StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 227 John the Psyker, Son of Raynor

Chapter 227 John, Son of Raynor-Psychic

SCT 2491.1.12.

The Hyperion is sailing in the hyperspace channel.

At 0:06 on the ship, Augustus, wearing the usual dark gray captain's uniform, was sitting on the alloy bench outside the Hyperion medical cabin, with Sarah Kerrigan sitting next to him on his left. The huge Tychus Finley sat next to Augustus's right arm with eyes as big as a cow, and his huge butt occupied almost a third of the bench. He crossed his arms across his chest and remained motionless.

Compared with the silent and calm Augustus and others, Jim Raynor and Harnak Hank were walking back and forth in front of the closed bronze metal door of the medical cabin at almost the same frequency. The sound of the boots of the two men wearing buckskin vests and nylon trousers clicking on the deck echoed in the narrow and long corridor of the Hyperion.

"Jimmy, Hank, stop." Augustus looked at Renault walking around and said: "We have the best military doctors, midwives, nurses and medical equipment. Elizabeth enjoys my mother's birth." With my service, she will be able to give birth to a lovely child safely."

The Hyperion is currently on the hyperspace route from Agria to Umoyan. Renault's girlfriend Elizabeth Liddy, who he met at Mar Sara, is already more than ten months pregnant, and Elizabeth, who has already entered her due date, is about to give birth.

"You're right." Renault stopped and looked at Augustus, as if he was grasping a life-saving straw.

"But I am really anxious. He (she) is the first child born on a battleship, and we are in a hyperspace channel. Who knows whether children born in this state will be affected by What impact."

"Don't worry, it is not a rare case for children to be born naturally while the colonial fleet is sailing." Augustus said helplessly to Renault: "On the other hand, you two, if you keep wandering around, I will almost feel dizzy. "

Harnack did not pay attention to what Augustus said. He was still pacing in front of the door of the medical cabin, muttering words such as the Hail Mary and the Son blessed by the Holy Spirit. He spoke plausibly. Occasionally the name of an unpopular god pops up.

"Hank, I remember you are an atheist." Tychus called out to Hanak who was mumbling.

"Only temporary." Harnak said to Tychus: "Whenever I can use them, I will be a temporary believer. What do you know, Tychus."

Hanak seemed even more nervous than Reno, not only because he truly regarded Reno as a blood brother, but also because he did not want to see anyone in the Demons of Heaven being harmed again.

He has no family, so he regards his comrades who share life and death as more important than his own life. After the death of Curt Josephine, who had been quarreling with Harnack, this stubborn and frivolous young man finally became much more mature.

"Idiot, besides fighting, money and women, what else is on your mind?" Tychus was furious.

"Isn't the idiot you are talking about yourself?" Hanak rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight.

"Shut up." Suddenly, Kerrigan stood up to Augustus's left. She raised her eyebrows, and her jade-green eyes shone like crystals under the light of the cabin lights. Brilliance. Kerrigan's bright red lips are wider and thicker than her perfectly proportioned facial features, making her look even more sexy.

In an instant, the red-haired ghost agent who had been following Augustus showed the majesty of a queen. Her powerful spiritual power made people around her naturally awe.

Although Kerrigan was only a seventeen-year-old girl, Tychus, a veteran of the Revolutionary Army, and Harnak, a non-mainstream gangster, were both temporarily shocked.

Almost at the same time, the lights in the corridor inside the Hyperion suddenly became flickering. Although still separated by the thick metal wall of the medical cabin, a childish cry still entered the minds of everyone present.

This cry was far less than the terrifying psychic scream that the high-level psykers of the Tal'darin Protoss made in this scene, which was enough to detonate the heads of human soldiers, but it was enough to leave lingering fears in the hearts of those who heard it.

Immediately afterwards, the lights went out completely, and the corridor and cabin immediately fell into darkness. Renault, Tychus and others immediately turned on the laser lighters they carried, bringing some faint firelight into the dark cabin.

"Damn, a psyker?" Tychus was not a stupid person. He reacted quickly and immediately discovered the key to the problem. In fact, Tychus was far smarter and more capable than many of Augustus' men, but he was never used in the right way.

"Damn it Jimmy, how did you end up giving birth to a psyker?"

"Quick! Open the door!" Augustus immediately walked towards the closed door of the medical cabin. However, he soon discovered that the power supply line of the door was damaged and could not be opened at all, so he immediately started the cabin under weak light. Manual unlocking of the door.

This heavy hatch was originally designed to be used as a sealing door that could completely seal and isolate each cabin of the battleship. It was extremely heavy. Even if Augustus had opened the hatch manually, it would have taken at least two soldiers wearing power armor or exoskeleton mechas to push it.


However, at this time, Tychus slowly pushed the heavy hatch of the folding umbrella alone. The muscles on his back and arms tightened, and the tight muscle curves were comparable to the stone sculptures of ancient Greece, like molten steel. .

This bad, oily man is always quite reliable when it matters most.

Then, with the joint efforts of Augustus, Renault, Tychus and others, the heavy hatch was opened bit by bit. The people guarding outside rushed in, looking for Elizabeth, her son, and the doctors next to them in the dim medical cabin.

At this moment, several lights in the medical cabin suddenly turned on again. When Augustus saw the doctor holding the baby and Elizabeth's face, he and the others heaved a sigh of relief.

Except for the rosy-faced baby, everyone was livid. The doctors and the mother were at the center of the psychic fluctuations. They relied solely on their will and psychological quality to avoid panicking or mental collapse.

Despite this, the emotions of these people were greatly affected, and one young female doctor even collapsed to the ground.

