StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 205 The Kaczynski Family

Augustus could not refuse the hospitality of the Federation Board of Directors, but he did not go into the water to swim with the charming Camorian women in the swimming pool. Instead, he put on his wide-brimmed military hat and followed the chief executive of the Kelanis Transportation Guild. The officer walked towards the restaurant opposite the aqua blue swimming pool. The two Revolutionary Army generals, Renault and Warfield, followed him calmly, and Corporal Faraday was busy communicating with the CEO's guards.

In addition, a dozen CEOs of various Moria guilds also turned a blind eye to these beauties. They had long heard that Augustus Mengsk rejected all the girls when he was a student when he should have discovered the differences between men and women and became interested in the opposite sex. He is obsessed with the life of a bosozoku, often racing on dangerous roads in the city and mountains, which makes people wonder if he likes men.

Moreover, the supreme leader of the revolutionary army should be a fairly decent person, and no matter what, Augustus should at least behave like that person.

The CEOs had only heard from their spies and industrial spies that Tychus Finley and Harnak Hank, Augustus' old subordinates in the Union Marines, were fond of women, and it was their habit to indulge in them. trick.

Inflation and the ensuing Great Depression destroyed many low- and middle-class families in Kemerian. The wives and daughters of the war dead were left without care. Countless businesses went bankrupt. The pornographic industry expanded within a year. About one hundred and fifty times, even the pampered daughter of the great entrepreneur of Moria had to wear gauze.

The high-level elites of the alliance like to keep women from these wealthy families in order to satisfy their special hobbies.

As for Tychus and Harnak, they completely behaved like peasant rebel leaders with little culture and lack of self-control, blinded by the bustling scene of big cities. They changed into their swimsuits in less than two minutes, like fishes in water.

As Sarah Kerrigan said, she actually looked at those sexy Camorian women by the pool for a while, and used her telepathy far beyond ordinary people to read the moment of many of them. Thoughts and more deep memories.

It wasn't until Tychus jumped into the swimming pool in his swimming trunks that Kerrigan looked away as if his eyes were pricked by needles, and walked towards the restaurant with his legs up.

"The Tearer power armor from the Four Years' War can be given some additional upgrades, cosmetic modifications, and repainting." As soon as Kerrigan stepped into the splendid, palace-like restaurant, she could see Austrian Gustus was clinking glasses of wine with the CEO of the Kelanis Transport Guild. When dealing with this kind of luxurious high-end place, Augustus seemed to be at ease. He showed the elegance and ease that a Korhal IV noble should have.

A Camorian waiter with a blue rose on his chest was passing the napkin. Corporal Faraday stood upright behind Augustus, like a sharp sword standing on the ground.

Renault and others were sitting at several other round tables with a dozen other members of the joint board of directors. There were crowds of waiters beside them, and Kerrigan knew clearly that these people were all elite security personnel and members of the guild enterprise. Trained family guards.

Compared with the Terran Federation and the United States of Umoyan, the Kaimorian Federation's ghost agent program is still in its infancy, so Kerrigan did not find even a high-level guild leader surrounded by these guards. Kaimorian psykers.

"Wait a moment." Augustus saw Kerrigan approaching him and immediately apologized to the CEO opposite. The latter didn't care, just turned around and asked his waiters to serve the meal as quickly as possible.

Whether it is the Terran Federation or the Camerian Federation, the elite nobles' high-end restaurants pay attention to the ritual of dining. Before the meal, there will be many waiters and even poetry reciters to create a feeling that everyone is serving a very small number of VIPs. atmosphere.

"What did you find out?" he said in a small voice: "Are they spies, agents or killers?"

"I'm still investigating - it will take a little time, you know in such a short time, I can only read the superficial thoughts." Kerrigan leaned down and whispered in Augustus's ear. Kerrigan's face was so close that to those around her it looked like she was biting Augustus' ear.

"How long is a little time? One minute or one day?" Augustus was silent for about half a second.

Then Augustus did not wait for Kerrigan's answer, but moved his hand away from her rosy cheeks and continued to talk to the CEO of the Keranis Transport Guild who was sitting opposite.

"Executor, let's get back to the topic - what's important is performance, we don't need a emasculated version of power armor. You know, the tearer armor's benchmark is the CMC-200 of the Tyranid Federation. If you emasculate it, that's not what you need. Going back to CMC-100?"

"Of course, we will sell these decommissioned Ripper power armors to you as junk. Even two hundred pounds of scrap metal will cost five Groats." The CEO didn't have too many facial expressions. He has a good drinker. One glass after another of red wine.

"We will not sell the latest power armor. These weapons that have shown generation differences will not be circulated in any arms market for at least five years."

"Well, even a set of nearly repaired power armor is much stronger than those exoskeleton armors and military uniforms made of cloth and dye. Of course, the price is as promised. You can't expect me to buy second-hand at the ex-factory price. Damn it, power armor doesn’t appreciate in value.”

In a matter of minutes, Augustus concluded another deal. ——Eighty thousand sets of Tearer powered armors that have experienced four years of Kailian war are enough to arm the two remaining revolutionary army legions of Augustus.

The CEO of the Kelanis Transport Guild bluntly stated that their factory can only deliver 20,000 sets of the latest Tearer power armor and 100,000 Camorion 8mm caliber electromagnetic rifles within two weeks. As for tanks and fighter planes It would take weeks or even months to deliver it to the revolutionary army, and Augustus could not stay in Moria forever.

Therefore, Augustus is preparing to purchase a large number of power armors that have been eliminated by the Kaimorian Federation after the Kailian War. Although many guild guard tearers value the hard-won power armors, they say After all, these are the properties of the consortium and guild enterprises.

