StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 239 Mirahan successfully exported himself

Chapter 239 Mira Han successfully exported herself

"What do you have to offer?"

Mira Han didn't know when she took out a deck of playing cards from her brown leather jacket with many pockets sewn on, and her shuffling skills were perfect.

"I have a total of four hundred credit points in banknotes and a few coins worth twenty credit points." Matt was still counting the money he had on hand at first, and then he was inexplicably involved in a card game. Feeling puzzling.

"How are your card skills, young man." Sitting next to Matt was Jim Raynor, who was disguised as a middle-aged man with short black hair. His thick hands were crossed on his chest: "Mila only knows the dead. Port Poker, a variant of Texas Hold'em Poker. This is a fairly mainstream game in the Tyranid Federation colonies, and you should be familiar with it."

Although he didn't understand why Augustus valued this young man so much, Renault knew that he was the reason why a group of people like him came all the way to the Terrador system. This young boy named Matt Horner is still just a high school student who has not graduated. He is immature and seems to be quite easy to deceive.

Granted, Matt has a quality of character that Leno can't ignore. For example, he is honest, reliable, conscientious and meticulous, and has a sense of justice. Honest people like Matt are rare in Shiloh.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with trusting Augustus. Augustus never made a mistake when it came to discerning people.

Even Tychus Finlay and Edmund Duke have their merits. The former may be the bravest tough guy in Koprulu, while the latter is always devastating at least when he destroys something-no matter it is Whether it was bad or good, rotten or smelly, Duke could always make a mess of everything on hand with amazing efficiency.

"The truth is, I'm pretty good at it." Hidden under Matt's shy and reserved appearance is a very capable and practical person. Everyone in the Horner family, relatives and friends know that only Matt Horner concentrates on doing something. If there is one thing, then he will be able to satisfy everyone.

Horner's honest and reliable character is consistent. They are better at doing practical things and implementing them rather than those dreamers who talk high. Someone once told the Horner family that there was a group of robbers on the lawn of a family's yard. Horner immediately drove away the robbers with his sons, dogs and shotguns instead of slowly calling the police.

Matt Horner has a deft way with every conundrum in the world—except plums, cold coffee, and playful women with elusive temperaments.

"Are you very good at it?" Reynold boasted to Matt with a half-smile: "I bet that no one can play cards better than Mira Han, Queen of the Night in the Port of the Dead. She has beaten most people at the card table. The people of the 7th Brigade of the Port of the Dead, many good and fun-loving gamblers obediently gave up their pay before they even put it in their pockets."

"I try to make my loss look as good as possible." Matt soon felt relieved that he was about to lose all his money. As long as he could talk to Augustus more, he didn't mind losing all his belongings.

"Is this the money you are betting on?" Mira winked playfully, staring at Matt while cutting the cards. The inexplicable meaning in the eyes of this eldest sister, who was several years older than Matt, made the poor child shudder.

Matt shuddered when he saw Mira sticking out her tongue and licking her sexy pink lips. He made up his mind to stay away from the pink-haired girl in front of him. No matter what.

Everyone who has met Mira Han thinks that she is a lively and lovely girl who is always full of energy. Mila is definitely one mischievous cat girl and is loved by many who meet her.

Matt has always been convinced that although in the dreams of boys of his age and their fantasies about the opposite sex, the dream lover who is fascinated by him is still an illusory image, but Matt is convinced that if there really is one The dream lover whose name haunts him must not be Mira.

"That's it." Matt took out his wallet and put all the banknotes on the table: "I'm ready, Miss Mira."

"Ah - don't you ask me what my bet is?" Mira said and stood up, placing her hands on the table and staring into Matt's confused but somewhat frightened eyes, her shawl pink hair following her This movement causes it to sway from side to side.

Matt could get a closer look at Mira Han's girlish, rosy face and her lower-class urban-style leather jacket and leather pants. Mira's clothes were also hung with chains of unknown purpose, knives and other trinkets that Matt had never heard of. She looked more like a little girl than the heroic female revolutionary soldier in her imagination.

