StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 226 Year 2491

Agria, New Kurdistan.

In two months, a city called New Kurdsburg has risen north of the Agria settlement.

The new city is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and is located on an alluvial plain at the southernmost tip of the long and narrow main continent of Agria, which is rich in water and grass. The city is close to the Tropic of Capricorn, and the climate is warm, with spring and winter being indistinct and short. Monsoons from the ocean bring abundant rainfall every standard year, nourishing the lush green vegetation here.

After many twists and turns, the plant seeds brought by the Korhal people and the animals preserved using embryo freezing technology adapted to the air composition and natural light wavelengths of Agria, and gradually developed an increasingly prosperous population on the planet.

Giant rhinos, iguanas, Umoyan stratozoans, cows, and mammoth beetles, native species of the Koprulu sector that have been tamed by humans, were introduced to Agria along with Earth's cattle and sheep. At the same time, in order to control the population of these docile herbivores, the Kehal people introduced their natural enemies: chelicerae, whip-tailed leopards and the famous Kehal wolf.

This fertile land soon gave gifts and gifts to the Korhal people who chose it. The humus soil here can be cultivated to produce rye, wheat and corn without fertilization. The long and stable direct sunlight hours and abundant precipitation throughout the year make The new settlers began experimenting with another crop from the ancient earth—rice.

Agria's rich marine biological resources also mean that people in the new colony no longer need to worry about protein supplements. The planet's vast ocean has given rise to a complex biological community, with ammonites and nautiloids as ancient biological communities. Early vertebrates evolved diverse biological chains in this ocean.

Fishermen from Korhal soon established the first ocean-going port in the seas of Agria and named it after a fishing village. Fishing immediately became a pillar industry for Korhal's immigrants in Agria. Agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishing made the immigrants no longer need to worry about food.

The several crystalline veins and high-energy gas springs in the mountains discovered by geologists and mineralogists around the settlement immediately gave the new Korhal immigrants a shot in the arm.

The newly discovered Adien crystal vein is buried under the deciduous broad-leaved forest south of New Kurdsburg. Two-thirds of the vein is even exposed on the surface, and new immigrants can pick it up casually when walking in the forest. These beautiful blue crystals. The difficulty of mining this Adeen crystal vein is much lower than that of Korhal IV's deep underground veins.

The high-energy gas refinery with tall alloy chimneys stands among the mountains covered with dense jungle. The workers of the gas refinery started their work in their new home. They drove the SCV space construction engineering vehicle to remove the canned and sealed green gas from the refinery's conveyor belt, and skillfully operated the space engineering vehicle to deliver the canned high-energy gas to the trailer.

Only a few engineers, technicians and supervisors are needed to maintain production in a highly automated refinery. These yellow and black SCVs are like hard-working worker bees in a hive.

The settlement of Agria soon showed a prosperous scene, and their development speed greatly exceeded the imagination of the local immigrants.

When Augustus's revolutionary fleet was preparing to leave the Agria system for the center of the Koprulu sector and enter the core area of ​​the Tyranid Federation, the new settlement established by the Korhal people in Agria was already able to achieve self-sufficiency. Be self-sufficient and conduct simple trade with local settlers.

At this moment, Augustus, who was standing on the bridge of the Revolutionary Army's flagship Hyperion, was looking at the blue-green Agria and another dark blue companion star through a huge observation window. In front of the holographic projection control panel and console next to Augustus are pictures of the city center of New Kurdsburg and pictures taken by geostationary satellites from orbit. All except Warfield, Rundstein and Duke. The generals of the revolutionary army were now standing by Augustus' side.

The Hyperion is Augustus's first battlecruiser - after the Battle of Tarsonis, the Norad II has always been the flagship of the Revolutionary Fleet, because she is compared to the older Hubert system. The Berrian is much more advanced in both its weapons system and defense matrix.

It turned out that Augustus was interested in the new flagship of Alpha Squadron, Norad III, and wanted to use it as the new flagship. However, this move was immediately strongly opposed by Duke and criticized by Renault for his behavior of favoring the new and hating the old.

In the end, Augustus reset the Hyperion as the flagship of the Revolutionary Fleet, not because he was a nostalgic man, but because Rory Swann told him that he and Viktor Kaczynski had completed the Hyperion The latter firmly claimed that the Hyperion would become the coolest battlecruiser in all mankind.

