StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 221 Beisher’s Secret

In the blue sky of Beisher, hundreds of square spacecraft and shuttles were taking off, dragging long propeller tail flames, and the huge aircraft gradually became blurry dots in the sky.

Thousands of people gathered in the central square of the August settlement, and the square in Nuoda was bustling with people.

The people still on the ground at this time were those who stayed voluntarily and wanted to establish new colonies without hesitation. The reason that drove them to make such a crazy decision was that Beisher's terrazine had an indescribable impact on them. .

Humans who have overdosed on terazine have a certain chance of hearing inexplicable whispers, angry roars, or resentful mutterings, but in the final analysis it is just noise. The most sensational thing about Baishel is that almost everyone who hears the whispers believes that it is Baishel himself who is talking to them, which means that the voices they hear all have something in common - this It's like hundreds of thousands of people are living the same nightmare.

But Beisher's Taldarin did not seem to have such symptoms, and they were not affected at all.

The word "Baisher" has become the embodiment of the natural consciousness of this planet. She is omniscient and omnipotent, and can predict the crisis or salvation of the next second. Baisher protects her loyal followers like a mother and never asks for anything in return. Even the most unsociable people who are not good at communicating with other people can get spiritual comfort from Baisher.

It may only take a short time for a new religion to emerge in the Koprulu sector. The origins of human beings in the Koprulu Sector come from an earth where religious beliefs have been completely eradicated, but various beliefs and sects have flourished in this corner of the galaxy.

For example, the tribes living on the planet Haiji believe in a goddess of death named Manan Thres. They believe in black magic and voodoo. Each tribe has a high priest who serves the goddess of death. Although the so-called black magic and voodoo have been proven by members of the Terran Federation's Ghost Project to be nothing more than local worship of psykers and mysterious phenomena, superstition and rituals have taken root on the planet Haji.

Facing the harsh and even precarious environment in the colonies, many people often needed spiritual comfort from religion.

There are about 140,000 immigrants staying on the surface of Beisher, including a 5,000-person Marine brigade of the Revolutionary Army and the small and well-organized immigration government. Between 120,000 and 130,000 people were affected by terrazine, and except for the occasional mention of Beisher, they remained sane.

The ground made of concrete and iron bars was filled with Korhal immigrants standing shoulder to shoulder. Each of them stood on tiptoe, trying their best to catch a glimpse of the Revolutionary Army Marshal Augustus Mengsk.

Once upon a time, the people of Korhal IV looked up to the fathers of Augustus as if they were looking up to the sun, and followed those natural leaders as if they were chasing the sun. Today, these people still follow Augustus Mengsk loyally, just because he is a descendant of the Mengsk family, and every Mengsk is, without exception, a born leader.

The people in the square knew very well that the next time their compatriots returned to Beisher might be ten years or more later.

"I respect your choice because you are my people." Augustus's voice spread far away.

"Today, the Korhal erected a monument on Baishir, marking our first home outside the Koprulu Sector. We must forge ahead like our forebears. Humanity is the most tenacious in the universe. The race that is most adaptable to the environment, and the Korhals are the most tenacious among human beings." He stood on a temporary high platform, looking down at the people whose eyes were shining with a little purple light.

Augustus knew that methionine had extremely powerful side effects and was as addictive as the most vicious drugs. However, terrazine does increase the psychic abilities of those who ingest it.

At present, Augustus only knows of one precious mineral that can alleviate the side effects and madness caused by Diazine, and that is Youjin.

Even if we don’t see much change in this generation of immigrants, their descendants will definitely benefit from it. It may be that within just two or three generations, the proportion of psykers in the Byshir settler population will vastly exceed that of humans on other planets.

"Be careful of the Tal'darin protoss who may still be dormant on the planet, for after the fleet leaves you will have to live side by side with the evil protoss. Be aware of your surroundings and the dense jungle, for there may be some at any time. Tal'darin hunters may appear. Protect your children and families, for you must rely on yourselves to survive."

After saying this, people's shouts immediately rang out in the central square, which meant that Augustus had great prestige among the Korhal people.

Then Augustus waved goodbye to his people, and boarded a crimson shuttle with some paint peeling off, escorted by Kerrigan and Corporal Faraday.

"If the people of Byshel cannot resist the temptation of terrazine to them, then sooner or later they will destroy themselves." Kerrigan said to Augustus as he walked up the ramp of the shuttle: "You always So kind, do you remember how you helped Lisa Cassidy detoxify?"

"Be in the same room and tie her to a chair with a rope." Augustus said seriously: "When Lisa is addicted to drugs, she will moan and ask you to give her some life-saving poison. For this reason, she Could do anything for you.”

"This in itself is also a test for me."

"You don't need to tell me this," Kerrigan said, glaring into her jade-green eyes. In the eyes of Corporal Faraday next to her, her face suddenly changed, turning from sunny to cloudy in an instant.

"Why do you know everything about Lisa Cassidy - I forgot that even if you are not allowed to read my memory, you can still read other people's." Augustus walked in The shuttle's hatch said before.

"If you know your enemy well enough, you can easily pierce her neck with a dagger." Kerrigan's expression remained unchanged.

"Forcing them out of Byshel is an option. We may be able to remove the addiction to terrazine at a huge cost, but we cannot get rid of their mental illness." Augustus did not express any concern for Kerrigan. Make any comments about what you say.

"The terrazine in Beisher may be fundamentally different from that in other areas, or there may really be a mysterious being that has been talking to humans," he said.

"I will wait, and one day in the future when Beisher returns to our control, maybe this planet will bring me some surprises."

"But you are a staunch atheist," Kerrigan said.

"Of course, there are no gods in this world, only creatures who claim to be gods," Augustus said.

In the next few months, the Revolutionary Fleet will first reach the two planets of Kalis and Marek V, across hundreds of years of distance, drop off half a million immigrants each, and finally head to the edge of the Tyranid Federation territory. Agria arranged the final immigration of more than two million people.

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