If Augustus hadn't had the foresight to specifically transfer all the wounded and patients in the nearby cabin to another medical cabin on the Hyperion during Elizabeth's birth, then the birth of Renault's child would have brought an even greater disaster.

The son of Jim Raynor and Elizabeth Raynor was born in the Hyperion's medical bay. His first cry mixed with psychic fluctuations triggered a terrifying psychic scream and paralyzed many systems inside the medical bay, triggering There was quite a commotion.

The guards and engineers on duty on the Hyperion were rushing towards the medical cabin from various cabins. Many people thought that there was a traitor in the Hyperion.

As more crew members rushed to the medical cabin, Augustus conveyed his orders to stay on duty through the radio communication equipment he carried with him to all decks, cabins and crew cabins. Only Rory Swann and his Assistant Viktor Kaczynski was called to the medical bay to repair damaged equipment.

"Natural delivery, it's a boy." The doctor holding the child said to Augustus who hurried over.

Augustus first looked at Elizabeth, who was sweating profusely and lying on the hospital bed, and told her to have a good rest. Then Augustus took the child from the doctor's hands and looked carefully at his smart green eyes and thick eyebrows similar to Renault.

The child was surprisingly calm when being held. He opened his eyes and looked up, and his pupils reflected the ceiling of the Hyperion's medical cabin, which was not very wide.

"John, good boy." Augustus said with a smile. Reno and Augustus had already agreed on what the child should be called if he were a boy.

John is a very common name in the human colony of the New Christian Koprulu Sector. Even in the small town near Renault's home, there are more than a hundred people with this name. But as far as Renault was concerned, it was the best name he could come up with.

"Son, when you were born."

"Oh - this little baby is so cute." Harnak stuck his head out from behind Augustus's shoulder and interrupted the other person's singing.

"I never thought this day would come." He said excitedly: "When I was in Shiloh, Jim and I never got along. When I first entered the Turasis boot camp, I almost stepped on it. His balls - luckily I didn't do that, so Jim should really thank me."

"Let me see this little Jimmy." Tychus said: "This kid, if I die in the future, it seems that I can only leave the inheritance to my nephew. If there is anything left."

"Hey, my son won't help you pay the bills." At this time, the child's father, Reynold, was late because he spent a long time greeting Elizabeth.

Renault looked very happy and couldn't hide the smile on his face. But because of the accident just now, he couldn't laugh very much.

Including Tychus, who is hard-hearted and thinks he will not show any mercy to any damn little thing, they all like this child. Their hearts are softer than ever before, so much so that they are trying to avoid one fact - that is This child is undoubtedly a psyker, and judging from the scene at his birth, his psychic powers are definitely not low.

"Sarah, John's psychic powers are amazing." After staring into John Raynor's eyes for a few seconds, Augustus said to Kerrigan who was standing next to him: "This is unusual."

"Yes. At present, a person's psychic potential is destined at birth." When Kerrigan looked at John, the other person also looked at her.

Human psychic powers have a kindred resonance with psykers, especially among the top psykers.

"John's psychic talent has reached the entrance level for ghost agents, which means his psychic level definitely exceeds PSI level 5, and I believe the final grade will definitely be higher than this." Kerrigan said.

"A baby still controls his own psychic talent, which is one of the reasons why psychics die young." Kerrigan said: "As long as the PSI level reaches or exceeds level 8, if he cannot control his power, then other Powerful psychic powers and telekinesis can have an indelible impact on others.”

The human psychic level is PSI8, which is an extremely rare level among this huge group of people and is extremely rare in number.

"In my impression, in the Ghost Project, a transport ship carrying Ghost Academy students had a tragic accident. A PSI8 female psyker lost control and caused a terrible psychic explosion. Several people were killed. More than 80 of the 100 crew members died in the cry of the person who lost control, and those who survived also had an indelible shadow in their hearts, and they were immersed in the shadow of that accident for life," she said.

"However, there are no reports of psykers above level 8 killing everyone nearby when they are born. Even level 10 psykers will not have such a thing happen. Most high-level psykers are born with ordinary children. There is no difference, and their parents have to wait until their children grow up to realize that they are different from others."

"You are saying that John's psychic level has probably reached level 8." Renault did not feel any joy because his son was a psychic. On the contrary, in his opinion this was not something to be happy about.

As promoted by the Tyranid Federation, any Federation citizen with psychic potential is obliged to join the Ghost Project and train to become a "promising" ghost agent. If their parents were neither the great aristocrats of some colonial world nor the owners of impossibly wealthy inter-galactic corporations, then they had to accept that fact.

Of course, at least Renault doesn't need to worry about the psychic shepherds of the Federation Ghost Project taking away his children forcibly, because they are now the largest group of rebels in the Koprulu sector.

"Don't worry, this is not a bad thing." Augustus looked at Renault and said seriously: "I think that a powerful psyker should indeed be taught how to control and use his psychic power, but at least He should never have been a cold-blooded killer."

"Their abilities should be put to better use, such as the formation of a department formed by psychics to supervise the entire national administration," he said.

"Since you think I am qualified to be John's godfather, then I should take the responsibility of protecting and teaching him. I believe that this child's future achievements will definitely not be lower than any of us."

"There's no doubt he's going to be a man."

"I believe it too." Renault nodded: "Augustus, from the moment I saw you in the military camp, every promise you made will be fulfilled."

"Believing in you will never make a mistake. When we don't know where to go, as long as we follow you, we won't lose our way."

"." Augustus laughed and handed John to his father.

"Jimmy, I dare say that this is definitely not your genes." Just when Renault started to stir up emotion, Tychus suddenly jumped out.

"If you had any psychic talent, your marksmanship would be half as good as Rick Kidd's."

"Hell-" Reno, who was holding his son, immediately retorted.

"I'm a sharpshooter."

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