StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 222 Dr. Hansen of Agria

SCT 2490.8.08, 9:21am local time.

More than four months have passed since Augustus's revolutionary army left Beisher. During this period, the revolutionary army fleet assisted Korhal's immigrants in establishing ships on Kalis and Malikwei V. Several self-sustaining settlements then rushed non-stop to Agria to settle the remaining people.

"Agria, a pure blue planet, more than 75% of the area is covered by a vast ocean. The land is composed of a main continental plate and islands. A long, narrow and irregular continent stretches from the Arctic in the cold zone. Extending below the normal temperature zone in the southern part of the planet, most of the remaining islands are distributed along the narrow coastline of the main continent.”

When the shuttle that Augustus was on began to retract its thrusters and prepare to land, the Hyperion's mechanical adjutant, who was connected to the shuttle's main computer, was reading Agria's information.

"The main settlement of the Agrian immigrants is located in the mesotropic zone with suitable temperatures. Their leader is Bernard Hansen, a doctor of biology from Tarsonis University."

"It looks like this place is much better than that stinking pit of Mar Sara, and there won't be crazy Tal'darin spiky heads suddenly appearing in the jungle to kill people with lightsabers." Tychus muttered gloomily.

Next to Augustus's seat were Tychus and Harnac, who had been idle for several months.

After all, both Tychus and Harnak are the kind of characters who have done little more than fight to become a source of waste and chaos, with the former incurring the thunderous wrath of Augustus by trying to organize a strip club among the settlers. Harnack, on the other hand, provoked many senior officers, including Brigadier General Edmund Duke, commander of Alpha Squadron, through fights in four months, and fought from brigadier general to second lieutenant.

"At least it seems that Agria is safe now." Renault said with lingering fear.

Renault's wife was already seven months pregnant. He realized that the child would be born during the voyage of the Revolutionary Army fleet, becoming one of those children born on the fleet, and most likely on the Hyperion. spent his childhood on the deck.

If someone asks about Reno's hometown, he will proudly introduce Shiloh, but if it is his child, then his hometown is the stars and the sea, and he is a child who truly comes from the stars.

"Augustus, how long are we going to stay here?" Renaud said.

"It won't be long," said Augustus.

"We have spent too much time sailing in the universe, and the Federation has almost forgotten our existence."

The shuttle that Augustus took landed on a flat open space after a slight turbulence. Raynor and Corporal Faraday led a group of guardsmen out of the shuttle first, followed closely by Augustus, Kerrigan and others.

Augustus came to Agria with the original team of Demons of Heaven, such as Reno, Tychus and Harnak. Warfield and Lundstein, two confidants who were good at defense, served as Austria's Gustus' hands and eyes are sitting in the revolutionary fleet outside the Agria system, coordinating the overall situation.

The lowest military rank of the current Heavenly Demons is colonel. Except for Lisa Cassidy, who recently tried her best to obtain the position of Augustus's personal doctor, their positions have always been very stable.

"We have to quickly settle the remaining two million people. There can't be that many people in the fleet." Augustus continued.

Every battlecruiser of the Revolutionary Fleet was packed with people. Even the aisles, main engine room and even the space torpedo launch bay were filled with immigrants from Beisher. And it was impossible for Augustus to lead these people to fight everywhere.

When the shuttle stopped on the ground and slowly opened the gangway door, the clear blue space, the vast green fields and the white-walled and red-tiled settlement buildings suddenly appeared in Augustus' eyes. .

The fragrance of green grass and flowers comes to your nostrils. When the wind blows through the distant fields, the waves of wheat roll like ocean waves. Hundreds of huge white windmills rotate to drive the waterwheels in the blue river.

As far as Augustus could see, there was only the vast wheat-green ocean and beautiful and clean houses. Immigrants wearing yellow sun hats drove tall agricultural bipedal robots walking at the end of the fields, like red and white giants.

Agria is located on the edge of the Koprulu Sector. Before the Tyranid Federation annexed most of the colonies of the Kemorian Federation, this planet was still at the edge of the Federation territory. Even the equally remote Mar Sara is a distance away. Greia is also quite remote.

Because Agria rarely communicates with the core world, the Tyranid Federation still thinks it is a barbaric world under development, and believes that the immigrants there are starved of food and clothing due to lack of government assistance. reduced to savages and barbarians.

When the shuttle's engine calmed down completely, Augustus could only hear the roar of the wind and the roar of the wheat waves, and his whole body relaxed at this moment.

Since Augustus took over the position of commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army, he rarely spent his precious time on leisure and entertainment. Augustus rarely had time to relax, and he could only calm down while sipping tea and taking a hot bath.

"So damn beautiful!" Harnack shouted, walking past Augustus and drawing a heart shape on the ground with his feet.

"Where are the bar and the girl?" Tychus craned his neck.

"Let's go, let's go -" Augustus, who had a black line on his head, walked back, and his guards were dragging several Vulture cars from the shuttle's cargo bay.

"Let's go find Dr. Hansen, the chairman of the settlement here. Maybe he can help us." Augustus said as he got into his own red vulture car.

"Aglia is still in the development stage and lacks a sufficient working population. The immigration of a large number of immigrants can greatly increase the local development level to a certain extent."

Then Augustus, Renault and others quickly drove the vulture car over the fields and villages into the center of the immigrant settlement. The local immigrants looked at them with vigilance along the way. Agria is a beautiful agricultural planet, but also a place frequented by pirates - although the pirates have little interest in wheat.

Augustus finally found a beautiful red house built of bricks and wood and a garden enclosed by a wooden fence, where light purple morning glories and red tomatoes were planted.

A girl with shawl short black hair was standing inside the fence looking at Augustus with her big light green eyes, holding a cauliflower and an old book with a gold cover in her hands.

"You are not anyone I know well," she said.

"But welcome to Agria, gentlemen."

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