StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 212 The fleet has arrived

The alien creature covered in black armor was obviously on the verge of death. He was hit in the head by three boatswain 7.62mm bullets from a distance of only ten yards, one of which went straight through its scarlet-red glow. one eye.

The alien creature was not wearing a helmet, and he paid the price.

In the bright sunshine of Baishel afternoon, the humanoid creature wearing black armor gradually turned into countless scarlet light spots, like countless red fireflies or sand blown away by the wind, with a gust of light. The gentle breeze blew through the leaves and shrubs.

Rick and his Revolutionary Army soldiers have long been accustomed to this. Whenever they think they have killed these monsters, their bodies will turn into a ball of light dust. Scientists and scholars among the colonists even suspected that these alien creatures were not carbon-based creatures, and their existence may be far beyond the scope of human understanding.

"Watch your head or your feet, these Bashir bastards are everywhere." At the moment when his adjutant was beheaded, Rick Kidd was already prepared to face death.

In front of Rick were more than a dozen Revolutionary Army soldiers cut open with sharp blades, and his adjutant Philip was also slaughtered. The death of these soldiers made Rick unbearable to look at them. Their severed bodies lay in a mess on the grass, like a group of cod chopped up by a cutting machine.

Rick just glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, concentrating on the front and having no time to care about how many people would be heartbroken by the death of these soldiers.

The Korhal people were once the most prosperous group among the colonies of the Tyranid Federation. Ever since they decided to resist the rule of the Federation, this nation has been associated with the word disaster.

"Captain Rhodes is dead." When the Revolutionary Army soldiers in the rear began to move closer to Rick, a noisy report suddenly came from Rick's communication channel. At this time, Rick could only be thankful that the enemy did not have the means to cut off human radio communications, or perhaps they thought there was no need to do so.

"There are no survivors in the 1st Platoon and 2nd Squad of the 3rd Company." Several Revolutionary Army soldiers stepped forward and checked whether there were any survivors under the cover of others.

"We found no further signs of the enemy."

"The Irish ensign takes his place," Rick said over the communication channel.

"The Irish second lieutenant is also dead." A relatively young and immature non-commissioned officer replied.

"Then you will be in command of the first platoon." The system inside Commander Rick's power armor showed that he was a First Class Gunnery Sergeant of the Revolutionary Army.

Then, with the sudden cessation of gunfire, the jungle became quiet again. The sudden attack came to an abrupt end with the assassin's death, and the jungle, which was confused and smelled of blood, became completely silent again.

"Keep going," Rick ordered over his channel.

This calmness did not bring any psychological comfort to the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army. Instead, it aggravated their uneasiness. Even the calmest officers could not help but feel chills in their hearts.

Rick's troops spent more than 40 minutes in the jungle and arrived at the location where the request for help signal was sent without any danger. However, several reconnaissance troops that broke away from the main force disappeared without exception, and only one person remained in the communication channel. lament.

These Byshel alien creatures seem to be addicted to this hunting game against humans. They act alone or in small groups, bit by bit eating away at the human army in the jungle.

At that time, there was still a gentle breeze in the jungle, but it was difficult to walk among the dense branches, leaves and vines. The soldiers sometimes had to climb over fallen trees and bushes as tall as one person, and their combat boots were stuck in the deep humus layer. There were footprints covered with small red puddles.

By the time Rick found the missing Vulture Company soldier in a jungle clearing, it was almost 4 p.m.

More than a hundred Vulture drivers wearing blue and white combat uniforms and mechanics wearing yellow-orange suspender overalls were sitting back-to-back among the broken ferns. The visual aids on Rick's helmet visor allowed him to clearly see It was discovered that the eyes of these people were constantly overflowing with purple light, which was almost the same color as terrazine.

This strange scene may explain why these people obviously could not see any traces of being restrained on their bodies, and there were no signs of escape. Except for their eyes that glowed purple, these people's exposed faces and elbows were all skinny and covered with scars, making it difficult to imagine the inhuman torture they suffered after being captured.

