StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 232 Dominator

"Location is Area 6-56. Experimental samples have defected. Emergency plans No. 2 to No. 5 are activated." Bulova, the director of the scientific research station in front of the control panel, had sweat pouring from his forehead and his legs were trembling, but he would not turn around. Instead, he shivered while issuing emergency plan instructions in the calmest tone.

The Hydra Hydralisk swam on the smooth floor of the scientific research station like a huge snake, and the titanium alloy blade on its long tail made a sharp and piercing scream as it sliced ​​across the ground. It climbed over several parapets and fences, crushing them like building blocks and toys.

"Protect the marshal!" Corporal Faraday rushed to the front of Augustus immediately, followed by several revolutionary troops in power armor who stood between the marshal and the enemy.

When sirens and flashing red warning lights began to scream, researchers at the research station scattered. The difference between the Korhal scientists and the Cerberus employees was that the former were still trying to maintain order and rush toward their leader, while the latter were just trying to escape.

"It's coming for me." Augustus stood still.

Because this scientific research station is located in the extremely cold polar regions and has a harsh environment, it cannot station too many soldiers. Augustus himself did not bring too many people, only a few guards around him.

Facing this terrifying beast, Augustus's face was as cold as frost and showed no other expression. People never saw fear and cowardice in this illustrious leader of the revolutionary army, as if he were a piece of newly tempered steel.

As for Arcturus and Raynor beside Augustus, they both behaved calmly. Arcturus just pulled out the P-30 electromagnetic pistol he carried and cursed the damn beast. Reno held his Colt revolver and began to aim, saying that Arcturus was right.

"Kill it." He gave the order coldly, without any hesitation because of how precious a rare living Zerg sample was.

Augustus's guards immediately opened fire. They were well-equipped and well-trained, and they steadily fired at the roaring Hydra Hydralisk.

However, the Cerberus plan to transform this alien monster did cast its body into a body of steel, and the bullets of the Gauss rifle could only leave non-fatal dents on its steel armor.

This Hydra Hydralisk has some kind of predator-like intelligence. Its snake-like body moves around the consoles and glass containers in the research station to avoid bullets, grenades and electromagnetic pulse grenades.

The Hydra Hydralisk was at home in such an environment, just like a real snake in the jungle. It quickly passed through the few shelters in front of Augustus in a zigzag pattern, as fast as black lightning.

The guns of the Revolutionary Army soldiers moved sideways with the high-speed moving Hydralisk, but they were never able to cause any damage to the monster armed with strong chitin carapace and stainless steel armor. When it came into attack range, everyone could hear the clatter of his pair of titanium alloy blades when they popped out, as clear as the buzz of a sword when it was unsheathed.

At this time, the distance between the Hydra Hydralisk and Augustus and the others was close enough. It raised its upper body with a huge crown like an angry cobra, its back bulged, and the strong muscles in the spinal grooves quickly Shrink and eject countless sharpened shiny titanium alloy blades at several times the speed of sound. These titanium alloys sparkle under the cold white light of the scientific research station, and the pieces shine like snowflakes.

"Sarah." Augustus said loudly, staring at the rapidly approaching Hydra Hydralisk.

"I'm here." Today, Kerrigan was not wearing the ghost agent environmental mimicry combat uniform that could increase psychic abilities to a certain extent, but was following Augustus in a heroic military uniform.

Even so, Kerrigan's powerful psychic energy was still enough for her to condense an invisible wall of psychic energy in front of everyone to block all titanium alloy blades.

After being rescued by Augustus and having the psychic suppressor removed from the back of his head, Kerrigan's psychic powers were no longer restrained and became even more powerful than when she was a Ghost agent.

PSI level eight and above can use the ability to shift and control objects like superpowers. Higher levels are classified as extremely dangerous, because those people are affected by uncontrollable factors such as emotions and can be affected at any time. Detonated psychic bomb.

This type of psykers are very few in the entire Koprulu sector. People in the Ghost Project generally believe that this type of psykers must be restrained through additional equipment, otherwise the damage they cause will be far exceeds the value it brings to the federation.

At this moment, Kerrigan's psionic index is still rising, and the surging psychic energy in her body is enough to shock people with designated human PSI levels, and it is believed that she is the strongest among all known psykers in mankind. The big one.

The human PSI level is level ten, which is the highest. There are currently only two people in the entire Tyranid Federation who have reached this level. But level ten only has a lower limit and no upper limit.

Because there are so few people at this level, the person in charge of the Tyranid Federation Ghost Project believes that there is neither any standard to follow nor the need to delineate a level above level ten.

There is no doubt that Kerrigan is even more powerful than when she was judged as a level 10 psyker.

The actual psychic energy formed an electric arc similar to psychic lightning around Kerrigan. She looked directly into the eyes of the Hydra Hydralisk, and sent instructions to the monster's mind with the telepathy ability that directly hit its brain. Got the order to retreat.

Then, as Augustus saw, the Hydra Hydralisk abruptly stopped its forward momentum - meekly put away its two pairs of titanium alloy sickles and slowly retreated. .

Back on Victor V, researchers there discovered that Kerrigan had some incomprehensible resonance with the zerg there, something that was unheard of even among other psykers. And it seems that if Kerrigan wishes, she can even command a larva to form a cocoon and hatch immediately.

Although researchers believe that zerg do not possess psychic abilities similar to humans and protoss, they are very sensitive to psychic abilities. The psychic powers of human psykers are as fatally attractive to zerg as light is to flying insects and honey is to bees. While ordinary psykers can only attract the attention of the zerg, Kerrigan's connection with this race is inherently closer.

"Ceasefire." Augustus quickly made a judgment on this incredible scene. He issued an order: "Call more soldiers, blockade the entire scientific research station, and arrest all those involved in the Hydra Hydralisk semi-mechanization. Transformed people.”

