StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 248 Shady story

The bridge deck of the Hyperion is still trembling, as if this giant steel ship of staggering tonnage is sailing in a storm that can overturn a city. But this storm is by no means some unusual natural phenomenon, but Made up of tens of millions of ferocious flying insect creatures.

This battlecruiser, with a dark blue outer armor plate and a mottled gray wolf head logo on the bow, is sailing thousands of feet above Los Andares, the capital of Cha Sala. With it as the center, black flying insect creatures, huge king insects, flying spider-like swarm queens, and alien dragons with a pair of flapping fleshy wings swooped in from all directions, like clouds of black smoke and clouds.

At a higher altitude, four Behemoth-class battlecruisers of the Revolutionary Army were falling from the sky. The shells of the battleships released a bright light as they passed through the atmosphere, as if there was a layer of flame attached to the surface.

Wraith fighter jets and Avenger fighter jets with triangular flying wings were fighting with the alien dragons flying outside the observation window. From time to time, human fighter jets were hit by acid or were directly torn into pieces and turned into a plume of falling black smoke. A large number of alien fighters were The bugs were blown to pieces under the fire of human cannons and laser cannons.

"How is the rescue progress?" Augustus put one hand on the guardrail in front of the Hyperion bridge, feeling the slight numbness caused by the tremors of the ship.

Although the Hyperion had a mechanically intelligent adjutant, Augustus still preferred to have people with more tactical savvy and autonomy as his military advisors and battlefield adjutants.

Even so, Augustus often needs to use mechanical adjutants to count and verify the massive data in the Hyperion archive database and communication network. To this day, the Mechanical Adjutant remains one of the most outstanding human inventions in the Koprulu Sector.

The mechanical adjutant is absolutely loyal and can complete trillions of calculations in minutes and seconds. It can help a human commander observe the battlefield situation step by step and at all times with concentration, and assist the commander in making reasonable decisions.

At this time, more than five hours had passed since the revolutionary army arrived in the high-altitude orbit of Cha Sara. During this period, Augustus's fleet fought fiercely with the fleets of the Federation and the Jormungandr Swarm in the Sara system. Every few minutes, a report on the location and casualties of the troops that landed on the surface of Cha Sara was presented to Augustus.

"Tychus Finley's troops and Harnak Hunk's Red Devils Flametroopers cleared a hive in front of Los Andalos, burning tens of thousands of zerg to ashes. Currently, Los Andalos 's magistrates are evacuating the last evacuees," Kerrigan said.

Sarah Kerrigan is now much more mature than when she first met Augustus. If she was just a girl before, she can now be called a woman.

To prevent the Swarm from becoming aware of Kerrigan, Augustus ordered Kerrigan to discard all Umoyan psionic enhancement equipment and use his psionic powers as little as possible.

Generally speaking, the range that Zerg creatures like Hydra Hydralisks can sense psykers is between ten and dozens of yards. As long as Kerrigan does not participate in a head-on confrontation with the Zerg, she will be killed by the Zerg. The chance of noticing is slim.

"Send all our fighter planes, gunboats, and armed assault ships to provide cover for those transport ships, otherwise those ships will be living targets." Augustus said to Kerrigan.

At this moment, even with the naked eye, Augustus could see the revolutionary army transport ships taking off outside the observation window. The large hulls of these transport ships are easily identifiable with the red Sons of Korhal logo and red cross insignia.

In this rescue operation, landing on Cha Sara and evacuating the remaining people from the planet are the most difficult stages.

Zerg do not have any humanity or chivalry. For them, humans are not much different from other species except for a few individuals with psychic abilities that can make them feel crazy. This is just a sparse and ordinary hunt. A gluttonous feast with biomass ingestion.

Even without being on the battlefield in person, Augustus, who was sitting on the flagship, was able to figure out what was happening on the surface of Cha Sara through the images intermittently sent back by various aircraft detectors and road troops.

In the lower left corner of the Hyperion's main screen is the face of the mechanical adjutant, and more pictures are from the front lines and evacuation areas.

Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing crimson CMC power armor have completely taken over the federal army's positions, and the red flag with a whip ring has replaced the federal red and blue stars and stripes. The well-prepared revolutionary army carried a large number of concentrated gas fire-breathing weapons and high-explosive electromagnetic grenades. No matter when and where, flames were always the most effective means of dealing with Zerg.

