StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 246 The Hyperion descended from the sky

At the end of May 2491, Los Andares, the capital of the planet Cha Sara in the Sara system, was facing the biggest disaster since the city stood on the green plains.

In less than a month, a gelatinous, sticky carpet of zerg, a cross between slime and brown lichen, spread across the lush forests and plains of Cha Sara through the spread of spores through the atmosphere. breed. Plants began to wither, and even the fungal organisms were assimilated by the zerg carpet and became part of the swarm.

Whether it is the rich green land or the Gobi desert landscape similar to its sister Xima Sara, it is covered with thick purple-black germ carpets and zerg-infested buildings. Other than that, it was all desolate, and even the birds in the sky had disappeared. Even the vast oceans, rivers and lakes are covered by a carpet of zerg bacteria, as if covered with a layer of dark brown oil that flows with the waves.

Zergs are eating away at this once vibrant planet.

Los Andares is the last human city that is still holding on and has not been captured. Other major cities have long been overwhelmed by the swarm. All survivors on the planet retreated to Andares, using its tall walls and fortifications to make a last stand.

At this moment, Los Andares, a city of high-rise buildings, factories and large-scale residential areas, is trembling in the local May warm wind mixed with the smell of blood and fishy stench.

The destruction of Cha Sara's environment by the insect swarm has forever changed the planet's landscape and climate. The disappearance of plants has brought about irreversible erosion caused by soil erosion and weathering. The weather began to become complicated and changeable, sometimes cloudy and sometimes stormy.

At this time, Justice Collins of Cha Sara was commanding his only colonial force - the Andares Security Force - from the steel and concrete fortifications of Prey, guarding humanity's last refuge on the planet. .

The land outside the city's protective wall fortifications constructed of alloys and shaped ceramics has been completely covered by germ carpet. The dark brown land is covered with spiked fleshy spiers of zerg and veins beating like hearts.

Nowadays, the defenses outside Andares have long been devastated. The steel plates that can withstand arc tank impact shells are covered with sharp bone spurs and spines, and the protective plates are full of traces of acid burns.

A few hours ago, a tragic battle took place on the front line of Andares. Pieces of human and zerg corpses were piled up in front of the fortifications, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt protein. Humans had no time to clean the battlefield and recover the remains of the dead, because they knew that the enemy might launch the next attack at any time.

Collins used an optical telescope to observe the zerg troops gathering in the distance. The swarms on the horizon were like wriggling black dots. There were a large number of flying zerg creatures flying in the dark blue sky, like slowly moving worms. of black clouds.

The judicial officer was surrounded by a variety of signal transceivers and life signal detection instruments, and the entire fortification was filled with harsh static noise.

A few weeks ago, the channels had been filled with frantic shouts from across the colony, but now there was nothing but distracting static.

At the same time, several of Collins' information technology soldiers were tirelessly calling for help from other federal troops outside the planet, but there was always silence on the other end of the communication channel.

"How many aliens are in front of us?" The judicial officer put down his telescope and asked a soldier beside him. He is an unsmiling middle-aged man with a broad, square face with thick eyebrows, dark brown eyes and a long, neatly trimmed black mustache.

Judge Collins wore a dark green army uniform instead of the beautiful judicial officer's uniform, and his eyes were sharp and penetrating under his wide-brimmed military hat. There is no doubt that this justice is more like a hard-blooded soldier than a calculating and power-seeking federal official.

"Millions." The soldier said a number that made everyone feel desperate: "There are also millions of alien creatures on the left, right and behind Los Andares."

Although the Terran Federation had discovered and started a research project on zerg as early as 2491, the Cha Sara people who faced the zerg did not even know what these sudden creatures were, and still thought of " Alien creatures" or "purple nightmarish creatures" as they are called.

"More aliens are still hiding in the caves and lairs they dug underground."

"There is really no way to heaven and no way to earth." Another technical soldier said an ancient proverb.

"God's ass! Their number is a hundred times a thousand times more than ours." Someone said.

"Where exactly is the support fleet?"

More than nine-tenths of Cha Sara's population has been devoured by the swarm, and of the more than 900,000 people in Los Andalos, only less than 400,000 are left after weeks of defensive battles. Even counting the militia, conscripts, and armed men, Justice Collins could mobilize very little power.

