StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 231 Cerberus Swarm

Umoyan Prime, A056 Polar Research Station.

Belongs to the Cerberus Project.

The screaming monster was restrained by a cage and suspended in an artificial gravity-free force field.

The cage's skeleton is made of high-strength titanium alloy, and the outer layer is covered with a light blue plasma field. Augustus could see every detail in the cage through this thin blue light curtain, down to the scales of the prisoners covered with enamel cuticles.

"The new scientific name is Hydra Hydralisk, a zerg life form that is more advanced than springtails. They have higher brain capacity and their brutality has also increased dramatically." said the alien researcher at the A056 polar research station: "Victor V sample, number 012, comes from eggs waiting to be hatched underground in Loxton, adult individuals."

"For God's sake, this is a complete monster, a mutated snake." Jim Raynor couldn't stop shaking his head right behind Augustus.

"This is scary," Corporal Faraday said.

"It's dangerous..." Kerrigan stared at the Hydra Hydralisk.

"This is exactly what I said when I first saw the Hydra Hydralisk. Major General Raynor, maybe we have something in common." Arcturus Mengsk said.

"If we can make these monsters really become our weapons, then the huge price spent on this plan will be worth it."

The monster that Renault mentioned - the Hydra Hydralisk physically brings more fear to humans than the meaning of its name itself. It is like a monster that has filled all the frightening and terrifying things in fantasy since human beings had imagination. A monster that should only exist of imaginary evil creatures.

As Renault and Augustus saw, the Hydra Hydralisk had a snake-like body and a pointed tail with thorns. Behind its long and round head was a huge bone crown like a cobra, and the crown was The volume occupies almost half of its arched upper body. Perhaps due to incomplete evolution, the dark brown head crown still retains the bright colors on the surface of the larvae of the insect class Lepidoptera to alert predators.

The Hydra Hydralisk's wide and long mandibles and gaping mouth are equivalent to two-thirds of its head. The upper and lower mandibles are covered with rows of fangs and some kind of huge canine teeth. Each fang is It is equivalent to a military dagger, as sharp as a boning knife. The terrifying huge mouth that could swallow a four or five-year-old child alive was filled with transparent saliva and dark green acid in the poison sac.

Anyone who has seen a pair of arms with long bone scythe blades at the end will never doubt that this hydralisk can easily use these bone scythes to split a jeep. The ten-foot long tail is covered with jagged spikes covered in chitin carapace, and there are venomous spines standing on its back.

The skin of this monster, named after the Hydra in Greek mythology, is unimaginably smooth, as if it were really a prehistoric snake with scaly armor, covered with the huge horny scales of a dragon-like monitor. . These smooth scales are why the Hydra Hydralisk makes a hissing sound as it swims across the sandy ground.

The Hydra Hydralisk is much larger than the canine-like zerg Augustus has seen. It is equivalent to the size of two Marines wearing CMC-300 power armor, even if it is far away from Augustus. Even though it was more than twenty meters away, it still looked like a giant.

The Hydra Hydralisk's chest is extremely ugly, like a chest whose skin has been ripped open. The bloody muscles and tendons are everted, and the ribs supporting the ventricles are exposed. You can clearly see the blood vessels and surface coverings. An extremely thick layer of horny crust.

This is a terrifying monster that works extremely hard at killing. Its uncoordinated body proportions and a body that is completely composed of thousands of muscles without even a trace of fat are so terrifying and terrifying, as if every tissue and organ in the body is They are all designed to kill. It's as if the Hydra Hydralisk is not a naturally evolved creature, but a nightmare hybrid that forcibly combines the most terrifying weapons of other creatures.

The caged Hydra Hydralisk roared manically in the helpless weightless state. It screamed and waved its terrifying bone scythe with all its strength in an attempt to break free.

When Augustus looked at the Hydra Hydralisk, its lantern-like dark red eyes also looked at him. There seemed to be some kind of intelligent cunning in its eyes, but it was already out of control. beast.

