StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 204 The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The generals of Augustus took their seats one by one on the velvet-cushioned seats in the conference hall, and even Tychus Finley, who came to make soy sauce, was assigned a seat at the end. Less than one-third of the CEOs of the major guild companies in Moria on the board of directors of the Camorian Consortium were present, and representatives of the Moria Mining Federation, another giant in the Camorian Consortium's super enterprises, did not show up. Attend meetings.

But this does not mean that the board of directors of the alliance does not pay attention to the arrival of Augustus. In fact, these elites of the Camorion Alliance only get together rarely, and more often they use holographic projection images. Have real-time conversations remotely.

"We will sell most of the goods on your list at absolutely fair prices - engineering vehicles, power armor, heavy combat vehicles, armored assault vehicles, tanks, heavy artillery, rocket launchers and even fighter planes, interceptor carriers and battleships ." The CEO of Kelanis Transportation Guild continued what Augustus said.

The CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Guild is not an old man. Just like other executives, he is in his prime. He has short gray-brown hair mixed with silver threads and a pair of dark and bright eyes.

"These were originally on the banned list. Even Umoyan's frail skinny hemp stalks and Tyranid Federation's primitive apes with underdeveloped brains can't buy the weapons and valuable strategic materials you want." He described Tailan The words used by the Lun and Umoyan people are a bit rude, revealing a deep dislike for the latter two, but they are not full of swear words.

When discussing business with the Umoyans and Tyranids, they will say that the Tyranids are cultivated and aristocratic, while the Umoyans have a commendable gentlemanly demeanor.

"For this, I would like to express my gratitude to the board of directors." Augustus and the CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Association sat across the conference table from each other.

"However, we all know that my revolutionary army and I came here from Mar Sara, which is dozens of light years away, not to bargain with you for these small orders."

Augustus put away his confusing smile and looked sternly: "A small business can be worth tens of billions if it is accumulated. Long-term and stable orders are not only a huge amount of income, but also can make a lot of money." Moria's manufacturing industry, which nearly collapsed after the war, has regained new vitality. The terrible wave of unemployment and the chaos caused by tens of millions of unemployed people from the weapons manufacturing industry can also be solved, injecting new vitality into the stagnant financial market. "

"Simply put, I'm not just buying weapons, I'm buying a complete production line."

There was no chatter or quarrel at the conference table. Basically, Augustus and the CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Guild were talking from the beginning, and the second-in-command of both parties would occasionally interject a few words.

These well-spoken and shrewd board members are undoubtedly the elites in their industries. Family background and ability are indispensable for reaching their positions.

"In the long run, the existence of a revolutionary army that is powerful enough to split the Tyranid Federation but will not pose a threat to itself will definitely do more good than harm. In ancient Earth, if a king wanted to rule a country with a culture completely different from his own, region, then he must support two or even more families or forces in the local area that are equal in strength but hate each other." Augustus continued.

"The biggest beneficiary of weakening or even destroying the Tyranid Federation is neither Umoyan nor us, but the Kemorian Federation, which has just been defeated and lost a large area of ​​territory. In the past, it connected Moria and other affiliated colonies. The strong sense of self-identity and national consciousness that Kemorion had, but now, these have all been shattered with the defeat of the Federation in the war."

"And I believe that there are undercurrents surging inside the entire coalition, full of unstable factors, and just dealing with the internal separatist forces is enough to give you a headache. At this time, you need a strong ally, even if it is just for An investment in its future potential.”

"Your request is very reasonable." The CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Guild looked at Augustus seriously and answered shortly.

"As long as you have money, we can even sell you the manufacturing process of the fusion core of the Hephaestus battleship. Of course, it won't be cheap." He showed his sincerity in a few words.

"The technology for producing Ripper power armor and heavy Camorian tanks can also tell you. The question is, where should you build the factory. The Umoyan people will definitely not agree to you building the factory on their planet. They are out of The famous small belly chicken intestines are fussy and easy to digest."

"What the Korhal people lack most is the ability to flexibly solve problems. There are so many planets outside the Koprulu sector. Sooner or later we will find a new home." Augustus said.

"Look at what we have to sell you." The powerful CEO of Camorion handed Augustus a thick stack of documents, which included a torn The unit price of a complete production line of power armor. The members of the board of directors already knew what Augustus wanted, but they didn't say it because they were used to playing riddles.

