StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 224 Protector of Agria

"Mercenaries of Moria?" Bernard Hansen and Augustus were sitting on the sofas on both sides of the glass coffee table. Several Agria warriors and Augustus' followers stood on their side. Behind the two of them.

The Agria warriors behind Bernard are all reliable middle-aged men or young men in this immigrant town. They are either farmers in large rural areas or interns at the Agria Science Institute. , these people gathered around the elegant and easy-going Bernard like students or parents standing next to the teacher.

Tychus, Raynor, and Kerrigan beside Augustus are undoubtedly veterans of the war. They wear blue-green and khaki military uniforms similar to the uniforms of the Camorion guild guards or the uniforms of the Federation Marines. , neatly dressed, with straight trouser legs, looking like a seasoned soldier.

When they stood straight next to Augustus, they really looked like soldiers and generals. Of course, Tychus and Harnak inevitably lowered Augustus's image and made him look like a general. Some mafia leader rather than an ordinary businessman.

"You come from Moria, you should know that Moria is too far away from Agria." Bernard stared into Augustus's rare cold gray eyes: "We need a permanent mercenary army. It would be best to seek help from the nearest Federation colony."

"Normally, the Terran Confederacy on Tarsonis would have sent a force of marines to defend the fringe colonies, but they have apparently forgotten about Agria."

"No - they are not Moria." Augustus said, shaking his head.

Augustus paused here, and at the same time, the red-haired ghost agent Kerrigan beside him leaned down, his red lips came close to Augustus' right ear and whispered something.

After Kerrigan finished speaking, Augustus looked at Bernard.

"They're from Korhal."

"Korhal." Even though Agria is a marginal settlement with little information, Bernard is not completely ignorant of the Korhal Rebellion that happened more than a year ago.

In fact, the federal government of Tarsonis is happy to announce to the world the fate of Korhal IV - the end of pursuing freedom and independence is to be destroyed by nuclear bombs and reduced to a dead nuclear wasteland.

There is no doubt that the Great Rebellion led by Angus Mengsk shocked much of the Federation world and had an indelible and far-reaching impact. Many colonies that were originally dissatisfied with Federation rule were really shocked by Korhal's tragedy. Only the bravest and most defiant planets still openly opposed the tyranny of the Tarsonis Federation Council.

The people of the colonial planets closer to the core world are as docile as sheep, and the Marines stationed there ruthlessly maintain the rule of the federal government there. The people there are deeply influenced by the federal mainstream media and are afraid of having anything to do with the rebel party. They feel frightened when they hear the word Korhal.

But fortunately, Agria is currently not within the coverage of the UNN Universe News Network's broadcast channel. The locals are also not interested in the "real-time news" from more than two or three months ago. The most important thing is that Agria Bernard Hansen, leader of the settlement in Grea, was actually a Korhal sympathizer.

Bernard Hansen left the good life in Tarsonis and the fame he had accumulated for many years to come to Agria, which in itself was another kind of resistance to the Tarsonis government. He had never thought about nor dared to lead the Agria people to resist the rule of the Tyranid Federation, but he still admired the Korhal people from the bottom of his heart for daring to do so.

This is also the key information that Kerrigan obtained through mind reading and told Augustus just now. As the leader of the Agria immigrants, Bernard actually has a good impression of the Korhal people.

Augustus thought carefully before leaving, carefully understanding Bernard Hansen's character and imagining his attitude. Now, Augustus was thankful that Bernard was not a supporter of the federation and that the situation did not take a turn for the worst.

"Are there any survivors on Korhal?" Bernard looked at Augustus, and he realized that the identity of the man in front of him could not be as simple as the owner of the Camorion caravan.

"The UNN report mentioned the terrible tragedy - this is ridiculous. The nuclear bomb destroyed Korhal IV, but the UNN people said that only a few hundred people were injured in Korhal in this 'accident'. Condolences to Korhal Extinction of Species far outweighs the coverage of Korhal’s losses and casualties.”

"Yes, and there are quite a few." Augustus was not surprised by the public opinion propaganda method of the Terran Federation. The media controlled by the Federal Parliament and the Creation Family had sufficient means and time to distort reports related to facts. Federation media people usually dismantle real materials into different fragments, delete and sequence them, and then add new fabricated parts to piece it together what they want.

According to regulations, all media reports in the Terran Federation cannot violate the constitution, which does not conflict with the right of free speech of federal citizens.

"That's great. No matter what the rebels did wrong or what outrageous crimes they committed, at least the people of Korhal will not suffer the atrocities of genocide." Bernard breathed a sigh of relief.

People in other colonies knew very little about what happened in Korhal, and people without independent opinions could easily be swayed by media reports - at least in the Federation, the reputation of the Augustan Revolutionary Army was very bad, almost equivalent to eating. The devil of man and the dregs of society.

Bernard's understanding of the Korhal rebels was more or less deviated from the facts, because UNN cleverly avoided Tarsonis's exploitation and unrestricted demands for a series of wealthy colonies such as Korhal IV, focusing on Portraying the Mengsk family of Korhal IV as a corrupt tycoon family that took control of Korhal.

UNN repeatedly emphasized that Angus Mengsk only wanted to establish a ruling dynasty belonging to the Mengsk family in Korhal, and the uprising was described as the machinations of careerists and the rise of rebel warlords.

"The Korhals escaped from Korhal IV before the Day of Destruction. They suffered many hardships and have been wandering around the universe, looking for their new home." Augustus said: "Later, some of the Korhals armed themselves to protect themselves. The people formed Korhal's mercenary army and made a living as mercenaries while wandering around the universe."

"If they want to stay, Agria will help them build their own home," Bernard said.

"I'm willing to help them."

