StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 228 Little Skirt

SCT 2491.1.17.

United States of Umoyan, Garban Galaxy.

With a flash of white flash, a fleet consisting of a dozen battlecruisers and more than a hundred destroyers, frigates, transport ships and supply ships jumped into the airspace of the Umoyan Protectorate Army.

A blue-white Umoyan Farstrider beacon is surrounding and floating quietly in the dark deep space of the Galban galaxy. The infinite starlight converges behind the beacon to form the reflection of a distant nebula.

Augustus, who was in front of the observation window on the bridge of the Hyperion, could clearly see the pointed cone-shaped beacon bathed in the star's light through the bow detector camera. He was wearing a dark gray military coat and a long-brimmed captain's hat. He stood upright with his hands behind his back, as if there was a javelin standing between his coat and lining shirt.

"The Umoyan Protectorate Fleet has been detected, coordinates Z2, Zone 4, difference 3 units." A revolutionary army technician standing in front of the console reported loudly.

Snowflake-like garbled code flashed on the main screen of the bridge, and a fleet with only one-tenth of the size of the Revolutionary Army fleet flashed out. These Umoyan battleships were roughly spliced ​​together with the Camorion Alliance battleships and the Tyranid Federation heavy ships. A large battleship with a huge cannon is completely different.

They have streamlined hulls and slender keels that are combined with aerodynamics. The silver-white platinum-iridium alloy coating makes the bridges of these Umoyan battleships and the inner curved flying wings of star fighters shine under the light of stars. Reflects the luster of silver.

The Umoyan battleships have a more advanced rear propulsion system and anti-gravity technology than the Tyranid Federation. Each Umoyan battleship is equipped with fewer technical crew members and engineers because each Umoyan battleship is equipped with more advanced equipment. Artificial intelligence assistance and intelligent identification of weapon systems and automatic production and reloading factories.

The gap between the Terran Federation and the Kaimorian Consortium and the United Umoyan State in the field of artificial intelligence is far greater than the economic gap between them, so much so that even these two regimes obtained several Umoyan ships through ulterior means. Spaceships, their scientific researchers cannot use these spacecrafts to achieve breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence on the existing basis.

Compared with the Federation and the Commonwealth, the military industry of the United States includes the most cutting-edge technology of mankind at this stage. Umoyan battleships and fighter planes have the most technologically advanced multi-symmetrical wings and high-energy particle weapons, some of which are little-known. The models are also capable of using anti-gravity weapons to destroy their enemies in an instant.

The Umoyan battleship and accompanying fighter planes seem to come directly from a science fiction movie depicting interstellar warfare. The beautiful sky blue bottom coating, the shiny paint using silver-white platinum-iridium alloy coating badges and the glowing Umoyan The emblems of the United States are far more eye-catching than their muzzles.

With cool shapes and good looks, the models and handicrafts based on the National Protectorate warships have always been hot-selling products in the toy market in the entire Kopulu Sector.

"Order the fleet to reveal its identity," Augustus said.

"This is my first time coming to Umoyan because the person in charge of the Ghost Project is worried that the Federation's technology for cultivating ghost agents will be acquired and imitated by Umoyan." Kerrigan looked at the flashing blue and white silver lights on the screen. Said the Umoyan battleship.

"Is this Umoyan's fleet? It looks beautiful."

"That's right." Augustus said: "The Umoyan people have been doing their best to develop new warships to cope with possible wars in the future. They have also always been aware of the existence of protoss and zerg. The United States' sense of urgency It is indeed commendable”

"But." Kerrigan looked at the holographic projection screen directly in front of him and said, "How come they were so oppressed by the Terran Federation Navy that they only dared to cruise along their own borders? The Umoyan fleet didn't even have one during the Kailian War. Appeared in military channel reports.”

At this time, in addition to dozens of technicians and navigators on the bridge, the only one standing next to Augustus was the red-haired beauty Sarah Kerrigan. Harnack, who was disliked by Augustus for being too noisy, was sent by the marshal of the Revolutionary Army to bake bread in the fleet kitchen. Renault was busy nursing the child, while Lundstein, Warfield and Duke all had their own ships.