The situation was so critical that Collins had to release the prisoners in Andares Prison to let them fight against the Zerg. However, without support, the isolated city of Andares would be submerged sooner or later in the face of the mighty sea of ​​​​worms. destiny.

If the zerg were not able to communicate and would not accept human surrender, the surviving Andalos would have surrendered long ago.

"Shut up, sergeant, or I will throw you out to feed those monsters. You have seen how Lieutenant Colonel Rey and the Secretary of State of Semiro Island died." The judicial officer roared loudly.

Unlike his other colleagues in the Terran Confederation, Justice Collins is a very capable officer, which is unusual and rare.

Cha Sala's economic boom in recent years is closely related to the magistrate's enlightened policies. As a planet originally used mainly to exile criminals, Cha Sara was once a prison and exile world with strict order. If the humans of Koprulu are the descendants of the exiles on Earth, then the people living on this planet are the exiles of the exiles.

——Of course, except for those who like to satirize the founding family of the Federation in a bitter tone, no one will admit that they are the descendants of a group of exiles. Whether in official or historical documents, the Terran Federation people will only proudly claim that they come from the ancient and sacred Earth, and the word Terran is also another name for Earth.

Even as a planet that was once used to exile criminals, Cha Sara has developed faster than its sister planet Mar Sara, which implemented the colonization process earlier, and the latter has been considered a highly underdeveloped planet over the years. world.

It is worth mentioning that Justice Collins also has a very tough attitude towards rebel forces such as the Korhal Revolutionary Army and the Sons of Korhal, and has always emphasized that all rebels should be brought to justice. He believed that the only basis for sentencing these rebels was the harshest criminal law, and that the only fate awaiting the rebel leader Augustus Mengsk and his associates was to be hanged.

Especially after the Mar Sara rebellion, the governor of Mar Sara, known as the incompetent pig, and the judicial officers who colluded with the rebels further highlighted Collins' selflessness and deep hatred of the rebels.

"Has anyone responded to our call for help?" The judicial officer looked at the trembling technical soldiers. There was no one available for him, and the emotions of these soldiers who had stayed at their posts for several days and nights were already on the verge of collapse.

"No, Magistrate, no, no," replied a sergeant. "Only a few of Mar Sara's men responded to us."

"Why didn't you report the response?" the judicial officer asked him.

"The only ones who responded to us were the Mar Sara Observatory, the Meteorological Bureau, privately owned Interstellar Radio, and a few universities," the sergeant replied hesitantly.

"What else?" The judicial officer was already impatient.

"And there are Mar Sara rebels," the sergeant said hesitantly.

"What the greatest irony!" Justice Collins then cursed something in some difficult to understand local slang, which definitely didn't sound like a good word. Since the Zerg invaded Cha Sara, all calls for help have come to nothing. The Federation Navy fleet, which always likes to show off its power, seems to have never appeared in this world at all.

At this moment, everyone could feel the ground shaking.

The swarm's attack begins again.

Collins glanced at the haggard faces and the many pairs of eyes with thick black eye bags of the technical soldiers around him. Almost at the same time, everyone picked up the C-13 Gauss rifle leaning against the wall and rushed toward the firing port.

Like the rustling sound of insects crawling across the leaves in swarms, the black springtails and Hydra Hydralisks formed an overwhelming army of insects. These violent and deadly alien creatures are covered in sharp spikes and solid carapace, and their terrifying roars converge into a terrifying sound that sweeps across the earth.

The officer's roar immediately came from the fortifications, and all the automatic turrets, automatic defense cannons and anti-aircraft missile towers in the front started and rotated under the remote control of the advanced computer AI system and the operators.

An automatic cannon on top of Collins's fortification ejected tinkling metal shells in a series of rattling shots, and the city's artillery emplacements fired what little ammunition they had left amid the rumble of gunfire.

Hundreds of colonial militiamen wearing CMC-200 power armor are entering the position, including conscripts wearing only military camouflage uniforms and men holding automatic rifles.

"It has only been three hours since the last attack," said the technical sergeant. "The time between their attacks is getting shorter and shorter."