"Aren't you afraid of a new rebellion by the Korhalians in Agria?" Augustus tested Bernard's attitude.

"Why did they do that?" Bernard shook his head: "There is no Tyranid Federation here, and there is no injustice or oppression."

"I knew it." Augustus said with a smile: "Where there is oppression, there will be resistance."

"Dr. Hansen, you are a good man."

Neither Augustus nor Bernard noticed that Ariel Hansen next to them seemed to be interested in Augustus, and Kerrigan, who had powerful telepathy, was immediately keenly aware of this.

Kerrigan felt the other person's ignorant fantasy about Augustus, and her jade-green eyes kept focusing on the other person.

Although Augustus did not perform any heroic feats to save the beauty, he was handsome and temperamental.

"Haha - approximately how many of them are there?" Dr. Hansen is indeed an upright and kind-hearted person, but he is not aware of the seriousness of the problem at the moment.

"It doesn't matter even if there are one or two thousand people. The most important thing in Aglia is land. We have a professional construction team." He said confidently.

"Quite a few," Augustus said: "The wandering Korhars bring their families with them and use the colonial mothership as a place to live."

He rattled off a series of numbers.

"The exact number is approximately 2,126,722 people."

"You must be kidding." Dr. Bernard Hansen took a deep breath, in disbelief.

If this is true, then this must be a very large group of wandering mercenaries, most of whom can only enter the freezing chamber, otherwise the spacecraft of the wandering fleet cannot support so many people.

For a moment, Bernard thought he had guessed the truth. That is, this so-called mercenary group is actually a group of fugitives who luckily escaped misfortune. The reason why Augustus said they were mercenaries was probably just because he was worried that he would not accept these Korhal people and that they would become a burden.

In fact, Agria, which is in the stage of pioneering and development, is in urgent need of a large number of immigrants, and such large-scale immigration is exactly what Bernard wants.

The only problem is that if this group of Korhals settle down in Agria, their number will be much higher than the original population of the planet.

The people of Agria behind Bernard were also shocked. They never expected that there would be so many people who were about to move in. Bernard's daughter Ariel, who had been listening by the side, also walked to her father's side. Everyone knew that this would be a major event that could change Agria's future destiny.

"." Bernard was silent for more than ten seconds, and finally nodded.

"In order to attract new settlers, I promised that whether they are Tyranids, Kemorians or Umoyans, as long as they are willing to build a new home with us, Agria welcomes them." He took a deep breath. .

"Let me meet the representatives of those people. It is not easy to arrange accommodation for so many people." Bernard said.

"I will also discuss with other representatives of the immigrant families. And it is best for the Korhal people not to mention their past. When the federal government thinks of Agria, the federal parliament will probably send officials to form a government."

"I will contact them," Augustus said.

"These people from Korhal come from all walks of life in Korhal." Augustus continued: "Among them are scientists, engineers, doctors, construction workers, architectural designers, and artists. These people will be given to Agria. The development brings new opportunities.”

"You don't need to worry about the follow-up problems after they land in Agria. They have their own tents and food, as well as their own engineering team and planting technology."

"Well -" Bernard pondered, then suddenly stood up and said to Augustus: "I will arrange it as soon as possible, if everything goes well."

As he spoke, Bernard picked up his personal terminal. After saying sorry, he made a phone call and notified the family leaders of the most respected immigrants in the settlement to hold a meeting with the leaders of the town.

As the first leader to set foot on Agria and lead people to establish a settlement, Bernard has always been uncompromising on this planet, but he had no choice but to discuss such a big matter with other immigrants and let Agria People are ready to welcome new immigrants.

If not handled properly, the Korhal immigration problem is likely to turn into a refugee crisis, dragging down Agria's economy, and thus affecting the order of the planet and the status of its inherent leadership.

"You really gave me a great gift." Bernard sat down in his seat again after dialing one number after another.

An ugly smile appeared on Bernard's face.

"Okay - I hope to see the armed strength of this mercenary army so that I can calculate how much salary should be paid to them." Now Bernard has no hope for the power of this so-called mercenary army. Even though these long-suffering exiles of Korhal were hardened warriors, their equipment was no better than that of the Agrians.

"Very good, I'll notify them right away." Augustus said a few words to Renault next to him, who immediately left the living room of Hansen's house. When Renault turned to leave, everyone looking at him could notice the revolver in his waist.

This was a gift from Augustus to Reno, and Reno regarded it as a treasure and liked the pistol very much. Compared with the exquisite cold weapons that Augustus gave to other officers, this exquisitely crafted revolver is incredibly powerful and can even penetrate the face mask of CMC power armor.

This is a legendary weapon, and Raynor has used it to end the lives of many villains and corrupt officials.

Augustus then talked with Bernard for a while, until Renault returned to the living room and told him that a battalion of Revolutionary Army Marines with repainted power armor had landed in Agria waiting for his review. Augustus immediately invited Bernard and his men to the landing point of the army, and Bernard went gladly.

However, as Augustus walked out of the Hanson's house, Kerrigan said at his side: "Did you notice?"

"What?" Seeing Kerrigan's serious look, Augustus immediately asked, "Is there a federal spy here?"

"No, that Ariel Hansen, Bernard's daughter, has been watching you. She is very fond of men like you, who are mature, stable, leadership and reliable."

"When she grows up, she will think that this longing for mature men is ridiculous and will be ashamed to recall this memory." Augustus said with a questioning tone: "Of course, this is not the point, I thought you All the while telepathically detecting Bernard Hansen's attitude, instead of concentrating on a little girl."

"You are too sensitive," said Augustus.

"She's up to no good," Kerrigan said. "My sixth sense and psychic intuition tell me this woman is dangerous."

"God, I think Ariel is a good girl," Raynor said.

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