StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 235 Temporary Reunion

SCT 2491.2.14.

North of Salenger, the Pasteur family mansion.

The fleet of the Revolutionary Army rested at the interstellar port in the United States of Umoyan for more than half a month before preparing to set off again. The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army were enjoying their last vacation or spending time with their families on the beautiful beaches and oceans of Umoyan. Stay together.

To this day, giant companies and suppliers in the United States transportation industry that have signed contracts with the Umoyan Protectorate Army are still continuously delivering supplies and replaceable parts that can support long-distance interstellar voyages to Revolutionary Army warships in orbit.

While waiting for the preparations to be completed, Augustus had a rare moment of leisure to enjoy the delicacies with his family in the Pasteur family manor amid the sounds of birds and flowers. What was different from the past was that the people preparing tea had changed from Catherine, the hostess of the Mengsk family, to Juliana and Kerrigan.

In the Salengue Bay offshore, this season is the most beautiful and sunny, and the flowers in the Pasteur courtyard are blooming and fragrant.

This is a family gathering at Pasteur's house. The Mengsk family, Renault family, and Liddy family are all invited. Generals from Augustus and even many school officials are also invited to attend the party with the marshal—— Except for Tychus and Duke.

The former claimed that he had been invited but was unavailable to attend, while the latter refused to attend the dinner among the "squires."

Guests at the house party do as the Romans do, wearing ordinary clothes instead of the finery of the "court" of Tarsonis. All were warmly entertained and made to feel at home.

Both Erin Pasteur and Angus Mengsk attended this gathering. Every Revolutionary Army officer present knew that those who received this honor were highly valued by the marshal, and only those who fought the bravest and most powerful Only generals who are loyal to revolutionary beliefs have this qualification.

The Mengsk family did not build another sky tower or family estate in New Stillling and several other Korhal cities. Instead, they lived in a small courtyard outside the Korhal Parliament Building because Angus was unwilling and could not They may use tight resources to support their own family. Therefore, the Mengsk family had to borrow the Pasteur family's mansion to entertain guests.

Sitting at the table where Augustus was sitting were all members of his family and generals of the Revolutionary Army. Tres. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Jim Raynor's parents, were also included.

Renault's parents, his wife, and son will all stay in Umoyan when the Revolutionary Army fleet sails away, and he no longer needs to worry about the safety of his family.

The white-haired Angus personally hosted the party. He was many times older than two years ago, and he really looked like a frail old man. That frail appearance was far from the strong man Augustus and Arcturus remembered, emaciated by the destruction of Korhal IV and the slander of the people.

If his two sons, wife and daughter hadn't stood by Angus' side to help him, then sooner or later the former Kehal Wolf Lord would have led to self-destruction one day.

Angus Mengsk was able to regain his past dreams under the persuasion of Augustus. What gratified the old father most was that his eldest son Arcturus, who was thirty-two years old, was finally back. The Wolves of Skok will one day return to their homeland.

"The Umoyan Council has decided to hand over the Farstrider-11 Mobile Fortress in the Hades system to the Korhal Revolutionary Army, but it must be returned within a ten-year period." During the meeting, Angus announced to the people present. message after message, but said nothing about his efforts to get these resolutions passed in the Umoyan Council.

"The Hades galaxy is located in the territory of the Tyranid Federation. It is a huge invisible fortress, adjacent to the Federation's Hermes Prime. Hermes Prime is an extremely developed business world and an extremely important economic center. ." Augustus took over his father's words and emphasized the importance of this message to his subordinates.

"After obtaining this movable Umoyan Fortress, we have a base of operations in the universe."

"In addition, the Umoyan Council also decided to give more support to the revolutionary army, including weapons and more support." Angus continued.

"It's a drop in the bucket. When it comes to weapons assistance, Umoyan has always talked much more than he did." Regarding what Angus said, Arcturus poured cold water on him: "They dare not support us. The most advanced weapons, even those that have had many functions emasculated, are only given to us with a bang."

"Of course, we can't ask for too much from Umoyan who has helped us. They don't dare to go to full-scale war with the Tyranid Federation." He said.

"Whether we overthrow the Tyranid Federation or the federal army annihilates us, that is not what Umoyan wants to see. What Umoyan hopes most is that the rebels, as a powerful unstable force in the Tyranid Federation, have always been It exists so that they can reap the benefits.”

"If you want to gain Umoyan's unreserved support, you must convince them that the new Tyrannic regime will never be detrimental to the United States." Augustus nodded, looking quietly at the other end of the dinner table Valerian sitting on the ground.

"I also hope you can listen to the shock in the political arena of the Terran Federation." Angus has always stayed in Umoyan and has a seat in the elected parliament of the United States.

"During this period, the diplomatic relations between Kemorian, Umoyan and the Terran Federation tended to ease. The Federation and the Kemorian Federation once again sent ambassadors to each other, but the ensuing eavesdropping and espionage incidents continued to emerge one after another." He explain.

"The Federation Council is trying to put political pressure on the Kemorian Consortium and Umoyan, prohibiting them from providing any form of support to the revolutionary army, and wants to further push us into an isolated and helpless situation." Angus said: " The board of directors of the coalition has impatiently told the federation that they will never let even a single ore fall into the hands of the revolutionary army, and Umoyan will be even more cautious than before."

"I'm afraid, the only one we can rely on next is ourselves. The Umoyan people believe that they have done enough."

"I understand, father, don't worry, our revolutionary road is quite difficult, and it doesn't matter if there are more difficulties." Augustus looked at his father.

"Okay, let's talk about happy things." He looked at the people at the dinner table who became serious and said with a smile: "Gentlemen, I didn't invite you here just to see your depressed look."

Today Augustus is still very happy. Arcturus has not returned to the family for more than ten years. The Mengsk family is finally reunited after many years and is enjoying themselves.

At this moment, a messenger with a ring of whips on his hat walked towards Augustus through the garden of the Pasteur estate and reported to him that the fleet had been replenished. According to the expected steps, the Revolutionary Army Marshal Command is recalling the vacationing troops in batches in an orderly manner, which also announces that the warm time is about to come to an abrupt end.

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