And if Augustus buys these second-hand power armors, not only will the supply be sufficient, but the price will also be lower. Most importantly, Augustus urgently needed to arm his more than 100,000 revolutionary soldiers. Regardless of whether the armor was reliable or not, it was far better than having his soldiers step onto the battlefield in cotton uniforms wielding rifles and sapper shovels.

"In addition, I need at least two thousand Camorian Goliath armed robots and five thousand heavy tanks to arm my armored forces."

After this, Augustus said: "Similarly, we can give priority to purchasing old Goliath robots and chariots from the four-year war - we will modify them ourselves."

"As long as the contract is signed, these powered armors, electromagnetic rifles and Goliath robots can be transported to the Revolutionary Army fleet today." As he was speaking, a waiter handed a large stack of arms sales to the CEO of the Kelanis Transportation Guild. contract.

Augustus just glanced at it and handed the contract to Corporal Faraday behind him. Corporal Faraday handed it to the entourage behind him, and professionals would test the legality of the contract regulations and possible traps.

For such a huge arms deal, no matter how compliant the contract is, both parties may tear it up at any time, not to mention that the Camorians may not even be able to contact the revolutionary fleet that is towing in the middle reaches of the Koprulu sector.

"I will pay a part of the deposit first." Augustus said to the CEO opposite: "Of course, I will go through the National Bank of the United States of Umojan. Neither the federal bank nor the banks of the Commonwealth are safe."

"I will most likely purchase a batch of new weapons during this period, such as deflection field generators - my engineers are very interested in these new technologies of Kaimorian. Finally, I want Moria The foundry can start work tonight, recruit enough workers and start the machines as soon as possible."

"No problem, the board of directors will provide you and your generals with the best hotels and the tightest security during this period." The CEO of Kelanis Transport Guild smiled: "You can even stay in Moria again After a few months, even if the Federation Navy fleet comes to visit, they will not dare to enter the territory of the Commonwealth."

"We can't stay that long." Augustus certainly didn't believe that the Kemerian coalition really dared to fight against the Federation fleet: "We will leave after we get the first batch of delivered weapons. After that, I will arrange for the commissioner to receive them The next few batches of equipment will be delivered.”

"That's a shame," the CEO said. "I still think we failed in our duty as landlords. I was planning on taking a few hours off my schedule to accompany you to Moria." Hunting on the grassland - I heard that everyone in the Mengsk family loves hunting wolves.”

"This happened decades ago, and now there are only a few hundred Steele wolves left in the zoo in the United States of Umoyan."

Before the food was served, Augustus had a long conversation with the CEO. They talked about everything from astronomy and geography to economics and politics.

Augustus barely ate the food on the table. He just chewed a cauliflower and ignored the snowflake-like texture of Umoyan cow meat, French baked snails and thinly sliced ​​Umoyan beetle meat. I just kept drinking.

Both parties were very satisfied with this negotiation. Kemerian got the money, and Augustus got the equipment he wanted.

"If I have the chance, I still hope to go back to Korhal and take a look." When Augustus talked about how he tamed a Steele wolf in a cage at the age of sixteen, the chief sitting opposite The executive looked at his expensive mechanical watch: "I'm sorry, I have to rush back to Hermes City to attend a meeting."

"If you want to visit our casting workshop or experience the customs and customs here in the main city of Jacob, then I will arrange a special car to pick you up." He pointed to a man behind him who was wearing a black suit and a blue shirt. Male waiter with tie.

"He is my executive director, and he will be responsible for all your affairs in Moria." After saying that, the CEO, who seemed to be extremely busy all day long, left in a hurry, and the rest The directors of the guild also left one after another, leaving Augustus and his subordinates behind.

"You can tell me your travel plans in Moria, and we will arrange the accompanying people, or if you have any other plans, you can tell me." After the CEO left, his managing director immediately walked to Ogu In front of Stuart.

"You don't have to worry about it. My soldiers will protect me." Augustus stood up and walked to the swimming pool outside the restaurant, while the executive director followed him closely. Reynold, who was full and drunk, and Warfield, who had only drunk a little wine, also gathered their guards outside the restaurant.

As he swept across the sparkling pool, Augustus calmly watched Tychus, who showed off his majestic figure, and Harnak, who was also muscular, nimbly chasing the Camorian women in the pool. , having a great time.

"Have they always been this ridiculous?" Kerrigan frowned at Tychus.

"Well, it's not always like this." Augustus pondered for a moment and then suddenly clapped his hands and shouted loudly.

"Gentlemen, the game of hide-and-seek with the girls in the swimming pool is over. You'd better climb up before I get angry, or I'll put you in solitary confinement and force you to memorize an entire book of Angus quotations before you can come out."

Augustus' words soon had an effect. Harnak immediately climbed onto the shore and ran to change clothes. Tychus was half a minute late, holding many women when he came up. swimsuit.

"Harnack is a kind-hearted bad boy, and Tychus is a combination of evil." At this time, Warfield, who walked behind Augustus, gave a timely comment. He had already started to grow a beard, but Always leave only a few inches.

"Where are we going next?" Renault didn't care about these issues. He was still very young and energetic. He was always restless and seemed to have endless energy.

"I am going to visit the most famous university in Moria, the University of Sacchaeus, which is one of the best technical universities in the world." Augustus said: "Let us go there and see - we need top talents, and young people They are the most receptive to new things and revolutionary ideas.”

"Remember Jordan Kaczynski, who we recruited when we excavated the alien artifacts in Mar Sara? I heard him say that he has many nephews studying in college there and they will graduate this year."

Augustus learned from conversations with Jordan Kaczynski that he had two nephews named Milo and Victor.

Jordan Kaczynski's nephew Milo Kaczynski is the genius starship engineer of the future Renault Ranger Hyperion, and his other brother Victor Kaczynski is the future famous Widow Ray's inventor.

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