StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 240 Federal Resistance Army

At first, only very sparse gunfire could be heard in the restaurant. The Terrador people do not have the habit of setting off fireworks during this season. It sounds like the New Canaan immigration police officers are arresting extremely vicious criminals, or two local nobles are imitating the ancient spirit of chivalry and drawing guns to shoot each other. .

The sound of the shooting sounded far away from here. It was so small that it was barely audible amid the strong melody of the melodious string instruments of the cello in the restaurant band. It was drowned out by the sound of music and people talking.

Even if someone noticed the gunshots, they didn't care much. Since New Canaan became the most prosperous metropolis in Terrador IX, shootings have continued one after another.

There are many contract workers who are desperate or have lost hope. They take the risk and try to rob a spaceship at gunpoint to escape this miserable world. The local criminal gangs and the gangs established by the dock workers also cause the crime rate and the number of shootings in New Canaan to remain high. s reason.

Everything was still going on as usual, and while Augustus and others were listening attentively, the service staff in the restaurant served them local delicacies from Terrador as usual, including some baked golden and crispy Terrador food. Chicken nuggets, narwhal skin and vegetable salad.

"It was gunfire." Sarah Kerrigan was the first to point out the crux of the matter.

"This is probably the sound I least want to hear right now." Renault calmly put his hand on the Colt military revolver in his black windproof military coat, and several other Revolutionary Army guards made similar gestures action.

Years of experience on the battlefield have allowed them to develop the habit of always being on high alert. Even in the most comfortable environment, federal assassins may secretly assassinate the supreme leader of the revolutionary army.

"I didn't authorize any raids against local armed forces. Have our people been discovered?" Augustus said with a frown. At this time, he could already hear the sound of sirens and the screams of women. The sound of gunfire became more and more intensive in a short time, even covering the sound of music.

"Probably not one of ours." Corporal Faraday stood up and walked next to Augustus, blocking the space between the marshal and the glass display window next to him.

"Probably pirates," Augustus speculated.

"It's incredible. Not only is this place in the heart of New Canaan, but also" he looked out the window at the headquarters of the Knights of Terrador.

"Have they forgotten that this is also the territory of the Knights of Terrador?"

"How pitiful." A phrase that Tychus Finley often said popped out of Raynor's mouth.

People in the restaurant became nervous, and the band's performance suddenly stopped after a pause in filming. The people here are the middle and upper classes of New Canaan and tourists from other planets. Their composure only lasts for a short period of time, especially since these people have never been able to dial the communication channel of the New Canaan Police Department. after.

At this time, everyone could clearly hear the screams and gunshots outside getting closer and closer.

When the first person in the restaurant to start screaming bursts out of the door, the tendency to run away is inevitable.

"Sarah, with your telepathy ability, can you sense who is shooting? They should have entered the detection range of the limit of your telepathy ability." When everyone in the restaurant was almost gone , Augustus is still as stable as a mountain.

"My telepathy tells me that the shooters were probably the same group of people." Kerrigan stretched out a hand and pressed her temple tightly, as if she was having a headache because of the superficial emotions of fear and panic among the people on the street outside.

"I can only feel their shallow superficial thinking. There are about four or five people in this group, and their minds are full of hatred for the founding family of the Tyranids." She rested her left elbow on the table, with a painful expression on her face: "These The person comes from a certain resistance organization outside the department."

It would be at least a few more years before Kerrigan could gain control of her overly powerful psionic abilities. When she reads the minds of too many people on a large scale, superficial human thoughts will inevitably be poured into their minds. Usually these surface thoughts come from the most primitive and dirty human emotions and the most intense explosions in a moment.

For a long time, high-level psykers have been plagued by this powerful telepathic ability.

And those younger high-level psykers often hear "non-existent voices" and show mysterious "divinity" because they cannot control this ability. This is also the case in the voodoo sect in the colonial world of the Federation Alliance. prevalence and the inducement of religious fanaticism.

Usually, joining the psionic program is the best choice for advanced psykers, because such people are destined to be impossible to be ordinary.

"They are assassinating a descendant of the Creation Family who has been hiding in a space station in geosynchronous orbit on Terrador."

"A son of Korhal," Raynor said in disbelief.

"No, that's not possible," Augustus said firmly. "The Sons of Korhal would never massacre civilians without reason."

"It's not our people, it's probably other federal rebel organizations." Kerrigan covered her forehead and said: "The name of their organization is the Federal Resistance Army, and the leader is a man named Cliff Nathan. Man, I can’t know much more than that for the time being.”

In the vast territory of the Tyranid Federation, the Korhal people have never been the only resistance army that dared to resist the tyranny of the Federation. The history of some resistance armies is even much earlier. For example, the Abram rebels on Antiga Prime appeared as early as 2480. The history of some resistance armies is likely to be as long as a century.

The nature and organizational forms of these resistance armies are also diverse. There are many bandits or pirates who have raised the banner of overthrowing the corrupt rule of the Federation and committed evil. The free revolutionary army that Augustus encountered on Turasis II was a vivid example. example of.

Other resistance forces are small but elite rebel organizations formed by the most cynical and hateful people in the Federation. The more famous ones are the mysterious Fist of Redemption and the Freedom Riders. These two organizations are used to accept people who are persecuted by the Federation. Revolutionary people and enjoy a better reputation.

As for the last type of federal rebels, it is difficult to tell whether they took up arms to resist the federation or to retaliate against society to vent their hatred of injustice. This group of rebels usually absorbs a large number of poor people from the bottom of society. , to control the thoughts of organization members in a way that promotes hatred or is close to religion.

This type of resistance will drive members to assassinate members of the Federation's founding family and government officials through suicide attacks, using the most brutal means to achieve their goals. After the end of the Kailian War, more and more people with their families destroyed joined these resistance forces. Their only goal was to watch the destruction of the Federation with their own eyes or die with it.

