StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 218 The enemy dared to attack Taldarin

"You have your own tasks, instead of standing here waiting to watch my jokes." Duke picked up his telescope again after giving the order.

"Because this can't happen, understand?"

"Marshal Augustus Mengsk is waiting for news from us."

"No one always mentions the defeat you suffered in Mar Sara, even though that battle has been written into the textbooks of the navy and army officers' schools." After Tychus mocked him, he patted his butt and left, sneaking away. I went down and got on my beloved Vulture car and it quickly disappeared.

Tychus's troops were marching on the right flank of Alpha Squadron, and the only reason he came here was to ridicule Duke.

Duke looked back at Tychus who was leaving in a hurry, and felt that there was no need to argue with a boring guy. Tychus was a troublemaker when he was not fighting.

The generals under Augustus Mengsk have all kinds of bad habits. For example, Tychus Finley is more suitable to be a bandit than an officer of the rebel army. He is not even suitable to lead an organized soldier because Although Tychus was not bad at these things, he was only thinking about making money and had no time to lead a large army.

The others are either lunatics who only want revenge on the Camorians, bomb maniacs who smoke cigarettes and play with explosives, August National Security Chairman who always has a smile on his face, cold-blooded snipers who kill a lot, or even... A red-haired hooligan who doesn't even commit crimes.

"Me and Hank's people are right behind." Renault didn't leave, but pointed behind him.

"Very good, there will be no room for you to intervene soon. Alpha Squadron will deal with all the enemies. You and your people will soon find that you are here for an outing, holding hands with a kindergartener wearing a little yellow hat. Return to camp safe and sound like a baby, because the Navy dads of Alpha Squadron are protecting you." As soon as he saw Tychus gone, Duke began to brag again.

"Is your child about to be born?" Hanak ignored Duke at all. His attention was always erratic and he would suddenly change his gaze in the next second.

"It's only been two months, you idiot with no common sense," Reno replied.

"Yes, after all, I don't have a mother." Hanak became depressed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sorry Hank, that's not what I meant," Raynor said sadly.

Duke suddenly felt bored and focused on the green jungle in the telescope and the altar further away.

Just as Duke ordered before, the artillery unit of Alpha Squadron has opened fire at the target set before the war. Amidst the thunderous sound of artillery, Duke's telescope has been covered by dense artillery fire. Massive amounts of Armor-piercing shells, high-explosive shells, fragmentation shells, grenades and missiles overwhelmed everything as far as the eye could see.

Those mysterious and exquisite altars that were like works of art were suddenly submerged in the gunfire, and the entire plain was filled with smoke, but Duke, who had no artistic ability, would not have the slightest pity for antiques or mysterious alien relics.

"I just like this feeling, drowning the enemy with cannonballs, filled with smoke, and flowing blood." The corners of Duke's mouth slowly opened into a smile.

"Fire can solve problems." Harnack, who was still in grief just now, suddenly stood on Duke's right side, holding a very unconventional monocular telescope.

"Do you like the smell of burnt food? Or the smell of barbecue?"

"Believe me, after you roast a person, you will never go back to try roast beef again in your life." Duke said: "After the Kailian War, the fire bats and fire breathers in the federal army were all transformed and re-socialized. Turn into lunatics, but the people in your rebel army are different."

"You are madmen who have never been brainwashed and reformed and yet you voluntarily put on the Firebat armor."

"I can eat anything when I'm hungry." Hanak said and suddenly shouted: "Did you see it? There is a huge cover over there."

Harnack pondered the wording: "Like a pot lid."

"I'm not blind." Duke ordered over his communication channel: "Cease fire. Scott's division will erect bunkers and fortifications three-quarters of a mile forward, and the artillery positions will move forward."

In the eyes of Duke and others, an unparalleled protoss structure appeared in everyone's eyes. It was like a pyramid-shaped building made of black alloy and scarlet crystal. Its surface was as smooth as cut cheese. Huge and beautiful blood crystals were inlaid on the vaults and stepped walls. Red light emerges from the crystal and merges into the top of it, which is inlaid with sharp prism crystals. The gorgeous light condenses on the top, like the spots of the sun.

Just like the armor and weapons of the Tal'darin protoss warriors, the spikes and long blades stood like sharp swords on top of this pyramid-shaped building, and Rulin's swords shone with a cold light. It looked as if the Tal'darim wanted to use this building as a weapon, as if they were throwing blood crystal spears to stick this spiked building into the enemy's face.

This is by no means a building made by humans using reinforced concrete or prefabricated plates and modular alloy plates welded and spliced ​​together. It is a majestic and natural building. The words engraved on its walls reveal freehand killing and unprovoked violence. Symbolizing Tal'darin's aesthetics of war and the art of killing.

A protoss hub of Tal'darin Protoss is standing in the distance, towering in the smoke-filled artillery fire. The red light is like a storm, wrapping this majestic building in a thin, bubble-like plasma shield.

A light bridge composed of shaping energy extends from the top of the Protoss Hub, connecting dozens of black Tal'darin buildings that also stand with spikes. Huge scarlet prismatic crystals stand between the majestic buildings.

Hundreds of Tal'darin protoss wearing black armor and holding scarlet blades are appearing in the spiritual atmosphere of the crystal tower. From where Duke and others are, they can even hear the dizzying spirits of the Tal'darin. Can battle cry.

"Compared to these things, the Sky Tower of the Tarsonis Creation Family is just a building block built by children or a hut for dwarfs." Raynor stood on the other side of Duke, holding a telescope and sighing as he said: "Until now, No one knows who built the pyramids on Earth, maybe it was these aliens."

"What are they shouting?" Harnack asked.

"Guess what." Renault said.

"Ah! Today we are going to kill those human brats because they dare to defecate on the pointy-headed territory!" Hanak said with a groan.

"A hillbilly is a hillbilly." Duke grinned.

"Anyway, these are all ours now." At this time, Renault gradually revealed his gangster style. He has always adhered to Augustus's "use doctrine". Of course, if the enemy's things are taken, they are his own.

"Well, when we get these buildings, those two old boys Swann and Kaczynski are going to be crazy about it."

Yesterday I was obsessed with lowering my scores on the ladder

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