StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 249 The indifferent federal army

The Hyperion's posture as it raised altitude was like a leaping blue whale. It climbed all the way in the bright orange tail flame of the thruster, pushed through the clouds and fog, climbed to an altitude of 10,000 feet, and reached Cha Sara The escape velocity of the planet. Thousands of neighing alien dragons chased this huge steel ship relentlessly, like a cloud of black smoke surrounding it.

For a huge warship to escape the gravity of the earth, it requires extremely hard work and multiple times of fuel. If it is too large, it will be crushed by its own gravity once it enters low-Earth orbit. Human beings want to build a A truly unparalleled and magnificent ship must also continuously make breakthroughs in materials and ship structure.

Augustus stood steadily on the bridge of the Hyperion, which was constantly bumping and trembling, looking at the picture in the huge observation window composed of Cha Sara covered with layers of thick bacterial blankets. The land transforms into turquoise skies and then into starry dark depths.

The zerg are still following closely behind. The wings, crowns and carapace of these zerg appear a bright purple color under the light of the star of the Sara system. Augustus believes that this should be the difference between the Jörmungandr swarm and the zerg swarm. Other zerg hive troop logos.

The Hyperion, which jumped out of the gravitational field of the planet Cha Sara, just stepped from one battlefield to another. A dozen Revolutionary Army battlecruisers, more than a hundred Giant-class frigates, and a large number of small and medium-sized commercial gunboats and battleships The barge is fighting against the dense zerg surrounding the swarm Behemoth.

When Augustus's Hyperion jumped into synchronous orbit, a pure black-painted federal army jumped straight out of the hyperspace channel and joined the battlefield between the Revolutionary Army fleet and the Jörmungandr swarm. The battle situation It immediately became more chaotic.

The white skull logo and inverted "U"-shaped emblem on the hulls of these black battlecruisers indicate that they are the Omega Squadron at the same level as the Alpha Squadron. This squadron is always associated with death and killing, and often executes The Executioner's Task.

Standing on the bridge of the Hyperion, Augustus could see these new Omega Squadron battlecruisers firing recklessly at the Revolutionary Army's battleships, trying to avoid the Jörmungandr swarm. The fleet concentrated its firepower to deal with the damaged Revolutionary Army fleet first.

Obviously, in the view of the commander of this federal fleet, the rebel fleet, which is also human, is a far more threatening enemy than the zerg, and is a priority attack target.

The zerg did not think that the Federation fleet was a friendly force or ally just because it was helping them deal with the enemy, and they began to launch a fierce attack on the Omega Squadron. Just like humans can't tell the difference between zerg and individual zerg at all, in the zerg's view, all humans are just objects to be devoured.

The original intention of Omega Squadron's attack on the Revolutionary Army was to catch the opponent off guard and cause chaos, and to deceive them. But this move instead attracted a considerable portion of the Zerg from the Jörmungandr Swarm, greatly reducing the pressure on the Revolutionary Fleet that was surrounded by the Zerg Swarm.

"We are protecting the people of Cha Sara. Not only does the Federation not help us fight against the Zerg, it also stabs us in the back." At this time, Jim Raynor walked into the bridge with a guard holding a Gauss rifle. He had just been dispatching landing forces on the Hyperion's lower decks and berthing platforms.

"I'm sure that similar things will happen many times in the future." Augustus said: "We shouldn't put too much hope in the federal army - the federation is not afraid of a hateful alien race. ...And we will truly seize the power from their hands and plunge the federal officials and old nobles into the abyss."

"What's the situation on the lower deck?" he said to Renault.

"When Tychus and Harnak come back, we will leave the Sara system immediately, and then try to figure out the situation on Mar Sara." Augustus said to Kerrigan beside him: "Order Warfield's The fleet is preparing to leave the battlefield for an emergency short-distance tactical jump, and the coordinates are the location of the Umoyan Farstrider Fortress in the Z168 system."

"Yes sir," Lieutenant Kerrigan replied.

"Their transport ship has returned, and Tychus will be on the bridge soon." Renault said: "I just heard from the returning Mar Sara guerrillas that they also found traces of zerg there."