Everyone has their own life, work, and worries. Only Kerrigan is busy with Augustus as the center every day, watching over him to complete his daily work and training until he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

At the same time, Kerrigan is also a powerful assistant to Augustus in his work. Her excellent foresight can keep up with Augustus' grand strategic vision, and she understands that the enemies of the Revolutionary Army in the future will not be as simple as the Federation.

Kerrigan's commanding abilities as a squad commander and army commander were also fully demonstrated when assisting Augustus, and Augustus has been trying to train Kerrigan as a commander.

"You want to say that these battleships are flashy?" Augustus laughed softly. He still knew much more about Umoyan technology than Kerrigan did.

"To a certain extent, yes. The Umoyans don't know how to fight, or they don't know what kind of weapons and military systems to use to win a war like the Federation. The humans of Koprulu need to be able to carry more Giant steel ships with multiple weapons and gun barrels, these steel warships must have enough fine steel plate armor to withstand enemy artillery fire instead of thin metal plating.”

"Warships must also be able to be produced quickly and put into various battlefields quickly, and the parts used to produce them come from the vast territory of the Federation and all the forging planets." He said.

"With the exception of fleet commanders and captains, the Federation Navy does not need sailors with subjective initiative. Resocialized soldiers produced in the Resocialization Factory can learn everything needed to serve on a battleship in just a few seconds. Knowledge. They mesh tightly like gears in a precision machine. They never make mistakes, are never afraid, and can be consumed like weapons when necessary."

"In comparison, although Umoyan's warships possess some advanced technology, their number is too small. The number of their affiliated colonies is far less than that of the Federation, and they cannot build and maintain a fleet that can rival the Federation Navy. They are just defensive It is not the vastness of the frontiers of the United States that renders its fleet unsustainable," concluded Augustus.

"Even if warships of the same level are fighting against each other, Umoyan warships do not have an advantage. The characteristics of the Umoyan fleet are that they are faster and their plasma shields can withstand more damage."

"As long as the Umoyan fleet does not join the war, their military strength will always be in a fog, enough for the Federation Council of Tarsonis to put a stop to it." Kerrigan said.

"I know that Umoyan does not like expansion. For more than a hundred years, they have rarely had territorial disputes with the Federation and the Commonwealth, and are only content to develop within their own sphere of influence."

"Umoyan engineers have been working hard to upgrade their own technology, trying to build faster and better warships, but the results are not very satisfactory." At this time, the Umoyan fleet on the screen was getting closer, and its warships The shiny blue and white paint on the ship and the multiple triangular stacks of spray paint on the bow become more eye-catching. Augustus stood quietly, waiting for the response from the commander of the Umoyan fleet.

"They still can't understand why their warships are more advanced than the federal fleet, but they repeatedly suffer in actual combat. In fact, those warships lack strong firepower, and the technology they carry is often not practical. At most, it only allows the soldiers on them to live a comfortable life. More comfortable.”

"Human considerations and attention to the quality of life and even emotions of soldiers are the superior manifestations of the democratic system of the United States. However, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the United States Protectorate is not as high as their democratically elected parliament expected." Augustus said.

"The amount of technology carried by the Umoyan warships is far beyond your imagination. They almost do not use live ammunition weapons, and rely more on plasma weapons and beam weapons. The Umoyan warships are expensive to build, not only because they have so much money. What’s more, they pursue excellence in everything, and the construction time of a battlecruiser is two to three times that of a Federation Behemoth-class battlecruiser.”

"To be honest, Umoyan's performance is quite superior. It is not just a giant commercial cruise ship equipped with naval guns, as the UNN media said." He said.

"The Federation Navy has been emphasizing that the Umoyan Protectorate Army is a huge threat, and its combat radius can span the entire territory of the Federation. Even if it has never fought against the Protectorate Army's troops, the Federation Army has always insisted that the Protectorate Army is a huge threat. The Army has great firepower." Kerrigan shook her head.

"It's all for military expenses."

"I am Lieutenant General Ivon Stamford, commander of the fleet in the Aurora sector, and Marshal Augustus Mengsk. Welcome to the United States of Umoyan. The Protectorate Fleet pays tribute to all rebel fighters." Augustus while talking to Kerrigan.

A Protector General wearing a Umoyan dark blue navy uniform appeared on the home screen. It must be said that this general's well-tailored uniform looked bright and beautiful, with a golden tassel ribbon on his shoulders. It was obvious that he had made a lot of ceremonial preparations for his meeting with Augustus.

