StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 233 Danger Signal

Following Augustus's order, an entire company of Revolutionary Army special tactics troops equipped with heavy firepower immediately used C-10 shotguns, rifle grenades and rocket launchers to smash the uncontrolled Hydra Hydralisk.

In an instant, black-red blood, broken molten steel carapace, and limbs were scattered in all directions, and the nearby anatomy table and experimental table were simultaneously blown to pieces.

"Master. What is that?" After seeing the out-of-control Hydra Hydralisk turned into a puddle of rotten flesh, Arcturus asked the question that everyone present wanted to know. It was the first time for them to hear this word, and obviously this coined phrase had a special meaning.

"Master, the supreme leader of the Zerg." Augustus did not explain where he learned this term. The subordinates in the revolutionary army believed that anything Augustus did - even just one action. There is a meaning, and even if there is no explanation, they will look elsewhere for other answers.

"It sounds more like the alpha wolf of the wolf pack or the queen of the bee swarm. The primitive beast adheres to the principle of power first and should have a leader." Arcturus agrees with this statement, but like many people , he still believes that the zerg is just a special one among the primitive creatures that humans encounter in the universe, and how can beasts deserve to have the same intelligence and status as humans.

In contrast, the protoss, a savage and unreasonably cruel creature, is the alien race that deserves human beings' vigilance.

"If I understand correctly, it means that a psychic insect just controlled this miserable hydralisks from an unknown distance away." At this time, Renault looked at the prison in the scientific research station. The plasma cage holding the other Hydra Hydralisk.

"Then why is this guy okay?" Renault only thought about the Hydra Hydralisk that had just been injected with a powerful sedative and was as quiet as a chicken.

"The cage has psychic blocking capabilities," Kerrigan said. "The Zerg Overlord cannot sense it."

Kerrigan straightened her long red hair, still feeling frightened. The master Augustus said had psychic powers far beyond her imagination, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.

"What else did you sense?" Augustus looked at Kerrigan at this time, with a serious expression on his face that she had never seen before: "Did it notice you?"

"How are you feeling? Do you feel uncomfortable?" He asked a series of questions.

"Probably not." Kerrigan said hesitantly: "At that moment, I just felt a more powerful psyker pushing my consciousness out of the mind of the Hydra Hydralisk."

"I feel good now."

"Then things should not have reached the worst point yet." Augustus was silent for a while and said: "Don't try to control the zerg again unless I order you to do so."

If the Overmind had not successfully read Kerrigan's mind, it would have been unable to learn the coordinates of Umoyan. But the lessons of history reminded Augustus that Kerrigan was of extraordinary significance to the Overlord, and he had to worry that the swarm's arrival in the Koprulu sector would be advanced as a result.

However, the zerg will arrive in the Koprulu sector sooner or later. If they arrive a few years earlier due to this incident, the already chaotic Koprulu will likely become even more chaotic. It's not just the zerg that will arrive by then, the Aiur protoss who are obsessed with burning out and purifying all the zerg will also arrive as scheduled.

For the revolutionary army, it is difficult to say that this will definitely be a bad thing. To this day, although Augustus has achieved exciting victories on several planets, it is still impossible for the Revolutionary fleet to defeat the huge Federation navy.

Even in the original Arcturus Mengsk, he fought a guerrilla war that stayed at the stage of petty fighting for more than ten years, but the Tyranid Federation has never been injured.

"Director Brois, I need you to explain this matter." Augustus felt bored when he thought about the scene of the insect swarm coming and destroying all life. But the arrival of the zerg is the general trend, they will definitely come, and Augustus cannot stop it.

Now Augustus still has to focus on the immediate problem. The incident just now shows that the transformation of the Cerberus swarm is still quite unstable. Whether this problem can be solved will determine whether this project is worth investing in.

Even though they are tens of millions of light years away, the Overmind can take control of any zerg in an instant, gaining access to their senses and perception as if other zerg are extensions of his will. If this problem cannot be solved, no matter how many zerg Cerberus plans to transform, they will only end up making wedding dresses for the Overlord.

"This was an accident." Bulova, the tactful former Cerberus executive manager, had already thought of his words in the past few minutes. He is also an excellent biologist in his own right.

"The Zerg is a race in which a few high-level consciousnesses control many other lower-level members of the group. The high-level Zerg control the large but low-intelligence Zerg groups like Springtails and Hydralisks through psychic energy," he said. .

"We have imagined this possibility, but we did not expect that the advanced consciousness of the Zerg could control this hydralisk at such a long distance. You know, even light particles have losses and speeds when flying in the universe. But psychic energy Able to span vast distances and arrive in an instant.”

"Psionics is really a mysterious power. The leader of the zerg controls his swarm through psionics, just like we remotely control drones and missiles."

"Have you thought of how to solve this problem?" Augustus asked with a frown.

"As long as a psychic shielding device is implanted in the mechanical nerves that control the zerg, this kind of control can be blocked." Bulova said firmly: "I can guarantee you that there will never be any problems next time."

"I can tolerate your failure in a field that you have never touched before, but that does not mean that I can tolerate incompetence." Augustus asked: "How much do you know about the psychic creatures of the Zerg now?"

"The currently known zerg psychic species is a giant floating creature that uses helium bladders to float in the air. The maximum length can exceed 130 feet (about forty meters)." Bulova temporarily relaxed Take a breath.

"We found such a description in the investigation report of the Terran Federation alien researchers: The creatures that bring nightmares are just like vast nightmares. They appeared without warning and attacked one immigrant after another on Rhine 12. villages and towns. The omens of each attack are strikingly similar. Giant floating creatures appear from the clouds, and alien creatures flock to human settlements from all directions."