"Including the particle railguns and Magnet mines produced by the Hephaestus Forge in Moria. The former is powerful enough to penetrate the deck of the Tyranid Federation Navy's Behemoth-class battlecruiser in the space environment." He seems to spare no effort in promoting the products under his company's name.

After the defeat in the war with the Tyranid Federation, various industries in the Kaimorian Commonwealth were in recession, and the mining and military manufacturing industries suffered an extremely heavy blow.

The position of CEO of the guild enterprise, which was pushed to the stage by the capital controllers behind the scenes, was not unbreakable. In fact, after the defeat, most of the executive officers of each guild were replaced to calm internal dissatisfaction and conflicts.

"You should have heard of these Magnet mines, which are equally adapted to the environment on the planet and in space. They made the minesweeping soldiers of the Federation Marine Corps suffer a lot during the four-year war. Deploy the Magnet mines at the enemy fleet's jump And if you reach the position, it will bloom in the core center of the fleet." The Kaimorians would never refer to the battle of Kailian as the guild war among the Tyranids.

"This is exactly what I want." Augustus nodded, satisfied. This is the reason why he chose to negotiate directly with the leaders of the Kemerian Federation. One or two guild companies cannot make the final decision on the weapons that can truly determine the fate of a war.

Augustus's revolutionary army is not just a big customer worthy of attention for Kemorian. They are willing to help the revolutionary army, partly to create trouble for the Tyranid Federation.

The meeting with Augustus was to express the attitude of one side of the coalition and encourage the other side to continue the resistance war, for fear that Augustus would suddenly lead the revolutionary army back to Umoyan to farm and never come out again.

"Perhaps you can find many mercenaries who are good at fighting in Moria's mercenary market." The CEO continued.

"They are all soldiers who retired from the Battle of Kailian. They have long been accustomed to holding electromagnetic guns in a world full of artillery fire. They cannot adapt to a peaceful life. After retirement, they have no way to survive in the flood of unemployment. I couldn’t find a suitable job within the alliance, so I had no choice but to find work in the mercenary guild.”

"After the war, our people blamed the failure of the war on those guild guards who had fought for the guild. All soldiers should not hold back their anger."

The CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Association did not tell the truth. The actual situation is that in order to divert conflicts and maintain their dominance, the ruling class of the Federation deliberately guided the trend of public opinion through the news media, allowing the people to express their resentment and dissatisfaction with the defeat. Vent behind the veterans - even though these people have sacrificed their lives and blood for the Federation.

Today, these retired soldiers are still a force that cannot be ignored, a potential threat to the dominance of the boardroom, and the rulers of the boardroom are happy to find a suitable outlet for these people's energy that has nowhere to vent.

"If you are looking for someone to fight, then these people are the best choice. The price is guaranteed to satisfy you. As long as there is a suitable fee and the money to cremate the body, they will fight for you through life and death." He finally said.

"Including letting them fight aliens?" Augustus smiled.

"Marshal Augustus is really a humorous person. It's not without reason that everyone in the Revolutionary Army loves you." The CEO thought Augustus was joking.

"If it were me, I wouldn't like someone who sends himself to the battlefield." Augustus took the list handed over by the other party, scanned the treaties on it, and calculated the expenses he could afford.

It has to be said that Augustus is indeed not short of money now. Augustus first dug crystal mines in the mineral-rich Mar Sara for half a year. Mines of all sizes were scattered across the wilderness. In the previous battle of Mar Sara, half of the planet's military supplies and supplies were emptied. Minerals in government warehouses.

At the same time, multiple mining bases operated by Augustus' brother Arcturus are also providing Augustus's revolutionary army with a steady stream of resources. The wealth accumulated in half a year is equivalent to the total output value of Korhal IV in two years. .

Augustus came to Moria after the Battle of Mar Sara. In addition to establishing a good relationship with the top leaders of the Camorian Federation, his main purpose was to buy, buy, buy, and use all the resources in a short period of time. converted into combat effectiveness.

After thinking for a moment, Augustus marked what he wanted, and then filled in a series of astronomical numbers, which were approximately equivalent to several trillion Umoyan citizen coins in the internal currency of the Camorion Commonwealth. .

When getting back the list he handed over, even the well-informed CEO of the Kelanis Transport Guild took a few more glances. He obviously did not expect that Augustus would buy so many things.

