StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 223 Ariel Hansen

Chapter 223 Ariel Hansen

"We are mineral merchants from Moria - from the Moebius Guild." Augustus introduced himself to the calm black-haired girl.

"My fleet has been sailing in the universe for half a year. Now there is a shortage of food supply in the fleet, and we are in urgent need of new flour, canned food and finished protein." He said.

Augustus was telling the truth, because carrying more than two million additional Korhar immigrants, the revolutionary fleet was indeed in a food shortage crisis.

"And I learned that Bernard Hanson is the immigration chairman here, and maybe he can help us in some way."

"I am his daughter Ariel Hansen, and my father is presiding over a meeting." Ariel glanced at Renault and others behind Augustus, and suddenly took a few steps back.

Ariel is a very beautiful little girl. She has a good-looking face inherited from her mother and black hair and green eyes from her father. She has long eyelashes and a pair of beautiful eyes that seem to be able to speak. When she speaks, her voice is soft and has a tone that belongs to Age. Rhea’s purity and sincerity.

Even though his face was expressionless, Tychus Finley still had a fierce look on his face. When he stared at Ariel, he was like a wolf staring at a newborn fawn. Hanak Hank was staring at the bridge of his nose out of boredom, and his dead fish eyes immediately turned into cross-eyes. Renault, who had short black hair, focused his attention on Augustus who was speaking. He seemed to be more attractive than a beautiful young girl.

But fortunately, Augustus's appearance can undoubtedly win the favor of a girl. He is wearing a well-fitting old Camorian artificial cotton thickened coat and artificial linen trousers, the tightened trouser legs are close to a pair of federal Field army boots. Augustus's clothes were always very old, and it was immediately obvious that he had experienced many trials and tribulations in his interstellar adventures.

He has the broad shoulders and tall body of a Mengsk family man. Years of practicing swordsmanship and fighting have given him a strong physique. Augustus was not one of those young nobles of Tarsonis who degenerated and spent all their money on wine and sex, as if a gust of wind could blow them over. He is strong, tough and cold, and even strong winds cannot knock him down.

At this time, there were more than a dozen people wearing khaki coats and flat hats standing next to Augustus, but Ariel could still tell at a glance that Augustus was the leader among them.

Someone like Augustus, who just stood there, made others take it for granted that so many people wanted to follow him. Augustus was just standing, and people should think that he was invincible.

Worried about the many problems his identity would cause, Augustus used the nanomask of the Umoyan Shadow Guards to add wrinkles and beard to his face.

Therefore, what is currently displayed in Ariel is the image of a mature man. Augustus now has thick eyebrows, a high hawk-like nose, a thick mustache, and a resolute expression, just like what Augustus imagined. What I will look like after I turn thirty.

Ariel is only thirteen years old this year and is still studying in a local high school, but she seems to like Augustus's image of a mature man so much that she slightly lets go of her caution.

"I heard that the Kaimorians are the smallest humans in all of Koprulu - and you are undoubtedly the giant among them." Ariel said, looking at Augustus.

"Don't let Swann and his cousins ​​hear this, otherwise they will definitely overturn the table." After hearing this, Renault immediately whispered to Harnak and Tychus beside him.

"She's right," Tychus complained.

"Hahaha." Hanak laughed.

"The prejudice between the Tyranids and the Camorians has been around for a long time. But in the final analysis, we are all humans who came to the Koprulu sector more than two hundred years ago." Augustus said with a chuckle: "Your How long will it take for my father to come back? If it takes longer, I still want to hang around here."

"In Moria, green plants and pure air are resources more precious than minerals."

"He will be back soon - the meeting ends in five minutes," Ariel said with the rigor of a scholar.

"Very good, then we will wait patiently." Augustus nodded.

"Wait a minute -" Ariel raised her hand and looked at her electronic watch. Just as she was thinking about what to say, a middle-aged man with black hair and green eyes led many Agrians with weapons. come over.

