StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 234 Next stop, the Terrador galaxy

Thinking of what he said when he was very young, "My favorite brother is my favorite brother", Augustus felt that he was about to add another entry to his little book full of dark history.

As they walked, Augustus and Arcturus talked about their experiences since their last separation at Meinhof. When talking about their childhood past, both brothers were filled with emotion. Arcturus really became an explorer and prospector, and Augustus got his wish and became a marshal of the army - albeit a rebel.

By now, Arcturus had to admit that his father Angus might be right, but he still had a grudge against his father.

The two chatted happily, and Kerrigan, Raynor and others who followed them just listened, and felt the connection between family members in Augustus and Arcturus, brothers who were ten years apart. warmth. People in the Mengsk family value their families very much, and this is especially evident in the two of them.

The haze caused by the Hydra Hydralisk's loss of control just now was temporarily ignored, and Augustus no longer frowned.

The area where the captured Byshel Tal'darin protoss was "imprisoned" was the eighth area of ​​the polar research station. Arcturus got his wish and found the place where he was being pumped in a room decorated in the Tal'darin architectural style. Zin's Tal'darin Protoss.

The closed room was made of soundproof panels and had no windows other than a tall door. The interior of the room only had a scarlet crystal as a light source, making it dark and gloomy.

"What's his name?" Arcturus asked Augustus, standing at the open doorway of the dim room.

"Okan," said Augustus, "it would give him a certain degree of satisfaction if you called him Master Okan."

"With his help, we have a certain understanding of the social structure, political situation and religious beliefs of the Tal'darin Protoss." Augustus said.

"The Tal'darin worship the gods named Xel'Naga. Internally, they respect the high-ranking lords as the highest rulers. All Tal'darim follow a status hierarchy called the Chain of Ascension from birth. According to the system, every Tal'darin is in a position in the chain of promotion. From slaves to high-ranking lords, from low to high, the lower ones must obey the orders of the upper ones, bow their eyebrows, and bow their heads." He said .

"The technology of the Tal'darin protoss is far superior to ours, but internally they follow a system equivalent to human slavery. From the current point of view, the worship of gods is also incredibly fanatical."

"Come out, master, and meet your guest." Arcturus knew that the other party could read his mind, so he didn't bother to show off, and his tone was far from respectful and polite. And as a human, even a prisoner Arcturus would be able to take the time to talk to the other person - if he was worth his time.

"You should be glad that what greets you is not the wrathful psychic blade - you hate the protoss." A Tal'darin protoss who replaced one of his hands and feet with a black alloy prosthetic limb walked out of the dim room. Angry at Arcturus' rudeness.

After being captured by humans, the treatment of this Tal'darin Protoss can be said to be much better than that of the Tal'darin Dragon Knight. He regained respect among humans and was invited to participate in alien research projects. At least here, most of his requirements can be met, and there is an endless supply of terrazine at his disposal.

"I know what you want to ask me." The Tal'darin Protoss Orkan learned from Arcturus' mind about the disappearance of his exploration fleet in the Sigma Quadrant: "I know the answer."

"At that location is a base of the Tal'darin Expeditionary Force. There is an ancient Xel'Naga world ship. It was the spaceship that the Creators took when they traveled among the stars at the beginning of the birth of the universe." He said: " Based on what I know about my people, your men and workers have no chance of surviving.”

"There is a huge expeditionary fleet parked there, and if you want revenge, you are undoubtedly seeking your own death. Just a Tal'darin mothership can destroy all human scraps."

"." Arcturus just nodded silently, agreeing with the Tal'darin star's statement.

"Sooner or later we will find those Tal'darin protoss to settle the accounts. We also lost quite a few people in Baishel." Renault said aloud.

".I heard that the Tal'darin protoss are powerful warriors. They are accustomed to close combat and love to use cold weapons." Arcturus nodded and turned to the Tal'darin protoss Okan. He put away his anger and said calmly: "We can practice."

For a long time, Arcturus' knowledge of the protoss has only been based on images and autopsy reports. At one time, some people thought that this was just a race that died out millions of years ago.

Arcturus looked directly at the giant who was three heads taller than him: "I brought a sword."

"Arcturus, Master Okan is our distinguished guest and eternal friend." Augustus did not want his brother to be knocked to the ground by the Ta'darin Star Spirit in an inexplicable duel, even if this Ta'darin Lin Xingling had to use prosthetics to walk. He is also a long-lived species with hundreds of years of combat experience.

"Don't worry, this is just a ceremonial discussion."

"Give him a sword." Arcturus took his sword from his guard - it was a sharp double-edged sword with a vermilion gem inlaid on the hilt.

"I have long wanted to have a showdown with the Star Spirits."

Arcturus has just turned thirty this year, and his energy and physical strength are still at the peak of a man. Arcturus was curious about the way the Tal'darin protoss fought, and wondered whether the protoss' skills in combat were necessarily superior to those of humans.

Arcturus was known as a master of swordsmanship when he was young. He refined his ability to use cold weapons just to cope with the loss of firearms, because this man always believed that his own strength was far more important than relying on external forces. .

"We often refer to people like you as 'the strongest among them'" Tal'darin Protoss Okan said arrogantly: "I can defeat you even without using weapons, but this is to show respect, I will use human weapons. Weapons defeat you.”

The Tal'darin protos received an unedged training sword. The sword was only about 2.7 feet (1.24 meters) long. In the hands of this tall protoss, it looked like a slightly longer sword. Some daggers.