"The colonial police station in Mar Sara received a report of sightings of unknown creatures." He said: "People there still don't know what happened to Mar Sara. They only know that plague and riots broke out on that planet. Now All kinds of rumors are circulating in Mar Sara."

"Monsters with bug eyes, goats sucking human blood, humanoid aliens bursting out of the chest, spiders covered in spikes, coyotes suffering from skin rash, and corpses with half of their cheeks chewed off all sound very scary. Dark horror stories, but only we and the Federation know those are true."

"The bugs are coming."

"The distance between Cha Sara and Ma Sara is too close. If the Jormungandr swarm has occupied the entire Cha Sara, there is no reason why they should not get involved in Mar Sara." Augustus sighed. . He looked at Cha Sara, who had turned completely dark brown on the other screen, and knew that the zerg's carpet had covered all land and oceans.

Chasala is finished.

Augustus knew better than anyone else the nightmare that the zerg could bring to the planet and other species. Any human planet would be exposed to even a little zerg, those hideous monsters, germ blankets and terrible infections. It will be like a lingering disease on this planet.

Only by burning out all the zerg and the main nest can we completely eradicate the zerg invasion and prevent their resurgence, otherwise the human territory will fall sooner or later.

"What is the situation in Mar Sara now?" Augustus asked Raynor: "Who is the highest administrator there now? I remember that after we left, the federal government of Tarsonis appointed a new Mar Sara. ·Governor Sarah.”

"It's a mess," Renaud said. "Much worse than when we had the revolution in Mar Sara."

"The new Governor of Mar Sara has been removed from office. Omega Squadron activated Regulation No. 1602 of the Settlement Crisis Act more than two months ago and announced that it will temporarily take over Mar Sara."

He said: "Before the new governor takes office, Mar Sara will be in a state of chaos for a long time. No one tells the people of Mar Sara what happened. There are Goliath armed robots and loaded gunmen on the streets. There are more and more federal marines."

"This just promotes confusion and panic."

"It's commonplace." Augustus said: "If they could make everything more beautiful and capable, I should be staying in the mansion on Korhal IV at this time, enjoying the unrestrained and dandy life of the noble children, using There is no need to resist the Federation."

"And after I retire, I may go back to Shiloh to farm." Reno imagined a better life that did not require the courage to resist tyranny.

As he spoke, a fleet consisting of hundreds of transport ships and shuttles, covered by four Revolutionary Army battlecruisers and a large number of fighter planes, continued to enlarge in Augustus' eyes, fully loaded with Los Anda. Reis survived. These transport ships are equipped with warp engines and can follow the leading Revolutionary Army flagship to complete a synchronous jump.

"Order the fleet to prepare for the jump." Augustus said immediately.

"Alert, decks 5 and 7 of the Hyperion have been penetrated, and zerg are pouring into the cabin." At the same time, the red light of the alarm suddenly flashed on the bridge, and the mechanical adjutant of the Hyperion spoke with Said an absolutely calm electronic synthesizer voice.

The Hyperion has been fighting fierce battles with the Zerg for a long time. Even as a Behemoth-class battlecruiser that has been continuously modified, expanded and enhanced, it is almost exhausted at this time.

"I'm going to drive those bugs out." Renault's thick eyebrows twitched: "Those alien monsters can't run wild on my precious ship!"

"Call Swann and Kaczynski, they will repair the damage." Augustus frowned and said: "Such damage is still within the tolerance range, and the jump can barely be completed."

"Lieutenant General Warfield sent a signal, saying that they are being caught between the Jormungandr Swarm and Omega Squadron and cannot escape." Kerrigan brought another bad news.

"I knew this wouldn't go so smoothly." Augustus said, "Let them get away from the battlefield as much as possible. How about the losses?"

"Gothic and Napoleon were severely damaged. Their captains reported that they can still follow the fleet to complete the jump, but they will not last long." Kerrigan's eyes were fixed on the current control panel, and her fingers kept swiping across the screen. .

"Wait a minute. Commodore Duke's Norad III reported that there are seven Behemoth-class battlecruisers of Omega Squadron and more than twenty Federation Gunblade frigates turning their heads towards us." She continued. report said.

