StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 206 Landmine Expert Viktor Kaczynski

Chapter 206 Landmine Expert Viktor Kaczynski

Zacchaeus University is a well-deserved top research university with a gathering of elites and masters. For more than two hundred years, this university has provided brilliant super elites to the entire Kemorian Commonwealth. So far, the most famous scientific masters, world-renowned art masters and most influential political figures in the Commonwealth have all come from this university. This is the temple of knowledge located in the main city of Jacob.

The city of Jacob was built on the landing site of the colonial mothership Jacob. It is located at the origin of the entire Kemorian people. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the entire union, and the University of Zacchaeus stands at the top of the city's architectural complex. , together with the Kelanis Transportation Guild Headquarters, the Moria Mining Joint Headquarters, the Independent Government House, the Trade Union Building, and the Lars Technology Company Headquarters Building, it is also known as the most majestic and artistic building in Jacob City.

From the perspective of Augustus, who was standing inside the university, Sacchaeus University was undoubtedly a magnificent post-Gothic building complex made of white limestone, bronze steel and stained glass curtain walls, with greenery between the spire towers. The surrounding garden is filled with pink and pink-purple flowers and deciduous tree species from distant worlds, with lush flowers and green trees.

In the desolate star of Moria, water resources mostly rely on desalination technology and groundwater hidden deep underground. Ordinary people always have to pay a lot of extra money for daily water use, and the Central Park of Zacai University and the covered The nursery that dominates the entire campus has a never-ending fountain and a sprinkler device for removing dust and dirt.

This university, which has a history almost as old as the Moria settlement, has been renovated twice. The main artistic style still remains two centuries ago. At that time, the aesthetics of the Moria people was exactly the same as that of the Earth era, so the finely carved lines And stately Gothic doorways and vaults are so common.

Outside the low walls of Zacchaean University covered with green vines is a completely different scene. The university town where hundreds of thousands of people live is dotted with a large number of residential communities, leisure facilities and scientific research centers with high-end buildings. Outside the university town are densely populated buildings, and there are thousands of flying cars on the roads and in space.

The center of the city of Jacob is similar to the center of the main city of Tarsonis, and the periphery is a huge industrial building complex. Combustion furnaces, soaring smoke stacks and operating machinery factories make up this complex of furnaces and bronze pipes. The industrial world consists of.

Augustus, who was wearing a light blue sportswear, was walking on a path paved with yellow and white stones. Young men and women holding books were passing by him and his entourage. They all noticed that he was walking slowly with his hands behind his back. Augustus and the stern-faced Revolutionary Army soldiers behind him and the expressionless Camorian agents.

It is mid-March 2490, and there are only more than two months left before the graduation season of Zacchaeus University. The graduating students are all racking their brains for their laboratory projects and busy dealing with their instructors. One research task after another that seems to never end.

As he walked, Augustus studied the terrain of Zacchaean University, hoping to find inspiration for his reconstruction of the University of Korhal.

It has been a week since he arrived in Moria. Augustus spent a lot of time to smoothen the relationship between officials in the Moria government using hard currency such as Adeen crystal, and since the director of the Kelanis Transport Guild The executive got a letter of introduction to the president of Zacchaeus University.

Two days ago, Augustus met with the president of Zacchaean University. The strong-spirited elder turned out to be a staunch supporter of Korhal's revolutionary cause. He believed that the Korhal people's resistance was worthy of all the Kemorians. Respect, while his defeated compatriots only know how to wallow in the pain of defeat.

So, Augustus was about to have the opportunity to give a speech at Zacchaean University - anyway, he really had nothing to do while waiting for the joint arsenal in Moria to replenish the first batch of munitions. He couldn't talk to Tychus and Hang out with Hanak.

Currently, Augustus has obtained about 120,000 sets of dark red-painted Camorian Ripper power armor and 200,000 Camorian Gauss rifles. Only 1,500 heavy tanks have been delivered. However, the joint stock of Goliath armed robots is obviously very large, and five thousand Goliath armed robots were delivered to the Revolutionary Army fleet within a week.

