StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 225 The Chimera pirates were easily eliminated

Sarah Kerrigan's psychic intuition has always been very reliable.

As Augustus' trusted ghost agent escort, Kerrigan always stood guard by the Marshal of Korhal's Revolutionary Army and scrutinized everyone who tried to get close to him.

With the help of her psychic abilities that are far beyond ordinary people, Kerrigan is able to keenly detect those dangerous people who may pose a threat to Augustus and eliminate them. However, Kerrigan was unwilling to admit that Ariel Hansen was actually a greater threat to herself.

Kerrigan valued her place in Augustus' heart and was eager to contribute her power to his cause.

This ghost agent, who has been trained by the Ghost Project since she was five years old, leads a completely different life from the childhood of other Terran Federation people. She can only learn how to get along with people from the instructors and other psykers who trained to become ghost agents. Skill.

Based on this kind of growth experience, Kerrigan is not the kind of girl who is as gentle as jade. She does not know how to be tactful and will always point out the mistakes of others to the point. Kerrigan would cut open the cow's skin like a sharp butcher's knife, exposing the dripping blood to the sun.

Any Revolutionary soldier who has spoken to Kerrigan agrees that she is not difficult to get along with, but they have to get used to her cold manner of speaking. Kerrigan was always quick to talk to everyone except Augustus, never muddled, and went straight to the point, just like the blade of a knife.

Similarly, the instructors in the Federation Ghost Academy never teach their students to learn to share with others, and Kerrigan is immersed in the possessiveness of Augustus and cannot extricate herself. She is afraid of losing Augustus. Just as she had lost her family and everything in her past.

"Of course, this all depends on your judgment. If you think Ariel Hansen is plotting against me, then you should block her from the door." Augustus looked back at Kerrigan and said .

"You have always been responsible for protecting me and have always done a good job. I have unreserved trust in you, and that trust will never change," he said.

As Augustus spoke, he followed Bernard in front, because the latter was about to find him to learn more about the Korhal immigrants.

"Kerrigan, I know you are a psychic and can read other people's thoughts." After Augustus left, Raynor whispered to Kerrigan: "I bet that if you followed last time, We go to a banquet of the Founding Family of Tarsonis and you're going to go crazy."

"Because there are beautiful aristocratic ladies and ladies everywhere who want to 'eat' Augustus, they are like a group of evil spirits." Renault said with lingering fear: "And Ariel Hansen is just a little girl, How can she be scary? She is just a girl from a remote settlement, not a man-eating monster."

"Do you think Ariel is simple?" Kerrigan said: "My psychic ability tells me that she is a biological genius who inherited the talents of her parents."

Ariel Hansen has been considered an undoubted genius since she was a child. When she was 6 years old, she could already swim in her father's old digital chemistry books for a long time. At the age of 11, Ariel published her first research report on the effects of mutant genes on rare plants in Trabilia. At the age of 13, Ariel had already completed all college courses, and received an admission notice from the University of Tarsonis, the main planet of Tarsonis, before graduating.

"Ariel is a genius in biogenetic engineering. She is only 13 years old now, but her knowledge exceeds that of many people in the Agria Hansen Institute." Kerrigan said: "The most important thing is that I noticed that Austria Gus is very fond of this Ariel Hansen, he seems to know Ariel very well, and he has a crush on her - it's almost like he has met her before, which is so weird."

"So you are anxious." At this time, Hanak Hank, who had been following Renault and was listening, poked his head out.

"Shut up, Hank," Kerrigan said coldly.

"You should know the charm of Augustus. Many people like him. He is young, handsome and rich. The most important thing is that he is a standard Korhal gentleman and a descendant of a great noble. Tychus is jealous of this. Crazy." Reno laughed.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it." Kerrigan rubbed her hair, making her fiery red hair messy.

