StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 229 Dorothy Simonske

Chapter 229 Dorothy Mengsk

This multi-layered mobile fortress is a strategic-level weapon of the United States of Umojan. The combined layers are equivalent to the area of ​​​​a moon. It has built-in nuclear weapons launch silos, physics laboratories, scientific research stations, and several giant shipyards.

When necessary, the huge Umoyan mobile base can be moved to other galaxies through the hyperspace warp engine. Currently, the United Umoyan Republic has deployed such fortresses in multiple node galaxies, and some fortresses are even as far away as Koprulu. outside the area.

Augustus's sister Dorothy and nephew Valerian were not the only ones here today. His mother Catherine was standing looking at him, accompanied by hundreds of security personnel and Umoyan soldiers carrying Gauss rifles on their shoulders.

These Umoyan soldiers wore dark blue military uniforms and pointed military caps with light yellow tassels. Their woolen single-breasted military uniforms were embroidered with the United Umoyan emblem on the chest in blue and white thread, and had large golden epaulette tassels on their shoulders.

Each soldier is equipped with an AGR rifle with a spur and a rapier with a cage arm guard. The soldiers hold their heads high and their neat military appearance makes Augustus unable to find any faults.

In addition to Lieutenant General Ivon Stamford, whom Augustus had already met, an admiral from the Umoyan Protectorate Navy and two sector commanders were also present today.

"Augustus, we all miss you." Dorothy Mengsk ran to Augustus holding up her floor-length skirt and hugged her brother tightly.

Eighteen-year-old Dorothy is as beautiful and charming as her mother when she was young. The eyebrows inherited from the Mengsk family add a different kind of heroism to her, and the dark gray pupils seem to be cut out of sapphire. Dorothy was no longer a little dot in the eyes of her father and brother, a little doll walking around with a pony toy in her arms. She has grown into a beautiful girl with tall legs and long legs, and her cheeks are full of youthful collagen.

Dorothy stood on tiptoes, hugged her brother's neck and rubbed his face with her fair and smooth cheek, like a sweet cat.

If anyone thinks that the daughter of Angus and Catherine is a weak and spoiled noble lady, then they will surely pay the price for their stupidity. Now Dorothy Mengsk has controlled two-thirds of the Mengsk family's companies under the instruction of her parents. Her talent in management and finance allows her to easily run the financial empire that originally belonged to the Mengsk family.

Her many high-return investments in Umoyan soon proved her excellent vision in the financial field, and Dorothy was undoubtedly a genius in this area.

And just like her father and brothers, Dorothy is also a master of swordsmanship and fighting. Even without holding a sword, Dorothy can knock down an average adult male in two moves. If she picks up a weapon, she can slash wolves, tigers and leopards with a knight's double-edged sword.

"That's the boss's sister." Hanak next to him pointed at Augustus's back in surprise and said, "Oh my god, this is the best girl I have ever seen in my life."

After saying this, Harnak immediately covered his mouth, for fear that Augustus would hear it.

"This is my biological sister." Tychus' reaction was flat. He knew that Dorothy Mengsk's identity and status were almost equal to Princess Korhal IV. If anyone dared to hurt her, her powerful brothers would immediately jump up and send him to death or to be fed to insects.

And Tychus still prefers the women in the strip club. In contrast, Augustus is surrounded by some inexplicably dangerous women.

"Augustus valued this sister more than anything else. When he was in Turasis II, Augustus was always tense, like a ferocious lion. Only when he wrote to his sister did he Then you become gentle," Renault said.

"This is so rare - no wonder he always ignored me when I asked him to play disk before." Hanak then looked at Valerian behind Dorothy: "Rich families have a lot of sisters."

"I remember Augustus said that he only has one sister. He also has a nephew, who is the son of his brother Arcturus." Renault touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"Maybe I remembered it wrong." He shrugged, not caring much about this matter.

"That's a boy." Sarah Kerrigan looked at Valerian and said, reading his deep memories through telepathy: "This seems to be the tradition of the Mengsk family. The second boy in the family is I wore skirts until I was ten years old.”

"Oh - oh?" Hanak nodded first, and then seemed to have discovered something. For a moment, he showed a gloomy expression as if his world view had collapsed.