The chest of Mira Ham's leather jacket is open, and Matt can even see her black bra and the blade tattoo on her neck. Her right ear has been pierced, and a gold-plated ornament with a golden skull hangs from it. Even a true gentleman like Matt had to admit that Mira was extremely feminine at this time.

"If you win me. Of course this is impossible. I mean if you win by chance, I will give a mysterious gift that belongs to the winner." Mira said teasingly.

".So, what's the stakes?" Matt asked Mira.

"This is a secret." Mira sat back and said, "I can't tell you."

"Dear Matt."

Matt suddenly felt that his blood pressure was soaring. At this time, he had to lament the usefulness of the Horner family's good cultivation.

"Mysterious prize?" Renault was very interested, and he didn't know if he was gloating, but in short he was very happy: "Mila has a lot of good things in her hands, whether it's money or a good gun, they are all worth a lot of money. . Guaranteed profit without loss. If I were you, I would definitely accept this bet."

"Sir, to be honest, I don't know that this card game has any meaning." Matt frowned, looking for Augustus in this high-end restaurant but found nothing: "I originally thought we were here. Talk freely about revolution.”

While searching for Augustus, Matt noticed the girl with fiery red hair next to Mira. The girl with fiery red hair was sitting upright. She always had a cold and stern expression, and her eyes would occasionally glance at the other diners in the restaurant. There seemed to be knives hidden in her jade-green eyes. Matt's intuition told him that this was definitely an extremely dangerous woman.

At this time, Matt couldn't help but sigh at the kind of women around Augustus.

"Revolution comes in many forms." Renault was clearly deceiving people: "You will understand soon."

"That's right." Matt frowned, thoughtfully.

"Let's get started." Mira said with a smile.

"I will never be merciful, and it will never be waterproof."

The card game soon began, and by the time Augustus returned from ordering his meal. Matt was slumped on his desk with a dejected look on his face, his eyes dull, while Mira laughed unreservedly.

"What happened?" Augustus had already guessed what happened. Although Mira and Matt met more than ten years earlier, the past Mira also fell in love with Matt at first sight.

Gambling is a common trick used by people in the Port of the Dead. They can empty the pockets of outsiders or export themselves. Anyway, few people who win money can make it out of the Port of the Dead.

"Mila and Matt played a game of cards and bet on something small." Renault explained to Augustus: "You know Mira's character very well. She almost never calms down. Even while leading the 7th Brigade at Port of the Dead, she always carried a few decks of cards with her, winning both the war and other coalition commanders' money."

"I still know this. It's almost enough to say it's infamous." Augustus nodded: "What's the result?"

"Who's winning?"

"Matt." Reno replied: "Mira has almost no power to fight back."

"Are you sure she didn't fight back at all?" Augustus looked at the depressed Matt: "Why does it look like he lost."

"Because the winner's prize is Mira." Renault spread his hands: "Not only Mira, the prize also includes a marriage contract and a large dowry."

"Mila finally married herself off?" Augustus understood immediately: "This is a good thing. I thought she would never look down on any man in her life."

After the Brood War ended in 2500, Renault and Matt met the future mercenary queen in the Port of the Dead. Matt Horner won the poker game with Mira Han, but he had no idea that the prize was Mira herself. Since then, Mira has left Matt a dedicated communication channel that can reach her directly, but no matter what, Matt has obviously never contacted her.

This time it's the encounter between revolutionary Mila Han and high school student Matt Horner.

"You don't look very happy." Augustus looked at Matt with concern.

"No, I'm glad," Matt said with a decidedly unhappy expression.

"I guess she's joking with me." It's not easy for Matt, who is serious and meticulous in everything he does, to think of this.

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious." Mira slapped the table in response to Matt. She didn't care at all about the impact she had on the people around her, but the people who were disturbed cast curious glances.

"." Matt's face turned pale. He realized that he did not have to abide by this engagement, but the harsh reality made him believe that this matter could not be so simple.

