The people of the August Settlement are being protected by Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing crimson power armor and carrying live ammunition as they board the shuttles and transport ships sent from the Revolutionary Army base to the surface of Beisher. Workers among the settlers and the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps, led by Rory Swann, are dismantling the modular building panels of the settlement and recycling all available materials.

Although the revolutionary army gained the upper hand in the battle with Baishel Tadarin, Baishel was no longer suitable for human colonization.

The Tal'darin Protoss fleet and troops possess advanced stealth technology. As long as they do not show up, the Revolutionary Army cannot completely wipe out Baishir's Tal'darin Protoss.

At the same time, a planet with blurred territorial boundaries must become the cause and trigger of many wars. Augustus would rather leave than let his people be exposed to killing and war again.

At this moment, Augustus was standing in the central square of the August settlement and watching the busy workers.

Augustus and several of his guards stood in the wide square. The workers were using laser melting guns, pliers, and screwdrivers to take back everything they could. Fortunately, the buildings in the settlement were designed to be quickly constructed and Designed for recycling.

It was at this time that Augustus got the news of Alpha Squadron's victory, and then more good news came one after another.

"The fleet detected the fluctuations of the hyperspace jump and traces of space folding at the edge of the Byshel galaxy. Based on the scale of the jump signal, it should be a fleet of Tal'darin protoss." Kerrigan reported.

"So they have given up on Byshir?" Augustus said in surprise: "This is not like the style of the Tal'darin Protoss."

"I thought they would at least say something harsh before running away."

".Indeed." Kerrigan paused: "Baisher's Tal'darin sent a message to our command center before retreating."

"They say the Tal'darim will surely return again, when humanity will face the wrath of the High Lords, and the Tal'darim's blood hunters will hunt Augustus Mengsk to the ends of the earth."

The Revolutionary Army obtained a lot of information from the captured Tal'darim Dragon Knight pilot, and linguists are gradually deciphering the Protoss' writing. At the same time, Augustus also learned that these Tal'darin were just a fleet exiled from the mainstream world of Tal'darin. They occupied many lost worlds of ancient civilizations such as Monlath and Typhon, and there were probably people on those planets. Buried are the fragments of the Xel'Naga artifact.

"I am pleased to hear it," Augustus said. "Write this down, and I will return it intact to their high lord."

"Since we don't know when Tal'darin's revenge will come, Byshel can't stay even more."

He said: "We need to find new settlements. There may be more Tal'darin planets in this direction, and the fleet's course must be changed."

"None of the systems near Byshel have planets capable of supporting life," Kerrigan said.

"Then transfer Beisher's people to remote colonies within the Koprulu sector first." Augustus asked again.

"What are the closest planets to us that can be colonized right now?"

"Kalis, Marekwei V, and the remote federal settlement of Agria," Kerrigan answered.

"Calis and Marekwei V are both undeveloped worlds waiting to be colonized, with only tens of thousands of pioneers and soldiers living on them - according to the official report of the Tarsonis Immigration Bureau, they will be in five to five to Develop these worlds within ten years.”

"But according to convention and the efficiency of federal officials, unless there is money to be made in colonization, they will not have much enthusiasm for colonization. Only those who are unsatisfied with the status quo and enterprising will devote themselves to the colonial cause in the endless sea of ​​stars, and these people Often it was those who suffered religious persecution, veterans or even pirates."

"List these two planets as candidate colonies." Augustus said: "Send a colonial team of at least 500,000 people to each of these two planets and station at least one army division there. , build space stations and interstellar ports in the planet’s synchronous orbit.”

"The rest of us -" Augustus mused, knowing full well that eggs cannot be put in the same basket.

"As far as I know, colonial worlds like Agria, which have only been developed for more than ten years, are almost semi-independent because they are too far away from the federal government of Tarsonis. The information there is needed even at the fastest speed. It takes three standard natural months to reach Tarsonis, which is why the Agrians are called barbarians, because they have long been forgotten by the civilized world."

"Yes." Kerrigan said: "Agria was founded by Dr. Hanson of Tarsonis University. He and his followers established the first immigrant town and the first settlement town on that fertile planet. A biological laboratory.”

"Since this is a colony established by a group of immigrants rather than the Terran federal government, the federal government has not yet established a permanent agency there to dispatch a governor of the settlement."

"Currently there are less than 600,000 people in Agria, but that pure virgin land is becoming the best choice for immigrants from all over the country. The local area also encourages new immigrants to move in and has formulated many preferential policies for this purpose. policy."

Augustus nodded, but said nothing more. He was weighing the feasibility of emigrating to Agria - or taking that planet into his own hands.

"Anything else to report? All I hear these days is bad news."

"General Duke sent people overnight to deliver some machinery found in the Tal'darin base here." Sarah Kerrigan snorted: "They found a large number of neatly cut Adi in the buildings of the Tal'darin Protoss. En crystals and high-energy gas canned using some kind of energy-shaping entity, which shows that resources that are of great value to us are equally important to them.”

"The Tal'darin protoss will use intelligent machinery to collect resources such as Adeen crystals and terrazine. Their high-energy gas extraction facilities are extremely advanced and seem to be able to transfer the gas directly to their storage facilities. This is very useful for Swann's research. By parodying the Tal'darin Protoss high-energy gas extraction facility, innovations in extraction technology could greatly improve the efficiency of our gas refinery."

"While we still don't understand exactly how the Tal'darim protoss deploy their forces on the battlefield in an instant, their space technology can help Swann complete the final design of the orbital drop pod and drop bunker."

"Lori Swann is a treasure of mankind." Augustus nodded and said: "Recruiting him may be the wisest choice in my life."

"That's just one of your many wise choices." Kerrigan disagreed with Augustus's statement.

"You too," said Augustus.

"Where are my generals now?" Augustus asked again when Kerrigan was slightly startled.

"Duke's Alpha Squadron is still cleaning up the other side of the planet. Raynor and Hank discovered an underground prison where the Tal'darin Protoss held human captives, including nearly 50,000 abducted immigrants. Tal'dar Lin Xingling locked them in a confined space filled with terrazine to observe what impact these gases would have on humans."

"You have told me about this before - terazine." Augustus sighed, as if in mourning for his people.

"They were brain-destroyed by terrazine, controlled by imaginary gods in their minds, and could no longer leave terrazine," he said.

"A new cult has been born in Bysher. They regard Bysher as the mother and savior of all mankind." Kerrigan shook her head repeatedly: "Our doctors are helpless about this, they can't save a person's spirit. — Unless the patient’s skull is cut open.”

"These people don't want to leave with us, do they?" Augustus asked regretfully.

"But they are still loyal to you and the Revolutionary Army," Kerrigan said.

"Approximately how many people want to stay?" Augustus asked.

"Almost 120,000 people, including a considerable number of soldiers and even members of the Pan-Taylan party." Kerrigan said to Augustus.

"Let them stay," said Augustus.

"Give them everything they need to survive and develop and the communication equipment to contact us. Later I will personally appoint the government to manage the Baisher settlement."

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