Kerrigan's face also changed, because this bastard was undoubtedly thinking about what Augustus looked like when he put on a dress.

"You must never mention this matter to Augustus." Renault shrugged indifferently. He didn't care about Augustus' dark history at all: "Since Augustus has never mentioned this matter to us, thing, that means he thinks it’s shameful.”

"Uncle Augustus." Valerian walked to Augustus at this time.

"I have always kept in mind what you said. I have practiced swordsmanship and studied books on politics and economics. Now they can no longer call me a sissy. I am now a man."

When Dorothy was in Augustus's arms, Valerian raised his head and looked at his uncle.

Valerian was not only wearing a light blue skirt and a small lace silk white shirt, but also a woolen shawl with a gold edge. Obviously, the bloodline of the Umoyan Pasteur family gave Valerian beautiful golden hair and soft facial contours. He also inherited the hawk-curved, high nose bridge and stormy dark gray color from the Mengsk family. pupil.

His father Arcturus gave the little blond boy the regal coolness and decisiveness of the Mengsk family, and his gentle mother gave him the gift of kindness, kindness and elegance.

"Valerian, Xiao Val." Augustus said: "It seems that I will soon be unable to hold you."

"You did a great job - people of the Mengsk family are born to do great things." He repeated the words of his father Angus, who was also Professor Mengsk for generations, to his children.

"This outfit." Suddenly the corners of Augustus' eyes jumped. His long-standing dark memory, which had been sealed away, slowly emerged: Valerian's clothes were exactly the same style as those worn by Augustus as a child.

Poor Valerian, if Augustus had not tried his best to transfer his mother and sister to Umoyan, then he would not have suffered such a terrible fate just under the care of his mother Juliana.

"This outfit?" Valerian pulled up his skirt.

"It's very comfortable to wear. But if I wear this after training with Master Judah, the soldiers of Umoyan will gather around me to look at me."

"That's not a good thing." Augustus moved Dorothy's head away from him, came to Valerian, leaned over and held his nephew's face: "If those people despise you because of this, then... Knock them all down. If you want to become the heir to the Mengsk family, you must work harder."

After speaking, Augustus took his nephew's hand and walked towards his mother. As he walked, he waved to General Umoyan and the soldiers who lined up to welcome him next to his mother.

Kerrigan, Raynor and others followed Augustus, forming a moving fan shape with the Revolutionary Army soldiers spread out behind. Everyone looked at Augustus, and it was as if all the lights were focused on Augustus.

Augustus wore a straight dark gray military uniform, a dark red cloak, and a bronze medal hanging on his chest. He held Dorothy's hand in one hand and Valerian in the other, and walked out the feeling of a head of state walking on a red carpet in a diplomatic occasion.

"Hello, Admiral Ted" Augustus shook hands with Umoyan's naval admirals one by one, and then waved. When attending banquets with nobles, Augustus was always personable and spoke freely, but now his movements were full of majesty.

"Lieutenant General Heinz, I heard about your great achievements in defeating the Trinidad pirates when we were in Korhal."

"Ah, I'm Augustus Mengsk."

The generals of Umoyan also show extremely high qualities. They all graduated from the United States Military Academy and rose to their current status by virtue of their own abilities and the accumulation of qualifications rather than the reputation of their families.

The noble officers of the Tyranid Federation are used to bossing around, and they are always very arrogant, while the officer system of the Kemerian Federation is completely different from other political systems. The nature of their officers is closer to senior corporate officials than to soldiers in the strict sense.

The senior officers of the Umoyan military generally come from civilians and the middle class, and their promotion channels are relatively fair. Soldiers can obtain the status they deserve based on ability rather than background. There is no shortage of capable officers among the officers of the Umoyan army, and they are not incompetent.

Augustus talked for a long time with the generals. He briefly talked about some of his key deployments in the battle of Mar Sara, and then talked about his encounter with an alien race on a certain planet.

The Umoyan generals attach great importance to this. For a long time, the United States has always wanted to obtain mysterious technology from the alien ruins they discovered, but so far they have not had direct contact with the protoss, so they have always wanted to Not much progress was made.