And Augustus got his wish and spent all his budget, wondering which federal colony to go to for mining or robbery next.

At the same time, if the fleet must sail in the universe for a long time in the coming time, Augustus must also consider the mental problems of the crew.

"I can feel that there are some psychics in this university. They should all be students." Sarah followed Augustus as he walked through the gravel path between the gardens towards a bronze building with a spire. Kerrigan said softly.

At this time, the only people following Augustus were Kerrigan, Corporal Faraday, and Lieutenant General Warfield, who was about to visit, while Tychus and others had already been sent back to the fleet by Augustus.

"Their family must be either rich or noble." Corporal Faraday guessed.

Among the three human regimes, only the situation of psykers in the United States of Umojan, which has always promoted freedom and democracy, is better. However, the Shadow Guards are also known as non-existent warriors and rarely appear in the public eye. .

The psykers in the Tyranid Federation and the Kaimorian Federation are in a similar situation. They must undergo inhumane experiments and training to become ruthless killers. Only the children of nobles and guild elites may be spared.

The Kaimorian Consortium's Ghost Project was later than that of the Terran Federation and the United States of Umoyan, but it invested much more resources.

The elites of the alliance value their own wealth and life very much. They have a special liking for powerful security forces, and a Camorian ghost agent can be used to spy on the business intelligence of competing companies or steal the other party's industry. Core secrets and scientific research results.

However, in fact, gifted psykers can easily achieve outstanding achievements in their fields of expertise. Psychics can expand their cerebral cortex and make their thinking more active.

The ability to read minds can easily make a psychic develop an almost adult mentality at a very young age. Of course, if a psychic has a hidden extreme personality, their extreme degree will be far beyond that of ordinary people.

"Only the children of guild elites and corporate managers can escape the capture of the Kemorian Federation's psychic laboratory. In addition to Moria, they have also come from all over the Federation and even from the Tyranids Federation and the United States of Umojan. Collect psykers from their labs - their laboratories may be even more vicious and inhumane than the Federation's."

"I would like those psykers to be of use to me if they have the ability. I will grant them citizenship and build a city for all psykers in Koprulu."

Augustus chatted with his entourage and spent more than ten minutes walking through the beautiful gardens of Zacchaeus University and entering a building with undulating arcs and giant windows.

This is a single-family building with an interior that is specialized in artistic depiction and exquisite decoration. The first floor is the lecture hall with a wide vault. The natural sunlight pouring down from the heights pours down from the magnificent huge arch windows. The bottom of the wall It is decorated with exquisitely decorated lighting. The interweaving of light and shadow is the art intended to be emphasized and displayed by the designer of the lecture hall.

When Augustus was led by his escort into the lecture hall, which was higher than the audience, there were already thousands of students sitting under the stage holding books and pens. At the same time, many students were attending Continuous admissions, everyone needs to make sure they are not carrying any weapons before walking in.

When Augustus stood still on the podium, Kerrigan stood behind the scenes, and Corporal Faraday led about a platoon of the marshal's guards to stand in a row in front of the podium, blocking between the marshal and the students.

These students from Zacchaeus University who came here were told that Augustus Mengsk, who had recently severely damaged the Federation Navy's Alpha Squadron, was about to give a speech at their school. This is not common in Kemorian, but it is a Terran Federation politician. A tactic used to woo young voters.

In the lead-up to the Korhal Uprising, Angus Mengsk gave speeches at several prestigious universities.

Most of what the Camorians know about Augustus comes from the negative propaganda of the Revolutionary Army by the official media of the Terran Federation. They portray Augustus as the Satan of hell and call his Revolutionary Army soldiers demons.

These words fell on the ears of different groups, but the feelings were completely different. The Khakha people completely turned the UNN report upside down: If Augustus killed hundreds of thousands of innocent locals in Mar Sara , then he should have saved so many people without a doubt.

For the Camorians, they would see Augustus more as a freedom fighter.

