StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 247 The federal fleet stood by and watched

"Huberlian has arrived, are there anyone alive below?"

The huge observation window in front of the bridge of the Hyperion faced the city of Los Andares below, and the magnificent skyscrapers in the city were just slightly larger monuments on the ground in the eyes of Augustus.

Outside the observation window was a black cloud of insects covering the sky, and a large number of flying zerg creatures were screaming and spitting acid and corrosive spores at the Hyperion. There were so many of them that the biosignal detection instrument on the bridge of the Hyperion could only display a number that was beating wildly.

At this time, the Hyperion's relatively primitive shield had begun to weaken. From time to time, an alien dragon with multiple pairs of scarlet eyes would retract its wings and pierce the thick outer armor plate. The sound of sharp claws embedded in the steel plate could be heard one after another. The gut-wrenching sound of twisted metal strikes fear into the hearts of even the most well-trained human soldiers.

The laser cannons, electromagnetic cannons, and machine guns on the outer deck of the battlecruiser kept unleashing firepower on the incoming Zerg, forming a dense barrage that crossed forward in front of the bridge observation window.

The young marshal of the revolutionary army is wearing an officer's uniform of fine quality and exquisite craftsmanship, with a dark red cloak draped over his shoulders. This uniform was a gift from the Umoyan Council to Augustus a few months ago. It is made of pure natural materials and has the same design as the uniform of the Umoyan Protector General. The button design on the collar ensures that it will always stay straight. .

Marshal Augustus was never a slovenly man. Now that he is in the position of leader, and thousands of people are watching him and paying attention to his every move, he must pay attention to his own image and ensure that this image is glorious and majestic and worthy of others to follow.

The bridge is under the flashing light of red and green signal warning lights. In front of the computer console are technical soldiers wearing dark gray uniforms of the Revolutionary Army. From time to time, fully armed Revolutionary Army soldiers emerge from the open bridge. Running quickly in front of the hatch, the sound of power boots clicking on the alloy deck was heard.

As soon as it entered the low-altitude orbit of the Cha Sara system, the communication channel of the Hyperion, which was originally relatively calm, felt as if it had fallen into a depth charge. Hundreds of people were shouting on the channel, some were verifying the identity of the Hyperion, and others were asking it to confirm the current situation in the Sara system.

The Hyperion's call was immediately answered by a federal justice radio station called Cha Sara, and a local magistrate named Collins identified himself to Augustus.

"I am local Justice Collins. Thank you for responding to our rescue request." A federal official with a signature black mustache appeared on the broad main screen of the Hyperion bridge.

Judge Collins' uniform had not been changed for two weeks. The green synthetic fiber uniform was covered with dried blood and burn marks. He obviously did not have the leisure and elegance to tidy up his appearance. In front of Augustus Mengsk, who stood tall and straight in uniform, it seemed that the other party was a powerful federal official and Collins was the rebel running here.

".I know your name. Augustus Mengsk, you and your people just turned Ma Sara upside down more than four months ago. At that time, I was always worried that you would come to Cha Sara. ." Judge Keslin glared at Augustus, as if he was a dazzling presence.

"I would like to reiterate my position: I am an official within the legal government system of the Terran Federation, the entire Terran people. I swear to maintain the unity of the Federation and fight to the end any enemy who attempts to destroy it." He said.

"I will ask you as a human being and not as a federal judge to save the people of Los Andalez, and the Andalos security forces and other militia forces will fully cooperate with you and surrender to you when this is over."

"If, if you are really like what Mike Liberty said - that devil in heaven still retains humanity, virtue and love in his body."

In recent years, UNN's gold medal host Mike Liberty has always used every opportunity to "inadvertently" reveal some unknown truths on the show. For example, the revolutionary army never carried out a brutal massacre or massacre in Mar Sara, and the places where civilian casualties occurred were all on the marching route of Alpha Squadron.

Different voices can always attract the attention of the federal public, especially Liberty's reports, which are obviously closer to the truth. Often those who care about political forms and have the ability to think independently are loyal fans of Liberty himself.

