StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 213 Duke must prove his loyalty

"It really stung a worm's nest."

"You don't think that these scraps of scrap metal can do something more extraordinary than falling on the ground, do you?" This proud Tal'darin Lord could have spent some time to kill Rick Kidd and his warriors, but he clearly put more thought into how to express his disdain for humans.

"In your opinion, it is already a battleship, but it does not pose any threat at all. It is just a buzzing insect that can be swatted to death at any time."

The tough Tal'darin Lord stared into Rick's eyes. His body covered in black and red armor was converted into a molecular state and transported to the Tal'darin battleship in an instant. Disappeared in an instant.

"We'll settle this later, Rick Kidd."

At the same time, the Tadarin aircraft carrier interceptor and the small unmanned spacecraft equipped with plasma light cannons that were hovering over the jungle began to climb upward at an alarming speed, as light as feathers held up by the wind.

Immediately afterwards, the magnificent Tal'darin aircraft carrier, with its slender hull that was both elegant and offensive, disappeared from human sight, as if it had never appeared.

In Beisher's sky, which has been dyed red by the sunset, a large number of human landing craft, transport aircraft and fighter jets sailed out from the interior of the battlecruisers. The light produced by the friction between the spacecraft and the atmosphere became more and more eye-catching as time went by.

"This is the Hyperion, the flagship of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, and I am Jim Raynor." Raynor's voice sounded on Rick's communication channel, which made him feel particularly friendly.

"You helped a lot, Jim." Rick knew that Renault couldn't hear what he said, but he still said: "I can't believe what these more than three million people would do without you."

At this time, the darkness of Beisher had quietly fallen, and the lush jungle suddenly lost its color. Under the starlight, all kinds of strange luminous plants began to wake up.

"Sir, the enemy has retreated. Should we continue to retreat?" an officer under Rick asked on the officer command channel.

As if in an instant, Tal'darin disappeared as quickly as he came, and their ground troops quickly disappeared into the jungle. Rick and his men all had a sense of joy in surviving a desperate situation, and they all began to be proud of their fleet.

Rick turned on the searchlight on the chest of his powered armor and looked around: "Stand where you are and fire off flares."

Following Rick's order, several fiery red flares swayed up and lit up the night sky.

While waiting for reinforcements to arrive, Rick found the group of captured soldiers and Sergeant Sild whose eyes were glowing purple, and ordered them to stay within his sight.

During this period, Sergeant Sylde repeatedly mentioned Baishel's prophecy, which made Rick unhappy. Apart from some nagging, Hilde showed no other problems, and his mental and self-awareness were very normal.

And Rick doesn't know whether terrazine on all planets causes this situation, or only on the planet Baishel.

In the next few dozen minutes, Rick nervously waited for an earth-shattering battle, waiting for a tragic and hard battle, but until dozens of Revolutionary Army transport planes and shuttles landed in the jungle, Tal'darin's battleship and ground troops never showed up again.

He originally thought that as soon as the Tal'darin lord said harsh words, the revolutionary army fleet and the Tal'darin fleet that came for reinforcements would immediately fight in Beisher's synchronous orbit.

As a result, he escaped so easily - then there is only one possibility for this kind of arrogant creature to escape in despair, and that is that their power in Beisher is far less powerful than they said.

Rick suddenly remembered the name of the Tal'darin Lord. He was just the captain of an expeditionary force. So Byshel might not even be a colony of this race, but just a few Tal'darin warships or an army. Just stay here.

"Hey, who is your commander?" At this time, several revolutionary army transport ships painted in silver and white were parked around Rick. The strong wind caused by the ship's engine blew down the bushes and blooming pink flowers in the jungle. of orchids.

A group of soldiers dressed in white power armor with golden eagle emblems painted on their shoulders filed down. The leading commander was opening his silver-plated helmet visor and walking towards Switzerland with his distinctive steps that revealed his might. gram.