The Jormungandr swarm in Los Andares has never launched a final attack on humans. They are not very interested in destroying everyone on the planet. Just like the endless siege of the city by the zerg in the past two months, the Jörmungandr swarm has been testing humans and seems to be just recording the way humans fight.

The leader of the Jormungandr swarm has been observing, watching with a cruel and absolutely cold mind that humans are struggling to survive in front of the swarm, racking their brains for even the slightest hope of survival.

The Revolutionary Army soldiers and medical personnel who landed in Cha Sala were welcomed and supported by the people of Los Andares. Just a few months ago, Cha Sara's men feared and loathed the Revolutionary Army, but now they have become unquestionably their loyal supporters.

"Ask Tychus to bring back some live samples of the zerg. My alien researchers need new samples to analyze the zerg's weaknesses." Augustus didn't need to waste any words to remind those stranded in Los Andares. The Cha Sara people boarded the ship and left as quickly as possible. In the face of the desire to survive, no one needed the urging of others.

"Have you found the location of the main nest of the Jormungandr Swarm?" he asked again.

"According to feedback from the reconnaissance force, the zerg lairs are mainly built underground." Kerrigan said to Augustus.

"The zerg's habits are similar to some kind of underground burrowing spiders, and their social structure is closer to that of termites. They have hollowed out the land of Cha Sara more than two hundred feet (about sixty meters) deep, and each giant cave passes through long The passages are connected to each other, just like a huge underground kingdom."

"What a nightmare." Augustus knew that the damage done to Cha Sara by the Jormungandr swarm might not be undone for decades, even if humans wiped out all the zerg in the future. And after burning out all the main nests and carpet tumors, the planet will completely become a barren land.

"New report, Augustus." Kerrigan suddenly said to Augustus.

"Call me Marshal." Augustus took two steps.

"My detector detected radar and communication signals in the southern hemisphere of Cha Sara, which is the back side of the planet." Kerrigan glanced at Augustus: "As far as we know, there is no longer the back side of the planet. How many people are there?”

"Are there any survivors?" Augustus frowned.

"Based on our deciphering results, those communications used at least level five encryption. They couldn't be civilian communicators, and they didn't send any distress signals," Kerrigan said.

"Send an investigation team to investigate this matter. No, at least send two more special tactics companies." Augustus said.

If you investigate Cha Sara, you will find that this is a very strange thing. The vast majority of the planet's population is concentrated in the northern hemisphere where the revolutionary army landed, but the invasion of the Jörmungandr swarm is obviously Starting from the southern hemisphere, the main nest buildings are also concentrated in the southern hemisphere.

"What are you suspecting?" Kerrigan has become accustomed to not reading Augustus's thoughts, otherwise the relationship between them will become quite uninteresting.

"Remember the federal scientific research center on Victor V that studied zerg?" Augustus asked.

"If the Federation has already broken the taboo, then there is obviously more than one such laboratory." He said: "The Federation may also have such a laboratory in Cha Sala, and they have already made some results. This is The reason they survived.”

"Where's Jim? Put him in charge of this."

"These bastards." Kerrigan cursed while conveying Augustus's order, asking Jim Raynor, who was on the landing deck of the Hyperion, to immediately organize an elite force to execute Augustus's plan. Order.

"Do you think these zerg were brought here by the Federation? That's why they stood idly by because this is the result they wanted - but why did the Federation do that?"

"Zergs are a weapon." Augustus said with deep meaning in his eyes: "Zergs are monsters without intelligence, cruel and bloodthirsty, and seem to be born only for killing. As a weapon, they are undoubtedly the most efficient and most effective. deadly."

"Think about it, if the Kaimorians were still fighting against the Tyranids, what would happen if the Federation could release the zerg in Moria or lure them there?" Augustus said.

"Even if Moria can reach Moria, their strength will be greatly damaged, and they can only ask for help from other human compatriots. In the end, they can only exist as a vassal of the Tyranid Federation."

"No one will suspect the Tyranid Federation." Kerrigan is a very smart woman, and she quickly understood what Augustus meant: "The Federation will destroy all evidence, just like they What they did to the Ghost agents."

"In the end, they will only say: The poor Camorians just happened to be on the migration path of alien creatures." Augustus said meaningfully: "Our fellow Camorians are so unfortunate, and For the sake of fellow human beings, Father Tyron will donate generously, and the coalition only needs to pay a very small price."