Many people are worried that something will happen to Liberty. After all, even reporters who only report on the inside story of corruption and money and power transactions in the federal government will be warned by the FBI, and will either be fired by the TV station or have no news at all.

In fact, Liberty, who has secretly joined the Pan-Terran Revolutionary Party, has received the protection of several allied families of the Revolutionary Party in the Tarsonis Creation Family, and is specifically reporting on the scandals of these family rivals.

"Even if you didn't say so, I would have done it." Augustus showed an expression that should be the same. Behind his broad shoulders was the bright white light from the ceiling of the Hyperion bridge. The light makes his whole body appear radiant.

Terrorist, rebel leader, warlord of Korhal, and intergalactic hero, he has been blessed with as much praise as he is vilified. Among those with a rebellious spirit, such as Mar Sara and Antiga Prime, Al Gusdu is also known as a freedom fighter, a revolutionary leader and a rebel commander who wanders across the galaxy.

In more than two years, Augustus not only led the revolutionary fleet to break through the encirclement and interception of the federal fleet several times, but also defeated more than one naval squadron. Whether Augustus was righteous or evil, he was a truly legendary figure.

"My fleet has been sailing in the universe for several months, passing through the siege of the Federation fleet and the zerg alien creatures just to come here to save the people of Cha Sara." Augustus said.

"My people will lower the transport ship from high altitude orbit to the ground soon and let your people prepare."

"The people of Cha Sara will never forget what the Revolutionary Army did to us." Judge Collins' tone is no longer as tough as before. Obviously, the nightmare experience of more than a month has wiped out all his pride. and determination.

"I still want to confirm one thing with you, Marshal Augustus, that is there really is not even a single federal fleet in the Sarah galaxy?"

"According to the intelligence I have, there is still a naval fleet anchored at the edge of the Sara galaxy." Augustus replied: "They are the Omega Squadron, which arrived in Sara three months ago. Pulling the galaxy. I think you should know this."

"I know." Judge Collins trembled as if he had been hit by a bullet. He shook his head as if talking to himself.

"Why are they doing this?"

"We have the same questions as you," Augustus said.

"My senior military advisors and I will immediately begin arranging the first wave of people to board the ship, and Andares security forces will be the last to leave Cha Sara."

The communication stopped abruptly, followed by a report from Lieutenant Sarah Kerrigan, Augustus' adjutant.

"The radar report shows that the Omega Squadron, which has been stationary at the edge of the Sala System, is moving towards the Cha Sala System," she said.

"Are their targets the zerg or us?"

"Any response from the direction of Omega Squadron?" Augustus asked.

"No, the fleet of Omega Squadron did not respond to our call. If they were not still sending signals to the outside world, we would have suspected that those were a group of unmanned ghost ships." Kerrigan shook his head and said.

"Then the answer is obvious." Augustus showed a slightly imperceptible expression of disdain. He glanced sideways at the city of Los Andares below the bridge observation window, and put a hand on his waist.

"Omega Squadron has been parked at the edge of the Sara galaxy for several months, but it only blocked the galaxy and ignored Cha Sara's rescue." He said with a sarcastic tone: "In this century, there would be such a government For millions of people on a planet to die without saving anything, this is something that a humanistic human society that follows kindness and rationality would never believe."

"If Omega Squadron is here to deal with the Zerg, they won't wait until we arrive before taking action." Augustus clasped his hands behind his back.

This is not the first time that the Revolutionary Army has seen the Omega Squadron. This naval squadron, known as the Skeletons of the Dead, is a force mainly composed of resocialized soldiers who cannot think and are absolutely loyal. For the Federation, this is almost A perfect army.

If it were a human army that had not been resocialized, they would at least have doubts about the meaning of why they were fighting by sitting back and watching Cha Sara's destruction, and any army that had doubts about the meaning of fighting would be is an army that may falter.