This familiar voice and familiar posture immediately reminded Rick of an unlikable character - Edmund Duke, the commander of Alpha Squadron of the Federation Navy.

When they saw the Alpha Squadron, Rick's men raised their Gauss rifles. Seeing this, Duke immediately said: "Don't shoot, our own people. We are the Alpha Squadron of the Korhal Revolutionary Army. I It’s Brigadier General Edmund Duke.”

As he spoke, Duke pointed to the Mengsk Golden Wolf logo on his chest and loudly emphasized his identity: "Look at this, I am a revolutionary army. We came all the way from thousands of light years away to deal with aliens. Monster, he stayed on the spaceship for two full months, this is simply not a life for human beings."

"I don't want to die in the hands of one of my own people."

Rick thought he had made a mistake for a while, but Duke's arrogant tone and his iconic pointed head were too distinctive.

Rick had left Korhal a year earlier and knew nothing of the recent Revolutionary victory at Mar Sara, or of Duke's allegiance to Augustus after his capture.

"You must be crazy—either I am, which is more unbelievable than hearing the Tarsonis Federation Council resign en masse, or you are Duke's pathetic twin."

"I'm Rick Kidd, Major General of the Marine Corps." He said insincerely: "Anyway, I'm really happy to see you."

"Where are the enemies? I'm talking about those invisible monsters. I saw their gleaming spaceships when we were in high-altitude orbit. Our ships fired a few shots at them and they ran away like rats crossing the street - - Let me tell you, we don’t even need to run so far to deal with them. Killing the founding families of Tarsonis is the top priority.” Edmund Duke, wearing white commander power armor, led ten Several members of Alpha Squadron's Elite Guard approach Rick.

Duke looked at the Revolutionary Army soldiers on the ground who had been cut into pieces by Tal'darin soldiers, and raised his eyebrows, but did not show any fear: "Medic! There are seriously injured people here."

Although he is covered in stinky problems, Duke does possess some qualities that ordinary people don't have. Even though he is over forty, he still has the spirit of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and is overly confident.

Whether it was the Camorians, the Revolutionary Army, or alien creatures, Duke always charged forward with his gun on his shoulder.

If the commander wants Duke to play his role, then he and his troops should be the tip of the blade, rather than expecting General Duke to use his brains when charging into battle.

"They are already dead. The enemy is always accustomed to killing with one blow." Rick sighed.

"Then, I think we have a batch of corpses that need to be collected. Take away these rebel soldiers. The navy will never abandon the corpses of our comrades." Duke observed the injuries of the deceased. At this time, even he did not dare to look down upon them. The enemy that inflicts these great wounds.

"It looks like the enemy has retreated," Rick said, shaking his head.

"It's really disappointing. I dare say that any alien creature will flee as soon as it eats a cannonball." Even though he had begun to pay attention to these aliens, Duke would not give in: "Very well, fight the aliens." I'm the best at this kind of thing, but they don't dare to face the famous Alpha Squadron."

"Oh, I remember you, the youngest son of the Bennett family. I should have recognized you when we were on Turasis II, but the last time we met was more than ten years ago." After knowing the enemy After retreating, Duke showed a disappointed expression, but he would not blame Rick for not delaying the enemy.

The Duke family has some connections with Rick's Bennett family. As one of the most influential families in Tarsonis, their family members are quite familiar with each other.

"I remember your sister is a rare beauty in Tarsonis. Compared with her, you are an ugly duckling." Duke never cares about other people's feelings. The annoying thing about him is that he always He refuses to open and lift whatever pot he likes, and he behaves unusually cruelly and inhumanely when it's time to show mercy.

"You are right, my sister is a very good person, and after all, I am just an incompetent person who can't do anything well." Rick always seems very sad when talking about his family, but he I won't be angry with Duke because of this.

"I have made a clean break with the past... What surprises me even more is you, Duke. If I hadn't known that it was the Hyperion that was coming, I would have almost thought that the people who came to help us were from the Federation."

