StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 207 The colonial fleet’s request for help

"The Kaczynski family has many connections with me. I have already met your uncle Jordan in Mar Sara, and he is still leading my team that studies the remains of alien civilizations."

Augustus looked at the young man named Victor Kaczynski and found that he was somewhat similar to the Milo Kaczynski in the game who hung out on the bridge of the Hyperion, the mechanical depot and the bar. , after all, they are brothers from the same family.

Victor has a broad face, a pair of gray-brown eyes on a low, flat nose, only one-inch-long short hair, and a short beard under his chin. The young college student was wearing a set of loose light blue casual clothes and a pair of blue and white striped flip-flops. He looked like he had just climbed out of bed.

"Uncle Jordan is a very good man, but after we lost the war with the Tyranid Federation, he had to flee Moria to avoid getting involved in the family's internal disputes." Victor's voice sounded like many Morias As low as a human being.

The Kaczynski family is a large family with many members and constant internal struggles for power.

"My other uncle Abraham's dictatorship within the family forced him to leave. If nothing else happens, I will leave Moria in recent years and join an anti-Tylan Federation resistance army. As far as I know , the Free Revolutionary Army, the Fist of Redemption, the Sons of Abram, and the Korhal Revolutionary Army are among the most prominent military organizations within the Federation that still resist their brutal rule."

"There are still many rebel organizations in Kemorion, such as the Hygroron, the Three-Headed Serpent, and the remnants of the Frontier Sentinels. They still have considerable military strength." Augustus asked Victor: "Why don't you join them?" "

"Most of them lack support. Their supplies and equipment come from donations from non-governmental organizations. In a few years, they will collapse from within, disband on the spot or become uncontrolled pirates." Victor answered Augustus seriously. Du’s problem: “The board of directors of the consortium only provides assistance to the resistance organizations they support, and they keep the rest at arm’s length.”

"The Kaimorian rebels only have the ultimate goal of regaining their lost territory - and I will only fight for one purpose, which is to completely destroy the Tyranid Federation and overthrow their brutal rule in the Koprulu sector."

"Very good." Augustus glanced at Victor and classified the latter as a similar person. They looked at each other, smiled, and hit it off.

"But I need to know what you're good at so I can put you in the right position. What major did you study at Zacchaeus?"

"I have obtained a degree in mechanical engineering and graduated early - I am nine months away from turning eighteen, but according to Moria tradition, I have reached adulthood at the age of sixteen." Victor said with a smile.

“I loved being around explosives as a child. When I was three years old, I used a detonator to blow up Uncle Abraham’s favorite cherry tree. After I was ten years old, I began to come into contact with and study spider mines and mines. "He said with confidence.

Victor behaved neither humble nor arrogantly in front of Augustus. As a member of the Kaczynski family, he had met elites from all walks of life in the Commonwealth and big figures in the guild at a very young age.

This huge family's power spreads across Moria and most of its affiliated colonies. It controls the transportation industry, ship manufacturing industry, and high-end weapons research and development industry. It is a gathering of elites. Its influence is rooted in every spaceship screw and screw produced by the alliance. On the engine, just like every refined crystal mine produced by the union must be engraved with the label of the Moria Mining Union.

"I am an expert in this field and have obtained several upgrade patents for spider mines before."

"Approval of your application for enlistment." Augustus agreed to Victor's request to join the revolutionary army after a brief thought. For him, this was indeed a rare talent.

Augustus heard from Victor's uncle Jordan about his nephew's cheating life. When he was 13 years old, Victor had already skipped grades and was admitted to the most famous Thakai University in the Camorion Alliance. After one year of enrollment, he dropped out to participate in the Alliance's research and development of spider mines.

Viktor Kaczynski's breakthroughs in the materials used to make spider mines made them cheaper, and his development of blade-like auxiliary feet allowed spider mines to penetrate deeper into the ground.

During the four years of the war, one out of every four Confederate soldiers killed by Kaimorian spider mines was attributed to Victor's achievements.

After the Kailian War, Victor returned to Zacchaean University and completed all the studies he should have completed in four years in less than a year.

"I heard that you have a younger brother named Milo." Augustus asked Victor again. ——The avatar of Augustus in the game is Milo Kaczynski.