Agria people, both male and female, generally have wheat-colored rough skin, and have strong muscles developed from years of farming. The followers behind the middle-aged man were both male and female. They wore bulletproof vests and held semi-automatic rifles. They stared vigilantly at Tychus and others behind Augustus.

Currently, only a small number of electromagnetic gun families such as the E series and C series can penetrate CMC power armor. The weapons in the hands of the Agrians are still gunpowder firearms that use loaded bullets. These weapons are deadly weapons, but they are still unsustainable against powered armor.

If Augustus wanted to, just one battalion of revolutionary marines could destroy the settlement of Agria.

"Welcome to Agria, my friend from afar." The man strode towards Augustus, and his followers followed step by step. The bullet chain on his body shone with gold and copper in the sun.

"I'm Bernard Hansen."

"Nice to meet you." Augustus took off his gloves and shook hands with Bernard in a friendly manner: "I am Caesar Augustus."

"This name and surname are not uncommon among the Camorians. Some Morians like to give their children names related to the ancient Romans of the Earth era." Bernard did not show any surprise.

"You seem to be a little too enthusiastic." Then Augustus pointed at the heavily armed Agrians behind Bernard and said.

"A group of Chimera pirates attacked here more than two months ago and killed many people." Bernard waved to his daughter and motioned for her to come to him.

Bernard Hansen is also a tall man with a long, serious face and black-rimmed glasses on his tall nose. Bernard graduated from the University of Tarsonis and is a well-known chemist. Before leaving Tarsonis for Agria, the Institute of Chemistry where he worked was the most famous scientific research institution in the main city of Tarsonis.

"Someone saw you in the town - but no one can keep up with your vulture car." Bernard showed a gentle smile when Ariel walked towards him.

As soon as this was said, Renault and others showed proud smiles. They fist-bumped each other, proud of their speed and uninhibited driving skills.

"Last time, the group of Chimera pirates only had more than fifty people, but they carried several sets of power armor. We made a lot of sacrifices to expel this group of pirates." Bernard said and observed Augustus carefully. None of his followers saw any dangerous weapons on their bodies.

The burly Tychus Finley and Harnak with the unique hairstyle caught Bernard's attention, but the red-haired woman next to Augustus may be the most dangerous character. Not for anything else, just because she had a small-caliber nail gun on her waist.

Sarah Kerrigan's fiery red hair tied into a single ponytail was particularly eye-catching. She wore a khaki military coat with a long hem, and two daggers several inches long hung from a deerskin leather belt around her waist.

Bernard knew he couldn't let his guard down.

Agria has always been a peaceful garden world, with sky and pure air that have not been polluted by industry. The immigrants coexist in harmony with nature and live an idyllic life isolated from the world.

Because it is too far away from other Terran Federation planets, Agria has not been affected by the Kailian War. Even the Federation Council of Tarsonis has forgotten this colony independently established by the settlers. Although it is still absorbing new immigrants, there are currently less immigrants in all of Agria than in a small city on Tarsonis Prime.

Agria's beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, and its leisurely and peaceful life are also the reasons why many immigrants do not hesitate to move across the Koprulu sector.

But the planet's defenses were so weak that they had to rely on mercenaries to deal with the pirates who accidentally discovered this virgin land. Any large-scale interstellar pirates, even if they only have a few hundred people and a few heavy weapons and power armor, will bring tragic disaster to the immigrants of Agria.

Pirates have always been the main enemy faced by the remote colonies of the Tyranid Federation. Everyone knows that the pirates who have been wandering in the interstellar world all year round are robbers who bully the weak and fear the strong. They only attack the weakest caravans and the newly established ones without federal garrison. Start defending remote colonial worlds.

"We are merchants from Moria." Augustus said with a smile: "Believe me, we hate the Chimera pirates as much as you do. They are both the most notorious outlaws in the Koprulu sector and the most pervasive technology. dealer."

