StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 245 Alien Threat

Terrador VIII (8), a revolutionary army operating base under construction.

This planet's orbit shares a common orbit with its sister star, Terrador System IX (9), which is famous as a tourist destination. The two dark blue planets are separated by each other's gravitational attraction. This unique binary orbit brings magnificent tidal landscapes and a unique but vibrant natural ecology to the two planets.

Planet Terrador VIII is also one of the colonial planets of early immigrants. This planet has always been famous for its orderly streets, neat campuses and strong academic atmosphere. Like Terrador IX, the climate in Terrador's various dimensions is extremely different. It is very common to see icy tundra on one side and tropical rainforest on the other at the junction of longitude and latitude.

The styles of cities in different regions vary greatly. Modern cities on the plains, red industrial cities in the Gobi desert, science cities with extremely green coverage, and military steel fortresses in the ice and snow can all be found on Terrador VIII. turn up.

The Korhal Revolutionary Army Operations Base, which is under construction, is close to the equator of Terrador VIII. The temperature here is stable at above 30 degrees Celsius all year round, and the temperature is even higher at perihelion. The air is hot and humid, and all building materials must be rust-proofed.

Rory Swann's 1st Engineering Group of the Revolutionary Army was solely responsible for the construction of this operational base, and his deputy, Victor Kaczynski, a Kemorian, personally came to the site to take charge of the construction. In addition to a two-battalion Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps and a logistics support department, there is also a fully-equipped Revolutionary Army Marine Battalion stationed here.

Augustus' temporary marshal command center was located here. With this base of operations as the center, the revolutionary fleet can quickly deliver troops to the planet's surface. Judging from the current defensive posture of the Federation garrison in the Terrador system, the Revolutionary Army can destroy and occupy these planets within two to three days with just a powerful blitzkrieg.

The huge revolutionary army fleet is still parked at the edge of the interstellar world, staying relatively stationary in orbit on the backside of a giant gaseous planet a hundred times the size of the Earth to avoid search by radar and detectors. As long as Augustus gives the order, it will be effortless to capture the lax defense of the Terrador system.

However, the problem is that even if the Revolutionary Army can take over the Terrador system, they will not be able to hold it here. This galaxy belongs to the core area of ​​the Tyranid Federation, and the Tyranid naval fleet can quickly arrive to quell the rebellion.

Therefore, Augustus still adopts basically the same strategy as the Mar Sara uprising. The revolutionary army will take control of the Terrador system through gradual infiltration and political propaganda against the tyranny of the Federation, but will not launch an uprising for the time being. The hatred of the Tyranid Federation and the upper classes by the majority of the lower class people in the Terrador system would become fertile ground for a revolution.

And when Augustus's army fights with the main fleet of the Tyranid Federation on the other side of the Koprulu sector in the future, the Terrador system will immediately change its flag and become a target that Augustus nails on the Federation's chest. The nails caused chaos in the federal army.

Now Augustus is standing in the command center of the operations base watching reports from the Revolutionary Army guerrillas in the Sara system. Most of them are images of the zerg invasion of the system.

In Cha Sara, millions of flying zerg creatures are surrounding the planet, covering the sky and looking like a black halo to another Mar Sara orbiting telescope in the system.

The zerg carpet that Augustus had seen at the Victor V Federal Alien Research Station had already covered the northern hemisphere of the Cha Sara system. The dark purple, sticky vine-like tentacle-like protrusions penetrated deep into the ground. , as if it has sucked away the nutrients that support life on this planet. The once lush planet was barren of any vegetation, and the emerald-green planet turned into a gray and sickly dark brown, and all life forms on it had been devoured by the swarm of insects.

This is the survival law of the Zerg race. If all creatures cannot provide them with genetic material for evolution, they can only feed the entire Zerg swarm and make it stronger.

At this moment, there was an LED2d screen in front of Augustus, and it was the image sent back from the capital of Zecha Sara. There is an underground organization of the Keha Revolutionary Army responsible for organizing propaganda work.

To this day, the Tyranid Federation is still doing its best to block the news of the Sara system. Any reports about this catastrophe have been cut off. Only the revolutionary army Augustus stayed there sent back some intermittently. image.