The Umoyan people always behaved very rigorously. At present, except for fighting, Augustus could not find any faults in the behavior or etiquette of the Umoyan people he came into contact with.

"General Stamford, thank you for your fleet escorting us." Augustus showed his signature smile. Regardless of civilians, nobles, soldiers or generals, Augustus' attitude towards everyone was the same. He respected everyone and put this respect into practice in his every word and deed.

Everyone can feel that Augustus takes them very seriously, and soon these people will go through fire and water to gain Augustus or prove that his affirmation of them is correct.

It seems quite funny that the Umoyan fleet is escorting a fleet that is far larger than itself, but in the end this is just a routine military mission. The United States of Umoyan and the Korhal Autonomous Dominion have formed an alliance. After the destruction of Korhal, the Korhal people, who had to rely on Umoyan to survive, have almost become part of the United States. At present, the relationship between the two parties is ambiguous, just like a man and woman in love.

This mutually exclusive relationship allows the United States of Umoyan to allow a large revolutionary fleet to jump to its core world and enter Umoyan ports and shipyards for repairs and supplies. The Kemerian Federation is much more wary of the Revolutionary Fleet.

Then the revolutionary army fleet jumped into the hyperspace channel under the guidance of the Umoyan fleet flagship.

On January 22, after more than a dozen short jumps and several days of sailing, this huge joint fleet reached Umoyan Prime across half of the territory of the United States, and parked in its synchronous orbit as giant as the moon. In the mobile fortress.

Augustus, who was about to see his family again after more than a year, could not hide his joy.

While sailing with the revolutionary fleet, Augustus was unable to send letters to his family due to many restrictions. But he still retained the habit he had when he first joined the army, writing a letter to his mother and sister every week.

The electronic files of these letters were stored in Augustus' laptop, accumulating more and more over time. In his letters, Augustus occasionally complained to his mother, and that period was usually his most depressed time.

Now Dorothy is eighteen years old, but Augustus is still telling her a certain galactic legend. The beginning of the legend always begins a long time ago in a distant galaxy.

At this time, the Hyperion had sailed into the port inside the Umoyan Mobile Fortress, and Augustus led his men into the magnificent mobile fortress from docking port 1.

The ground of Umoyan's mobile fortress is as wide as the land, and the light source above the head is extremely distant, like blurry light spots.

"Damn it, I finally came to a place with some popularity. Life in the fleet is really torture. No wonder Edmund Duke was tortured into what he is now - in the dark, surrounded by little kids all day long. I'm really fed up. Come on, girls of Umoyan, old Tychus is ready for a big fight!" Tychus burst into laughter as soon as he walked out of the docking door.

"There are always unsatisfactory things in life, Tychus. Maybe you should live such a life, train according to the rules, and use up your excess energy on playing cards." Augustus looked around and suddenly He looked disappointed because he didn't see his family.

Augustus was not as indestructible as the Revolutionary Army soldiers imagined. He was a great man who seemed to be cast from steel. As a human being, Augustus was capable of injury, sadness and pain.

"When we regain Kehal, I will take you to ride a horse and hunt outside the forest of Stillling." He forced a smile because he was disappointed because he did not see his mother and sister.

"Instead of shooting birds with rifles and shotguns, I'd rather sweep with cannons or, well, bombard them with cannons," Tychus said with a grin.

"I can't get used to the elegant life of your nobles. After all, I am a big bad guy."

"Haha, I'm a bad guy too." Hanak shouted happily, "Today I'm going to do bad things like a bad guy!"

"Ignore them, I will definitely go hunting with you after I retire." Renault said to Augustus.

"Me too," Kerrigan said too.


Just as he was talking, a young girl wearing a light blue dress jumped out of the blind spot in Augustus' field of vision. She had exquisite facial features and long dark gray straight hair. She ran towards Austria on a pair of beautiful shoes. Gustus. Valerian, wearing the same dress, followed closely behind his aunt. He was now ten years old and his shoulders were much broader. He was no longer as thin as he was before. He had become strong and agile due to his diligent practice of swordsmanship. .

Valerian himself looks more like a girl. He has beautiful features and fair skin. The most important thing is that he has beautiful wavy blond hair.

"Damn it." Augustus' face turned dark.

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