At the same time, Rory Swann inserted several void crystals that the Revolutionary Army had discovered in Mar Sara and the Kedarin crystals found in the Darin base of Byshelta near the Hyperion's main engine room. .

Although Swann still cannot figure out how these crystals work, the Xel'Naga and Protoss crystals do continue to power the Hyperion's main engines as well as the battleship's life support and weapons systems.

This pure, sharp-edged artificial crystal energy source is inexhaustible. If humans can figure out how it works, then the Protoss Crystal can undoubtedly replace nuclear fusion reactors and power cities, factories, and cities far beyond the size of Behemoth-class battlecruisers. battleships to provide energy. It is foreseeable that in the eyes of the protoss, human nuclear energy is still a primitive and backward technology, and their energy technology is far more advanced than humans.

From orbit, New Kurdish City is just a silvery-gray dot, and as the camera zooms in, its standard colonial grid of towns becomes visible. The new city was built by the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps and Bernard Hansen's Agria Construction Company. It combines the architectural styles of Tarsonis and Korhal IV. All the box-shaped houses are made of cast iron. Made of silver alloy plates, the house has sparkling transparent glass and antennas.

There are no towering skyscrapers or grand buildings with silver alloy frames and glass in New Kurdistan. All buildings are low-rise single-story and multi-story buildings. Only one high-rise building in the city center stands alone.

Two sapphire-blue rivers flow through the center of the city, surrounded by broad-leaved forests surrounding the settlement complex. The silver-white buildings in the new Kurdish City seem like white metal squares shining in the sun.

In order to commemorate the city of Kurdsburg that was destroyed in the Battle of Korkha, and to commemorate the feat of almost all the adult men and women of this city joining the revolutionary army, which made the once prosperous city look extremely lonely, people, under the instruction of the marshal of the revolutionary army, built the city of Kurdsburg. If you add the affix NEW in front of it, you will also call it New Kurdsburg.

"We have one more home world." Augustus opened the star map of the Hyperion's route and manually marked Agria in green and marked it to indicate that it was a planet that could be docked. .

In Augustus's vision, Aglia will become a huge granary in five years or more, providing supplies for the entire revolutionary army.

When the new settlement of Agria was being built, the construction plan also included its dark blue companion star. Augustus also planned to establish a biological laboratory and an interstellar airport on the companion star labeled Agraria I, and deploy a permanent fleet in this system.

The strategic significance of Agria lies not only in its rich resources, which can provide abundant minerals and nearly inexhaustible food, but also in the fact that it is located on the edge of the Koprulu sector, adjacent to the Kemerian complex planets Meinhof and Awaiting immigration to the planet Haiwen.

If Augustus wanted to establish a solid base in the eastern part of the Koprulu sector, then Agria was the best choice. Through the Agria settlement, Augustus can reach the Byshel settlement on the edge of the Koprulu sector and several planets occupied by the Tal'darin expeditionary fleet, and can reach the Sara system to the west. and Velidia Prime.

"This is a new beginning." Renault, standing next to Augustus, said: "The Keha people have gone through many hardships and finally a new homeland has taken root."

"We finally have a stronghold of our own." The way Tychus spoke did not sound like a revolutionary soldier with the mission of liberating all mankind, but like a gangster: "The people on the two planets of Kalis It takes a lot of time to develop.”

"I think you just want to occupy those two immigrant planets. When there is a territorial dispute with the Federation, the Camorians, or some other messy aliens, we can just say that those two planets are invaders. It has been an integral part of the territory of the Kazakh people since ancient times.”

"Haha——" Augustus took one last look at Agria and said to the Navigator of the Hyperion.

"Second Lieutenant, send us out of orbit. To go to Umoyan, we need the support of the Umoyan Protectorate Army," he said.

"Where is Ariel Hansen?" As the Hyperion accelerated into the hyperspace channel, Tychus said in a somewhat familiar tone of Augustus: "Why don't you take your little lover away? I thought I couldn’t see you flirting with her if she wore glasses~”

"Why are you willing to leave that little black-haired beauty in Agria? I can't bear to-"

"Don't act like a pedophile, Tychus, Augustus is not as bad as you." Before Augustus could speak, Kerrigan pointed at Tychus' nose and cursed.

"She is right, Tychus," said Augustus.

"Tychus, everyone knows you are a bastard." Renault also helped Augustus speak.