If Matt hadn't been convinced that he just met Augustus and others by chance, he would have almost suspected that the other party had already been preparing to set a trap for him.

"Don't you like this child?" Renault looked at Matt: "Mila is a good girl. Influenced by her childhood living environment, she is independent and strong. The most important thing is that Mira knows how to make money to support the family and can help you Shelter from wind and rain.”

"No." Matt said after thinking carefully: "This thing is too sudden, I still need some time to digest it. Well, I mean, I have never thought about getting married. If I have to do that, You should first experience a romantic love that has suffered many setbacks."

"I'm still young after all."

"Has she always been like this?" Matt asked Leno.

"Not always." Renault shrugged: "It seems that Mira likes you very much."

"Good job, Matt."

"Ah——" A lament came immediately from Matt's side.

To say that he hates Mira is definitely not the case, but a girl with Mira's personality is not Matt's type. Moreover, it is not so much that Matt doesn't like Mira that much, but that a woman who takes the initiative to embrace her really scares him.

"This shouldn't sound difficult." Reno said, looking back on his encounter with his wife Elizabeth: "You think so, Mira."

"No matter which script you want, I will satisfy you." Mira's subsequent "darling" made Matt tremble.

"Come on, don't take Matt seriously." Augustus comforted Matt and said, "Mira can't force anyone. The military discipline in the revolutionary army will not allow her to do this."

"Which one are you talking about?" Renault asked.

"Soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, no one is allowed to rape, rape or rob women." Augustus smiled happily, but always paid attention to his volume to avoid affecting the people around him.

"Okay." Augustus' words still made Matt feel a little more at ease, and he said with a sigh of relief.

"You are Augustus." Matt hurriedly changed the subject, trying to escape from Mira as much as possible. Mira, on the other hand, looked like she was convinced of Matt and didn't care at all.


"Yes," Augustus said to him gently.

"I am Augustus Mengsk. The leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, an ordinary man."

"I believe you have already heard about Korhal IV and our story. In the UNN Universe News Network report, the revolutionary army was described as rioting lunatics and murderous demons, but what I want to tell is a completely different story." He said.

"In a place far away from Terrador, in Korhal IV, the people there were not afraid of power and tyranny. Both men, women and children bravely revolted and tried to overthrow the tyranny of the Federation. The Federation Navy destroyed Korhal IV as retaliation for our revolution. , but the fire of revolution is still burning in every corner of the Koprulu sector."

"All it takes is one more fire and the Federation will be reduced to ashes."

"This is great!" Matt raised his arms and shouted, as if the revolutionary army had won the victory.

"Don't think that revolution is something cool. Many, many good brothers have died. They all gave their precious lives fighting against the federal minions." Augustus said.

"I'm not afraid," Matt said. "I'm not afraid of sacrifice."

"For the revolution, Marshal Mengsk, I am ready to sacrifice at any time. Take me away, Marshal. I have had enough of the boring life on Terrador IX."

Augustus and Renault looked at each other and understood each other's expressions.

"No." Augustus immediately refused sternly: "You are too young. If you want to join the revolutionary army, you must at least obtain the consent of your parents."

"It doesn't matter." Matt said sincerely: "My parents are also supporters of the Revolutionary Army. It is also a tradition of the Horner family for the second son of the family to travel when he was young. This is how my grandfather came to Terrador IX No. and took root here.”

"It still doesn't work." Augustus' expression changed: "I can't agree."

"I think Matt can endure the hardship." Renault said at this time: "I can arrange a job for him as a trainee sailor on the Hyperion. He can learn from scratch and go directly to the ship. He will study with the commander and at the same time cram the knowledge in books. When he settles down, we will send him to the university in Umoyan."

"." Augustus was silent for a long time, and finally nodded reluctantly.

"If your parents agree." He emphasized: "You must calm down and think about whether this is an impulsive and reckless move, so as not to regret it in the future."

"That's great." Matt beamed.

At this time, gunfire suddenly came from outside the restaurant.

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