What was displayed on the screen was a picture recorded by a farm surveillance camera using an infrared detector. A dense crowd of canine-like alien creatures were moving toward the silent farm in the pitch-black night. Those swift and violent alien creatures were leaping across the withering land of Cha Sara, their eyes glowing orange and red in the darkness reminded Augustus of Korhal in the middle of the night. Pack of wolves.

At first glance, this is no different from the wolves in winter, except that the number of these insects is even larger, so huge that the camera is filled with dense red heat sources, like a continuously moving red river.

A sea of ​​zerg soon overwhelmed the entire farm.

In the final scene, huge, pulsing chunks of organic flesh, sarcomas, and pulsating sinews gradually cover the farmhouse. Hideous-looking creatures mutated from local creatures, humans, dogs, and other domestic animals resemble wandering zombies. Wandering like a wandering spirit.

"What on earth is this? The things we found on the Victor V were just a few 'babies' of the Zerg." Jim Raynor looked solemnly at the hateful alien creatures on the screen.

"I'm afraid that's the case." Augustus said: "They come from places outside the Koprulu sector, and the zerg that invaded Cha Sara are probably only a small part of their huge population."

"This video came from more than a month ago. Now the situation of Cha Sara can only be worse. And we also have reason to believe that Mar Sara has also been affected and has even fallen."

"Zergs, or in other words, they are a huge group composed of countless individuals - so we will call them swarms." Dr. Francos, an expert on alien research under Augustus, was among the generals and colonels. and behind the head of the Special Tactics Strike Force.

"According to our research, the social structure of insect swarms is more like a swarm of bees. They have extremely large groups, and each individual has its own identity and status in the group. The lowest individuals follow a strict hierarchy and The division of labor is subject to higher-level zerg, and eventually these higher-level consciousness individuals will converge into a single, huge collective consciousness." The doctor's research has limitations from this era, but it is still generally consistent with the actual situation of.

"Layers of control, tight unity. This is the zerg, this is the swarm. The collective consciousness of the swarm uses brain waves or telepathy similar to ghost agents to remotely control their group, making them the will of the swarm. Organic extension,” he said.

"The zerg group is mainly composed of 'workers' and 'fighting bugs'. The former are almost non-aggressive and are responsible for collecting and building organic buildings, while every organ and limb of the latter's body seems to be designed to kill the enemy as much as possible. And exist.”

"Do you really think so?" Sarah Kerrigan, who was accompanying Augustus, frowned. She thought of the zerg she had seen in the past on Victor V: "The zerg workers have sharp mouthparts and a pair of sharp giant claws, which can bite off a person's head in one bite. They can even spray belts." The poisonous thorns are like catapulted crossbow arrows.”

"Uh" Dr. Francos was embarrassed for a moment: "I mean, it's difficult for Zerg workers to bite through CMC power armor."

"To be more precise, it only takes a few more bites to pry open the Marine's armor." Kerrigan knew what Dr. Francos was thinking: "Hard is also relative."

"The good news is that the C-14 electromagnetic rifle can penetrate the strong chitin carapace of the zerg." Dr. Francos changed the topic.

"The bad news is that other more primitive firearms are almost difficult to cause fatal damage to these creatures." Kerrigan did not save any face for the other party. She has always been so outspoken. —Unless Kerrigan deems it worthy of euphemism.

"All civilian automatic rifles sold on the market can kill springtails in the zerg, but it's hard to say when faced with Hydra Hydralisks... Cha Sara's people at least have the ability to resist." The doctor explained.

"Our understanding of this swarm, the Jormungandr swarm, is still very limited. Now it seems that the Jormungandr swarm is probably the one responsible for reconnaissance and ground combat in the entire swarm. Their The ground forces are mainly composed of Hydra Hydralisks and Springtails, and are quite large." He continued pointing at the screen.

"You call hundreds of millions of bugs a reconnaissance force?" At this time, Hanak Hank, who was standing aside, finally couldn't help it anymore.

"You mean we might not be able to stop a Zerg reconnaissance force? I'll stand on my hair that that can't be true."