"Oh, that kid, he just celebrated his tenth birthday this year." Victor looked at Augustus doubtfully.

"I was curious about what made Milo leave an impression in the mind of a revolutionary marshal. He was very naughty and loved to play tricks, but we all liked that kid."

"It's just that Jordan often mentioned his nephews to me, so I wrote down your names." Augustus shrugged.

"If you have really decided to join the Korhal Revolutionary Army, then you will probably be prepared to follow the Revolutionary Army fleet to leave Moria in the near future. It may be a week, or it may be tomorrow."

"I told you, I have graduated early. I told my family a few months ago about my plan to leave my family and hometown after graduation, and my indifferent relatives are eager for me to pack up and leave now. ." Victor replied.

"What are you going to ask me to do? I can start as a private."

"I want you to go to the engineering regiment of the Revolutionary Army for a while first." After talking with Victor for a while, Augustus already had a plan in mind as to what kind of position he should be placed in.

"I will arrange for you to be the deputy of the chief engineer of the fleet, Rory Swann. He is a Meinhof-born Kemorian and should be relatively friendly to the Morians. After a while, I will arrange for you to work in physics. Research laboratories are involved in the development of new mines,” he said.

"I'm very satisfied." Victor smiled: "So when can I start working? If possible, I still hope to go to the front-line troops fighting on the front line."

"Just today, you are already a private soldier of the Revolutionary Army." Augustus said in his heart that the Hyperion engineering team has been initially assembled, and now only one captain, Matt Horner, is missing.

"There will be opportunities to fight on the battlefield, young man."

After speaking, Augustus patted Victor on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow him out of the conference hall: "You'd better spend some time packing your luggage in the student apartment. We may have to leave the university this afternoon. You’ll never find us again then.”

"Don't bother me. I don't need any luggage. I can leave now." Victor and Augustus walked side by side towards the conference's beautifully patterned spiral corridor.

When Augustus heard this, he immediately looked at Corporal Faraday beside him: "Make the registration and ask the logistics person to give Mr. Victor a set of military uniforms and an M-3 backpack...and two sets of bedding and a military sonic shaver." knife."

At this time, most of the students in the conference hall have dispersed, and only a few people are still standing here. A very small number of people are planning to leave Moria with the revolutionary army today, and the rest are just stopping here. Wait and see.

After today, the news that Marshal of the Korhal Revolutionary Army gave a speech at Zacai University will spread to the news network of the Federation, and the media of the Tyranid Federation will also smell that Augustus Mengsk is defeating Alpha. There are clues that the squadron will show up again in the future.

But by the time the Terran Federation's naval fleet arrived in the Commonwealth star field, Augustus had already left for who knows how long. And the Commonwealth government will immediately declare that he is just a clown pretending to be Augustus Mengsk, and all he does is earn fame and fortune.

"Your speech will definitely go down in history in the future. If someone mentions the great freedom fighter Augustus Mengsk, they will inevitably quote what you said today." When Augustus walked out of the meeting , said Corporal Faraday excitedly.

"Don't praise me too much. The old people in my hometown always say that loyal words are harsh to the ears." As Augustus was speaking, an electromagnetic watch he was wearing suddenly started to vibrate.

This watch comes from Umoyan's intelligence department, and is mostly used to equip their agents lurking in various worlds. Under normal circumstances, this carefully designed watch can also serve as a communication device.

Augustus had already descended the stairs and motioned to the followers around him to stop. When Augustus opened his watch, a giant projection screen about eight inches long appeared in front of him.

"Listen, Augustus, we are in big trouble." The person talking to Augustus was Jim Raynor from the bridge of the Hyperion.

"." Augustus frowned, looked at Renault with a serious face, and realized that this matter was unusual.

"What happened? What could be more serious than Harnak putting his smelly socks on Tychus' ketchup."

"We received a request for help from the first colonial fleet, which was sent two weeks ago. They were attacked by an unidentified enemy on the edge of the Koprulu sector - the enemy seemed invisible and came from the jungle. "Reynold's face was very ugly.