"The subsequent dissection of the captured Zerg floating creature proved that its unique brain structure is quite complex, with nerves intertwined throughout its body. This unique brain structure gives it an incomparable ability to spread or transmit psychic energy. . This creature is currently the only known zerg life form with psychic abilities, and researchers believe that there must be higher-level psionic creatures in the zerg species," he explained.

"Our study of some samples of this aerial creature also points to another unheard of idea, which is that they may not have been part of the zerg a long time ago."

"You mean this thing and other zerg are actually two different creatures that can't be beaten with eight poles?" Renault interjected.

"Yes, the Hydra Hydralisk and the springtails are completely different creatures. The genetic sequence of the zerg is messy and disordered. The Hydra Hydralisk alone has the organs and genetic sequences of seven or eight different species. Some races Lines and subspecies even have genes from organisms in the Koprulu sector, while the DNA in springtails comes from more different organisms," Browa said.

"In other words, the zerg have been absorbing and assimilating other species, absorbing what they consider to be excellent genes. For example, they can attach membrane wings and solid scale claws to a Koprulu Horned Lizard, and construct a vicious beast. dragon."

"So do the zerg have human genes? After all, they have also come into contact with humans." The curiosity in Arcturus's heart that had been dormant for many years was once again aroused.

"This has not happened to the zerg samples we have come into contact with so far." Bulova replied.

"Maybe they simply look down on human genes because we are terrible at it." Renault shrugged, not realizing that what he said casually might be closer to the truth.

"What a monster. I can't believe how the people in the fringe colonies can deal with this kind of creature." He sighed.

"We are still in the initial stages of research on zerg. Be careful with these monsters. Their wisdom may be far beyond our imagination." Augustus suddenly waved his hand, calling Corporal Faraday who was dealing with the endgame, and told him I am preparing to leave here.

Everyone else could sense that Augustus was not very satisfied, and of course no one would remain happy after a Hydra Hydralisk smashed the expensive experimental equipment to pieces.

"By the way. I heard that you also captured a protoss." Arcturus was not ready to leave just now. He simply views the protoss as caged beasts and detests other alien races.

"Yes, that's the Tal'darin star we captured in Byshel. I remember he was placed here." Augustus was about to leave, but stopped when he heard Arcturus' words.

"Are you going to see him?"

"This is one of the reasons why I returned to Umoyan." Arcturus's cold gray eyes flashed with a dark look: "One of my mining teams disappeared in a distant world, and then several others There was also no news from the rescue team that went to look for them."

"I suspect it was the Tal'darim that did it," he said.

"I don't have an army in my hands, and I dare not go deep alone."

"It may not be the Tal'darin Protoss who did it." Augustus shook his head: "As far as I know, the Tal'darin Protoss is just a branch of the Protoss race."

"What is the name of that lost world?" Augustus asked Arcturus as he walked to other areas of the scientific research station.

"The original number is N-212, which is the 212th galaxy we arrived after setting off from Umoyan. It is located in the Sigma Quadrant." Arcturus replied.

"Perhaps that Tal'darin star spirit will know the name of that planet." Augustus had already guessed it in his mind when he heard the word Sigma Quadrant. But even so, he quickened his pace and walked with Arcturus through the corridors of the scientific research station to find the Tal'darin protoss, leaving Bulova and his men to clean up the mess.

On the way, Arcturus talked about some of his experiences while exploring the world outside the Koprulu Sector.

Basically, they were adventures in search of rare Adeen crystal veins and high-energy gas resources. Some of the refreshing things they encountered were just encounters with a few groups of pirates, and occasionally they dug up something on a certain planet. Fossils of extinct prehistoric creatures.

"I brought some gifts to Valerian. He likes aliens and digging fossils." Arcturus rarely showed a gentle emotion, but in the eyes of outsiders, he always educated himself harshly. son.

Speaking of his son, Arcturus looked at Jim Raynor next to him because he heard that his wife had just given birth to a child with psychic potential not long ago.

"Jim, what were the results of John's psychic test?"

"The preliminary test is level 8, and it may be higher." Renault was stunned: "To be honest, I would rather John is just an ordinary person."

"After all, John is just a baby. Valerian is just like you before, yearning for the stars and unknown things." Augustus nodded and said: "When you grow up, Arcturus, you won't care. These things. Maybe Valerian is better suited to be an archaeologist."

"Impossible." Arcturus was immediately unhappy: "How can a member of the Mengsk family become an archaeologist?"

"No. I will grow old one day, and I must have an heir to inherit my career." His tone of flat refusal was exactly the same as when Angus refused him to join the army.

In the end, Arcturus gradually became the man he had hated in his youth - a man who used the authority of a patriarch to chart the course of his children's future.

"It seems you don't understand anything, my brother." Augustus said, shaking his head.

"Archaeology is the most promising career in the universe." He said with a smile. As far as humanity is concerned, the greatest legacy has always been in the solar system.

"." Arcturus was stunned and speechless: "What value can cultural relics have unless they can be used in cannonballs and battleships."

"You did not teach Valerian to become an archaeologist at all. Thanks to you, with Julianna's gentle education method, Valerian will only become a romantic poet instead of A Mengsk.”

"I just taught him to be strong," Augustus said.

"Valerian is already ten years old." At this time, Augustus suddenly wanted to say a few good words for his poor little nephew: "We can't let him wear skirts anymore."

"I almost forgot about it," said Arcturus, "but you still wore skirts until you were sixteen, and often dressed like a girl."

"Don't mention it." Augustus shrugged, not escaping from reality: "I just feel comfortable wearing a skirt. You, who have been instigating me, are at least one-third responsible for this matter... At that time you Always laughing, never stopped.”

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