Rather, these people are no different from the drug addicts who roam the streets of the slums of Tarsonis.

"Don't get close to them." Rick said on the communication channel, holding up his bosun sniper rifle and slowly approaching the silent people.

Rick originally thought that these people had gone insane due to the torture, but what was even more incredible was that these people immediately cheered for salvation after seeing the approaching soldiers.

"They're coming to save us!" When people with purple eyes rushed toward him, even Rick felt terrified.

"Stop! Otherwise we'll shoot."

"Who is your top officer? I think it's Lieutenant Werner of Pickett," Rick said over the power armor's loudspeaker.

The crowd rushing towards their compatriots could only stop helplessly when faced with the guns, and then a soldier wearing a mechanical sergeant uniform walked out of the crowd.

"Lieutenant Werner is dead. I am mechanical sergeant Sidman Hafen, a member of the Pan-Taylan Party. My hometown is Ridenheim, and my father is El Hafen." This man with black hair The sergeant walked toward Rick with unsteady steps, but wisely kept his distance.

"Sir, I watched Lieutenant Werner's head being sliced ​​open by a Tal'darin hunter, and then they took out the red and white brain tissue from the skull -" he continued.

"We encountered Taldarin while patrolling Ruin No. 1. They had weapons we had never seen before. After a hasty battle, we were slaughtered, and finally Lieutenant Werner decided to surrender to the enemy."

Rick's unwavering eyes flashed for a moment. He did not continue to talk to the sergeant. He just shouted on the command channel: "Everyone gather at me immediately, keep an eye on your surroundings, and give your back to your own hands." Comrades."

After that, Rick looked at Sergeant Sidman: "What's wrong with your eyes? If you look at the people around you, you will know that that purple light is not normal."

"Also, you call those monsters Tal'darin?"

"Yes, they call themselves the Tal'darin - we don't understand their speech, but the Tal'darim occasionally speak English. No, it's more like they themselves telepathically beam the words into our minds. Sometimes they also make sounds, but we don't know how they do it without a mouth." said the mechanical sergeant, who was so thin that he was out of shape due to hunger or other torture.

"After we were captured, Tal'darin took us to their temple and locked us in a stone cage. We were only given the necessary water and some Beisher fruits to satisfy our hunger." Mechanical Sergeant Sidman said.

"In the following time, my officers were taken away one by one. They were tortured, interrogated, and died. I was just a mechanic. Tal'darin valued the strong and disdained craftsmen and scholars. , that’s why I’m alive to this day.”

"Later, they forced us to ingest terazine, making us abandon our dignity and compete with each other for the few food we had - all to satisfy the Ta'darin Lord's addiction," he said.

"Today, they brought us here - we thought this was a new killing game. They have always liked to send the captured humans to the forest farm through spaceships, and then the hunters of Tal'darin would immediately start hunting. Kill the game.”

"." Rick digested the huge amount of information in these words, and his attitude towards Sidman became a little better: "Give them the emergency rations."

"Praise to the great Mother Beisher, we are finally saved." Sergeant Sidman smiled.

"The one who saved you is not Mother Beisher. The Revolutionary Army has never believed in any gods." Rick looked at him: "Mother Beisher, what is that?"

"Mother Baisher is Baisher's will. She predicted your arrival and we all heard it." The sergeant didn't feel that there was any problem with his knowledge at all.

"There is something wrong with you," he said. "You must be re-examined by the August National Security Council."

At this time, various units of the Revolutionary Army scattered in the jungle began to move closer to Rick, and the sky gradually darkened. Baishel's rotation speed was faster than that of the earth, and several red clouds gradually accumulated on the horizon.

Baisher is a pure virgin land, its beauty lies in its purity and mysterious ruins among the green jungle. However, when humans knew that it was filled with terrifying alien creatures, no one had the leisure to enjoy Baishel at sunset.