"Abandon the darkness and turn to the light." Duke obviously did not want to elaborate on the reason why he joined the revolutionary army: "In short, we are people in the same boat, sharing weal and woe. Only by overthrowing the Federation can we win a place in the new government. In order to This, I don’t mind smashing the mouths of federal legislators.”

"Sorry, it's you and not us." Rick shook his head and said: "I joined the revolution not for fame, fortune or any other lofty goals, but because Augustus Mengsk is the leader of the revolutionary army."

"You don't have to be so anxious to show your loyalty. I don't believe there are people who don't like the feeling of having power." Duke sneered at Rick's statement.

"Maybe someone doesn't like money or beautiful women, but no one can deny rights."

"My instinct tells me that what you say is true, but there are always some exceptions." Rick replied.

"Haha - it's that Kidd guy. I knew he would definitely lead people to the battlefield himself." At this time, Tychus laughed and walked off another transport ship that had just stopped.

"Look at his arrogance. I just thought he was one of Augustus's dogs." Duke became furious as soon as he saw Tychus. He almost fought with Augustus's men. Every general has a bad relationship.

This is not because Duke has some kind of prejudice against the generals of the Revolutionary Army. In fact, he looks down on any of his peers. His famous bad temper and terrible popularity are worse than any general of the Duke family in history. many.

Of course, every general in the Duke family has a completely different and weird personality. Some like to run naked when drunk, while others will lie on the ground and chew wool carpets when they are angry.

However, Tychus was followed by Augustus in red power armor, surrounded by heavily armed Revolutionary soldiers and Sarah Kerrigan in black tight-fitting combat uniforms.

"Kid, we will come as soon as we receive your news." Augustus opened his helmet as he walked towards Rick. His iconic gray hair, gray eyes and reassuring smile almost made him escape from death. The revolutionary soldiers cried out.

"How is the situation in the settlement?" Augustus asked him.

"Most of them are still alive," Rick replied. "The enemy who attacked us calls themselves the Tal'darim."

"Ta'darin? It's indeed them." Augustus frowned, and he spoke in a low voice that almost only he could hear.

"Don't worry, their number may not be large. We have only detected two Tal'darin warships in synchronous orbit. As long as they have a few more warships, the Tal'darin will not be able to flee." he continued.

"Our family is much richer now." Tychus stepped forward.

"Our fleet has eighteen battlecruisers, which is almost equivalent to a federal naval squadron - many of the battleships were sent by Alpha Squadron. This is thanks to our old friend Colonel Duke, who has continuously given us Delivered twice.”

"It's Brigadier General Duke." Duke is very persistent in his military rank.

"These aliens have killed countless of our compatriots, and we can't just let this grudge go." Augustus was standing between dozens of soldiers in power armor, and the armor's searchlight illuminated him. His face lit up brightly.

"Even if they dig three feet into the ground, they must find them all." At this time, everyone could hear his voice. Kerrigan, Faraday and others around him were also recording Augustus' words and passing them on. Return to the fleet.

"Whether it's zerg or Taldarin protoss," Augustus said the word protoss for the first time: "As long as it is a creature that can be killed, it is not enough to scare us. The truth only lies in cannons. Within range!"

"Let me deal with these Tal'darin protoss." Duke stood up, eager to show his loyalty. He knew that Augustus had recruited many mercenaries in Moria, and he was afraid that those people would come to compete with him for credit.

It had only been a few months since he had joined the Revolutionary Army. Duke was always worried that Augustus would doubt him, and he felt unusually insecure.

Duke's Alpha Squadron has more than 20,000 resocialized soldiers. They are undoubtedly the bravest warriors and will never be afraid.

"Let me take the lead," Duke said to Augustus.

Thank you for voting, and thank the archbishop for getting off the boat to reward the church leader.

The National Day Cup starts on October 1, so stay tuned.

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