"These are the calculating politicians in the Bundestag. They don't care whether hundreds of thousands of people have to die in order to achieve their goals. I have seen this from what happened to Korhal IV. You can never talk to Tasan The vampires in the Court of Nice are moral," he said.

"But they shot themselves in the foot," Kerrigan said. No matter what conspiracy the Tyranid Federation is plotting, letting the Zerg destroy Cha Sara is definitely not their original purpose.

Cha Sara has always been a thriving planet loyal to the Federation. If you want to destroy any planet, the first one is Ma Sara, who once betrayed the Federation.

"No matter what, they have undoubtedly gone too far." Augustus' expression remained unchanged: "They may have come into contact with only a few hundred or thousands of zerg, so they took it for granted that no matter how large their number was, they would be insignificant. Within the scope of control. But in fact, the number of zerg can only be calculated in hundreds of millions - this is playing with fire and burning yourself."

"When the zerg have completed their mission, burying them in the ground will be the best fertilizer. They may even be made into food and exported to the Kemorians and Umoyan people," he said.

"But the Federation made a mistake in their calculations, that is, they have not encountered zerg variants carrying deadly viruses, parasites and other sources of infection before."

Augustus could guess the cause and effect. There must be many zerg individuals from the Jormungandr swarm in the Federation's Cha Sara base, and these individuals all came from the latter's reconnaissance force. Originally, the Jormungandr swarm would have to wait a few more years before invading the Sara system, because they were in no rush to devour humans.

After Kerrigan attracted the attention of the swarm master, a series of chain reactions caused the Jormungandr swarm to accelerate its invasion of the Koprulu sector and find federal scientific researchers seeking death.

However, even so, the Tyranid Federation may still believe that the situation is still under its control. What they are most worried about is actually fearing that the fact of the existence of the Zerg will be leaked, so they sit back and watch the destruction of Cha Sara.

Because everyone in Cha Sala has seen the Zerg, according to the Federation's usual style, eliminating all insiders is the best way to eliminate evidence.

"This is Tychus Finley and Hank's troops. We have completed the evacuation mission and are requesting evacuation." At this time, Augustus's current home screen suddenly appeared with Tychus's face. An old face holding a cigar.

Tychus, who was wearing crimson power armor, was stepping on the colorful crown of a huge Hydra Hydralisk. Behind him stood the larger Firebat Commander Harnak Hunk and several people who were operating. The engineers used the tower crane to move the Zerg corpses and load them onto the ship.

"Grant this request," Augustus said.

"I never thought you wouldn't approve." Tychus' helmet was still stained with a lot of deep purple blood: "I said this just as a matter of routine. To be honest, why is it Hank and I who come here every time? Doing this hard, tiring work while you hide behind a screen.”

"If you can stand here and 'command the three armies,' I would be happy to go to the front line." Augustus said: "The more capable you are, the more risks you pay, the more you will get."

"Forget it about commanding the three armies. I can't even manage myself." Tychus believed that his advantage lay in his self-awareness, just as he never denied that he was a bad person.

"But I just like a marshal like you. I am a revolutionary soldier. I am not doing the revolution for money or rewards of this kind."

"This month's salary will be tripled, and the money will be transferred to your account in Yumo Bank." Augustus heard the implication of Tychus, this evil villain will only work for money. It might be a huge amount of money, but it's definitely worth it.

In any case, Tychus Finley would soon spend the money in the Hyperion's on-board bar or lose it all at the gambling table, and it would eventually return to Augustus' pocket.

"You may not know this, but I want to tell you that I love you Augustus." Tychus said shamelessly as he stepped onto the evacuation ship.

"You really should be on the ground hunting bugs, and let me tell you, I took first place in a Hydra Hydralisk hunting contest. You deserve Tychus Finley."

"Next time." Augustus shrugged and said, "Navigator, return to Cha Sara's high-altitude orbit immediately."

But when the Hyperion raised its bow and prepared to leave, the voice of Revolutionary Army Lieutenant General Horace Warfield came over the communication channel.

"The Iron Justice calls the bridge of the Hyperion. Federation Fleet Omega Squadron is heading straight for us. The enemy flagship, the Omega of the Dead, is firing on us."

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