StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 217 Blast them to death

SCT 2490.4.22

Beisher, the other side.

The backside of the planet where the Korhal immigrants landed is also a beautiful world full of verdant green and vibrant colors. The low-altitude basins, plains and steep mountains are covered with various lush green plants, and the mountains and rivers are covered with flowers.

The hundreds of terrestrial altars of Tal'darin protoss are located in the green jungle and sea of ​​angiosperm flowers. They are simple, solemn and magnificent at the same time, just like the Pantheon of Rome or an ancient shrine. Magnificent columns inscribed with mysterious words, symbols and murals support the inner arch dome with exquisitely carved patterns. Patterns similar to shell patterns extend from the outer wall of the dome, as if this itself is a miraculous workmanship that can be achieved by nature rather than manpower.

Cylindrical columns more than 50 feet (15 meters) high are built into the monolithic stone wall, almost blending into one another. There are no doors on the wall, only a few tall and wide hexagonal windows. The sun's rays can shine directly through the windows on the wall into the niches on the inner wall, illuminating the exquisite stone carvings used to depict the gods. Purple smoke spewed from the terrestrial gas spring emerged from the square gap in the altar dome and curled up.

These historic buildings may not have been built in Byshel, and they should not even be from the hands of Tal'darin or even the Protoss race. They are more like creations from a long time ago.

A vast plain covered by sparse jungle and low shrubs is particularly conspicuous in the lush jungle. Dozens of terrazine altars are distributed on a narrow rectangular piece of land. From the air, it can be seen that these altars form an incomprehensible Identified regular hexagon. Edmund Duke, the former commander of Alpha Squadron of the Federation Navy who was ordered to deal with the Tal'darin protoss, was very willing to call this place "Handy Anderson's Bald Head" to mock the editor-in-chief and capital shareholder of the UNN Universe News Network Impressive baldness.

"I can't help but wonder if those pointed heads have no brains, or they haven't evolved brains at all. This place is as prominent as a dry, exposed open space in the jungle. Any outstanding commander should Immediately tell that there is a Tal'darin base hidden here."

Duke stood on a solid hill with a high-speed telescope that could identify heat source signals. His bright white commander's CMC power armor reflected the shining light in the scorching midday sun. The Marines of Alpha Squadron, lined up in three neat columns, were walking past Duke on the left. On the right were armored personnel carriers full of soldiers and Vulture vehicles that occasionally passed the personnel carriers at high speed.

The only respectable thing about this unpleasant former Federation commander's poor personality is that just like he looks down on everyone else, he looks down on any alien creature, even if they show powerful technology. strength.

Whether in strategy or tactics, Duke dared to defy any enemy he looked down upon.

"But I think if the marshal's command had not told you that there is an invisible city of Tal'darin hidden here, then you would probably just be here hammering your chest and shouting." At this time, Tychus was wearing a huge red power armor. ·Finley and Jim Raynor in blue armor walked over from behind Duke.

"If someone hadn't told me that our venerable General Edmund Duke was here, I probably would have thought that he had already entered the pyramid of Tal'darin." Tychus always disliked Duke.

"You'll see it soon." Duke didn't even look at Tychus, but focused on the front.

"I spent a lot of money on a cigar imported from Jetanda Hotport." Tychus walked to Duke's side and took out a thick cigar from the bag hanging on the power armor.

"Are you kidding me? Jetanda Hot Harbor is synonymous with pirated, cheap and inferior products. Anyone in Tarsonis knows that this is where the most despicable people go." Duke slapped Ty away in disgust. Case's outstretched hand seemed to swat away a fly.

"Don't pull him down." For a fraction of a second, some embarrassing emotions arose in Tychus's heart, but they quickly disappeared.

"I said, General Duke, aren't you afraid of Tal'darin's assassins finding you if you stand here in a conspicuous place?" While Renault was speaking, Tychus threw all the cigars out of Duke's sight. In the grass.

Duke is actually a man who cherishes his life. He is surrounded by Alpha Squadron elite guard soldiers carrying anti-stealth equipment and tall Goliath armed robots. Renault just teased Duke as usual. After all, they never liked each other very well, and Tychus often exchanged bad words with Duke, and fights were common.

"If the Tal'darin assassin dares to come, I can capture him with one hand." Duke put down the telescope and looked at Renault. After all, the latter had a higher military rank than him.

Although in Duke's view, the military ranks in this group of rebels are simply a joke. There are many young people under the age of twenty serving as school officers and generals, because their qualifications are the highest. Augustus could promote his generals at will, and the gold content of these military ranks was not as high as that of a staff officer in the naval headquarters.

"It's enough to say it, but don't take it seriously. These aliens are covered in muscles and can easily split the turtle shell on you." Tychus laughed.

"What are you laughing at? You are the dog around Augustus, a villain, the scum of the army, and a wanted criminal." Duke was furious.

"I'm a bad person to begin with, and you, the venomous snake, are no better than each other." Tychus enjoyed watching Duke become so angry. This was one of the few pleasures he had besides eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling.

"Ah, what's the fun? Let me listen to it too." At this time, Hanak Hank walked up to the hill where Duke and others were. The thick fire bat power armor on his body was painted with the demon of heaven in flames. Symbol with the wolf head of House Mengsk.

Perhaps it was because Harnak had been dealing with flames all year round. As soon as he appeared, everyone felt that the temperature around them seemed to have risen a lot, as if the fiery red armor was emitting high temperatures like a furnace.

Duke was furious when he heard Harnack's iconic joyful voice. This red-haired boy was a thorn in the side. Even though he had become a colonel in the Revolutionary Army, he still found people to fight with every now and then. , but those who dislike Harnack far less than those who dislike Duke. Everyone knows that Marshal Augustus was very fond of Harnack, because the latter valued friendship and friendship above all else.

If a person can gain Harnack's trust and friendship, then he will have a lifelong friend.

"You'd better shut your mouth, Colonel Hank." Duke was giving orders to the advancing Alpha Squadron on his command channel, raising his voice and roaring at the bewildered subordinates.

"You already know where to fire. Aim at the Tal'darin temples and order the artillery to fire immediately. Don't save ammunition and blast those Tal'darin pointed heads!"

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