds in Moria wearing black and blue suits. CEO - These executives may be mere puppets or they may be part of an elite few who rule over the four billion people of Moria.

The cities of Jacob and Moria are like cities made of bronze. There is no water source or any greenery here. However, there is a huge glass water tank on the wall of this conference hall, which is full of strange water plants and corals. and ornamental fish that simply cannot exist in Moria. The scales of these exotic ornamental fish are rainbow-colored and shimmer beautifully under the fused yellowish lights of the conference hall.

Exquisite handicrafts and rare treasures from alien worlds were placed on the conference table, and exquisite snacks and tea were thoughtfully placed within the reach of the participants.

Regardless of the giant water tank that looks like an aquarium, these luxuries alone are worth millions of Camorian notes.

Augustus believed that the elites in the enterprises of the Camorion Guild were not much worse off than the nobles of the Terran Federation.

Some of these CEOs in custom-made suits were looking at the documents in front of them, and some were looking at their watches impatiently. But no matter what, when Augustus appeared, these people all showed formulaic smiles. .

"Augustus Mengsk, the people of the Tyranid Federation call you a dirty, knotted-fur drowned dog." The chief CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Guild stood up and shook hands with Augustus.

"But let me tell you, the wolf of the Mengsk family is a majestic wolf master."

"You have accomplished a feat that our Guild Guards could not accomplish. In Moria, I don't know how many people gnashed their teeth when they heard the name of the Tyranid Federation Alpha Squadron. If you know their commander Edmund Duke If you look at his character, you will know that he is a complete butcher, a heartless genocide, and countless Camorians died at the hands of Duke."

"What a nightmare." Augustus stared into the brown eyes of this Camorian, thinking of the Camorians who died in his own hands in the Battle of Kaimorian.

"I have always believed that humans in the Koprulu Sector should not continue to suffer from internal friction like this. We should conclude a peace treaty and achieve mutual benefit through trade." Augustus held the hands of the other party tightly.

"When it comes to trade, it's much more complicated. If you're not careful, it can turn into a terrible disaster." The CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Association showed a meaningful smile: "None of us want this to happen. , but the Tyranid Federation went too far."

"At least we are on the same side when it comes to hating the Terran Federation and wanting to destroy it," Augustus said.

"I deeply regret the destruction of Korhal IV." said the CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Association: "I have been there when I was young, and I was an international student at Korhal University. Who could have imagined that grass? The lush, beautiful world will turn into a dead, radioactive wasteland."

"The Federation Navy has also dropped nuclear bombs on our planet, but they were all small and medium-sized tactical nuclear bombs." The CEO's voice was full of regret and regret, and Augustus only hoped that half of it was true. .

"Because they know that using nuclear weapons to destroy a populous core world will definitely lead to our retaliation at all costs. More often than not, you must have a formidable sword in your hand, even if you don't swing it. "

"Please sit down, Mr. Mengsk. I believe that you are as great as Angus Mengsk and a pioneer of the revolution." The CEO said when asking Augustus to sit down.

"I cannot be called great, not even one thousandth as good as my noble father." Augustus said: "To be more precise, I am much more realistic."

"I heard that you need help?" the CEO of Kelanis Transport Guild asked when sitting down with Augustus. He had known the purpose of Augustus coming to Moria, and he obviously knew it and wanted to take the initiative at the negotiation table.

"If you can sell your Ripper power armor and heavy tanks at market prices, then this can indeed be considered a help." Augustus knew what these shrewd businessmen were planning.

"What the revolutionary army came to seek was cooperation. What we want to achieve is a cooperation that satisfies both parties."

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