Although they did not understand why the crazy Hydra Hydralisk became so docile, the soldiers still carried out Augustus' orders. The polar research station was sealed off within a few minutes, and more Revolutionary Army soldiers were urgently transferred here.

"What did you do?" Not to mention Augustus, who still looked serious, Arcturus next to him was really surprised.

"Mind control? Just like controlling a human being. In the Ghost Academy, psykers above level eight will receive similar training - to use their own psychic powers proficiently and to use mental power to control other people. To put it simply In other words, even using psychic energy to take over the control of his brain's body is also useful for animals." Kerrigan seemed to suddenly remember something at this time, and she screamed.

"Oh my god, Augustus won't let me control the zerg"

Before he finished speaking, the Hydra Hydralisk, which was slowly retreating into its cage, roared again. It was obvious that Kerrigan had relaxed her mental control.

"For God's sake, Kerrigan, you must control this monster now." Raynor also screamed.

"How much can you control? One or more?" Arcturus' eyes were locked on Kerrigan.

"I haven't tried it." Kerrigan focused her attention on the Hydra Hydralisk: "I think if I try to do that, I should be able to do it. I just can't control too much. , because my spiritual power is limited."

"But Augustus won't allow me to do that," she repeated.

"Can other psychic agents do it? If so, we don't have to spend time and effort to implant mechanical nerves to control the zerg." Arcturus looked at Kerrigan in a different way. At the same time, he was also surprised that Augustus obviously knew that Kerrigan had this ability, but why he did not allow her to control the zerg.

"Right now, it seems that only I can do it," Kerrigan replied.

Arcturus stared at Kerrigan, digesting the meaning of her words.

Arcturus did not know anything about this red-haired ghost agent who always appeared next to Augustus. Kerrigan once tried to sneak into Mengsk's Sky Tower to assassinate Angus. This alone was enough for Arcturus's Sons of Korhal to conduct a series of investigations on her.

After all, Kerrigan is by Augustus' side, and Arcturus attaches great importance to his brother's safety.

The assassination of Angus Mengsk was an important factor that prompted Arcturus to change his attitude towards the Federation and the Revolution, because since Angus was assassinated, it means that Catherine and Dorothy may also be in danger.

Arcturus had no objection to Augustus appointing the ghost agent who had assassinated his father. He believed that he would definitely make the same choice if he were Augustus.

Since Kerrigan is an ace ghost agent, it would be a waste to execute her.

"Why don't you let her control the zerg?" Arcturus asked Augustus point-blank.

"Because this is not stable, Arcturus, Kerrigan's case is a special case, and why she was able to do this is still an unsolved mystery." What Augustus did not say was that he was more worried about Kerrigan. Regan's contact with the zerg attracted the attention of the zerg, which undoubtedly pushed her towards becoming the Queen of Blades.

Augustus still remembered what Kerrigan did after becoming the Queen of Blades - nearly eight billion people died at the hands of the swarm during the Wings of Liberty period alone.

For Augustus, he must firmly control Kerrigan and guard against her coming to a nightmare ending.

This is why Augustus would rather support the Cerberus Company to use mechanical modifications to control the zerg than let Kerrigan try to control the zerg.

Kerrigan's ability is indeed not stable. Her talent in this area is not enough to support her to control too many zerg, and no one can guarantee whether the zerg she controls will suddenly lose control. This is undoubtedly Set yourself on fire.

The number of zerg currently in the hands of the Revolutionary Army is not large, and they are all springtails and Hydra Hydralisks, which are not enough to become a military force that cannot be ignored.

While Arcturus was talking to Augustus, a whole company of heavily armed Revolutionary Army soldiers walked into the scientific research station. They carried Hellfire flamethrowers and individual rockets, which were powerful enough to destroy an entire army. The firepower of an arc tank.

This group of revolutionary soldiers equipped with heavy firepower lined up in front of Augustus and others, spreading out in a wide fan shape and walking toward the retreating Hydra Hydralisks.

"It's for her sake that I don't let Kerrigan have too much contact with the zerg. If she hadn't been unwilling to stay too far away from me, then I wouldn't have even brought her here." Augustus patiently asked his The elder brother Arcturus explains his thoughts.

"I think this risk is nothing compared to the benefits of controlling the zerg." Arcturus looked at Augustus, and he realized that his brother had never cared about a woman— —Although Arcturus had never seen another woman around Augustus.

For a moment, Arcturus fell into deep thought. Arcturus is selfish deep down in his heart, and he will never have anything to do with altruism in his life. For him, except for his family, nothing can be left behind in order to achieve a certain goal.

"I respect your decision. Even without Kerrigan to control the zerg, we can defeat the Federation's army." Finally, Arcturus said what he had been saying to Augustus all along. .

"At least now I won't let her try to control the zerg," Augustus said.

"You know when is the most appropriate time." Arcturus said: "In order to achieve my revenge on the Tyranid Federation, I don't mind waiting a little longer."

"And I will be satisfied only by seeing my enemy's body dismembered, and nothing else." Arcturus said with the same indifference as he killed the Camorians and pirates.

"Ah——" Suddenly, Kerrigan screamed loudly, staggering and almost falling to the ground.

At this time, as if to confirm what Augustus said, the Hydra Hydralisk controlled by Kerrigan roared once again. It no longer retreated, and its lantern-like orange-red eyes looked around, as if to remember what this place looked like.

"A more powerful psychic creature replaced my control of the Hydra Hydralisk." Kerrigan's face turned pale: "I can feel that existence, but it is far, far away from us."

"What's that?" Renault asked.

"Lord," said Augustus.

"Kill it! Now!"


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