Starting from the most basic Gauss rifle, Augustus bought one million of them, including 200,000 sets of Tearer powered armor, 1,500 Camorian heavy main battle tanks, and 3,000 175 mm Camorian Hellfire howitzers, more than 5,000 Camorian I heavy tanks, and the production lines supporting these weapons.

Perhaps out of fear of insufficient firepower, Augustus also purchased three hundred Draken railguns and tens of thousands of Magnet mines.

In addition to this, Augustus also ordered eight Kemorian Hephaestus -class battleships.

All in all, I want them all.

Augustus had already sent a group of commissioners from the Augustus National Security Council to the weapons manufacturing factory in Moria to test these weapons, and these war weapons that had shown great power in the Battle of Kailian were What kind of power is also obvious to all.

"We can only deliver 30 percent of it first, and the rest needs to be handed over to the foundry and manufacturing workshop, and this requires a deposit." The CEO wanted to ask Augustus if he really had that. Much money.

In his impression, although Augustus's revolutionary army severely damaged the legendary Alpha Squadron, such a rebel army that was limited to fighting guerrilla warfare could not have much money. Ke took into account that Augustus was not a commoner. Behind him stood the Mengsk family and all the Korhal people on the Korhal planet.

It is more likely that Augustus used the foreign exchange reserves and accumulated wealth of the entire Korhal Dominion to purchase weapons from the Kemerian Commonwealth, which should have been left to the tens of millions of Korhal people who fled to Umoyan to rebuild their homes. .

Thinking of this, the CEO of the Kelanis Transport Guild couldn't help but sympathize with the militaristic Korhal people - of course business still needs to be done, and the payment cannot be made less.

Squeezing the Korhal dry will only sting a CEO's conscience, but bulge his wallet with pleasure.

Do not conflict.

"My people are working on a new contract," the CEO said to Augustus. "Please wait a moment."

"Before that, we can go have dinner together," he said.

"Yeah! I like that guy." Although Hanak thought his voice was already very quiet, many people present still heard his voice: "Holy fucking shit, you finally said something that I can understand. if."

"You shameful guy, I really can't believe that Mengsk would bring you, Shiloh's red-crowned rooster, here?" Tychus next to Hanak jumped up immediately.

"How did you say that sentence?"

"It's hard to reach the level of elegance."

"Is that one of your generals?" The CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Guild looked at Harnak, showing the calmness of a medieval nobleman looking at the names of rural farmers.

"Red Devil Harnak, the leader of the revolutionary army who is among the top twenty bounties on the Tyranid Federation's wanted list."

"I'm proud of him." Augustus didn't say that Harnack was a country bumpkin who didn't understand the rules, so he asked the other party not to mind.

"Why is your name so famous, and I am 'Augustus Mengsk's dog'?" Tychus was so jealous that his expression changed.

"It seems you don't understand." Hanak was so proud that he didn't care that others were looking at him.

"Of course you have to call me a name like this first, otherwise they will just call you a cat or a dog."

"Marshal Augustus." At this time, the executive officer of the Kelanis Transportation Guild stood up and clapped his hands.

Just behind him, the wall with the crystal water tank hanging on it suddenly rose upwards, and brilliant blue light immediately shone into the conference room.

What is in front of everyone is a huge aqua blue swimming pool, and further away is an elegant restaurant with glass showcases. Dozens of beautiful and charming Camorian women were swimming in the swimming pool like fishes in bikinis and swimsuits. Their movements were so graceful that their legs turned into fish tails. These beautiful Camorion women have fair skin and eye-catching curves.

"I knew this trip wouldn't be in vain." Tychus pushed away the dazed Renault and scolded him for his ridiculous appearance of not having seen the world: "Fortunately, I brought swimming trunks with me. You are about to get married. In the end, It’s good to keep yourself clean.”

"Originally, I thought that the women in Camorion were all shaggy mountain dwarves. I cursed Rory Swann, who left a stereotyped image on me." Hanak's lips almost grinned to the back of his head.

"Let's go to the restaurant and have a drink." Warfield patted Renault: "Don't worry about those two embarrassing guys."

"You can't get close to them." When several of Augustus' generals showed their ugly behavior, Kerrigan walked towards Augustus from the corner of the conference hall with sharp eyes.

"It may take a while before I can figure out whether they are assassins."

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