"Get ready to meet the enemy," Augustus said immediately.

Augustus could see on the screen dozens of dark black-painted federal warships leaving the battlefield and heading towards the Hyperion. This fleet was traveling extremely fast, followed by a large number of alien dragons.

"It's endless." As Augustus gave the order, Tychus Finlay and Harnak Hunk walked into the bridge together.

The burly Tychus carried a huge Hydra Hydralisk head into the bridge, and when he walked to Augustus, he casually threw the Hydralisk head at his feet. There are also some elite individuals in the Jormungandr swarm that are larger than this Hydralisk. If you want to move its head, you even have to mobilize a crane.

"You must wipe the deck of my bridge clean before today." Augustus glanced sideways at Tychus, who was about to brag, and stopped him from talking about killing all the insects in the swarm.

"Marshal, everyone has boarded the ship." Tychus looked at the tense deck and said to Augustus: "I have confirmed three times that some scum want to join the team of women and children, so I will Left them in Los Andares.”

"You won't blame me, will you?"

Before Augustus could answer, several laser beams from the Omega Squadron battlecruiser had landed on the bridge of the Hyperion. Even Augustus staggered at this time. The deep black painting and inverted U-shaped logo of the leading Omega Squadron battlecruiser a few miles to the right of the Hyperion were clearly visible.

Suddenly, the light produced by the explosion of the spaceship almost lit up the bridge of the Hyperion. Augustus, who had just regained his footing, clenched his fists angrily.

Several transport ships full of Los Andares people were hit by Omega Squadron's space torpedoes and missiles and exploded. At least eight thousand people died at the hands of Omega Squadron.

"Damn, their target is not us. The Federation wants to kill these people who have gone through so much trouble to escape from Cha Sara." Kerrigan punched the control panel in front of her, and in the bridge There was an immediate sound of breaking glass.

"Why is this? Just because these people have seen the true face of the Zerg?"

"It's crazy," Tychus said. "This is a world of cannibalism."

“There is no cure for stupidity.”

"Let the transport fleet jump immediately, we will arrive soon." Augustus continued.

"The Federation doesn't do anything that has anything to do with people."

As they spoke, more transport ships were hit by the artillery fire of Omega Squadron. The people in the transport ships never imagined that they had been fighting the Zerg for so long in Cha Sara, but in the end they died on their own. human hands.

"Synchronize this command to all ships." Augustus said firmly: "Then execute."

"Little girl, we can't control so much now." Tychus said in his magnetic voice: "Plans always fail to keep up with changes."

"Huh?" Tychus was saying, and suddenly turned to look at the radar chart next to him.

"What's going on?" He pointed to the green radar diagram.

"The bugs retreated."

"Verify this with Lieutenant General Warfield." Of course Augustus also saw this scene. The red dot as the signal point of the Zerg logo was quickly leaving the battlefield and completely disappearing from the radar map. This It means that the insect swarm has retreated to the edge of the Sarah galaxy.

"What's going on?" Tychus was confused: "Are the bugs tired of fighting the carbon-based monkeys, or are they scared?"

"Maybe they are rushing back to eat." Hanak said tentatively.

"No, the zerg will never give up the prey they get, unless their leader orders them to do so." Augustus thought for a moment and said: "Something must have happened to force them to withdraw from the battlefield."

"Could it be that the butts of these bugs were stolen, so they had no choice but to return to defense." Tychus guessed.

"There is another possibility." Augustus looked at the radar display where the red dots were gradually becoming sparse.

"That means there is an enemy more powerful than us."

"The Federation has increased its troops in the Sara system?" Kerrigan said.

"I did get my intelligence. The Red Squadron and Delta Squadron of the Federation Navy may be on their way."

"Yeah" Augustus shook his head.

As soon as the Jörmungandr swarm withdrew from the battlefield, the pressure on the Revolutionary Army fleet dropped sharply, and Omega Squadron was unable to prevent the former from forcefully jumping away from the battlefield.

"Let's get out of here first," he said.

"We can't just let this matter go. Sooner or later we, Omega Squadron, and the Federation will have to settle this account."

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