In just a few words, Augustus tickled the Umoyan people, and then, when pressed by the generals, he reluctantly mentioned that he had pried off many intact altars of the Tal'darin stars and captured some incredible ones. Psychic weapons.

At that moment, Umoyan's generals immediately decided to pay heavily for these altars and protoss weapons.

After a while, Augustus finally finished dealing with the enthusiastic Umoyan soldiers and promised that the cooperation between the Revolutionary Army and the Umoyan Protectorate Army would, as always, include the sharing of technology.

After bypassing the Umoyan generals and leaving them to Renault and others to deal with, Augustus walked towards his mother Catherine.

"Mother, I will stay in Umoyan for a while." Augustus was already much taller than his mother. He was taller than he was two years ago, and his broad shoulders seemed to be able to support a mountain.

Augustus was sad to see some wrinkles on Catherine's face, but he also knew that no one could escape the passage of time.

"Augustus, my boy," said Catherine, smiling.

"You are no longer that toddler. Your wings have grown and you can already withstand strong winds and fly. We are no longer worried about you living a miserable life, but we are always worried that one day bad news about the revolutionary army will come." She said gently say.

"Angus always said that you are more like your grandfather, the man who dared to cross the forest on foot with a shotgun. People at that time always said that Augustus Mengsk was a strong bow, and the threat posed by the enemy became more and more serious. The bigger it is, the bigger the response he will give.”

"But I still hope you won't put too much pressure on yourself. In the letter you wrote to me, you always said that you carry the hopes of all Korhal people and you are not allowed to fail."

"...I will." Augustus looked at his mother and said after being silent for a few seconds.

"Where's Angus? I know he has joined the Umoyan Council."

"He can't get away today." Catherine sighed: "You will see him."

"I heard that Angus is much older and has gray hair," said Augustus.

"After the situation stabilized, some people began to complain that the uprising initiated by Angus was the root cause of the destruction of Korhal IV." He said.

"Those of us are not always strong and unshakable, and when people begin to long for the past, they inevitably blame others for their pain. And we will always blame what is within our reach and what we can see when we look up. Those who arrive will not curse the Federation Council far away in Tarsonis, because they can't hear it and don't care."

"We can't stop the rumors and the resentment," Catherine said.

"Whatever prestige Angus had in Korhal in the past, the backlash this prestige gave him would be greater."

"We will surely win," said Augustus.

"But some people don't believe it," Catherine said. "Many of them have lost their courage and are wallowing in grief about the past."

"Angus did not defend Korhal's destruction. He placed all the blame on himself. Declare to everyone that you were against a premature uprising and supported him only if you had no choice but to support him," she said.

"And your successive victories have gradually replaced Angus's position among the Korhal people. The Korhal people have begun to regard you as the true savior and undefeated military god. As long as you take back the Korhal people, Ha, they will willingly accept your leadership."

"This honor is not so easy for me to bear. There has never been a savior in this world, nor does it rely on gods." Augustus said: "I am just an ordinary human being. If someone thinks that I is great, then my greatness should come from the greatness of all Keha people and all mankind.

On the sidelines, Corporal Faraday and Kerrigan immediately wrote down what Augustus said. Pan-Terran revolutionaries would soon make this a must-read famous aphorism.

"Where is Arcturus now?" Augustus then asked.

"He has completed the work in the mining area and is ready to temporarily hand over the work to his assistants and then return to Umoyan." Catherine said.

At this time, Lieutenant General Warfield, Brigadier General Duke, and Major General Lundstein each led a hundred-man guard from their own battleships and came towards Augustus.

Warfield was at the forefront. He was an old subordinate of Arcturus Mengsk and the longest among the generals. He had become the number two figure in the Revolutionary Army besides Marshal Augustus.

To Augustus, Warfield, even a reliable general, was an elder. The most important thing is that he once learned about Augustus's dark history from Arcturus's jokes.

"The child of Arcturus, the tradition of the Mengsk family cannot be discarded. Originally Arcturus was strongly opposed to this matter, thinking that it would damage his son's little masculinity." He explain.

"But then we mentioned you, and he thought it was acceptable for Valerian to wear a skirt."

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