"I came here just because my caravan encountered some troubles." Augustus said: "I need to purchase a large amount of food supplies in Agria and add a few barrels of high-energy gas to the oil storage tank of our spaceship. Fuel.”

"It is not easy to reach Agria safely. After the Kaimo War, the number of pirates on the edge of the Koprulu sector is far greater than before." Bernard knew that the Kaimo War had ended with the Federation's victory, and he told Kaimo The Ryans didn't have any aversion either.

Although still wary of Augustus and others, Bernard was willing to sit down and have a good talk with them. Any caravans from other worlds are warmly welcomed by remote colonies, as they bring precious goods from the core world.

"We are an armed caravan. If the Chimera pirates encounter us, they will have no choice but to take a detour." Augustus said with a smile. Perhaps Bernard was still half-convinced by Augustus's words, but there was no doubt that what he said was true.

"Let's talk." Bernard turned around and asked some of the Agrians who were following him to go home. Then he took the remaining twenty or so people to the fence in front of his house, and opened the wooden fence. wooden door.

"Come in and sit down, friends of Moria," he said.

Augustus glanced at Corporal Faraday, who calmly led Augustus's guards to guard the fence. Reno and others followed Augustus into Bernard's home.

The Hansen family's house is mainly built of wood and bricks, with original wooden floors on the ground. The living room is spacious and bright, decorated with bookcases filled with books and glass showcases with various biological specimens.

There does not seem to be a hostess living in this home, and there are only two people in the family photo hanging on the wall: Bernard and his daughter. There is only one photo frame hidden in the corner, which contains a photo of a young woman. She is standing in a chemical research institute in a white coat. She has the intellectual beauty of a workplace beauty.

Augustus noticed that the books on the bookshelf were all about chemistry and biogenetic engineering, and he couldn't help but think that he lacked scholars in related fields.

The only person under Augustus who is responsible for the genetic engineering project is Cerberus, which he acquired two years ago. This biological company is currently responsible for the project to control zerg through mechanical modification and other means in Umoyan, but Slow progress. After encountering the Tal'darin protoss in Baishel, Augustus set about sending several protoss corpses and some protoss weapons back to Umoyan.

"I graduated from the Chemistry Department of Tarsonis University and used to work in a chemical research institute in Tarsonis." Bernard said, pointing to the books and the white coat hanging on the hanger at the door.

"You are from Tarsonis, and you are also a top student and well-known scholar at Tarsonis University. How could you come to a place as far away as Agria?" Augustus asked as he sat down at the coffee table in the living room of Hanson's house. Ask casually.

"Because I am tired of the intrigues in the high-rise buildings and research institutes of Tarsonis. When I focus on research, my colleagues around me are busy playing tricks and intrigues, stealing other people's research results or committing academic fraud." Bernard sighed.

"They are all smart and knowledgeable, but they are unwilling to do down-to-earth research - because Tarsonis has become more and more impetuous, and officialdom struggles have affected all aspects of scientific research and people's lives," he said.

"I began to fear that I would spend my entire life in the oppressive Tarsonis, taking every step until I died, and that my daughter would be the same fate."

"This kind of future is not the future I want."

"Later I came to Aglia, inspired to build a world of my dreams." Bernard said: "A new world that has not yet fester."

"Aglia is indeed a beautiful world isolated from the rest of the world, far away from all disputes." Augustus nodded.

Next, Augustus discussed with Bernard the issue of purchasing food supplies. The currency of the transaction is foreign exchange from the National Bank of the United States of Umoyan. Umoyan's reputation as a Koprulu bank in the Koprulu sector is still trustworthy.

When Bernard was quite satisfied with this, Augustus made a sideways reference to the piracy of Agria.

"I know some trustworthy mercenary friends who may be able to help you solve the problem of Chimera pirates." The mercenary friends Augustus mentioned were of course his own revolutionary army.

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