"Boss." Just as Augustus and others were observing the living Hydra Hydralisk, a short, fat man wearing a white coat and gloves came over. He had a thick double chin and a shrewd little face. eyes and a philistine smile.

Augustus had met him more than two years ago, when Augustus was still a federal officer on the Turasis II front. They had a transaction and a brief conversation in the town of Oran near Howe Fortress.

At that time, Augustus was about to sell a batch of trophies snatched from the Free Revolutionary Army, and the man who purchased weapons for Cerberus Company was eager to buy a batch of high-quality and low-cost weapons on the restricted list. .

Later Augustus learned that this company was the founder of the future Cerberus cyborg zerg.

"Mr. Brois Langdon is the administrator and one of the main persons in charge of this scientific research station." An accompanying small project manager introduced Augustus: "He is from Cerberus Company. "

Cerberus was formerly a small biotechnology company that was on the verge of bankruptcy several times during the Galian War. If it hadn't been for the Tyranids' federal government's eagerness to use biomodification methods to strengthen federal soldiers and defrauded them of a batch of funds, they might not have survived. When I met Augustus.

It was only because of Augustus's insight that he bought this company a year ago and paid off all its debts. Otherwise, at least twenty of the researchers at the scientific research station today would have been imprisoned in New Folsom. of prison.

All of these people now work for Augustus' alien laboratory in Umoyan, and their experimental subjects include zerg, protoss, and all non-human creatures. Currently, a scientific research project named Project Cerberus by Augustus will replace the lives of these people in the next few years or even longer.

The project is funded and run by the Mengsk family represented by Augustus. Hundreds of biological and alien researchers from Cerberus Corporation and Korhal IV are all working towards the same goal. This is the idea of ​​weaponizing the Augustus Zerg.

"Thank you for your hard work. No introduction is needed. Mr. Blois and I have known each other for a long time." Augustus smiled and shook hands with Blois, who was immediately flattered.

"I still remember what happened in Oran Town. It was really a pleasant cooperation." Augustus's commendable advantage is that he can always remember the names and corresponding faces of the people he met. And these people who are recognized always have the illusion that they have a lot of status in Augustus' heart. Only Sarah Kerrigan would say that Augustus's method of manipulating people's hearts is as superb as his skill in playing with women.

And if a person who does not understand the cause and effect hears what Augustus said and thinks of his identity, he will definitely think of that "pleasant cooperation" as bombing a federal government building or annihilating Such a thing as an entire federal army.

For example, the young but enthusiastic and energetic researchers next to him immediately admired Brois Langdon.

"I never would have thought at the time that you were Augustus Mengsk, the largest rebel leader and the most prestigious and influential fighter for justice in the Koprulu sector in the 25th century." Bulova, who has been in the workplace for many years, is indispensable. Say a few words to praise Augustus. Of course, these are basically words from the heart.

From the perspective of the Tyranid Federation, these words become a crazy rebel leader and a man-eating demon.

"After all, I was just an unknown person at that time." Augustus did not waste time on pleasantries, but went straight to the point: "How is the progress? I am not a biologist after all, no matter how good your report is, There are so many pictures and texts, I can’t get a glimpse of what stage the entire Cerberus project is at just from a few words.”

"My people report that the Cerberus program cost enough to equip a heavy armored division without making any real progress. I want to know who is telling the truth."

"This is all malicious slander." The fat on Bulova's face shook, but he was obviously prepared.

"Please look here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Augustus and the people next to him could see an experimental platform holding another Hydra Hydralisk rising from the ground. Compared with the previous Hydralisk, this Hydralisk's entire body has been modified with its limbs moved into alloy machinery.

"You will definitely be surprised." Bulova confidently wanted to see the surprised expression on Augustus's face, but the other party just blinked his eyes from beginning to end.

The scaly armor of this Hydra Hydralisk and the chitin carapace on its back were cut open and replaced with fine steel armor and sharp steel spikes. The pair of bone scythes were also replaced by a pair of can Replaced by a titanium three-edged blade that uses a boost system to bounce off like a bullet.