"There is definitely something commanding them." In many battles with the zerg, Justice Collins has a good understanding of these alien creatures that suddenly appeared in Cha Sara.

The Zerg now appearing on the frontal battlefield lack obvious intelligence, but it is obvious that for the Zerg swarm as a whole, there must be a Zerg similar to a human commander who is secretly dispatching troops. Under the well-organized command of this zerg commander, the attacks launched by the swarm all followed certain terrifying patterns.

For example, it knows that humans have the habit of sleeping at night, so insect swarms always attack in the dark. Humans will also lend a helping hand to similar people in danger, so the insect swarm uses this to implement tactics similar to encirclement and rescue.

In the opinion of Judge Collins, the organizational structure of these alien creatures is similar to a colony of termites, and there must be a supreme "queen" among them who controls its population through some kind of pheromones from the cave they dug deep underground in Cha Sara. member. And maybe the other aliens are "worker ants" and "soldier ants". They are all children of the "queen" and inherit the same genes.

Once the queen is killed, the alien creatures will be leaderless. But that "queen" must be under strict protection, and they don't even know its exact location.

"How long can we hold on? Where is the federal fleet?" Seeing the desperate scene in front of them, the federal soldiers who had long been full of complaints complained again. They have not yet undergone resocialization and are still self-aware. They are not robots without tempers and emotions.

"When Augustus Mengsk launched the uprising in Mar Sara, Alpha Squadron arrived not long after. Even counting the distance from Tarsonis to the Sara system, the earliest fleet should have arrived long ago!" said one soldier.

"They just want us all to die here. I bet the bastards in the fleet must be watching us somewhere - they are observing what kind of damage this new race can cause, testing how an ordinary colony can How long can you hold out under their attack?"

"They are experimenting on their own people!"

"This is impossible." Collins did not angrily scold the hysterical soldier. This bizarre speculation could not be the truth, unless the people in the Federal Parliament and the Federal Naval Command were all selfish lunatics.

Either the Federation Navy had already arrived, but they were unable to break through the swarm's blockade. This may be closer to the truth. After all, even the Alpha Squadron, which is famous for its tough style in the Navy, is no match for the rebels. It is understandable that they were beaten by the sudden alien creatures and fell to the ground.

Once upon a time, human beings thought that they were alone in the universe. They were the only creatures that evolved high intelligence and were the only creatures born from the earth's unique natural environment. Human beings consider themselves to be a race of destiny. They have no rivals in the universe. Their enemies can only come from their equally despicable and greedy compatriots.

However, the sudden appearance of alien creatures in Cha Sara easily destroyed the pride of the leader of mankind.

Now, for the people of Cha Sara, they have only two choices, either to completely wipe out the tens of millions of Zerg on the surface of the planet, or to escape from Cha Sara. And if Justice Collins could do these two things, he would not be huddled in this fortification.

"Who can help us? Even if it's the rebels, I still have my family," the federal soldier who almost collapsed said in despair.

"What are you talking about? This is treason!" Even at this time, Collins remained loyal to the Terran Confederacy.

"Judge, our call for help just now was responded to by the fleet." Suddenly, another information technology soldier reported loudly.

"Which fleet is it?" The judicial officer was relieved.

"The feedback I received is that the flagship of the supporting fleet is the Hyperion -" The information technology soldier obviously did not realize that anything was wrong, nor did he notice the unhappy expression on the judicial officer's face.

"Ah - and Norad II and Norad III -" he said happily.

"I know the names of those two battleships. They are the flagships of Alpha Squadron. Thank God, we are saved." The soldier who was still cursing God's ass suddenly laughed.

"Idiot, Alpha Squadron has betrayed the Federation." The Justice shouted angrily.

"Those are rebel warships."

Under the complicated gaze of the judicial officer, a dark blue-painted Behemoth-class battlecruiser was descending from the sky in the atmosphere. Its ground-attack laser cannons poured bright orange barrages towards the ground, wiping out thousands of them in an instant. Zerg on the run. Once the zerg is swept by the laser beam, it is like dry firewood and turns into a bright fireball when it is burned, making the crackling sound of burning dry straw.

Wherever the Hyperion went, it started burning.

"Huberlian has arrived, are there anyone alive below?"

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