"You know, there are many people in the Revolutionary Army who love Augustus, both men and women - Ariel is not special, but my psychic intuition tells me that she is probably another Lisa Cassidy, who It made Augustus fall in love with her," she said.

"I really didn't know that Augustus was open to both men and women." Renault fell into deep thought. He eased his embarrassment with a laugh, and then said: "Lisa? You are referring to the time when she said you were a mistress. .”

"Come on—" Kerrigan rolled her eyes.

Ariel Hansen, who was following her father at this moment, had no idea that Kerrigan and others were talking about her. She was following her father and Augustus closely, listening carefully to every word they said.

Augustus and Bernard walked for a few minutes on the beautiful white gravel path of the settlement. When they walked onto the asphalt road across the center of the settlement, they saw several gray and white armored transport vehicles parked in the middle of the road. Military chariot.

"Old-fashioned Federal Marine heavy armored personnel carriers have been in service in the federal combat order for more than 20 years. Where did the Keha people get these personnel carriers?" Bernard saw these gray and white coatings. The troop carriers began to agree. The last time he saw these troop carriers was during the military parade in the main city of Tarsonis many years ago.

The interstellar mercenaries in Bernard's impression were all a group of muscular men wearing security company uniforms or old federal khaki military uniforms. They had steel-like muscles and carried bullet bags and guns all over their bodies.

But when Bernard saw hundreds of mercenaries wearing silver-gray CMC power armor lining up further away, he even thought for a moment that this was a regular army of the Umoyan Protectorate Army.

These mercenaries are all wearing tall and sturdy power armor and holding C-14 Gauss rifles, like giants standing tall and tall. Their shoulder armor and breastplate have white cross emblems, and the helmet visor is plated with a silver metal coating.

In addition to being equipped with Gauss rifles, these mercenaries are also equipped with demon plasma flamethrowers, grenade guns and molten laser launchers. Between the rows of mercenaries, there are more than a dozen electromagnetic tanks modified from Camorian heavy tanks.

Rory Swann, the chief engineer of the Revolutionary Army, and his team modified the Camorion tank purchased by Augustus in Moru and added the Sidewinder's electromagnetic railgun. The long-range Sidewinder electromagnetic gun is so powerful that it can melt even the strongest steel bunkers.

The earliest Kemerian tanks came from miners' large bulldozers. After modification, they became famous for their powerful engines and powerful firepower. From the Federation's trophy museum to the peripheral colony planetary defense forces, from the emasculated version of a small tank to a heavy tank weighing more than one hundred tons, this modified Kemerian tank can now be seen in most of the Koprulu sector. .

"There are many more troops like this." Augustus said, pointing to his soldiers.

"They are all old-fashioned CMC-200 powered armor, but they are well maintained. Such a force should be enough to deal with any Chimera pirate plundering fleet." Augustus said: "I have seen the combat effectiveness of the Chimera pirates."

"Not very good," he said.

"These powered armors alone cannot be produced by any existing Tyranid Federation mercenary company. I really wonder if you have brought in a Federation Marine Corps." Bernard began to doubt that he was because of staying on the ground. Agraria is remote and behind the times.

At first glance, Augustus is all about flexing his muscles.

"The Korhals have received support from the United States of Umojan, and now the three giants in the Koprulu sector know this very well." Augustus said to Bernard.

"And after the Kailian War, more and more retired soldiers joined the mercenaries to make profits from the war in another form." Augustus said.

"The Korhal people's military power is far stronger than you think, but they are facing the Federation's naval fleet." Augustus said.

"." Bernard stared at Augustus, and he suddenly thought of Augustus's name.

Caesar Augustus, the Korhars, and many armies far superior to those of the Agria settlement.

Thinking of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, which has become famous in the past year, and the Sons of Korhal, a terrorist organization that has panicked people with its terrorist activities, Bernard's breath suddenly suffocated.

Augustus almost made it clear that he was Augustus Mengsk, the leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army. Instinctively, Bernard didn't want Agria to be related to the rebels, but it was impossible for him to inform the Tyranid Federation and seek their help.