Augustus shrugged and allowed his brother to challenge the protoss.

"Arcturus is not a person who gives up easily. He likes to prove his strength in this way. During Korhal IV, few were his opponents," he said.

"By the end, Arcturus was able to defeat his swordsman with such ease that no human being could possibly rival him."

"Isn't this because no one else uses swords among the nobles like you?" Renault asked a soul question: "In Shiloh, people only use axes, hammers and sickles, and long swords are only for art at best. Collectibles. You can't let the Marines use swords and shields."

"I am also a famous swordsman in Steelling. Regardless of whether it is useful in actual combat, it is the practice of swordsmanship that tempers our bodies." Augustus coughed and signaled Renault to focus on this battle between humans and stars. In the duel between them.

"Facing an enemy who can read your thoughts means that every move you make to attack and retreat is expected by him."

Arcturus was a man even stronger than Augustus, as strong as a bull. He was as steady as a rock when holding the elegant long sword that had a history of more than 400 years, and the Taldarin Protoss just brushed a ceremonial sword flower and dragged his mechanical prosthetic leg closer to Aktur Some.

Without any warning or warning, Arcturus drew his sword as fast as a string, precise and fast, and the sound of the blade's breaking wind caused the sword to roar. The Tal'darin star O'Kan just used his only remaining hand to swing the sword diagonally with one hand to resist Arcturus' sword force. The strength of his arm overwhelmed the opponent's hands holding the sword.

The Tal'darin Protoss' strength, speed, and timing were beyond the reach of humans. He pushed Arcturus's blade aside, and knocked him back with just one lightning-like blow.

The protoss is a race that draws energy directly from the star's light through its skin. There is no accumulation of fat on their bodies. All the muscles in their bodies exist to explode with more powerful power.

Okan's heavy blow was far greater than the force of an adult male swinging a sword, and Arcturus, who was unable to resist, almost took off his sword with both hands.

There was no extra skill at all. The Tal'darim protoss defeated Arcturus with just one blow, forcing him to retreat continuously until it stopped at the vital point of his throat. If given a psychic blade, this Tal'darin protoss could easily kill everyone here.

"It's crazy to compete with the protoss. The only way is to deal with them with artillery fire." Staring at the blade that seemed to be able to penetrate his throat at any time, Arcturus put the sword back into the scabbard and said these words .

"It would be great if a few protoss could go to military schools and military camps to train our soldiers." Augustus once imagined a situation in which humans could learn to suppress and coordinate from the El Protoss. With the skills of his own psychic powers, the Dark Templar could train Augustus into the deadliest assassins mankind has ever seen.

"It's a good idea, but be careful of their betrayal. Even humans themselves are untrustworthy." Arcturus put away his sword, walked to the Tal'darin star Okan, and took this sword with him The sword of many years was given to him.

"You deserve it."

"No, I don't need a human sword." Okan rejected Arcturus. Tal'darin would not give any gifts to other people, and often did so with evil intentions.

The Tal'darin Protoss lost interest, turned around and walked back to his dark and cold room. The lifespan of the protoss is more than a thousand years, and they may spend decades or even centuries perfecting their fighting skills, which are by no means comparable to those of humans.

"." Arcturus took back his sword silently, feeling a lack of interest. The vast majority of protoss do not have any sense of humor and do not recognize or respect human etiquette and habits. It is particularly troublesome to chat with them.

"Come on, I've got my answer here," he said to Augustus.

Augustus nodded, and after re-instructing the work of the scientific research station, he, Arcturus and others walked to an apron inside the station.

"If you or I meet Tal'darin's assassins, it will be hard to tell." As they walked through the corridor of the scientific research station, Arcturus said to Augustus: "Not to mention that they still have souls. Can do this kind of thing."

"Don't worry about me, I'm protected by Kerrigan." Augustus pointed to the red-haired female ghost behind him and said, "I sent a ghost agent to protect you, why did you refuse?"

"I don't like those psykers," Arcturus said.

"Because they can read minds?" Augustus asked him.

"You don't like people knowing what you're thinking."

"Yes. I don't." Arcturus replied: "More importantly, I don't like people who cannot be completely controlled."

"I agree with you," said Augustus.

"Next, are you going to return to your exploration fleet?" he asked his brother.

"I plan to stay in Umoyan for a while." Arcturus said: "The exploration team will be temporarily led by a few of my old subordinates from the 33rd Ground Assault Division. Our mining area has been opened up enough. No matter how big it is, there won’t be that many people and machines to mine it.”

"I will raise a new army in the sons of Korha-Ekh-hath," he said.

"Without an army, my exploration fleet would be helpless when encountering enemies like the Protoss and Zerg." Eventually, the problem returned to things like mining. Unknowingly, after Augustus took over the responsibility of leading the revolutionary army, Arcturus gradually went further and further down this path.

In the process of exploring new mineral veins, Arcturus also unknowingly unearthed the remains of many unknown civilizations, and even found a planet that could barely be colonized.

"In this way, there is not much time left for us to meet." Augustus said: "Next, my army will go to Terrador IX you mentioned, which is one of the core worlds of the Tyranid Federation. First, they would never have imagined that that would be the next target of the revolutionary army.”

Augustus remembered that the legendary captain of the Hyperion, Matt Horner, and the chief scientist, Egon Stetman, were in the Terrador system. In this case, he would have a complete team. Before the arrival of the zerg and protoss, he wanted to accumulate as much power as possible.

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