The resocialized army will not have such concerns. Even if the Terran Federation High Command orders them to massacre their own compatriots, it will be implemented immediately and resolutely.

"So we not only have to deal with the buzzing alien bugs on the surface and orbit of Cha Sara, but also those 'our own people'?" Jim Raynor was standing next to Augustus, waiting for the revolutionary army at any time. Marshal's orders.

Warfield and the Demons of Heaven headed by Rondestein were transferred by Augustus to various battlecruisers as captains or executive commanders. The remaining Revolutionary Army battleships still stayed in Cha Sala. Fight against the Zerg air force in outer space orbit.

Fortunately, despite the large number of Jormungandr swarms that invaded the Sara system this time, they are still a hive that mainly relies on ground combat forces. The human fleet will not be overwhelmed when facing the Zerg fleet. It collapses at the first touch.

"The zerg are going to kill everyone in Cha Sara, and the Federation still wants to deal with us first?" Renault said: "Are they crazy? Is Cha Sara the planet of his Federation or our revolutionary army?" "

"There is an old saying." Augustus looked at his old friend: "In order to deal with foreign affairs, you must first make peace with yourself at home."

"I have never heard such words." Renault thought about it and couldn't remember where the words came from, but he was open-minded by nature and quickly ignored the matter: "You read a lot, you said That’s the last word.”

"What should we do?" he said: "If Omega Squadron is here to deal with us, then we will probably be caught between the Federation and the Zerg."

"This is what I'm most worried about. Fortunately, our purpose is just to rescue Cha Sara's people." Augustus said.

"The plan is to do it quickly," he said.

"Sarah, where are Tychus and Harnak's troops?"

"The Steelling Wolf Hunter Brigade, four Red Devil Flamethrower regiments, and two armored divisions composed of Goliath armed robots and arc light tanks have landed in the Los Andares zone of Cha Sara." Kerrigan, who was straight in military uniform, shook her fiery red single ponytail.

"The transport fleet has also set off." She said: "Matt Horner, the boy we brought back from Terrador IX, also followed the captain of the Cormorant and landed in Cha Sara."

"He is brave and upright. This is a good test - it won't take long for hundreds of thousands of people to leave everything except people." Augustus said: "Tuck everyone in Inside the ship, Tychus knows what to do!”

"Save the child first!"

Augustus's words were transmitted to all the warships in the Revolutionary Fleet along with Hyperion's command channel. More than 100,000 people were executing his orders at the same time, just like an orderly whole.

"Connect Warfield's Iron Justice." Augustus gave the next order without stopping.

"I am Warfield. The Iron Justice is in a firefight with the Zerg. The port side of our ship is damaged, and the main engine of the Gothic is damaged." Warfield's dark and serious face appeared on the Hyperion's main screen.

"General, I need you to hold on for a while. Start the jump engine in advance, listen to my command and be ready to jump at any time." Augustus said to Warfield.

"It won't be a problem." Warfield said, "I have plenty of ways to deal with these alien monsters."

At this moment, there was a completely different scene outside the bridge of the Iron Justice.

In the dark deep sky, the human steel fleet is exchanging fire with a huge number of zerg flying creatures.

Even from Warfield's location, an unparalleled zerg behemoth could be seen anchored in Cha Sara's outer space orbit. It was a creature with an appearance between a manta ray and a giant whale. Its size was far larger than any creature that humans had ever encountered in the galaxy. It was several miles long and was the size of a human battlecruiser. Ten times more, like an organic island floating in the universe.

It almost occupies the entire side of the observation window of the Iron Justice behind Warfield, like a black moon, and even the human battlecruiser looks small in front of it.

From the picture on the display screen of the detector next to Warfield, it can be seen that thousands of zerg are constantly jumping out of the ugly folds and vesicles on the surface of this huge organic battleship.

"What is that?" Even though he had already seen this extremely huge creature, Renault still couldn't take his eyes away from it.

"Behemoth," said Augustus, "name it after this mythical beast, recording the differences between it and its kind."

"Insect Swarm Behemoth."

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