StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 209 Jungle Planet Beisher

April 17, 2490, 8 a.m. local time, colonist settlement - August.

This is a verdant planet. Viewed from a synchronous orbit, her surface radiating the brilliance of stars is so smooth and pure, and the hovering rain clouds seem to be little by little rotating white spirals.

The first time they saw the planet, the cheers of Korhal's people could be heard aboard the transport ship Stirling, the flagship of the colonial fleet. They thought this was the grace and mercy of the goddess of fate, but they did not expect that this was a world of death that was about to bring infinite fear.

Rick Kidd was wearing a set of crimson CMC-250E commander power armor, standing in the command center tower in the center of the August Settlement complex, surrounded by his Revolutionary Army officers, among whom There was no shortage of officers with the rank of warrant officer.

Originally, Rick had three colonels and more than twenty school-level senior commanders and staff officers under his command, but now the bodies of many of them are hanging on branches or in the wilderness.

Through the huge glass window in front of him, the planet's blue sky, floating clouds and warm sun appeared in front of Rick. In the distance was a vast green jungle, tall deciduous trees, plants and similar species. Palm trees form a sea of ​​green, and when the warm wind from the south blows through the jungle, it immediately creates lush ripples.

Rick Kidd recalls the first time he set foot on this planet as if it was yesterday.

The leader of the First Colonial Fleet, Rick Kidd, was once a member of the Heavenly Demons under Revolutionary Army Marshal Augustus Mengsk. He was an elite sniper with psychic potential, but his psychic talent was still limited. Not enough to qualify as a ghost agent.

On this green planet named Baisher by the intelligent adjutant of the colonial ship, ferns, small-leaf shrubs, trees and a wide variety of herbs and vines cover the vast land of Baisher. There are dense rivers in the closed jungle, and magnificent waterfalls hang upside down between the emerald green mountains.

Bysheer's air is breathable without any treatment, fresh water is plentiful, and there are fewer types of bacteria and viruses harmful to humans than on the major colonial worlds in the Koprulu sector.

The lighting is stable and it is pleasantly warm most of the year. Baishel has not undergone any terraforming and has a low-level and fragile ecosystem. Arthropods and primitive insects rule this fascinating world, relying on stems, leaves or pollen from angiosperm flowers for food.

The exploration spacecraft and scouts sent by Rick to the surface of the planet discovered a gas resource similar to high-energy gas in some places in Byshel. This gas overflows from the deep canyon fissures and cracked ground surface, showing a distinct purple color in the sunlight, but in the area where it appears, no plant, no matter how stubborn, can survive, and it is desolate.

This caused some uneasiness among Rick and the colonels of the Revolutionary Army, and the alien ruins discovered a few weeks later only intensified this emotion. According to the speculations of scientists among the colonists, this may be a relic left by a local advanced intelligent civilization or a colony abandoned by a race capable of interstellar travel. However, the reconnaissance team did not find any signs of the existence of advanced intelligent life, nor was it attacked. Any attack.

Even though the resource reserves on the planet have not yet been discovered, compared with those miasma-ridden or dead stone planets in the universe, Byshel is still the most suitable near-Earth planet among the colonial fleet's candidate colonization planets.

And if the colonists want to abandon this settlement just because of this, then they will have to sail more at least to find a colonizable planet, and the habitability may be far less than that of Beisher.

After repeated consideration, Rick decided to awaken the colonists in cryo-sleep state in the colonial fleet and conduct a referendum among the colonists.

This is a world extremely far away from their home planet Korhal, but for these colonists who woke up from hibernation, it seemed like it was just a moment of closing their eyes and then opening them again. Most of them were still stuck in In grief over Korhal's destruction, he was reluctant to sail further.

After a long wait, the colonists finally decided to settle on Beisher Star.

For the first three months, everything went smoothly.

Colonial ships, often a thousand feet (about three hundred meters) long, landed on the planet's surface. The Korhal colonists quickly dismantled their motherships, using the ship's decks, hydraulic pipes, air-tight doors, and their The original civic centers, residential buildings, power stations, water plants, and sewage treatment plants were built with all available materials.

Soon, the construction of the first highway and the first signal base station on Baishel began. Lights appeared in the jungle like the fires of civilization, just like the first time humans lit a fire on the earth. bonfire.

Seven large settlements that can accommodate 200,000 people each and more than 30 small and medium-sized settlements scattered around them appeared on the vast jungle landscape of Beisher, reclaiming land, building schools, etc. Everything is going on step by step.

In order to commemorate Korhal and the homeland where they lived in the past, the colonists of Korhal named their new city after the old place of Korhal. Everything is developing in a prosperous direction——

It wasn't until a captain who was ordered to investigate alien ruins and his company disappeared in the jungle, and a revolutionary army major died in an extremely miserable way in his house, that the colonists realized that there was something hidden in the jungle. time danger.

By this time, it was no longer realistic to evacuate Beisher.

In the next month, the colonists were massacred from the shadows. More and more people died on the way to open up the land. There was no news from the isolated colonies overnight. Those colonies that disappeared Those who were killed were either killed or captured.

Rick has less than two thousand Revolutionary Army soldiers with power armor under his command, and the remaining soldiers even only wear thin military uniforms and lack anti-stealth equipment.

If you don't know where the enemy is, you can't launch a counterattack. From the beginning the colonists were on the defensive, their territories continually retreating back to their original landing sites.

As more and more people were slaughtered, Rick began to build high walls and sentry towers around the settlements, and arranged a large number of patrols to guard the settlements, and the number of victims gradually decreased.

"We can't count on rescue from Augustus. They are probably in a war that is more severe than the situation we are facing." Looking at the green jungle ocean, Rick murmured to himself. Green was once a symbol of vitality, but now it has become a symbol of death.

Rick's men all looked heavy and silent.

"Sir, I am Lieutenant Colonel Moser of the 10th Division of Stillling. My soldiers killed an attacker." At this moment, a deep voice came from the communication network of the command center.

"It's a humanoid creature."

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