Even if the federal army arrives in Agria, they will not hesitate to use this beautiful planet as a battlefield. Even if the rebels of Augustus are finally expelled, then according to the consistent behavior of the Tyranid Federation, they will station troops to control Agria and carry out long-term operations on any colony that has been attacked by rebels. Armed control of time.

But in the final analysis, Bernard does not believe that Augustus's revolutionary army is really as evil and unforgivable as UNN said, otherwise Agria would have fallen long ago.

"You are actually members of the Revolutionary Army." Bernard showed a don't lie to me expression.

"I'm just an ordinary Moria businessman." Augustus said, "It's just that I have a blood feud with the Tyranid Federation."

"Haha——" Bernard showed a knowing smile.

"They will provide protection for Agria and protect Agria from pirates and federal marines. And you only need to pay a small fee." Augustus also smiled.

Of course, Augustus would leave an army to protect the Korhal immigrants, and the Agrians had almost no reason to refuse, because they could not guarantee whether the other party would suddenly turn against them after being rejected.

Augustus had already given quite a lot of information in the conversation before: that is, the immigrants of Korha were already severely short of food and fuel supplies, which meant that they had no energy left to find the next habitable planet and one willing to accept them. colony.

"...But I just hope that the war will not reach Agria." Bernard knew that Augustus was forcing himself to take sides and wanted to draw Agria to his side.

"Aglia doesn't want to be involved in the war," he said.

"We will provide help to the colonists, but we must provide that Agria will not become a battlefield."

"I swear, I and the Korhal people will always remember Agria's help in the most critical moment." Augustus looked at the sky, his eyes locked in the distance.

"In return, I want to give the Agrians a small gift." Then Augustus looked at Bernard again.

"All ears." Bernard frowned.

"The mercenary fleet detected a Chimera pirate research station on the edge of the Agria galaxy." As Augustus was talking, a guard took out a worn flag of the Chimera pirates from his backpack.

Augustus's words are quite intriguing. Mercenary organizations with fleets are quite rare in the Koprulu sector, almost equal to none.

"Those Chimera pirates established their own base on an asteroid in the Agria system to study the remains of ancient civilizations on the companion planet of Agria. This is why the Chimera pirates will frequently attack Agria For Asia’s sake, they have a permanent base in this system and need to obtain supplies from the colonies.”

"I've always wondered why pirate attacks are becoming more and more frequent." Bernard looked ugly.

"Don't worry, we destroyed the Chimera Pirate Research Station on the way here," Augustus said.

"It took about ten minutes." Tychus, who was beside Augustus, said unhurriedly.

"The Chimera pirates have had a problem with us. We took away one of their research stations when we were in Mar Sara. Now it seems that these bugs have nests in many places in Koprulu," he said. .

The Kaimorian Pirates are much more famous than the technology dealer Chimera Pirates, but the name itself encompasses all Kaimorian pirates. They are loosely organized and have many conflicts with each other, while the Chimeran Pirates come from a A well-structured pirate organization.

There are almost no forces in the Koprulu sector that the Chimera pirates dare not offend. They are regarded as traitors to Umoyan and are the mortal enemies of the Umoyan Protectorate. The most important thing is that the Chimera pirates were ruthless characters who dared to attack the Tyranid Federation and the Kaimorian Consortium at the same time during the Kailian War.

Everyone in the Koprulu Sector shouts about the Chimera Pirates, but this does not prevent their power from growing with war and turmoil.

"After capturing several Chimera pirates, we learned that they also built several research stations on the surface of Agria." Augustus pointed to those wearing gray-white power armor with white crosses on the armor. said the revolutionary soldier with the badge.

"Let them deal with the Chimera pirates on Agria."

"From today on, the Agria Crusaders are the eternal protectors of Agria," he said.

"Agria will be included in our protection from now on."

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