StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 214 Alien War

The Korhal settlers in Baishel spent a frightening night. The Tal'darin protoss hunters were still hiding in the dense and lush jungle, peering at the immigrant camps in the lights and the structures raised from the ground in the hands of the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps. Military camp and command center. The transport ships and landing craft illuminated half of the night sky, and the roar of their engines continued all night long.

Overnight, more than 120,000 people's Revolutionary Army Marine Division, Alpha Squadron Airborne Division and Kaimorian Hammer Security Company mercenaries landed in Beisher. Soldiers wearing various colors of power armor crowded the temporary airport.

August Settlement, this large gathering place named in honor of Augustus Mengsk’s grandfather, was brightly lit all night long. Large numbers of cargo boxes full of ammunition and supplies filled the dispatch center and the Settlement Square. Heavy artillery and The combat vehicles were delivered to the surface by APOD-42 heavy transport aircraft. Many armored soldiers, mechanics and engineers made the entire landing site boil.

When the sun rose again at dawn, the noisy August settlement all night finally calmed down. Soldiers of the Human Revolutionary Army who were ready to go had gathered in the settlement square and on the open space pushed out by large excavators outside to camp. The company formed a neat square formation as a unit.

After Moria expanded its armaments, the Revolutionary Army's equipment has undergone a new round of upgrading. There are more than 100,000 direct troops of the Korhal descendants, including a 50,000-person legion of the Hong Kong descendants of the Dead and the Ma Sara descendants. All four divisions have been equipped with power armor, mainly the federal CMC-200 standard power armor, KMC tearer armor, and tens of thousands of sets of CMC imitation armor aided by the United States of Umoyan.

In addition to adding one to two howitzer artillery battalions and a fully equipped Kraken I railgun artillery battalion to each infantry division to enhance firepower, Augustus also assigned a large number of Camorion tracked vehicles to each unit. Armored personnel carriers, bulldozer-turned-heavy tanks, light reconnaissance vehicles, and versatile van-type Saber command vehicles allow the ground forces of the Revolutionary Army to move efficiently on alien battlefields with complex terrain.

In terms of individual heavy weapons, since the Revolutionary Army obtained a large number of cheap weapons from the military factory in Moria, every Revolutionary Army soldier carries electromagnetic grenades and grenades, and each company of the Revolutionary Army is equipped with two The ten-man fire support team has a variety of weapons, including heavy machine guns, individual rockets, flamethrowers, boatswain heavy cruiser sniper rifles, and EMP disruptor bombs targeting protoss.

During the more than two months of hyperspace navigation, Augustus and his generals and staff officers did not spend all day in the cabin. They designated the corresponding battle plan and ordered the Tal'darin Protoss as the imaginary enemy. The Science Station and Physics Laboratory conduct research on anti-protoss weapons.

At this moment, Augustus was looking at a holographic projection three-dimensional map covering seven major immigration places and dozens of small and medium-sized immigration places in the headquarters tower of the Augustus Command Center. You can see on this map There are hundreds of marked Tal'darin protoss shrines, nearly every one of which is built on a terrazine gas spring.

"We believe that these altars built around the terrapin must be the stronghold of Taldarin, or that these terrapins have important value or cultural meaning to them." Beside Augustus, Corporal Faraday was Read the report from the reconnaissance aircraft.

There are only a few of his adjutants and a few in the headquarters, while the other revolutionary army generals are waiting for Augustus' orders in their own troops.

Major General Rondestein, a descendant of the Korhal nobles, leads a Korhal legion. This legion is mainly composed of soldiers from Korhal IV Stirling, Lexington and Ridenheim. It has two corps and three mechanized troops. The division totaled 40,000 people. This is the backbone of the revolutionary army, and mostly follows the marshal command of Augustus.

Harnak Hank, known as the Red Devil Hak by the Federation, leads two brigades of firebats and gas-fueled flamethrowers. They are all composed of the most enthusiastic barbecue soldiers in the Koprulu sector. , the Heavenly Demon tattoo tattooed on Harnak’s body became the emblem of this army, a Heavenly Demon in red flames.

This badge now seems to have a somewhat ominous meaning, which can be interpreted as saying that they were born in flames and will be buried in flames.

