StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 208 Hammer Security Company

The mercenary market in the main city of Jacob is located on the lower level of the city's vertical building complex, far away from the bustling city center and commercial buildings, between dark buildings and industrial buildings composed of metal transportation pipes and chimneys.

The mercenary market is set up inside a huge commercial plaza. The small and remote headquarters of most mercenary companies are close to shops selling cheap industrial products. Even the large mercenary organizations will not spend extra money. Rent an entire floor as a headquarters and instead choose to spend more money on a training base.

The mercenary market in Jacob City was much deserted than Augustus imagined. It was deserted. Even in the shops with neon signboards, many lower-class residents could be seen shopping.

Augustus is on the first floor of the Commercial Plaza. This huge building covers an area equivalent to a hundred football fields. The bottom floor is the commercial area, and above it are offices and sports venues.

The first floor of the commercial square has a towering dome and a grid of shops. Augustus shuttled among the shops, looking for mercenary organizations among them. Augustus noticed that in the commercial center of Moria, products such as industrially synthesized food, desalinated seawater, and plastic products were much cheaper than those in Tarsonis.

Moria's food factories produce enough synthetic food to feed the entire planet's four billion people. A Moria man can feed a family of five just by working on a factory production line or at a star port's loading dock for one day. , but even so, thousands of people still starved to death.

The decline of the Kaimorian mercenary market is not unrelated to the end of the Kaimorian War. The Federation lost control of most colonies and mining worlds. Its sphere of influence has shrunk significantly. Since the trade routes between Moria and affiliated colonial worlds no longer exist, the work of mercenaries has been temporarily reduced.

Many mercenaries changed careers during this period and became interstellar pirates, preparing to return to Moria when the market was good.

But in a federation that controls the vast majority of the population in the form of guild enterprises and trade fleets, powerful people are more than happy to hire a well-trained mercenary army in addition to forming a private security force.

"The Union's Hammer Security Company is the largest mercenary organization here. At the same time, Umoyan's Hill and Harris Company also has a permanent office here." The mercenaries shuttled among the deserted mercenaries in Augustus. While in the market, Kerrigan, who had already done the research, reported to him.

"After the Battle of Kailian, the original Camorian legions also disintegrated and formed various mercenaries or pirate organizations. For example, several Cerberus fighter wings of the coalition formed the Cerberus Security Company, which provides The interstellar trading fleet provided escort, while another branch of the Hells Angels, suspected to be composed of the Cerberus Wing, became a pirate organization."

"They dismembered their own legion, and the guild guards who once fought for glory were abandoned by the union they once loyal to. Within twenty years, the Kaimorian Union will never have a chance to turn around." Augustus coldly said these words and walked towards the depths of the mercenary market with his hands behind his back.

After coming to Moria and coming into contact with all kinds of senior leaders and elites of the Federation, Augustus became increasingly disappointed. The Kemerian Federation once provoked a war with the Tyranid Federation. In the early stages of the war, they had the upper hand. The Federation fleet blocked the borders of the Tyranid Federation and advanced to one-third of the star system in the Koprulu sector. .

The guild guards of the Federation are known as the most indestructible warriors, and numerous arrogant legions composed of various guilds and families destroyed one Federation world after another.

Today, that powerful alliance has become a thing of the past, and their rulers can no longer even muster the courage to fight the Federation head-on.

Since the territory of the Federation was compressed into Moria and several recent systems, the Kaimorians have lost the qualification to compete with the Federation, and there is even a tendency to become its vassals.

Apart from weapons and their factories operating at full capacity, the Kemerian Consortium will probably not be able to provide Augustus with any support.

"The Hammer Security Company is currently the best choice. Their employees have rich combat experience and are reliable. After the Kailian War, this company accepted many retired guild guards and veterans of the Kaimorian Auxiliary Army. ." Kerrigan said.

"They are the only ones." Augustus also saw many small and medium-sized mercenary organizations along the way, but small mercenaries generally only have one or two combat teams of less than ten people, and there are not many medium-sized organizations that can exceed the number of people. One hundred people.

Mercenaries are often elites, and their number is not large. Only those who have experienced hundreds of battles and are lucky enough can survive until now. Compared with the power armor mass-produced by the regular army, they generally add more reliability to their power armor. parts and specialized weapons to cope with the complex space environment and the various enemies they encounter during their adventures.

"Hill's mercenary company is headquartered in Umoyan, and water from afar cannot quench the thirst of nearby people." Augustus led Kerrigan and his mercenaries through the mercenary market, shaking his head frequently, and finally went straight to Hammer Security 's headquarters.

"We will rush back to the fleet before 23:00 today. The last batch of Camorion I armed heavy tanks (modified self-dozers) and rail guns, as well as the latest purchase of cutting-edge detection helmets and goggles, are all required. position, so that we can deal with those invisible enemies."

Now Augustus is still worried about the colonial fleet that was attacked. If the attackers are Tal'darin protoss, then they will never have any compassion for humans.

The Tal'darin protoss may be attacking humans because they happen to come to their homeland, or it may be just a hunting game aimed at gaining the pleasure of hunting.

Hammer Security Company is one of the top mercenary organizations in the consortium today, and its headquarters occupies half a floor of this huge commercial plaza.

The company's headquarters is basically composed of internal staff and mercenaries who have returned to the headquarters after performing tasks. As soon as Augustus appeared, he attracted the attention of a person in charge of the Hammer Security Company.

"Hello, my manager here is Ultramar." A tall middle-aged man received Augustus. It only took him a few seconds to recognize the revolutionary marshal in front of him.

"If we admit our mistake correctly, you should be Marshal Augustus Mengsk of the Revolutionary Army." He shook hands with Augustus and said.

"During the Four Years' War, I also served in Turasis II as a member of the Guild Guards. When the Demon of Heaven descended from the sky from the 34th Internment Camp where federal prisoners of war were held, my Snakehead Team and I happened to be there. We were performing missions nearby, but because you evacuated very quickly, my people didn't have time to catch up." The former guild guard said with emotion.

"But I often think that if I arrive by chance, maybe my people and I will add another feather to your record and die in Turasis II."

"It's good and bad, Mr. Ultramar." Augustus shook hands with him.

"I need an elite Hammer security force, about. About a few thousand people - tentatively."

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