The roots of these titanium alloy blades are deeply embedded between bones and muscles. The cruelty of the transformation process is almost equivalent to rolling steel plates inside a person's body, enough to make the scalp of any true human warrior tingle.

The mandible of this Hydra Hydralisk uses a titanium alloy support bracket to add more and sharper blades. The pair of dark red eyes that impressed Augustus are now equipped with triangulation instruments and more sensitive The sensor is replaced by an orange mechanical prosthetic eye.

If it weren't for a zerg that could quickly heal itself with the help of its powerful cell regeneration ability, it would be difficult for any human being to survive such a transformation.

"The alpha amino acids of the zerg have unique R-group properties, which can combine the materials of dead cells with ordinary proteins to produce new cells. Under normal circumstances, the zerg can regenerate indefinitely. As long as the time is long enough, even a seriously injured zerg can regenerate indefinitely. Worm can be completely restored," Brois said to Augustus.

"After testing, the zerg's pain tolerance is far beyond our imagination. They are completely able to withstand our modifications, while any previously modified organisms cannot even withstand the welding of steel plates to their tissues."

Cerberus's business before joining Augustus also included performing prosthetic transplant surgeries on some "volunteers" and people who voluntarily underwent modification due to physical disabilities, including but not limited to implanting some new auxiliary organs. .

Among the blood-drinking professions in the Tyrannic Federation, especially those killers who do dirty work, they are very happy to accept this kind of transformation. Once they replace their flesh and blood legs and arms or even some organs with mechanical prostheses, then the original Some fatal wounds are no longer an issue, and their weaknesses become fewer and fewer.

Recently, the Terran federal government and the military have been the biggest supporters of machinery, drugs and even genetically modified people, because they have a large number of resocialized soldiers who can accept these modifications that are contrary to human ethics and morality, and there will never be any of complaints.

The federal army is accelerating the process of comprehensively resocializing soldiers. Marines wearing power armor are no longer a glorious profession, but a humanoid weapon that can be quickly mass-produced and even labeled with a product barcode.

It would be great if resocialized soldiers could be put back into service just like machinery by simply replacing parts and refurbishing them, as it would save the Federal Parliament a lot of money.

"So, after receiving mechanical transformation, they are much stronger than before, right?" Augustus did not make any comments on the semi-mechanically transformed Hydra Hydralisk.

"Of course, their titanium alloy blades can easily cut through the front armor baffle of an arc tank." Bulova said proudly.

"Then, who will replace the curled blades of these modified Hydra Hydralisks?" Augustus asked.

"This problem must be solved, and at the same time, try to install small-yield nuclear bombs on them, because some species of Zerg can burrow and sneak deep into the enemy's rear through tunnels." He said: "In any case, your mission is not to They are made to serve as tools for my pleasure, but as a zerg swarm that I can control forever."

"I care more about how you control these zerg, making them obey your every command without reservation."

“We use mechanical nerves to replace the connection between the temporal lobe of their brain and the body. By simulating the electrical signals of neurons, our operators can remotely control these zerg through the control terminal through the panel - just like controlling a drone. ” said Brois to Augustus.

"Show me," Augustus said briefly but clearly.

Bulova immediately walked to the nearby console and operated it himself. The modified Hydra Hydralisk came out of the plasma isolation field and quickly moved on the smooth ground of the scientific research station with great flexibility as he operated. Moving upstream.

Then the huge monster danced an alien version of belly dance, driven by some bad taste from the director of the scientific research station.

Augustus nodded frequently, feeling very satisfied.

"A beautiful toy." At this time, Arcturus, who had been listening carefully, said.

"I and my brother are more concerned about whether this zerg can be mass-produced."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Hydralisk suddenly roared and rushed towards Augustus and the others. When its belly with huge scales rubbed against the ground, it made the rustling sound of a snake crawling over dead leaves.

Burova was immediately shocked. It seems that the neural modification technology of the Sebrus Project is not perfect, and this Hydra Hydralisk is undoubtedly out of control.

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