Lieutenant Colonel Tychus Finley continued to lead his two divisions of Stirling Wolfhounds. This elite force was often sent to the most dangerous battlefields or where the defenses were weakest.

After further reorganization, Renault's Rangers have close to 8,000 elite soldiers. Their mission is to carry vulture vehicles and tanks for high-speed maneuvers and provide support for friendly forces or to detour to the battlefield, from the enemy's flank or back. Attack.

The Legion of the Port of the Dead stayed in the fleet as a backing force. They were scattered on various battleships as trainee sailors and ordinary sailors to maintain the normal operation of the battleships. As for Mira Han, who Augustus had high hopes for, it was still too early to take office as the commander of the Port of the Dead Legion. Neither her qualifications nor experience were enough to convince the public.

Duke's Alpha Squadron landed at Baishel with more than 20,000 men. Alpha Squadron still uses their old insignia, but adds the wolf head of House Mengsk, indicating that this unit is directly loyal to Augustus himself. Except for officers, all of them were socialized soldiers, and Augustus did not want to expand the Alpha Squadron for the time being.

Augustus's old boss, Lieutenant General Horace Warfield, led the federal troops of the original 33rd Ground Assault Division and a revolutionary army regiment of about 50,000 people established on this basis, of which more than 4,000 The first are resocialized soldiers, and the rest are soldiers recruited from the industrial cities and mines of Korhal.

Warfield's troops were the main force in the Revolutionary Army participating in the Beisher War. Duke's Alpha Squadron and mercenaries served as the vanguard. Harnak, Reno, and Tychus's troops were tasked with cooperating with them in combat.

"These terrestrial altars are crucial to Taldarin, and our goal is to capture them rather than destroy them. In this way, Taldarin has to show up to protect their altars." Augustus clicked. He nodded and said.

"Our detectors have not discovered any Tal'darin cities. Judging from the technological level displayed by the Tal'darin protoss, I think their buildings are probably in the invisible force field, or perhaps the Tal'darin is actually They are like interstellar pirates among humans who use battleships as their home." Sarah Kerrigan, who has been appointed as the new adjutant by Augustus, said.

"We have not been able to confirm where exactly they were in Beisher."

"Your guess is probably correct." Augustus nodded and said: "If Tal'darin's understanding of the expeditionary force is no different from ours, then Baishel's is probably not a complete tower. Darling’s Army.”

"As long as we occupy those terrestrial gas springs and altars, Taldarin will rush towards us like crazy." Augustus then began to issue orders: "Believe me, those who are riding on these towers will undoubtedly Darling pooped on his head, especially when it was done by a human being they looked down upon."

On the map, each terrestrial altar is digitally marked as a point by a smart computer, and the location of each revolutionary army legion is displayed on the map in the form of a flag.

"Order Brigadier General Duke and Lieutenant General Warfield to prepare for the attack. This battle will begin at the scheduled time." Augustus looked at the mechanical watch in his hand. The pointer on the watch was currently stopped at 7:10. .

"All troops must enter the predetermined position before 7:15 and advance with artillery shells and flamethrowers. Don't care whether it damages the environment of Beisher. We don't care about any pollution." He said.

"Have you seen the body of the Tal'darin protoss?" Augustus looked at Kerrigan while waiting for the report that the order was being carried out. As in the past, this capable agent would only tie his long fiery red hair into a simple single ponytail during combat.

"Yes, just as our biologists said, this is a creature with powerful spiritual energy. Their spiritual energy and human spiritual energy should be essentially the same thing, but the composition is completely different." Kerrigan hummed.

"The psionic power of the Tal'darin protoss always makes me feel uneasy and frightened." She said: "Based on the current information, the Tal'darim will use their bracers to condense blades made of psychic energy. as a means of attack.”

"This psychic blade can cut through almost any material known to mankind. It cuts through iron like mud and is indestructible."

"This is similar to the single-molecule lightsaber I know. So, can our psykers use similar tools to condense psychic blades." Augustus's cold gray eyes seemed to be radiating light.

"Of course, what I'm more concerned about is whether we can reproduce the plasma shield of the Tal'darin protoss."

"What did Swann say?" he asked Kerrigan.