"They're coming." At this time, Sergeant Sidman suddenly said to Rick.

"The Tal'darim are coming, and they are many. That's what Byshel told me."

"It's so fucking weird." Rick stared into Sidman's lavender eyes, wondering whether he should attribute this to some kind of super power. In Rick's opinion, only magicians or lunatics would talk about prophecies.

Almost at the same time, fierce gunfire erupted less than a quarter of a mile (about 400 meters) away from Rick, as hundreds of people spoke on the public communication channel.

When Rick looked up, what he saw was a large number of angular black spaceships passing over the jungle. These black spaceships were a perfect combination of killing aesthetics and exquisite works of art, and they were covered in blood. thorns and blades.

These ships cast a death rain of crimson plasma beams onto the ground, and the earth burned in these beams. A majestic spaceship emerged from the clouds. The sun was setting in the west, and the blood-like light made it look even more bloody and dangerous.

Everyone is desperate. These Tal'darim have the ability to destroy human colonies. The reason why they have waited until now may simply be because they find it interesting.

The giant also finds it amusing when he crushes the ants under his feet.

At this moment, a long fusiform Tal'darin spacecraft passed over Rick's head, and a Tal'darin Protoss wearing black armor and a crimson robe jumped from a few hundred feet under the protection of a psychic shield. The high-altitude figure fell from the sky and landed right between Rick and Sergeant Shield.

As the Tal'darin fell, crimson psychic energy burned around it like fire, like a falling meteor.

"I am the ascendant of Tal'darin, the captain of the Niang Expeditionary Force, and the lord of Baishel. We will never allow you to tarnish the Breath of the Creator and blaspheme the gods." As soon as this Tal'darin landed, the powerful spiritual energy Pushing down trees in the jungle and uprooting shrubs.

"We hunt strong men. Only true warriors are worthy of a fair duel with me. Others come here just to die."

Lord Tal'darin's voice was clearly conveyed to the minds of everyone present. His voice was like the sound of swords, making the minds of human soldiers buzz.

"Psychics?" Rick's ears were filled with reports from various Revolutionary Army units. A desperate fact soon came to his commander's power armor. Thousands of Tal'darin attack aircraft It is sweeping through the jungle where the revolutionary army is located.

"Or you can come together, primitive creatures with mouths." Lord Taldarin raised his proud head, and the tapered psychic amplifier on his back was like two parallel blades.

"This is the first time I've seen an intelligent bug in hundreds of revolutions... I can barely play a small game with you, just in time to eliminate the weakest group of blood hunters under me."

"Ah - ah - hurry up and don't keep my blood-thirsty blade waiting."

The will of this Tal'darin lord is directly projected into the minds of Rick and others through psychic energy. Even if he doesn't speak English, humans can understand what he means.

Rick did not answer him, but just clenched the Gauss rifle in his hand: "Everyone in the first battalion will stay with me. The others will retreat in the direction they came from. As long as they get out of the jungle and find the car parked outside, they will immediately Drive back.”

"Sergeant Sylde, take the other captured men and follow my men to retreat. Don't look back."

"Lord Tal'darin——" Rick looked at the Tal'darin Protoss opposite and said.

"Since you look down on the weak, let them leave."

"No matter how long a bug lives, it's just a bug. Slaine's nymphs only live through spring and summer, and mayflies live and die." Lord Tal'darin mocked.

Rick gritted his teeth and was about to say something when he suddenly heard a roar from above his head. When he and the Tal'darin Protoss raised their heads at the same time, the sky was getting dark and they could both see several hammerhead-shaped battleships. The bright light emitted by the cruise ship when it descended from the atmosphere.

Let’s spread the word again, brothers and sisters, the National Day Cup is about to begin!

Welcome to join the group to participate in the event. The registration period is from now until September 29th at 12 noon. The competition includes cooperative mode, multiplayer pvp and game lobby (tavern, four-way hegemony, single player mode). The time is from October 1st to 3rd. Number.

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