However, with the exception of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, which has swept across multiple Federation systems, the other Federation resistance armies have all revolted on a planet or even a city, and without exception they have been quickly and powerfully suppressed by the Federation army.

At this moment, compared to the calm and composed veterans of the Revolutionary Army, the young Matt Horner was much more nervous. There were few such dangerous moments in his life: there was a group of gun-toting terrorists on the street who hated the Union. The elements went on a killing spree, and he was surrounded by rebels.

"Ah~Pony~" Mira Han, who was opposite Matt, noticed his nervousness - in fact, her eyes had been focused on the evasive Matt from the beginning.

Even the gunfire outside couldn't make Mira take her eyes away from Matt's face. If Mira Han is a playful and elegant cat, the worst that can happen is that she may have just been exposed to catnip.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt my favorite pony~" Mira said domineeringly: "I will pry open each of their heads and hide behind me."

Because this is the busiest commercial district in New Canaan, there are still dense crowds on the streets at this time. The shooter is firing at the crowd recklessly, and screams and screams are heard one after another.

"What are the local police and the Knights of Terrador doing?" Augustus kept staring at the headquarters of the Knights of Terrador opposite the restaurant, and found that there had been no movement on the other side since the few minutes after the shooting started. , not even one Terrador knight opened the castle door to save the civilians who were at the gunpoint of the gangsters.

It was as if all the knights were not inside the castle, and only some servants were guarding the huge fortress. In contrast, this group of rebels must be crazy to dare to launch an attack near here, or they have never thought about returning alive.

Augustus thought that this terrorist attack would be solved quickly, but the inaction of local law enforcement and garrison refreshed his understanding of the limits of federal agencies.

"Jimmy." Augustus' expression remained unchanged, and he calmly took out a C-30 electromagnetic pistol from under the hem of his long trench coat.

Reno and Augustus have been partners for many years. When he was still on Turasis II, Renault was Augustus's most trusted deputy and the unquestionable second-in-command of the Demon of Heaven. In many battles fought side by side, their tacit understanding has already reached the point where they can understand each other's intentions with just one look.

"Perhaps the city government of New Canaan should award me a Good Citizen Medal to commend me for my contribution to this city." Renault stepped to the door of the restaurant first, leaned sideways against the glass door, and held his hands tightly. Holding tightly the revolver engraved with the words gifted by Augustus Mengsk.

On the street outside the restaurant, people were still running in the opposite direction to the shooting scene. From time to time, well-dressed people fell in a pool of blood, including old people and children. The sound of shooting was closer, almost in sight.

At this moment, a man holding a Fimaro-21 submachine gun and wearing a plaid casual shirt was chasing a young couple. He was wearing black goggles and passed by the main entrance of the restaurant silently and coldly. , and did not notice that Renault, who was beside him, was driving the plane without saying a word.

A bullet engraved with the word "Justice" was fired from the chamber of this military-style Colt pistol. Renault's shooting skills were very accurate. He shot through the head of the rebel with just one shot, and the latter immediately fell to the ground like a sack stuffed with cotton.

Immediately afterwards, another rebel armed with a submachine gun walked past the restaurant, and Reno quickly and steadily clicked his head off.

"There are two more." At this time, Sarah Kerrigan walked past Augustus and Matt. She shook her fiery red hair into a long ponytail and said, lifting her long skirt to reveal Those fair and round thighs pulled out the dagger shining with silver light from her crotch.

The shocked Matt Horner just turned his eyes away from Renault when he saw Sarah Kerrigan with bright red hair walking out of the front of the restaurant.

Where Matt couldn't see, Kerrigan passed through the crowd like a fish swimming into water. She stepped on every floor tile with the precision of a dance step, and moved backwards at an extremely fast speed towards the man who was shooting wildly. The two rebels ran away.

Kerrigan first used his mind control ability to control the body of a rebel soldier, causing him to turn the muzzle of the gun and shoot at his thigh. Then he used his mental power to deflect all the bullets fired at him. Under the horrified gaze of the other party, Kerrigan The lieutenant general thrust the dagger into the opponent's chest.

In the past, Kerrigan was indeed a ghost agent who brought death, but now she rarely carries out assassination missions. Even so, Kerrigan remains the deadliest killer in the entire Koprulu sector.

By the time Kerrigan left, the police and the Knights of Terrador arrived belatedly. They will definitely interrogate the remaining rebels strictly, but they will never believe that a red-haired woman easily killed this group of terrorists.

"Where did you learn this craft?" Raynor teased Kerrigan as she walked back into the hall.

"Ta'darim." Kerrigan's answer was simple and clear.

"Well done," Augustus said to Kerrigan and Raynor.

"Jimmy, it seems that your marksmanship has improved greatly during the time I haven't seen you."

"I have long been the best marksman in the Revolutionary Army." Renault laughed loudly: "Even a sniper cannot be as accurate as me. I am no longer the Shiloh boy yesterday."

"I am Gunslinger Jim, the savior of mankind."

"Let's go, we have to get out of here quickly." Augustus then said: "Although we have the documents to legally hold these weapons, I don't want to be interrogated endlessly by the federal police."

"Come on, Matt, let's take you home first."

"I heard you say that they are also rebels." Matt asked Augustus in confusion as he followed Augustus out of the restaurant and walked away.

"Why did you do this?"

"The reason is obvious." Renault said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"They were shooting at unarmed civilians."

"And we're not going to do that," Augustus said to Matt.

"The Keha Revolutionary Army is completely different from these so-called rebels. We carry out our justice. We are the protectors of the people. Our resistance is for all people and will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. This is why we and The difference between the federal government and other rebels.”

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