"This is different from us humans, don't worry. Little girl, it's a bad thing that you interrupted my train of thought." Kerrigan spread her hands and said, "Then he left me aside and concentrated on studying that The armor of the Tal'darin Protoss has been installed, and he said that he would study the blueprints."

"I don't think he's likely to succeed unless we capture a few Tal'darin engineers," Augustus said.

"Mr. Victor Kaczynski, Swann's deputy, actually chatted with me for a while." Kerrigan said: "He believes that Tal'darin's technology is based on technology that we cannot possibly understand. The Protoss and Protoss The gap between humans is probably equivalent to the gap between us and monkeys today.”

"Even monkeys have sharp teeth. Don't Tal'darin protoss also use blades?" Augustus was saying, and he heard the voice of Lieutenant General Warfield in the communication equipment of the command headquarters.

"Warfield's department is about to attack. It's 7:13 now."

"I'm Duke. Alpha Squadron is already in place. We'll be able to chop off the pointed heads of the Tal'darim protoss soon."

"Jim's here."

On the holographic projection screen of the command headquarters, the images transmitted back by various command vehicles and aircraft showed that the human troops on the ground had arrived at the planned attack position.

There are five terrazine altars at the scheduled strike point. A large amount of purple gas is pouring out from the cracks in the ground. The rich purple gas even blocks the sky. The jungle vegetation covered by terrazine is sparse, with shrubs and trees. With wilting branches and leaves, it is obvious that terrazine is harmful to surface plants.

A group of bombers converted from APOD transport planes are flying over the Diazine Altar. This bomber formation consists of more than forty-five bombers and is delivering powerful subtilis to the ground, causing the dense jungle to quickly wither. , the emerald green jungle gradually became dyed with a layer of withered yellow color.

This powerful herbicide is mainly used to clear a clearing in a complex vegetation environment, even though it will cause almost permanent damage to the land contaminated by it. In the late stages of the Caylian War, neither the Caymorian Consortium nor the Tyranid Federation were concerned about environmental damage.

Duke's Alpha Squadron was at the forefront, with Firebats in white power armor and Flametroopers carrying only fuel canisters and flamethrowers on their backs. More than 20,000 Alpha Squadron soldiers were spread over a dozen square miles of land.

In the rear, Warfield's artillery unit had begun to fire. They did not need to worry about the Tal'darin Protoss Altar. The heavy artillery roared, and the ancient alien creations were immediately submerged in a hail of artillery fire. The terrazine gas spring was bombarded indiscriminately, and its composition close to high-energy gas fuel caused it to burn quickly, and Tadarin's altar was instantly engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

"These are all cultural relics." Augustus said without regret: "If you sell a Umoyan, it will probably be worth a lot of money."

"The Tal'darin Protoss didn't respond in any way." Kerrigan said, looking at the main screen.

"You are too impatient." As Augustus was saying, a Revolutionary Army reconnaissance aircraft hovering in the air photographed the Tadarin ground troops below.

Thousands of Tal'darin Protoss warriors suddenly appeared from the right and left wings of Alpha Squadron. They emerged from the sub-jump field, flexible and agile in the withering jungle. The strong and powerful legs of the Tal'darin Protoss warriors allowed them to Moving forward at a speed far exceeding that of human running.

These warriors of the Tal'darin Protoss are all wearing dark black armor and covered with blood-red cloaks or robes. Their armor is full of thorn-like spikes and vertical blades, and the armor is made of the sharp points of giant creatures. Teeth and claws were used as decorations, and some Ta'darin even had the helmets of Revolutionary Army soldiers hanging on their bodies as trophies to show off.

The armor and helmets of Tal'darin protoss warriors are not exactly the same. They wear pointed conical helmets. Some have two scarlet psychic blades on their arms, while others hold long-handled double-edged counterattacks. A curved scythe or a scarlet crystal spear.

Between these Tal'darin protoss warriors is a huge spider-shaped mecha with two pairs of mechanical legs. The mecha has a flat disk-shaped body and long mechanical legs, and is weaving out the sky with an astonishingly powerful phase interference light cannon. A dense scarlet barrage.

The Tal'darin who are floating a few feet above the surface are undoubtedly the leaders of this force. They are surrounded by a rich scarlet light mist, and are surrounded by many Tal'darin protoss wearing only a few rags and naked clothes. , looking like other Tal'darin servants.

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