After the Kailian War, the coalition government signed treaties that included compensation, ceding land, transferring technology, and transferring mining companies, which were humiliating and humiliating the country. All the Camorians, especially the young people, are suppressing the anger of humiliation. They are calling for a new war to regain the lost territory, and the Commonwealth government, whose spine has been broken, has already undergone a major change.

Defeatism spreads among the elites and high-level officials. The hawks who once launched the war were driven out of the center of power. Neither the board of directors of the Federation nor their successor capital holders believed that they had the ability to fight against the Tyranid Federation. capital.

The Kaimorian Consortium once had a proud business empire, but now it is only a sick body beaten to pieces by the Federation.

——This is the truth. Any person in power who is not blinded by illusions and egos should realize the gap between the Federation and the Terran Federation.

"In front of me is a great nation." Augustus looked at the dark heads and many pairs of shining eyes in the audience. He rarely gave speeches, but he was almost self-taught, and he never No need to bring a speech script.

Augustus would sometimes speak in front of a mirror, imagining that he was facing thousands of people. His clear thinking and language expression skills made him very familiar with speeches. But now Augustus just lacks incitement. The speech of the human heart, for this, he only needs to learn from those predecessors in history.

“As you all know, I am Augustus Mengsk, son of Angus and Catherine Mengsk, a revolutionary from Korhal, an ascetic who carries the torch of freedom. Many of you are as old as you and have walked across Tarsonis and Mar Sara, and I have seen stars burn and fleets perish."

"I was told that the Camorian Federation is as old as the Tyranid Federation, and that the Camorian people are braver, tenacious, hard-working, and wealthy than the Tyranids."

From Augustus's position, he could not claim to be a Camorian. More importantly, he could only give his speech as a bystander.

"After the four-year war, everything has changed. The people of the Terran Federation are dominating the land of the Federation and trampling on the dignity of the Kaimorian Federation."

When Augustus's impressive cold gray eyes swept across the auditorium, many students did not dare to look directly into his confident eyes. They just lowered their heads to avoid them. Their lowered heads formed a black wave in the auditorium. wave.

"From Andron V to Angorim, from Hygoron to the large orbital residential station of Meinhof, the star flag of the Tyranid Federation is flying on the territory that originally belonged to the Federation. They drove away the native Mo Rhea. Like cutting grass from the ground and letting it die in the sun."

Augustus' words resonated in the audience, and students waving the Kemerian flag stood up with flags draped over their shoulders.

Within the Kaimorian Commonwealth, there are far more secret organizations and rebels fighting against the Federation than the Commonwealth government knows. To this day, there are still several legions that have announced their separation from the Federation and are still fighting against the federal army in various parts of the Koprulu sector, hoping to regain their home world.

Augustus spoke in the lecture hall for more than ten minutes. He was already familiar with how to use specific gestures to arouse the emotions of the audience. He had already learned the gestures from his father Angus, and his tone was neither sonorous nor powerful. There will be no unnecessary pauses. Augustus was not reciting; he spoke clearly and crisply, ensuring that everyone could understand every word he said.

"As a Camorian, one day we should fight to liberate those planets that have been taken by the Tyranid Federation." When Augustus said the last word, thunderous applause began to ring out in the lecture room. .

Judging from the warm atmosphere, this should be a successful speech. Of course, this was just an impromptu performance by Augustus, and he was only consciously exercising his ability in this area.

When Augustus walked to the podium, many students squeezed through the crowd to come to him, and there were even passionate young people who wanted to join the revolutionary army. Augustus shook hands with each of these people one by one and even signed autographs - which made Augustus a little strange.

When the crowd surrounding Augustus began to disperse, a young man who looked a little shy walked up to him.

"I am Viktor Kaczynski, Marshal Augustus, and I want to join you," he said.

Victor Kaczynski, the future famous leader of the Federation Resistance Army, is good at roundabout combat and is accustomed to using Spider Mines and Widow Mines. He is known as the Ghost Kaczynski.

The Kaczynski family, the true owners of the Kelanis Transport Guild.

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