"Come on, you are just jealous of the boss." Harnak would speak from Augustus's point of view in everything.

"Ariel Hansen is going to college in Tarsonis soon. How could she risk her life with us... This is a revolution. Do you think she is playing house or being a dashing bandit?" Renault said.

"That's what I said. You won't be like this..." Tychus was speechless by the rebuke. He originally just wanted to tease Augustus.

"Especially you, Jimmy, the revolver in your hand was something I fought tooth and nail to snatch from Tarsonis, otherwise you would have had to wait at least five or six years to get it." He said sourly.

"How heartless."

"Okay." When Renault was thinking about what to say, Augustus pointed to the main screen on the bridge of the Hyperion and said.

"Looking at the recent news, we don't have much time to vacation in Agria anymore." Augustus looked at the portrait of the mechanical adjutant on the screen.

"Adjutant, play the UNN frontline briefing for August 12th."

All media signals arriving in Agria came from more than two months ago. These delayed news are one of the basis used by the Revolutionary Army to understand the recent major events in the Tyranid Federation - because when an incident occurs, even the UNN begins to When reported, it shows that the federal government has been unable to cover up their scandal.

"I want to announce the sad news that Colonel Edmund Duke of Alpha Squadron has been confirmed to be controlled by Augustus Mengsk's rebel psychotropic drugs. He has gone crazy and become a drug-controlled corpse. The Walking Dead.”

"This is Gordon, the reporter accompanying the army. The First Fleet of the Federal Navy has arrived in Mar Sara. The rebels fled in panic and were defeated. The people of Mar Sara, who had been devastated by the rebels, warmly welcomed us, and the atmosphere was warm!"

The main screen switched to the camera screen. Next to the host's feet was a pile of burning Molotov cocktails and wooden obstacles. A federal marine wearing power armor could be seen from the edge of the deliberately blurred lens. The struggling Ma Sara was being roughly dragged out of his own house.

"You have to be scrutinized because you dare to put jam on a piece of bread! There is a flag in your room, and it is not the red and blue star flag of the Confederacy." Tychus narrated the silent video with a sinister voice.

"I can imagine what happened to the Mar Sara people after we left, but that will only make them hate the federal government even more." Renault's expression was very ugly, and he couldn't imagine the towns and taverns they had stayed in. What happened.

"In fact, according to the reports of the troops staying in Mar Sara, they caused a lot of losses to the federal troops who landed through guerrilla warfare. At the same time, the Mar Sara people who supported us also caused a lot of trouble to the federal troops." said Augustus.

"check it out."

The picture on the main screen began to change as Augustus spoke, cutting to a series of reports.

"The high-altitude one-way suspended train track in the main city of Tarsonis was blown up, and a suspended train derailed and fell. More than eight hundred people died - a family member of the patriarchal family Dorian was also killed in this accident. "

"Ander Tagore was found dead in the bathroom of his family. He had previously been considered the most potential successor to Andrea, the 'Queen Tagore'——"

"Senator Tyrann Doyle of the Federal Parliament is involved in an unprecedented sexual assault scandal. It is reported that hundreds of federal government officials are involved in this scandal-"

"After twelve years, the Abram rebels who had been declared to have been completely eliminated appeared on Antiga Prime."

"—The Sons of Korhal claimed responsibility."

"Your brother Arcturus did a good job." Tychus commented: "Killing all the founding families is what you should do."

Augustus responded with silence. There were hundreds of news items involving the Sons of Korhal. During the period when the revolutionary army disappeared, the Sons of Korhal dominated the front pages of various news media.

Arcturus Mengsk commanded his Sons of Korhal thousands of light years away from Tarsonis, an organization that became increasingly reviled for its bloody and unscrupulous revenge against the Creation Family. .

Before Augustus could say anything else, the main screen suddenly switched to such a news item.

"The federal outpost of Sardin III was destroyed by an unidentified armed force. Local residents claimed that they saw mysterious lights and warships in the cloudless and moonless sky that night, and claimed that those lights did not come from stars. Or the lights.”

"It's the Tal'darin Protoss, they're taking revenge." Augustus said.

At this time, under the bridge of the Hyperion, a dozen iron-gray Behemoth-class battlecruisers were sailing into the hyperspace channel at the same time. And when this fleet appears again in the material world, it will already be 2491.

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