"Sooner or later, the zerg will become the biggest enemy of all mankind. If the Tyranid Federation has not woken up and understood this, then ordinary people will suffer." Augustus said.

"The Federation fleet did nothing?" The speaker was Lieutenant General Horace Warfield, who had just arrived from his flagship Iron Justice. His expression was much uglier than anyone present.

"According to previous intelligence, after the Battle of Mar Sara, in order to prevent the resurgence of the rebellion, the new planetary governor government implemented a strict, year-long military control policy, including curfews and blackouts. At least A naval squadron is stationed in the Sara system, and they just watch?"

"Looking at it now, I'm afraid that's the case." Augustus sighed, with a sad look on his face.

During the time Augustus stayed in Umoyan, the Zerg had not yet invaded the Sara system, and he only received the news after arriving on Terrador IX. What happened at the Umojan Cerberus polar research station accelerated the swarm invasion, leaving Augustus on pins and needles.

It is very likely that the vanguard forces of the Zerg have already arrived in several sectors near the Koprulu sector, but they have little interest in the humans they have come into contact with, focusing on plundering the genes and organic biomass of creatures in other sectors. However, Kerrigan's appearance accelerated their invasion of the Koprulu sector, bringing the first large-scale Zerg invasion forward from 2499 to 2491.

Kerrigan didn't know anything about it yet, and Augustus had no intention of telling her. Regardless of whether these things happened or not, the zerg would come sooner or later.

"Now it seems that we are all much more nervous than the Federation." Renault also sighed and said: "Elizabeth and her family are very worried that Ma Sara will suffer the same fate as Cha Sara. There are also many people from Ma Sara and even Cha Sara.”

"What the hell, is it because Ma Sara has resisted their federation that they decided not to save her? Even so, the people of Cha Sara are innocent. They have not participated in the uprising and have nothing to do with it. Know."

"Let them not worry." Augustus said firmly: "I can tell them for sure that if the federal army ignores the Sara system, then it will be up to us to save the people there."

"I knew you would say that, Augustus. We can't ignore those who are suffering, and it goes without saying that the people there have supported us." Renault said: "You are the only one in Coplu who can Do this."

"Ha--I'm afraid of comparison in everything." Tychus Finlay, who was observing the zerg, had no sense of justice or compassion at all. These things had always been insulated from him. When Tychus looks at a thing, he can often get closer to its level of gain and loss.

"Look, the Terran Federation is scorning human lives and leaving the federal citizens who are being slaughtered to fend for themselves. But the Korhal Revolutionary Army descended from the sky like an angel of justice and saved the Ma Sara people who had completely despaired of the Federation. ." Tychus chuckled in his deep voice.

"Guess what will happen next? Those Mar Sara people who are being chased by the zerg will definitely be grateful to us. By then, the revolutionary army will become the savior of the people, while the Terran Federation army will just sit back and watch as cowards. And an accomplice of the Zerg Butcher. Sometimes, no comparison, no harm~"

"Damn it, we didn't save those people just to make them grateful." Raynor angrily said to Tychus: "If it weren't for us, I really don't know who those poor people would be able to rely on."

"But can we really rescue the people there before the zerg completely destroy the Sara system?" Kerrigan said worriedly.

"As I see it, bugs are bugs, and they will die if shot." Tychus Finley said nonchalantly: "Even if God is standing in front of us, I will try to see if he can take a bullet. If No, then let those bugs eat nuclear bombs!"

"A big shot!" Harnack added loudly, his distinctive high-pitched voice sounding like a villain.

"How many of us are still in Mar Sara?" Augustus asked Kerrigan.

"A total of over a hundred guerrillas and four Marine brigades, about 20,000 people," Kerrigan replied.

"In addition, the Revolutionary Army Navy is in the process of handing over the Umoyan Protector Army to our Farstrider mobile base for deployment to the Sara system. Currently, this mobile base carries approximately 20,000 Umoyan Protector Army soldiers."

"This is not enough," Augustus said. "We still lack the ships to move people out."

"Order the fleet to prepare for the jump. We have to help the people in the Sara system."

The monthly ticket is doubled, please.

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