After the Federation fleet destroyed Korhal, six colonial fleets carrying half of Korhal's population had set sail for more than a year with the colonists' dream of finding a new homeland.

"Be more detailed." Augustus was talking. Kerrigan and Corporal Faraday beside him had ordered the soldiers of the Guards Platoon to form a horseshoe-shaped warning circle around them.

"I remember the first colonial fleet was led by Rick Kidd. The fleet consisted of transport ships and a small number of frigates. Among them were more than 3.5 million immigrants, almost all civilians."

Victor Kaczynski, who had a fairly speculative chat with Augustus, consciously stood a little further away, thinking that he should not know too much before becoming a general of the revolutionary army.

"About two weeks ago, the scientific research ship of the Colonial Fleet discovered a planet that was not marked on the official star map of the Terran Federation. This planet has a stable ammonia nitrogen atmosphere and more than 70% jungle coverage. Geological movements and extreme climates have remained within a stable range, the average temperature has remained within 24 degrees Celsius, only a small number of arthropods have been found, and there are no large predators," Reno said.

"A green world with a pleasant climate and pure water in the lowlands amid dense jungle. It was an ideal colony, and they almost thought it was another Korhal."

"Were they attacked after the colony was established?" Augustus saw the crux of the problem: "Were the attackers federal troops or pirates?"

"Rick has four divisions of 80,000 men, as well as nearly 220,000 reserve and militia troops. Although they only have about 2,000 sets of CMC-200 power armor, they are enough to deal with any group of pirates. "

"Look, they don't know what is attacking them. The enemy appears from the shadows and leaves quickly. No one has seen what the enemy looks like. These are the images and pictures they sent back - God, who Can figure out what happened to them." Renault sent a series of data packets to Augustus.

Augustus moved his fingers across the holographic projection screen on his watch, and a series of pictures that seemed to be stained with blood appeared in front of him.

Each chest was torn open or directly cut into two pieces by some kind of deadly blade, and the wounds were covered with dark marks that seemed to have been burned by flames. The dead were all Revolutionary Army soldiers in their prime. There were no old people or children. Their bodies were stacked in front of the houses built by the Korhal colonists using prefabricated panels. They were placed in rows after rows, one next to the other, and they could not be seen at a glance. The end.

Augustus couldn't bear to look at the tragedy of the deceased. Their chests and abdomen were cut open, their bodies were dismembered, their bones and flesh were separated, and their skulls and other bones were missing. The attackers appeared to be using these people as practice dissections until they became more proficient at dissecting humans.

An indescribable sorrow and anger flowed through Augustus's chest, and he realized that those who killed these people might not be human.

The only alien races that Augustus knew about were protoss and zerg, and those blackened wounds came either from the psychic blades of the protoss or from the acid of the zerg, but this attack method was different from the aliens. Very different from what the insect is used to.

If it were the protoss, among the many branches of their race, only the Tal'darin protoss could massacre humans.

"They were hunted and killed, with more than 10,000 dead, and they were all Revolutionary Army soldiers and officers - they seemed to especially like to attack our commanders." Renault continued: "The hunters came from the jungle, and they killed everyone who went deep into the jungle. Jungle people.”

"Cancel all vacations and tell the sailors on vacation in Moria that we must leave immediately."

Augustus said: "We are the only ones who can help them. Until then, we can only pray that Rick's people can hold on."

During this period, the first batch of weapons purchased by Augustus in Morea have been delivered to the revolutionary army and are gradually being installed into the army. These are weapons in stock, while the remaining ones will take several months or even longer. During the construction period, we will work overtime to produce.

"Wait a minute." Augustus suddenly thought of something: "Victor, I'm afraid we have to trouble you to follow us on a trip to Jacob's City."

"Go to the mercenary market in Moria. We need some elite troops who can cope with emergencies."

Thank you dear brothers for your vote.

The group is discussing holding a small competition during the National Day holiday. The project includes cooperation mode and PVP multi-party fighting.

The prize money is sponsored by the leader of this book (I Just Miss You), and the first, second, and third place winners total one thousand yuan plus movie tickets.

It is an activity to give back to fans. If you are interested, you can join the group to participate. It would be interesting to play StarCraft if there are more people.

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